To All Disboard Members... Please Help!

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After a while, I assumed I missed her, and I walked down to the big Disney store, now foolishly praying maybe she’d gone to Downtown Disney, unable to cope with the fact she was gone.

Didn't know Anaheim had a Downtown Disney. :confused3

For 9-10 years, Downtown Disney has been there - well, they started building it before that, after they hacked off a portion of the Disneyland Hotel, and DTD didn't officially open until 2001, of course, but portions of it were open to walk through in late, late 2000. There is a huge World of Disney store there (which Joe referred to), and it is very easy to lose someone in that store - I have lost someone inside the store AND outside the store, embarrassingly enough!!:rotfl2::rotfl2:
You were with your brother and Mom? What did they think of all this running around at the airport and such?
But Lisa, you have to start somewhere and a meeting of the eyes at DL can turn into the kind of love you describe. DrHug and I are living proof of that. ;)

I guess so, but in my past experiences with guys (pre-husband) the ones the I got all stary-eyed with turned out to be not the best picks for even a boyfriend, let alone a husband. That eye lock thing of feeling a rush of magic is sort of high-schoolish, where a meeting of the minds takes more time and really lead to something meaningful. I just don't find this kind of superficial stuff to be "romantic" at all--what is romantic to me is the guy who flew to Haiti to dig through the rubble, looking for his fiancee. There is substance behind that kind of romance, in my opinion.

But I do wish you well, and hope that if you don't find this girl--at least you can find a way to meet more women in a meaningful way in hopes of gaining a partner, since that is what you want. There are so many ways that you could meet people besides work or a bar. There are clubs for everything under the sun--from book clubs to Disney-lovers to saturday hikers. Shake things up and try something new, and maybe it will pay off for you. Take care.
...and, since you are 30 something--I would aim for that. Chances are that if this girl was with siblings and parents as you first thought, it would not be at all surprising to find out she was actually a minor. If marriage is your goal, then find someone who is unquestionably in your age range so that love and marriage can actually be a possibility. I'll bet there are lots of 30-something women looking for love as well---possibly in your same town.

Edited to add--I just saw your edit where you said you were 30, which is odd because you said "over 30"--and that is why I said 30 something. I am sorry if I was mistaken about your age.

Interesting tale, to say the least. Is this the community board, or a dating website? Sorry mate, cannot assist you with this one. Also I do not believe in love at first sight, or anything like it. But good luck to you all the same in your endeavor.
Hi again everyone! I edited my post above. This is sort of an addition to that.

Lisa, I'd personally consider a husband who WOULDN'T fly to Haiti to dig his wife out of the rubble somewhat of a jerk.

I'd also never marry someone who didn't make me, at least a bit, starry-eyed. I've kinda always seen that as the point. I want to look at her and talk to her and still get that feeling when we're 70. I know it takes work, but isn't it less work when the: "Holy $#&, this is, without question, her!" feeling is there? Maybe that's a high school way to think, I don't know. I'd call it just a different way to think.

Regardless, you're right, I could join a club, that might be great. If I could get away from business, I should do more stuff like that in general. I should be working right now. haha.

Snappy... My brother knew what was up after we left the gates of DL and I waited out front. He just sorta hung back with my mom and talked. She didn't even notice haha. Except at the airport. She clearly knew something was up there, but she didn't bug me about it. She's cool like that. During the days I was running around, I separated from them several times, but was looking the whole time.

Everyone, Tink, Susie... Thanks for the kind words!! I could change my thread title, but whereas Tink thinks SherryE. is right, Susie says she thinks the title is working well so far. So I don't know...

Back to work!!
I never said I was over 30!!!!

You either made that up, or you are saying it because it's what you wanted to see.

I don't think this girl was a minor, Lisa. Could she have been? I HIGHLY doubt it, but I guess anything's possible. I suppose it's also just as possible she's 29, and there with other relatives. Like I said, if you read my post, I don't know.

One thing is for sure, you have been nothing but cruel, cynical, and, dare-I-say- closed-minded, and you screened my posts looking for only what you wanted to see.

Regardless, I can see you think you're better than me. So it doesn't matter what I say. There's a difference between criticism and trying to make me look like human waste.

I'm not sure I'm coming back here. The rest of you totally rock, even the critical ones, -but especially the kind folks... but if this is what I have to deal with daily, an hour plus of typing just to keep my dignity, I'll go elsewhere.

Thanks for your time everyone, and to the nice people here, much love.
I wasn't going to comment, but I want to point out how many people are in Disneyland any given day? And do you realize that most of them are not on Disboards? I am not trying to be a wet blanket but those are the facts. But I am also a believer of what is meant to be will be. My husband and my lives intersected several times before we met and fell in love. We were neighbors, we worked at the same place yet we never met until the time was right. So keep in mind if it is meant to be it will be.
Hi Ben Gates Fan

Whilst I am usually the worlds biggest cynic I would like to say good on you. You may never see this girl again (I am sure you are well aware of that) but of course posting on the Dis is worth a try.

