Thoughts on Measles outbreak?

I'm not worried. If my kids got it. We homeschool, so if ANYONE in my family shows any sickness, we stay home until everyone is better. We try hard not to spread germs. I am frustrated people assume that people vaccinate due to the "fear of autism". That isn't it. I am angry that this is no longer any place to have actual discussion regarding vaccines. Vaccines are not 100% safe. Nothing in the medical field is 100% safe. I wish we could get more research into safer vaccines. This push to just vaccinate and "claim" it is all safe is frustrating. Is the the fail rate fairly small? Yes it is. But to completely ignore those who are vaccined injured is doing the science of vaccines an injustice. We need to keep pushing for safer vaccines.
If that is the case, then for 10-14 days BEFORE symptoms appear your family would have been spreading the measles virus if exposed and not vaccinated. Vaccines ARE safe. Does your family have a history of allergic reactions to vaccines? Your doctor is the one to have that conversation with. I have a friend with 4 children. Child #2 had an allergic reaction too her second vaccine. The parents chose not to go any further with that child. The OTHER 3 children are FULLY vaccinated to protect the 1 sibling that CAN'T be vaccinated.
Those germs help him develop his immune system. Have your kids practice good hygiene at school and at home, and the baby will be fine. And if you are nursing, the baby gets a nice boost from your immune system.

Measles can be spread by airborne transmission, so good hygiene is not enough to keep children safe. Just wanted to point that out so anyone reading your post won’t mistakenly believe that “baby will be fine” if they just practice good hygiene.
Here are my thoughts. I'm very happy to have my 2 autistic teen sons alive and well. The fear about autism is SO overblown I can't even handle it. Autism is just a different way of being. Its not a tragedy, and it won't kill your child. My kids are pretty interesting people. Why anyone allows a fear of autism, of all things, to dictate how they proceed with protecting their children from very real, dangerous and often deadly illnesses, I don't know. It is stupid. Vaccines are proven science. People need to go back to trusting science and the scientific method and its outcomes and stop listening to the tin foil hat morons online.

I feel so badly for those who medically cannot get vaccinated. This must be so terrifying for them. I have NO sympathy for any parent who loses a child due to an illness contracted because of voluntary withholding of vaccines (and I count religious exemptions in that as well).

I agree, I dont understand the belief that autism is to be avoided at all costs, it's like they are saying "I would rather my child was dead than autistic"

And religious exemptions are exactly the same as philosophical ones.

I find myself wondering what people thought would happen when they started allowing personal exemptions (especially places where it's lax). It's a delicate balance of recognizing boundaries like religion but many just leaped on the opportunity to exempt themselves for other reasons. Herd immunity starts to break down the more you have your population walking around without protection. Of course you'd see a resurgence in diseases that were once kept at bay with vaccinations when you have more of the population exempting themselves from said vaccinations.

What makes a religious exemption any more valid?

I'm not worried. If my kids got it. We homeschool, so if ANYONE in my family shows any sickness, we stay home until everyone is better. We try hard not to spread germs. I am frustrated people assume that people vaccinate due to the "fear of autism". That isn't it. I am angry that this is no longer any place to have actual discussion regarding vaccines. Vaccines are not 100% safe. Nothing in the medical field is 100% safe. I wish we could get more research into safer vaccines. This push to just vaccinate and "claim" it is all safe is frustrating. Is the the fail rate fairly small? Yes it is. But to completely ignore those who are vaccined injured is doing the science of vaccines an injustice. We need to keep pushing for safer vaccines.

Sure, but the risks if the vaccinations are less than the diseases they protect you against
Sure, but the risks if the vaccinations are less than the diseases they protect you against
That's really what it boils down to. And no matter how hard someone tries to self-quarantine, they are contagious before the first symptoms show, so it's still possible to infect some unsuspecting child who cannot get the vaccine.
It may not be the reason you don't. It is however a reason others don't. The anti-vaxxing movement for sure uses autism for their own information given to people to warn them away from vaccinating. There are other reasons for sure. No one (at least that I can remember, maybe I missed a comment or two) though has said it's the only reason people opt to not vaccinate.

Yep. Earlier this year I was called for jury duty. During the portion of the day when the lawyers were questioning us to find out if we would make unbiased jurors one of the lawyers asked if we trusted the government (the case at hand involved threatening of government office employees but it still seemed like a stupid question to ask) and one woman specifically said she absolutely did not trust the government because when her now adult son was a baby he was injected with x mg of mercury in a vaccine and that caused his autism and the government knows vaccines cause autism and cover it up and she knows it was the vaccine that caused it because her younger son was not vaccinated and he is brilliant and went to the University of Michigan.
There's a massive measles outbreak going on in Madagascar. Over 100,000 people have come down with it. It's killed 1200 people so far. Parents are waiting in lines to get their kids vaccinated so their kids don't die, too.

It's no joke. If you are allergic to the ingredients in a vaccine, that's one thing. But if you don't vaccinate your kids because you don't believe in the science? Well, that's pretty foolish. The viruses don't care about your beliefs. They're equal opportunity.
Thank you :)

I was going to pass along the information to my mom (I'm not at that age yet for this vaccine) as we were talking about shingles the other day.
I had the original shingles vaccine (Zostavax). That was bad enough (really painful). Then I was told there's a new shingles vaccine and I need to get it to get best immunity. No mention (at the time) that the new one was actually 2 shots. Grrrrr.....

And my health care system is only getting the vaccine in little batches. Every time I go to the clinic/doctor I ask about the new shot and am told "we're out, check later".
I agree, I dont understand the belief that autism is to be avoided at all costs, it's like they are saying "I would rather my child was dead than autistic"

And religious exemptions are exactly the same as philosophical ones.

What makes a religious exemption any more valid?

Sure, but the risks if the vaccinations are less than the diseases they protect you against
Freedom to practice one's religion is a specific, Constitutionally protected right in America. You may not like it but it is a fact and that's what makes it different.
I agree, I dont understand the belief that autism is to be avoided at all costs, it's like they are saying "I would rather my child was dead than autistic"

And religious exemptions are exactly the same as philosophical ones.

What makes a religious exemption any more valid?

Sure, but the risks if the vaccinations are less than the diseases they protect you against

And, it's even more bizarre than that, as study after study after study has shown there is NO connection whatsoever between vaccinations and autism. So, those that think that way are just so wrong, on every level.

The ONLY "study" with a causal link (and I use that term very loosely) has been debunked over and over and over. Wakefield should be in prison for all the harm he has done at a societal level. It's infuriating.

My kids were babies when that "study" came out, and like many new moms at that time period, it DID give me pause. Not going to deny that. But, my doctor very patiently and very calmly walked us through it. I believe science. And ultimately, they had every vaccine recommended on the schedule recommended.
DH and I both had chickenpox as children. He has looked into the shingles vaccine in detail. Our insurance will cover eight years when we are a certain minimum age. He's called around and it costs about $250 out of pocket, but no one seems to ever have the vaccine in stock. I'll take a week of potentially feeling like crap over having shingles any day!
Ah, the irony of a Canadian citing the US Constitution ;)
To a New Zealander. :laughing: I don't claim to know much about how other nations (such as New Zealand) are organized but in the US and Canada, personal liberty and freedom from government are values held extremely dear and deeply entrenched both in our laws and our collective psyches.

Our Canadian protections are similar to the US of course but they are framed slightly differently and probably would NOT hold up to a court challenge in regards to mandatory vaccinations:
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