Thoughts on Measles outbreak?

I agree.

And our society blames parents for everything, in ways it never used to. There's so much pressure - as if every little decision you make has the potential to screw up your child for life. I think people are more afraid of feeling guilty than they are of the diseases themselves (see quote above - because they haven't actually seen what those diseases can do). Add to that the fact they we are inundated with conflicting information (way more than our own parents - most of whom left the research to their family doctors and just trusted them) and it's no wonder people get confused.

If parents opt to have children and opt not to have them vaccinated because they are worried about what society is going to think of their child being one of the extremely rare cases where the vaccine has traumatic consequence (NOT autism), I can only imagine what other terrible things these parents are doing in the name of their kids' "safety." Like, this kind of mindset seriously makes me question the capacity people have to bring more humans into the world, and at least proves that they really don't care at all about anyone but themselves.
DH and I both had chickenpox as children. He has looked into the shingles vaccine in detail. Our insurance will cover eight years when we are a certain minimum age. He's called around and it costs about $250 out of pocket, but no one seems to ever have the vaccine in stock. I'll take a week of potentially feeling like crap over having shingles any day!
I got the vaccine at my local grocery store pharmacy and it was free with my insurance.
I got the vaccine at my local grocery store pharmacy and it was free with my insurance.

Was that the original vaccine Zostavax or the two injection one Shingrix? I think the Zostavax is readily available, but can be long waits for the Shingrix. Dh has had the first one available a few years ago, but is now contemplating the second one - I haven't decided. I do know from watching the suffering from shingles in close friends that I do not want that horrible disease!!
Was that the original vaccine Zostavax or the two injection one Shingrix? I think the Zostavax is readily available, but can be long waits for the Shingrix. Dh has had the first one available a few years ago, but is now contemplating the second one - I haven't decided. I do know from watching the suffering from shingles in close friends that I do not want that horrible disease!!
Its the shingrix. I'm in Maryland so maybe its more available here? I see signs for it at all the pharmacies in stores. I went to Giant but lots of other stores seem to carry it too. My neighbor had shingles twice!! So far can't get my dh to get it but I'm working on it. It doesn't help that I had my 2nd dose yesterday and I was up in the night with every single side effect. This is worse than the first dose but def. better than getting shingles!!!!
I've had shingles on my scalp and it was horrible. I couldn't get the shingrix fast enough. I got all the side effects with both shots but they went away after a day or so and I am hoping I don't get shingles again.
The World Health Organization lists antivaxxers as one of the top 10 health threats to the world.

There was a letter on Reddit that recently went viral. Some parents in a Wisconsin neighborhood are calling out their antivaxx neighbors by "warning" their neighbors of the health threat. Most people agreed that the group were ***-holes but also agreed since the WHO lists antivaxxers as one of the top 10 health threats to the globe, it is correct thing to do to warn people about a major health threat to themselves and to neighbors.
oops, sorry that was so big ^^

I have mixed feelings about the neighbors publicly shaming another neighbor. On the one hand, they are neighbors and choosing something that is legal for them to choose, on the other hand, people with one of the other top 10 health risks to the globe like Ebola or Dengue Fever are always named in the media and isolated from others.

Perhaps antivaxxers should be treated like people with Ebola and quarantined? A little extreme, but if they really are one of the top 10 global health threats, then perhaps their ventures into society should be extremely limited until the once eradicated diseases are brought under control again.

Again, choices should be allowed, but certain choices can have harsh consequences if you choose to go that route.

Then again, I respect antivaxxers for being so pro-choice. I would assume they are also so vehemently pro-choice on all health matters.
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Check this out.

@RamblingMad , these are great! Just found new You Tube channel to subscribe to!

That video both taught me and scared me! I didn’t know measles can live in the air for up to 2 hours...

Yes, very scary! The example they gave about you contracting measles from someone who coughed in an elevator two hours before you go on the elevator actually happened. It was a few years ago, I believe in New York. Whenever there's an outbreak they try to "back track" to locate where it started, who all has been exposed, etc. in the hopes of stopping the spread. They couldn't figure out how one person had contracted it because she hadn't had ANY contact with the first few people who got measles. But then they saw security camera footage of a guy who was contagious for measles (but I think didn't yet have any bumps yet, just "cold-like" symptoms so he probably had no idea he had measles) rode in an elevator a couple of hours before this woman rode it.

Tuberculosis is another disease that can be transmitted this way (what is called airborne transmission.) Scary stuff!
My thoughts are this is all part of a bigger trend in US culture right now where everybody thinks they are smart enough to "do their own research" and nobody wants to trust experts. This all goes back to a fear of the "intellectual elite".

Stay at home home Karyn apparently thinks she knows as much about vaccinations and diseases because she has 4 kids as Dr. Bradley Ackerson, who has 20 years experience as a pediatric infectious disease specialist.

