This is how Inkedupmomma rolls... Oh-HI-O! A mini TR from our stay at our fav Disser

Thanks for joining in! I was born in Broklyn, then lived there for a bit, then moved to Staten Island (and NO, I am not like the girls featured on Jersey Shore lol). Then when I turned 14, i decided I hated NY and moved to PA lol! My mom still lives in S.I., and my dad lives in NYC! Where are you?

I grew up in Brooklyn, but live in Queens now.

:lmao: I always hope the people on Jersey Shore are actors, but I know they're not :scared1:
I grew up in Brooklyn, but live in Queens now.

:lmao: I always hope the people on Jersey Shore are actors, but I know they're not :scared1:

One of my favorite cousins lives in Queens.. I shoulud make a trip up there some time lol!

and uhm.. definitley NOT actors....:headache:
uhm..maybe if we start a movement, they will start to allow this sort of thing?? OMG, they would give me like a month vacation LOL

I bet if they realized the benefit that vacations have on our well-being, insurance companies would come out ahead by paying for them instead of doctor's visits! No one could ever accuse those companies of having common sense, though, right? Goobers.
Welcome! Thanks for stopping in! You sound just like me and my "DH". By the time this next trip rolls around, we will have been togther for 7 years! 7 unmarried years at that lol. He did propose in November of 2005 and then we were unengaged , and then he Re-proposed in Disney last year:rotfl: Still with me?? Anywho, this is the year that we may actually go ahead and do it. Just through the courts and no fun wedding, but a trip to Disney in September again! (and hopefully a kitchenaid stand up mixer from his mom :lmao:)

You will be coming in on my Dh's b-day! Where are you staying?

I know you already came over to my PTR, but we are thinking about the Caribbean Beach resort now!!!! It's so pretty!! We did look into CSR as well. I liked the sound of their junior suites for the 6 of us!
I know you already came over to my PTR, but we are thinking about the Caribbean Beach resort now!!!! It's so pretty!! We did look into CSR as well. I liked the sound of their junior suites for the 6 of us!

Yes, I realized after I wrote this, that you had a PTR up..der. We thought about CBR, but just loved CSR so much! Glad you are getting to try something different!
I'm back! and I say it all the time but you have the cutest family ever!!! And, i totally agree with you about mental health + disney planning = happy! I think insurance should cover it. who needs meds when you can plan a trip to WDW?! and maybe if/when it happens, the new public health option should include trips to disney as well. lol!! can't wait for more!
I'm back! and I say it all the time but you have the cutest family ever!!! And, i totally agree with you about mental health + disney planning = happy! I think insurance should cover it. who needs meds when you can plan a trip to WDW?! and maybe if/when it happens, the new public health option should include trips to disney as well. lol!! can't wait for more!

hey girl! hope you are doing well! thanks for coming along for the next adventure! I don't think our idea of vacations as opposed to meds is going to get very far..but we can dream lol
ODPD = Obsessive Disney Planning Disorder. I am sure many of you know what I mean. You wanna do your laundry, but then you think of something that you HAVE to check on the Dis "real quick", next thing you know, your laundry never got done and it's time to start dinner. Happens to the best of us! Luckily when I'm in ODPD mode, I come up with a lot of great Disney plans!

So far, I haven't had too much time to plan, but I have got some ideas down. It is hard to plan a trip when you have other people involved. Although, I love having a large group, so it works out fine. Only thing is, I can't just make a decision and be done with it. Gotta ask everyone else ;)

Also, as I mentioned earlier, my friend Kelly is going again this year. She LOVES Disney as well now, but def has a LOT going on in her life. I highly doubt she has thought ADR's, and I feel terrible even bringing it up. But I feel like I can't plan anything my last couple of days, without talking to her first! I'd like to at least get to do one meal with her and her family! I may text her later today, if I am feeling more ballsy lol.

next year her son will be 3 by the time we go and I hope they decide to go again! I am DYING to book a GG, but have no one to do it with LOL! I keep trying to convince Sophia, but it would mean a lot of extra OOP meals if she did it. Darn me for having DxDP.

