Theater Banning Men From Two Showings of Wonder Woman

I'm curious about this... How do the two programs compare? Our experiences with Girl Scouts in the US were pretty mixed. It was fun when the girls were very young, but as they got older it got more "girly" and my daughter was really jealous of her friends in Boy Scouts who were doing wilderness camping and shooting sports while her GS troop was doing cabin camping and art classes. So I can totally get why girls might agitate to be a part of the boys' program if that program is more suited to what they expected/wanted out of scouting. My DD left GS in favor of 4H because of that, but that only worked because we live in a rural area with an active 4H program; in the city, scouting is often the only organization providing outdoors activities (other than team sports) for kids so the difference between GS and BSA has more impact.

I am a Pippin leader this is the youngest group of Girl guides for girls aged 5-7, a minimum of 60% of our activities are to be done outdoors.
We take the girls to do things like kayaking, archery, campfires including learning to cook over campfires, rock climbing, hiking, learning to build a trail, Burma trails, beach visits etc.
We also do art, cooking, and various other badges although all badges will have an outdoor component. We also do things like Visit fire stations, or go to the pool.
I do think though that it is very leader dependent how much adventure/outdoors your programme is, and a little based on location, we are 10 minutes from hiking trails or the beach so it's really easy for our unit to do.
My daughters make friends are in Cubs from what they and their parents say they play games and do crafts like making kites. I think they are similar programs and just they have a newer leader.
I don't think boys would be joining in huge numbers if it was opened up, the pink uniform may be enough to put them off-it even puts off some girls.
But DDS best friend (a boy) wanted to join, he is very feminene and the boys make fun of him, he wants to wear pink and do baking etc, GG would not allow him. I advised his mom that I was happy to take he fight as far as she was as the u it was happy to have him. If she wanted to cause a fuss and go to the paper etc she would have us stand with her but she ultimately decided she didn't want to put him in that position.
I've really had to decide that BvS never existed. Suicide Squad was watchable but not what it could have been. I'm really holding out hope for WW, but I'm not going to lie that it's easy.

Not sure about The Flash, but Aquaman.......

This is off topic, but it's bugging me because I'm a life long Girl Scout.

Girl Scouts in the US and Girl Guides in Canada are the comparable organizations. They are both their countries' member organization in the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. (And I just looked it up: Girl Guides Australia, Girl Guiding New Zealand, and Girlguiding in the UK are the respective organizations in those countries)
These organizations are the decedents of the UK Boy Scouts/Baden-Powell/then Juliet Low in the US.
I'm curious about this... How do the two programs compare? Our experiences with Girl Scouts in the US were pretty mixed. It was fun when the girls were very young, but as they got older it got more "girly" and my daughter was really jealous of her friends in Boy Scouts who were doing wilderness camping and shooting sports while her GS troop was doing cabin camping and art classes. So I can totally get why girls might agitate to be a part of the boys' program if that program is more suited to what they expected/wanted out of scouting. My DD left GS in favor of 4H because of that, but that only worked because we live in a rural area with an active 4H program; in the city, scouting is often the only organization providing outdoors activities (other than team sports) for kids so the difference between GS and BSA has more impact.

The amount of camping/outdoors activities that a troop does is *totally* dependent on the individual troop. If your daughters troop trended more girly as the girls got older, it was because that's what the leader was comfortable with and/or that's what the girls said they wanted. I was in a troop in 6th grade that was trending that way too. If I had to do one more stupid glue gun craft I was going to poke my eyes out. So I changed troops to one that did a ton of outdoors stuff (including "real" camping, archery, even going to a gun range [which I actually skipped - it wigged me out a bit]).
As girls get older (cadetters and higher, for sure) the activities the troops do will vary widely because it is supposed to be girl-lead and leaves a lot of room for various interests and activities.
I will concede that the training and insurance requirements are a little over the top, but that's true in BSA too and that's really more an indication of the litigious world we live in.
This is off topic, but it's bugging me because I'm a life long Girl Scout.