Jim Bob down the street can explain to you why the climate isn't changing because he's been shoveling snow for 40 years. It doesn't matter what Dr. Phil D. Jones, former director of the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, has to say. Dr. Jones hasn't lived in this city for 40 years. It snows all the time!

And because "everybody can do their own research", everybody will of course understand what they read. I mean, just look at the people who argue that the MMR vaccine doesn't really work because the vaccine only gives 10 years of immunity. These people don't bother to read that a second dose, which is required, boosts that immunity to permanent -- either because that information doesn't follow their agenda or they don't understand the evidence.

There's nothing to discuss here, Karyn. You don't know anything. You think you do, but you don't. Having 4 kids doesn't give you a medical doctorate.
This website presents very little information. Apparently it started in 2009, but doesn't even have information in their "About Two and Talking" page.

It gives some vaccine schedule information and asks you to subscribe to a newsletter.

And is run by a lawyer.

But the lawyer's website ( doesn't even work!

Plus the law firm had a big scandal back in 2015:
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My kids are partially vaccinate. It has happened very slowly, as in last week. It is mainly due to my desire to wait until I felt my children's immune systems were ready. I have had a couple of discussions on this board regarding vaccines. Most people have fairly respectful, I just mean in general. We are blessed to have a wonderful pediatrician who has answered all our questions, several times over. He has also understood why we waited. Single doses in America are no longer available. I really wanted to do everything one at a time, but my state does not offer that. So we have waited. Since as a nation we are going to mandatory, and I 100% do not believe in this, we have chosen to vaccinate a bit. We are not doing the entire list, but we are doing one at a time, then moving on to the next one in a few months. Most people jump on the outrage bandwagon and assume people do not vaccinate due to a fear of autism. I have many friends who selectively vax or do not vax at all. None of them made their decisions based on autism. There are many religious and political reasons why people chose not to vaccinate. I am frustrated that when you questions vaccines in the most public forums, people accuse you of being a "dreaded anti-vaxer" who uses "facebook" and "scare tactics" instead of "science". We can't discuss WHY people do or do not vaccinate. We can't discus what might be a problem with vaccines and how to fix it. We need to be able to have an open forum in society to discuss where we disagree and how to meet in the middle.

Why should science and medical professionals meet in the middle with people who don't know what they are talking about, swallow up junk information, refuse actual evidence, and put the public at risk?

While it sounds like your solution to disease is hiding in your home, that simply is not going to protect your kids or other people's kids. If a neighbor has a baby who isn't old enough for vaccines, do you stay in the house? Or does it only pertain to your kid's safety?

You complain about lack of research which is also a baloney. Maybe you should see people effected by these diseases. If your choice is between the vaccine or the actual disease, I'd think you go with the vaccine.
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Do you drive a car (odds of dying: 1 in 103)? Drive a motorcycle (1 in 858)? Walk across the street (odds of dying: 1 in 556)? Eat (odds of dying choking on food: 1 in 2,696)? Own a dog (1 in 115,111)? Fly (1 in 188,364)?


Our brain isn't very good at categorizing relative risk. We underestimate the things that are ACTUALLY dangerous (driving for example) because we (wrongly) believe we have "control" over that. And overestimate the risk of things that are perceived to be beyond our control. It's the same thing with so-called "stranger danger"....I am friends with the local chief of police and he will straight out tell you that if you fear child predation, look at your friends, relatives and acquaintances. Don't waste your energy worrying about the registered sex offenders in your community. We have some in our town (every town, just about, does) and yet they've NEVER had one of those people re-offend. On the other hand, it's a rare week that goes by without a report of someone being assaulted by someone they KNOW. But, what do people "fear" -- the registered offender. It's the way our brain works.
I should say I did NOT give my children the chickenpox vaccine. It was rather new at the time, and we wanted to read up on it first. Turns out while we did our research, both our kids got chicken pox. Both children turned out ok, although the 3 year old was miserable.

If I had to do it again, I would have gotten them vaccinated.

I'm not 50 yet, but I will get the shingles vaccine when I turn 50.
This website presents very little information. Apparently it started in 2009, but doesn't even have information in their "About Two and Talking" page.

It gives some vaccine schedule information and asks you to subscribe to a newsletter.

And is run by a lawyer.

But the lawyer's website ( doesn't even work!

Plus the law firm had a big scandal back in 2015:
This is all correct. The Diaco's are a family of doctors and lawyers. I think their vaccine schedule is pretty good so I figured I'd throw it out there.
@RamblingMad , these are great! Just found new You Tube channel to subscribe to!

Sci Show is produced by Complexly, the educational YouTube company founded by authors and vloggers John "The Fault in our Stars" and Hank "John's Brother" Green. It also produces Crash Course, The Art Assignment, Healthcare Triage, and some other stuff. I know Crash Course is shown in a lot of school classrooms.
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