After adding it all up, my family will have a total of 132 meal credits to use this year:scared1: That is 33 meals credits per person! We will also have 88 snack credits! 22 per person! Jack being 3 this year adds on a LOT of snack credits! I know a lot of people think DxDP is stupid, but if you plan it right, you will not be over stuffed. I do admit, eating the desserts did stuff me most nights. But it would on the reg DDP too. I don't overly love the desserts in most places, so this year I will only order dessert if it is something I really want. Other than that I will use my snack credits to indulge on the desserts I really want! Think school bread, and Dole Whip Floats!

As most of you know, and some of you don't know, I hate counter service. Tried it again last year,and I really, really , realllllly do not like them. I hated getting my own stuff, finding a table, trying to maneuver the stroller, getting Jack to sit still while I order, etc... oh and the food was awful (Pirate Y el Perico.) I know not all CS is bad, and I do plan on trying the better reviewed places, but it confirmed that the DxDP is for us. John also said he definitely remembers why we started doing DxDP to begin with. When he is on vacation, he is on vacation. He does not want to lift one finger! Who can blame him? he works in a garage as an auto mechanic doing hard, heavy labor up to 65 hours a week!

Oh, the one CS we will do is Earl of Sandwich! That place is AMAZING and worth the long line you may have to wait in! We will save about 6 meal credits to use there on the ride home!

After talking to Sophia last weekend, I have come up with a very rough first draft of our itinerary. All of it is subject to change when park hours come out, or after more discussions with Sophia:goodvibes We both have a good list of our "must-do's" and those have to fit in somewhere!

Friday September 10- Since we are driving we will be leaving Thursday the 9th. Hoping to leave early so we can get to CSR early, check in and relax. Driving takes a lot out of us and I am really trying to get it down to a
science! As of right now, I have down that we are going to Earl of Sandwich! But, I am hoping we can get the whole group to do the Luau. I think it would be a fun way to start off the trip with such a large group. i did not love the Luau when we went in 2008, but Jophia do, and I am willing to give it a 2nd chance!

Saturday September 11- As of right now, all I have written down is CRT. I know I should just stop going, but it has been our traditional first night in the MK meal since 2005. I have to go at least one more time! No breakfast plans yet...

Sunday September 12- Cape May Cafe for breakfast, Le Cellier or Coral Reef for dinner. I didn't love Le Cellier last year, but I also had a killer migraine. I think it deserves another shot?? but we also love Coral reef..not sure what to do yet!

Monday September 13- Early Tuskerhouse , Jiko for dinner. I am usually not one to try different tasting foods, but Jiko gets such great reviews! I figure I can find something to eat! If not, I'll grab my dish and dash over to Boma undetected ;)

Tuesday September 14- I think today is possibly whispering canyon cafe over at WL?? Then a day of fun filled breaks! Traditionally tonight is a MNSSHP night.. so we are crossing our fingers that it continues to be so! If it is, Tony's for dinner!

Wednesday September 15- No breakfast but early ADR for lunch at Sci-Fi and then hopefully a F! dinner package at Mama Melrose. I don't recall loving the food at Sci-Fi in 2005, but we LOVED the atmosphere. I think Jack will really dig the whole theme too! If I get the burger, i should be ok! Mama Melrose will be a first for all of us!

Thursday September 16- NO PLANS YET! I know... I'm dying over here lol

Friday September 17- Happy Anniversary Jophia! Today we will do Kona for breakfast, as that is what Jophia always do on their Anniversary! No probs with me, I loveeee Kona! For dinner we will do an early ADR at Yachtsman, and then head over to Epcot for a Dessert Party Jophia so graciously invited us too:lovestruc

Saturday September 18- Kelly arrives this day, so i don't really have anything solid but as of right now I have written that we will go to DHS in the am and then MK at night. Boma for breakfast.. this can all change in an instant!

Sunday September 19- Another Epcot day or so it says lol Akershus for breakfast and Rose and Crown for dinner! I trying Rose and Crown... whatttt.. John always wants to go there, so I figured today would be a good day to try it out! Hope I don't regret it!

Monday September 20- Happpppy Birthday John!! Today we will go to CRT for breakfast! We have never been. Not sure it wold be John's first choice for a b-day breakfast but oh well..actually I may be able to fit Boma in here today or Chef Mickey's and put CRT in somewhere else?? Anywho, dinner at California Grill. I hear mixed reviews of this place, but i figured we'd give it a try! Anyone know how it works there while on dining plan or DxDP?? John loves sushi, but the menu has like 6 different sections! Not sure what you can and can't order while on DxDP:confused3 Either way i think it is a nice Birthday environment!