Girl Scouts in the US and Girl Guides in Canada are the comparable organizations. They are both their countries' member organization in the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. (And I just looked it up: Girl Guides Australia, Girl Guiding New Zealand, and Girlguiding in the UK are the respective organizations in those countries)
These organizations are the decedents of the UK Boy Scouts/Baden-Powell/then Juliet Low in the US.

I think the general comments about them were that they have somewhat diverged in their missions, perhaps in their take on social issues, and the commitment to outdoor skills that used to be the hallmark of scouting organizations.

I do remember a few fictional representations that might have been a cross between the Girls Scouts of America and Camp Fire Girls. There was a spoof movie where part of the plot included the "Wilderness Girls", which sold cookies and vaguely had a uniform like the Girl Scouts of America. Then I think there was Disney's Phineas and Ferb with their "Fireside Girls" who wore a similar uniform. I didn't really know much about it, but researched a little of it after we took our kid to California Adventure where they were part of Phineas and Ferb's Rocking Rolling Dance Party.

The amount of camping/outdoors activities that a troop does is *totally* dependent on the individual troop. If your daughters troop trended more girly as the girls got older, it was because that's what the leader was comfortable with and/or that's what the girls said they wanted. I was in a troop in 6th grade that was trending that way too. If I had to do one more stupid glue gun craft I was going to poke my eyes out. So I changed troops to one that did a ton of outdoors stuff (including "real" camping, archery, even going to a gun range [which I actually skipped - it wigged me out a bit]).
As girls get older (cadetters and higher, for sure) the activities the troops do will vary widely because it is supposed to be girl-lead and leaves a lot of room for various interests and activities.
I will concede that the training and insurance requirements are a little over the top, but that's true in BSA too and that's really more an indication of the litigious world we live in.
I was going to chime in on this and say the same. It depends on your troop and your leader. My grandma was our leader and that meant lots of camping and hiking. I personally hated it, lol. I'm not an outdoorsy type but I wouldn't have traded it for anything.
There is no lamer superhero than Aquaman, except the boy Wonder Twin. However if they want to do a ladies night for the movie, add in some cocktails I'd gladly watch that guy run around in a tight fitting costume for a couple hours :rolleyes1

I never got what the purpose of Aquaman was. He seemed more like a blonde pretty boy. Now Jason Momoa looks like he can turn Aquaman into a total badass.
The problem is that you can't build a castle on quicksand. Right or wrong, my dislike for MoS, BvS, and Suicide Squad has quelled any excitement I might have had for this movie.

I 100% get where you are coming from. BvS had promise but was disappointing. Suicide Squad and Man of Steel were both dumpster fires. I don't have super high hopes for Wonder Woman, but my daughter wants to see it, so that's good enough for me. I'm trying to go in with middle to low expectations. I think it helped that Snyder didn't direct Wonder Woman.

We'll see what happens with Justice League now that Joss Whedon has stepped in with Synder taking personal time.
I never got what the purpose of Aquaman was. He seemed more like a blonde pretty boy. Now Jason Momoa looks like he can turn Aquaman into a total badass.

The thing is, Aquaman is a total badass in the comics. He always has been. He has often been portrayed as "that guy who talks to fish" instead of "King of the seven seas." I prefer his somewhat unassuming comic book persona and I do not think Momoa looks very good as Aquaman, but that is to be expected from DC movies.

In the comics, Aquaman will throw a polar bear at you. You don't mess with that!
There is no lamer superhero than Aquaman, except the boy Wonder Twin. However if they want to do a ladies night for the movie, add in some cocktails I'd gladly watch that guy run around in a tight fitting costume for a couple hours :rolleyes1

I never got what the purpose of Aquaman was. He seemed more like a blonde pretty boy. Now Jason Momoa looks like he can turn Aquaman into a total badass.

I guess I am the only one that enjoyed Suicide Squad.
My DS and nephew think it's one of the greatest movies ever. They're eleven so don't particularly care what the critics think. We had tons of Harley Quinns for Halloween so some, somewhere liked it.
Of course I haven't - because the social pressure on a man who did feel uncomfortable to keep it to himself would be overwhelming!

