Tie Dye Instructions for Spiral Mickey Shirt

Jays2013 said:
I'm about to try making these. :) Thanks for a fascinating thread.

As I understand it, you wash and dry the shirts, then trace and stitch the Mickey head, pull it tight and rubber-band it ... then wet the shirt down again? The instructions with my kit say to wash the shirts, then use them damp from the washer ... but it seems like that wouldn't work well with tracing.

Also, I don't really sew. :lmao: I know what a basting stitch is and can manage that, but when you're done and have pulled it tight, do you tie it off? Just wrap it around the Mickey head? What?

Also, I see you're should wash them in hot water after the whole thing, but ... doesn't that make them shrink pretty badly? :confused3

Thanks for any advice.

To answer a couple of questions:
Wash then dry, then baste. Pull tight, tie the threads, then bury them in all the elastics. Do this dry, it'll help slow the dye getting into the white boundary around the Mickey head. Then get it wet before making the "danish" and make sure you squeeze it out well. If you've washed and dried the shirt first, it shouldn't shrink any further :)
Hope that helps!
Ordered white shirts from Old Navy, they arrived yesterday. Went to Michaels and bought my tie-dye. Sat down to get started and MY TSHIRTS ARE ON BACKORDER! Ugh...I guess I'll have to wait until next week! So bummed!
Okay 3 questions for anyone who may be able to help.

First, we accidentally dried our shirts before dying with a drier sheet. Is there any way to fix this before dying?

Second, we ran out I'd dye so I went and got more but some of the shirts that were already soaked in soda ash had dried before we got a chance to dye them. Can these be salvaged?

Third, we couldn't find the synthropol that a few people were talking about. Is there a specific detergent to use or will tide be okay?

I know this thread has been dead for a bit but any help would be appreciated!
I am not sure what you mean about the dryer sheet, but if your shirts are dry, you might want to just wash them and see what they look like, If you don't, resoak and redye.
Okay 3 questions for anyone who may be able to help.

First, we accidentally dried our shirts before dying with a drier sheet. Is there any way to fix this before dying?

Second, we ran out I'd dye so I went and got more but some of the shirts that were already soaked in soda ash had dried before we got a chance to dye them. Can these be salvaged?

Third, we couldn't find the synthropol that a few people were talking about. Is there a specific detergent to use or will tide be okay?

I know this thread has been dead for a bit but any help would be appreciated!

I can only answer the 3rd question. If you do not have synthropol, try and use a 'free & clear' detergent. I know ALL makes them but I'd think other brands have them as well.
Okay 3 questions for anyone who may be able to help.

First, we accidentally dried our shirts before dying with a drier sheet. Is there any way to fix this before dying?

Second, we ran out I'd dye so I went and got more but some of the shirts that were already soaked in soda ash had dried before we got a chance to dye them. Can these be salvaged?

Third, we couldn't find the synthropol that a few people were talking about. Is there a specific detergent to use or will tide be okay?

I know this thread has been dead for a bit but any help would be appreciated!

We made them in 2011 and didnt use soda ash at all, also didnt use synthropol just a free and clear detergent. They turned out just great without either items!
Ok I think I may have to try this for our trip in July..it doesn't look too bad and I'd I get back to hobby Lobby they have Tie dye kits clearanced down
I just finished two batches of these tie dyes, and tried to apply bleach (from bleach pen) to clean up a couple of areas after I washed and dried the shirts. I was applying the bleach with a toothpick to limit the amount of bleeding, and then also tested a spot using a paintbrush. Either way, the bleach did not remove the color it turned it an orangish color. I used Dharma dyes and followed all of their instructions. Do you have to apply the bleach while the shirts are still wet from rinsing the dye out? Anybody have any idea why the bleach is not removing the dye completely?
I just finished two batches of these tie dyes, and tried to apply bleach (from bleach pen) to clean up a couple of areas after I washed and dried the shirts. I was applying the bleach with a toothpick to limit the amount of bleeding, and then also tested a spot using a paintbrush. Either way, the bleach did not remove the color it turned it an orangish color. I used Dharma dyes and followed all of their instructions. Do you have to apply the bleach while the shirts are still wet from rinsing the dye out? Anybody have any idea why the bleach is not removing the dye completely?

I have tried bleach several times and it always bleeds. I just can't get it to work at all. I use a whote paint pen now and it' so much better
Thanks, I'm planning on using a white paint pen to fix this little spot. I just don't understand why the bleach worked for so many people but just discolored mine. Thought maybe there was some little trick I missed to using the bleach successfully.
Bleach will only take out some colours, not all. That's why they always say to "test in an inconspicuous area". Black in particular often turns a yellowish-orange colour
I just finished two batches of these tie dyes, and tried to apply bleach (from bleach pen) to clean up a couple of areas after I washed and dried the shirts. I was applying the bleach with a toothpick to limit the amount of bleeding, and then also tested a spot using a paintbrush. Either way, the bleach did not remove the color it turned it an orangish color. I used Dharma dyes and followed all of their instructions. Do you have to apply the bleach while the shirts are still wet from rinsing the dye out? Anybody have any idea why the bleach is not removing the dye completely?

I have had this same result. I have never been able to duplicate the narrow white line seen on some of the pictures on this thread. I was using a Clorox bleach pen and began to wonder if there was another type out there. Finally, I just relaxed because - its tie dye. Its not supposed to be perfect. Still I like a definite Mickey shaped head, so I tend to use the darkest color for the Mickey head and really wrap a lot of rubber bands around it to set it off from the rest of the shirt. If the head comes out a little misshaped, I found better success at darkening in undyed areas with a paint brush and extra dye than in trying to bleach the shape into the shirt.
I'm about to try making these. :) Thanks for a fascinating thread.

As I understand it, you wash and dry the shirts, then trace and stitch the Mickey head, pull it tight and rubber-band it ... then wet the shirt down again? The instructions with my kit say to wash the shirts, then use them damp from the washer ... but it seems like that wouldn't work well with tracing.

Also, I don't really sew. :lmao: I know what a basting stitch is and can manage that, but when you're done and have pulled it tight, do you tie it off? Just wrap it around the Mickey head? What?

Also, I see you're should wash them in hot water after the whole thing, but ... doesn't that make them shrink pretty badly? :confused3

Thanks for any advice.
I don't usually wash\dry the shirt before beginning the process. But you can. Just don't use a fabric softener and make sure that you use a free&clear type detergent.

Here are my pretty specifid instructions with sign-off from Pixie who is one of the best:
So going to try! Thanks for all the help that I have found here from everyone. Nice to have a place where people share.


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