Tuesday September 21- Departure day :sad1: not sure what we are doing for breakfast yet. Ohana was nice, but Kona may be an awesome option again..or Chef Mickeys' or Earl of Sandwich... But we will be doing EOS for lunch and extra sammies for ride Idk about breakfast there too! Anywho, this is open right now. Hoping to do a last breakfast with Kelly and her fam! The DTD, then the LONGGGGGG ride home

Ok, so how does it look? Any and all ideas welcomed!
Your plans look awesome!! I've always wanted to try Rose and Crown for a meal so I can't wait to hear all about it. For some reason when I try to make a ADR there it is always booked, but I never really see too much about it here on the DIS! Don't forget, that's where I met that cute Irish bartender!! LOL.

I wrote on Sophia's PTR that she should try Sanaa. It was seriously amazing. I would do lunch instead of dinner though because it is right in the middle of the savannah and you're sitting there looking at the animals. The food was different but nothing too scary. The service was great, too. I have pictures from when I went with my mom....somewhere!! I'll try to get them up so you guys can see.

And even though the DxDP is a lot of food, I think it is worth it to just have everything paid for in advance really and be able to plan your meals accordingly!!
Your plans look awesome!! I've always wanted to try Rose and Crown for a meal so I can't wait to hear all about it. For some reason when I try to make a ADR there it is always booked, but I never really see too much about it here on the DIS! Don't forget, that's where I met that cute Irish bartender!! LOL.

I wrote on Sophia's PTR that she should try Sanaa. It was seriously amazing. I would do lunch instead of dinner though because it is right in the middle of the savannah and you're sitting there looking at the animals. The food was different but nothing too scary. The service was great, too. I have pictures from when I went with my mom....somewhere!! I'll try to get them up so you guys can see.

And even though the DxDP is a lot of food, I think it is worth it to just have everything paid for in advance really and be able to plan your meals accordingly!!

Uhm.. I have to admit, I not so secretly have an obsession with Irish and Scottish men! Had I not met John, I was looking for a Scotsman... still kinda looking..:rotfl: But, yeah your man actually kinda swayed that decision to seal the deal!

I will have to look at the Sanaa menu. I have read nothing about it at all actually! I started reading your Tr and LOVE it! I don't think I had a chance to comment though..can't remember!

and I agree! DxDP is only as much food as you make it! I don't have to gorge myself to feel I got my moneys worth, and I don't have to skimp on things I really want to try because I have to pay OOP. Although, next year Kayla will be considered an adult:mad: according to Disney, and I am not sure paying for another adult will be worth it! I def love the ease of it, and love that free dining makes it so cheap to do DxDP! Having it all paid for before hand is magical as well.. i think I would hate to part with my money on food while there... I've never had too, and I would feel like I was losing valuable souvenir money :rotfl: It's all one big mind screw I suppose:headache:

Friday September 10- Since we are driving we will be leaving Thursday the 9th. Hoping to leave early so we can get to CSR early, check in and relax. Driving takes a lot out of us and I am really trying to get it down to a
science! As of right now, I have down that we are going to Earl of Sandwich! But, I am hoping we can get the whole group to do the Luau. I think it would be a fun way to start off the trip with such a large group. i did not love the Luau when we went in 2008, but Jophia do, and I am willing to give it a 2nd chance!

I hope to try EOS when we go next time. I tried to get Kyle to go there in August, but he wanted WPE instead (which was yummy!)

Saturday September 11- As of right now, all I have written down is CRT. I know I should just stop going, but it has been our traditional first night in the MK meal since 2005. I have to go at least one more time! No breakfast plans yet...

Sunday September 12- Cape May Cafe for breakfast, Le Cellier or Coral Reef for dinner. I didn't love Le Cellier last year, but I also had a killer migraine. I think it deserves another shot?? but we also love Coral reef..not sure what to do yet!
I say Coral Reef, but then again, I prefer seafood to steak (good thing I live on the coast, right?)

Monday September 13- Early Tuskerhouse , Jiko for dinner. I am usually not one to try different tasting foods, but Jiko gets such great reviews! I figure I can find something to eat! If not, I'll grab my dish and dash over to Boma undetected ;)
The food sounds more exotic than it is. Somehow, even though the dishes are exotic, they still have a "comfort food" feel to them. If you like sweet BBQ sauce, I recommend the short ribs. Everyone raves about the filet w/mac 'n cheese too. The kids menu there is pretty good too, so finding something for Jack should be easy.