Plenty of times, because the culture in DS's school has already skewed to "girls are the smart ones."

Again, I have nothing against this particular charity event, or the idea of this type of events if anyone could realistically hold their own. What worries me is that attitudes are different toward girls having their own special events and boys having them.

From where I sit, there are different attitudes -- but the "difference" is that it has been LONG accepted that men-only events are okay and that women are beginning more and more to claim similar space for themselves, and being met with far greater protest for those efforts.

I mean, the Masters at Augusta National is a HUGE one, and the protests over it barely make a blip on the radar. There are Men's Only clubs in every city I've ever lived in, with 100+ year old histories. I think the claims that "feminists" would "pitch a fit" at a men's only event are largely overblown -- those events have gone on FOREVER.
From where I sit, there are different attitudes -- but the "difference" is that it has been LONG accepted that men-only events are okay and that women are beginning more and more to claim similar space for themselves, and being met with far greater protest for those efforts.

I mean, the Masters at Augusta National is a HUGE one, and the protests over it barely make a blip on the radar. There are Men's Only clubs in every city I've ever lived in, with 100+ year old histories. I think the claims that "feminists" would "pitch a fit" at a men's only event are largely overblown -- those events have gone on FOREVER.

Still - Augusta National has since admitted three women - maybe more. I recall two were Condi Rice and the CEO of IBM. Don't recall who was the third.

Years ago San Francisco's Olympic Club admitted several women rather than fight with the City and County of San Francisco. The US Open golf tournament has been played on their Lake Course five times. The issue with San Francisco was the nondiscrimination ordinance for city owned property, and that the Olympic Club was leasing some of the land that the course was built on.

The AT&T Pebble Beach Pro Am used to feature Cypress Point among their three courses. The PGA Tour threatened to take them out because they didn't have a black member and they said go ahead. I don't recall that they necessarily had a policy that barred black members (I was wrong earlier that they had barred women as members), but they had a waiting list and didn't want to mess with it. Apparently there were potential black members on their waiting list, but didn't want to jump anyone just to satisfy the PGA Tour. By now I think they have a black member, but they're still pretty secretive. On top of that, I think the members are OK with the course not being used for a big golf tournament. I've seen what happens to a golf course when there are thousands of spectators. It starts turning yellow where people cross the course, and they let the course grow out before the tournament to make it more difficult for the pros.
The amount of camping/outdoors activities that a troop does is *totally* dependent on the individual troop. If your daughters troop trended more girly as the girls got older, it was because that's what the leader was comfortable with and/or that's what the girls said they wanted. I was in a troop in 6th grade that was trending that way too. If I had to do one more stupid glue gun craft I was going to poke my eyes out. So I changed troops to one that did a ton of outdoors stuff (including "real" camping, archery, even going to a gun range [which I actually skipped - it wigged me out a bit]).
As girls get older (cadetters and higher, for sure) the activities the troops do will vary widely because it is supposed to be girl-lead and leaves a lot of room for various interests and activities.
I will concede that the training and insurance requirements are a little over the top, but that's true in BSA too and that's really more an indication of the litigious world we live in.

I know that's true to a certain extent, but even the selection of badges available for older scouts to work on skews towards a lot of crafty and empowerment stuff, rather than outdoors/nature/active pursuits. And I think the new materials (not all that new now - introduced maybe 6-7 years ago?) have moved the organization more in that direction, with a lot of the badges I remember earning going away and the introduction of "journeys" that are all about leadership development and problem solving. Which has its place, of course, but isn't necessarily the best fit for someone who is more interested in the outdoors aspects of scouting.

And part of the problem for DD was that we live in a small town. There was only the one troop for DD's age group and it ended up folding after 6th grade because we were down to 4 girls. I thought about getting a troop started at younger DD's school if she showed an interest, but so far 4H has been enough for her.

My DS and nephew think it's one of the greatest movies ever. They're eleven so don't particularly care what the critics think. We had tons of Harley Quinns for Halloween so some, somewhere liked it.

