This is Us- Season six

Ugly cry at the end, especially when I realized the adult son's family was at Thanksgiving.

But this is almost too much. Yes, I'll keep watching. I've been in it since the first episode. But this is way too much heavy at the end. We're all just sitting around waiting for these people to die.

Do we know why Miguel never reconciled with his kids (before Kevin's intervention)? As much as I like the Pearsons, it's almost like they suck all the oxygen out of any room.
In the “previously on” they showed the scene from the one holiday they spent. And given the episode had Shelly mention Jack and Rebecca it must’ve been some jealousy as well.
This morning was so touching to me. I was up early this morning and I remembered I had the show to watch so there i sat bawling before 8 am. It's definitely going to be Billy Joel kind of day.
Like they said in one episode of the orville (and I’m paraphrasing it’s been a while) the man can freaking write for everything.
I also wanted to add, I thought it was great Kevin was the one to bridge the gap between Miguel and his son after Kevin gave Miguel such a hard time about him being with Rebecca. It was also nice that Kevin not only helped Rebecca get up, but also Miguel. Kevin has certainly come a long way where Miguel is concerned.
Agreed. And I also loved how they didn’t rehash the history between the two of them (I forget if they fought or not but clearly they were both upset at Miguel for a while) they just got right to it and were also the ones to scatter ashes in Puerto Rico while Kate, Randall and his daughter stayed in PA
I also don't think they'd do something so politically charged. It would distract from the story they have been unfolding for us for 6 seasons.
I am wondering though if they will show the rapid, horrific decline parts of the disease. As an actor and a human it would definitely be rough in anyone to witness and go through that, real life or fictional.

I don’t think it will be a curveball, it will be something shown in a way it’s normally not on TV.

Also anyone else wondering/slightly hoping the final two episodes give us glimpses to kk these characters we’ve seen over the years. I know Josh Hamilton was a one and done doctor for Madison and had the daughter with the horse and was wrapping Walking Dead for a chunk of this season of TIU, but I’d love a callback to everyone. Even those no longer with us on the show, like William and Dr. K
I hope there are surprises left and that it isn't just this long drawn out good-by that at this point has seemed almost predictable.
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I hope there are surprises left and that it isn't just this long drawn out good-by that at this point has seen almost predictable.
Next week I feel will be what I call an informative bubble episode. It will be the episode where we find out how care switched from Kate to Kevin and why Kevin is now in PA (they do film in NY and on the east coast!). Will some parts drag? Possibly. BUT we will be given information necessary to the end.

I’m ngl I would like a six feet under style flashforward where we see the big three in old age (we’ve seen Kate for a hot second, but I want more. I want to see adult Deja and adult Jacks kids interacting, I want to see older Annie, I want to see Beth and Randall celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.
Next week I feel will be what I call an informative bubble episode. It will be the episode where we find out how care switched from Kate to Kevin and why Kevin is now in PA (they do film in NY and on the east coast!). Will some parts drag? Possibly. BUT we will be given information necessary to the end.

I’m ngl I would like a six feet under style flashforward where we see the big three in old age (we’ve seen Kate for a hot second, but I want more. I want to see adult Deja and adult Jacks kids interacting, I want to see older Annie, I want to see Beth and Randall celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.
Do we know that care switched from Kate to Kevin? She doesn't have to live with Kate to have Kate making all the legal decisions.
Do we know that care switched from Kate to Kevin? She doesn't have to live with Kate to have Kate making all the legal decisions.
From what we’ve been seeing in coming attractions and flash forwards, we have been theorizing and heavily leaning towards that care switches from Kate to Kevin
This episode had the tears flowing. I didn't expect that at all. This show had not impacted me that way since Jack died. There was much more to Miguel than any of us knew and he really did love Rebecca. When he was at the table talking to his mother and she tell him 'love is giving your heart without expectation' started it for me. I think for him that was the turning point in his life and shaped how he loved Rebecca. When And So It Goes started playing the waterworks started and didn't stop.

On another note, did anyone else notice Kevin was wearing a wedding ring? I noticed it when he was helping Miguel up from the chair. It was just a glimpse. Then a couple of scenes later we see Sophie with everyone.

I noticed, but didn’t mention it because it was just me drooling over how hot he was with the ring..not that he wasn’t before LOL
I don't think anything dramatic is going to happen at the end. I assume Rebecca the last episode and MM was sick with the idea that is really is ending.

That’s the way I read it too. It was nerves and emotion that made her barf, not the actual script.
I 100% agree with you. I’m not having a great day and definitely was crying for way more than just the fact that Miguel is gone. I love when music is almost its own character in a movie, or in this case, a tv show.

:hug: to and agree.

But this is almost too much. Yes, I'll keep watching. I've been in it since the first episode. But this is way too much heavy at the end. We're all just sitting around waiting for these people to die.

Milo has said that the last.episodes, how it all finishes up, are so beautiful.

Very interesting given Mandy Moore's take, but hey everyone has their own idea of beauty. (I suspect I will understand Milo though.)
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I’ve done some IMDb digging. Next week is in fact them planning for Rebecca. The penultimate episode is titled “The Train” and the synopsis is that the family gathers at her deathbed.

As of right now the series finale is simply titled the final or 6.18( meaning season 6 episode 18). No synopsis. No trivia other than it’s the series finale.

I am wondering if they are gonna pull what walking dead pulled at the end of season 9 with the whisperer pike sequence being the penultimate episode and the season finale being aftermath. And I did mention wanting a six feet under type finale where we see what’s happens to everyone. Susan and Sterling posted they finished work on the series finale and they were in the costumes and makeup for Rebeccas deathbed. Maybe they could be showing us the future, maybe not given Mandy Moore didn’t show what she looked like in her post.

I’m now very intrigued to see how this will end
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I’m ngl I would like a six feet under style flashforward
Ummm no thanks. All these years later and I am barely over that ending.

Keith throwing that football almost did me in.

And I have already wondered on this thread iif Deja and Beth will be like Claire Fisher for me, someone I delusionally miss like she was a real person.
Ummm no thanks. All these years later and I am barely over that ending.

Keith throwing that football almost did me in.

And I have already wondered on this thread iif Deja and Beth will be like Claire Fisher for me, someone I delusionally miss like she was a real person.
Beth I am going to miss tremendously. Kate too because so much of her reminds me of me.

I would not mind a more bittersweet ending a la parenthood.
Just an aside but it pisses me off how they have not done Beth justice this season. Very lazy writing with her lately. Totally annoyed.
We did get our little island girl part 2, and I’m hoping for more. I often wonder with losing those three episodes last year what storylines we lost this year. But I do agree with you.
Also how Susan has never obtained any Emmy nominations for Beth is beyond me


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