Tuesday September 14- I think today is possibly whispering canyon cafe over at WL?? Then a day of fun filled breaks! Traditionally tonight is a MNSSHP night.. so we are crossing our fingers that it continues to be so! If it is, Tony's for dinner!
Is that where you would recommend to eat for MNSSHP? How's the food there? Good, great, ok? I *really* want to do MNSSHP when we go.

Wednesday September 15- No breakfast but early ADR for lunch at Sci-Fi and then hopefully a F! dinner package at Mama Melrose. I don't recall loving the food at Sci-Fi in 2005, but we LOVED the atmosphere. I think Jack will really dig the whole theme too! If I get the burger, i should be ok! Mama Melrose will be a first for all of us!
I think Sci-Fi looks like fun, if for no other reason than the atmosphere. Seriously, how badly can one screw up a burger? (Hope I didn't jinx you!)

Thursday September 16- NO PLANS YET! I know... I'm dying over here lol
Swim? Then dinner?

Friday September 17- Happy Anniversary Jophia! Today we will do Kona for breakfast, as that is what Jophia always do on their Anniversary! No probs with me, I loveeee Kona! For dinner we will do an early ADR at Yachtsman, and then head over to Epcot for a Dessert Party Jophia so graciously invited us too:lovestruc
Remind me again about Yachtsman. I know you went in what? 08? I was thinking you had a bad experience?:confused3 DH LOVES steak, & I hear theirs is good.

Saturday September 18- Kelly arrives this day, so i don't really have anything solid but as of right now I have written that we will go to DHS in the am and then MK at night. Boma for breakfast.. this can all change in an instant!

Sunday September 19- Another Epcot day or so it says lol Akershus for breakfast and Rose and Crown for dinner! I trying Rose and Crown... whatttt.. John always wants to go there, so I figured today would be a good day to try it out! Hope I don't regret it!
I hear the steak is good...

Monday September 20- Happpppy Birthday John!! Today we will go to CRT for breakfast! We have never been. Not sure it wold be John's first choice for a b-day breakfast but oh well..actually I may be able to fit Boma in here today or Chef Mickey's and put CRT in somewhere else?? Anywho, dinner at California Grill. I hear mixed reviews of this place, but i figured we'd give it a try! Anyone know how it works there while on dining plan or DxDP?? John loves sushi, but the menu has like 6 different sections! Not sure what you can and can't order while on DxDP:confused3 Either way i think it is a nice Birthday environment!
Sounds romantical! :lovestruc

Tuesday September 21- Departure day :sad1: not sure what we are doing for breakfast yet. Ohana was nice, but Kona may be an awesome option again..or Chef Mickeys' or Earl of Sandwich... But we will be doing EOS for lunch and extra sammies for ride Idk about breakfast there too! Anywho, this is open right now. Hoping to do a last breakfast with Kelly and her fam! The DTD, then the LONGGGGGG ride home

Uhm.. I have to admit, I not so secretly have an obsession with Irish and Scottish men! Had I not met John, I was looking for a Scotsman... still kinda looking..:rotfl: But, yeah your man actually kinda swayed that decision to seal the deal!

I understand, though mine is for Germans! Holy moly. I always wanted a dark haired/dark eyed boy, but you see how that worked out ;) See, we could totally trade! I mean, Conner's name doesn't get much more Irish than it is! So there's your little Brit boy! :goodvibes
I hope to try EOS when we go next time. I tried to get Kyle to go there in August, but he wanted WPE instead (which was yummy!)
You HAVE to try it! I hate sandwiches normally, but I could eat this place every day! John agrees!

I say Coral Reef, but then again, I prefer seafood to steak (good thing I live on the coast, right?)
We like both seafood and steak...both places are good.. I'm so torn lol

The food sounds more exotic than it is. Somehow, even though the dishes are exotic, they still have a "comfort food" feel to them. If you like sweet BBQ sauce, I recommend the short ribs. Everyone raves about the filet w/mac 'n cheese too. The kids menu there is pretty good too, so finding something for Jack should be easy.
as a matter of fact, the short ribs were exactly what called my name :) Your and lurkyloo's reviews are what convinced me to try it..John is grateful to you both :goodvibes

Is that where you would recommend to eat for MNSSHP? How's the food there? Good, great, ok? I *really* want to do MNSSHP when we go.
I like Tony's. It gets a bad rap, and maybe that is why we liked it so much? We went expecting complete crap, and were surprised. It is NOT the best place, but certainly not the worst. kids selections weren't fab, neither was service. I won't keep my mouth shut next time though!