I think SS was a disappointment to fans of DC comics but a huge hit with teens who took it just as a fun movie, and with adults who aren't particularly into comic books so lack a frame of reference for comparison. My kids, especially DD15 and her friends, loved it. DS19, who is more a comic book guy, agreed with me that it wasn't what it could have been.

Part of what I don't care for about the DC movies is that they're all leading somewhere else. They don't do a very good job of being self-contained... MoS was meant to set up BvS which introduced WW which leads into Justice League. I think the Marvel movies do a better job of presenting stand-along stories that happen to tie into one another, rather than movies that feel like set-ups for the next ticket the studio expects you to buy.
I know that's true to a certain extent, but even the selection of badges available for older scouts to work on skews towards a lot of crafty and empowerment stuff, rather than outdoors/nature/active pursuits. And I think the new materials (not all that new now - introduced maybe 6-7 years ago?) have moved the organization more in that direction, with a lot of the badges I remember earning going away and the introduction of "journeys" that are all about leadership development and problem solving. Which has its place, of course, but isn't necessarily the best fit for someone who is more interested in the outdoors aspects of scouting.

And part of the problem for DD was that we live in a small town. There was only the one troop for DD's age group and it ended up folding after 6th grade because we were down to 4 girls. I thought about getting a troop started at younger DD's school if she showed an interest, but so far 4H has been enough for her.

I think SS was a disappointment to fans of DC comics but a huge hit with teens who took it just as a fun movie, and with adults who aren't particularly into comic books so lack a frame of reference for comparison. My kids, especially DD15 and her friends, loved it. DS19, who is more a comic book guy, agreed with me that it wasn't what it could have been.

Part of what I don't care for about the DC movies is that they're all leading somewhere else. They don't do a very good job of being self-contained... MoS was meant to set up BvS which introduced WW which leads into Justice League. I think the Marvel movies do a better job of presenting stand-along stories that happen to tie into one another, rather than movies that feel like set-ups for the next ticket the studio expects you to buy.
To be quite honest I really haven't a clue about DC comics and movies other than the very, very basics. I just go to trusted Comic Book fans who have kids and ask if it's acceptable/somewhat appropriate to let DS watch them. :laughing: But I do get what you're saying about the Marvel Movies (where I was warned about Deadpool *BIG NO* lol by the same friends.) I kept thinking I had to watch the first Guardians to understand Vol 2 but it turns out I didn't it stood very well on it's own. (I really enjoyed it) Same for Civil War. Had not seen any of the other Avengers movies but had no problem knowing what was going on. That one led me to watch Ant Man on my own without "having to" because DS wanted to. I feel I could grab any of those and watch them out of order and not be confused on how they all tie together.
But I do get what you're saying about the Marvel Movies (where I was warned about Deadpool *BIG NO* lol by the same friends.)

FYI, to be clear, when the fans say "Marvel Movies" they mean the Marvel Studios (Disney) movies and not the Fox X-Men movies which are based on Marvel Comics properties but not a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This is due to various longstanding contracts (like why Marvel is still at Universal Islands of Adventure). Deadpool falls in with the Fox movies, not the Marvel Universe.

The Marvel Cinematic universe has presented a consistently top-notch, energetic, and fun series of movies that channel the spirit of the characters. They are leaps and bounds beyond WB, Fox, or any other studio producing superhero films.
FYI, to be clear, when the fans say "Marvel Movies" they mean the Marvel Studios (Disney) movies and not the Fox X-Men movies which are based on Marvel Comics properties but not a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This is due to various longstanding contracts (like why Marvel is still at Universal Islands of Adventure). Deadpool falls in with the Fox movies, not the Marvel Universe.

The Marvel Cinematic universe has presented a consistently top-notch, energetic, and fun series of movies that channel the spirit of the characters. They are leaps and bounds beyond WB, Fox, or any other studio producing superhero films.
I actually do know they are different studios etc. but DS was trying get Deadpool past me. I have a handful of trusted friends who advise me on all of these because well, I just can't keep up with them, lol.


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