I think Sci-Fi looks like fun, if for no other reason than the atmosphere. Seriously, how badly can one screw up a burger? (Hope I didn't jinx you!)
ahahaha... It wasn't terrible from what I remember. But again, not the best. def worth another try though! and again, the atmosphere alone is worth it!

Swim? Then dinner?

Remind me again about Yachtsman. I know you went in what? 08? I was thinking you had a bad experience? DH LOVES steak, & I hear theirs is good.
we did have a terrible experience last time. BUT, we were tired, cold and the server was just loopy. On a good day I think it would probably be a favorite.

I hear the steak is good...
good to know..though, I may be steaked out by then!

Sounds romantical!
so romantical..with kids and all:rotfl:

I understand, though mine is for Germans! Holy moly. I always wanted a dark haired/dark eyed boy, but you see how that worked out See, we could totally trade! I mean, Conner's name doesn't get much more Irish than it is! So there's your little Brit boy!

HA! Now I know why you love my Jack so much! and why I love your con man so much..uhm..we have a thing for each others kid... weird lol
Hi Jen !!! I amgoing for an interview this month to be a "Helper " on trips for Developmentally disabled !!! Guess where LOTS of the rips are .... DISNEY!!!! Yes I could get FREE vacations !!!!I am pretty sure they have Sept trips !!!!Sooo fingers crossed !!
Hey Jenn.

Looks like a good rough draft of your itinerary

That is so cool you are going to do wishes party again

Hi Jen !!! I amgoing for an interview this month to be a "Helper " on trips for Developmentally disabled !!! Guess where LOTS of the rips are .... DISNEY!!!! Yes I could get FREE vacations !!!!I am pretty sure they have Sept trips !!!!Sooo fingers crossed !!

I just saw this! I have everything crossed that could possibly be crossed! please let me know how it went!!

Hey Jenn.

Looks like a good rough draft of your itinerary

That is so cool you are going to do wishes party again


Thanks:goodvibes and the dessert party is actually at Epcot, in Norway! Thanks to Jophia:lovestruc I'm so excited for it!
Hello all! Happy Tuesday! I spoke to John last night about the itinerary and he seems to be on board so far! I didn't think he would have much to say, but he spoke about each choice and the pros/cons and even asked to look at some menus lol! The only place he wrinkled his nose at was Akershus:scared1: I told him sorry charlie! I love that place, and uhm, where else is there to eat that early in Epcot?? No where, exactly! So he said fineeeeee.

I don't have too much to update. I have been having a hard time focusing on things. Maybe because I know everything will change a million times, and I don't wanna get my heart set on something, to only be disappointed! If you recall my Fantasmic! disappointment last year! That is something that is a definite for me this year! John reallly wants to see it, so yeah, we must!

In other news, there are a few fun things that i would like to do, but not sure where to fit it in.

First and foremost, I want to do afternoon tea at the GF. Originally I wanted to do it with just Kayla and I, but then I started thinking about it, and think it will be fun for Sophia, her mom and sis to join! Then all the boys can get together and do something manly...or stay at the resort lol.. bet they will pick that!

I also have written down that i would like for Kayla to get her hair braided. Not sure she will want to do that. Like her momma, she is a creature of habit, and does not like to stray from what she knows. So I am guessing she will want to just go with a hair wrap again..maybe she will surprise me though!?!

Another thing I have written down is Pirate cruise! Jack is finally old enough to take part in many of the activities offered! So I kind of want him to do something alone (well with Kayla). We'll see though. I want to enjoy this vacation, and not feel like I am running like a chicken with it's head cut off lol!

So there you have it, there it is. Any advice, or tips will be welcomed. Maybe you know of something fun that we should do, or the kids should not miss out on? Don't lurk, come tell me your opinions:goodvibes
Hi. Joining in. I read your TR from last year after reading ohiodisneylover's TR and can't wait to see what adventures you guys have this time.


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