I have lived enough (and am old enough) to know that we should never have to live with "what if's" if at all possible. If you never meet this girl then life goes on, and you will forever remember the mystery girl you saw that day at Disneyland. If you do meet her she might be "the one" or she might just end up being a really nice friend. Either way at least you are being proactive and not just sitting on your butt wondering. At least you have done something and in 10 years you are not going to be wondering what might have happened if you had posted on the Dis.

So good for you and I wish you all the very best :love:

I think you need to do a little more editing. Your "haha"s are reminding me of someone else who puts that at the end of every one of *her* sentences. haha
I don't think the title of this thread is working well because - and I will state it again - it is ony getting our attention. We are not the ones you are trying to find!:rotfl2: There is nothing to attract Mystery Girl to this thread other than the title, and the title is nothing that would directly pertain to her - IF she is even on this board at all. She may not be on the DIS at all. If she is on the DIS, she may only read certain threads. IF she did stumble upon this thread, she may see the long explanation of events and not want to read it all the way through. Or IF she did read it all, she may not realize SHE is the subject of the entire thread, because there were thousands and thousands of people at Disneyland on that day, many of whom probably ate at Pizza Port. So there has to be some connecting factor to lure her in - something that will directly relate to her. That is where changing the title would work. And then once she is in here, if you can post even just one photo of you and your family from that same day in Disneyland, then it may snap Mystery Girl to attention because she may possibly recognize you.

To me, these are just obvious, practical things to consider if you really want to find this one person who got lost in a sea of people at Disneyland on MLK Day.
The thing is, this is just an illusion--not a real relationship built on time, affection, mutual trust. A "real" love story is built out of time and commitment, not some passing glance. I knew this to be true not only in my teens, but as I have grown older. This is because I had two parents who were married for 57 years (until my mom died last month), and I saw proof of it at a very early age. I married at 24, and have now been married 20 years. I know from experience that the kind of "magic" isn't manufactured in a moment, instead it is built day by day by a deep loyalty and commitment. It is nice that you saw a girl you liked, but that really doesn't amount to much in the scheme of life. What really matters is the kind of person you are in a relationship, and the quality of person you pick to be your partner. Someone on the surface could appear to be perfect, but it takes time to really find out what people are made of. If you haven't found this with anyone else, maybe you haven't been looking for it dilligently.

You're right of course Lisa, you have to build a relationship, but ALL relationships start somewhere and this IS romantic.

But Lisa, you have to start somewhere and a meeting of the eyes at DL can turn into the kind of love you describe. DrHug and I are living proof of that. ;)


After a while, I assumed I missed her, and I walked down to the big Disney store, now foolishly praying maybe she’d gone to Downtown Disney, unable to cope with the fact she was gone.

Didn't know Anaheim had a Downtown Disney. :confused3

DTD has been in Anaheim for quite a while, looks like time for you to come visit our side of the country. :)

I don't think the title of this thread is working well because - and I will state it again - it is ony getting our attention. We are not the ones you are trying to find!:rotfl2: There is nothing to attract Mystery Girl to this thread other than the title, and the title is nothing that would directly pertain to her - IF she is even on this board at all. She may not be on the DIS at all. If she is on the DIS, she may only read certain threads. IF she did stumble upon this thread, she may see the long explanation of events and not want to read it all the way through. Or IF she did read it all, she may not realize SHE is the subject of the entire thread, because there were thousands and thousands of people at Disneyland on that day, many of whom probably ate at Pizza Port. So there has to be some connecting factor to lure her in - something that will directly relate to her. That is where changing the title would work. And then once she is in here, if you can post even just one photo of you and your family from that same day in Disneyland, then it may snap Mystery Girl to attention because she may possibly recognize you.

To me, these are just obvious, practical things to consider if you really want to find this one person who got lost in a sea of people at Disneyland on MLK Day.

I think people are being way too critical on this whole thread. The OP is looking for someone, maybe the thread title should be changed, maybe not but I think that those that are telling him he's creepy should back off some. He's simply looking for someone to see if she had the same connection, if she doesn't he has already said he wouldn't bother her further. Let's give the guy the benefit of the doubt here. And OP FTR I'm 5 years older then my DBF, I'm 38, he just turned 34 (so for 5 months we are 4 years apart LOL) and our relationship works fine, we've been together for almost 8 years, he was in his 20's and I was in my 30's when we met. His parents flipped because I was "so much older" then him, we were 28 and 33.....LOL
I hope you don't disappear due to some cynics on this thread, and I hope you do find your Mystery Lady and find out she had the same connection with you.
:rotfl2::rotfl2:I showed Joe's descriptions of his day at DLR and encounters with Mystery Girl to two of my female friends, thinking that they would both take one side or the other - romantic or....odd. :rotfl2::rotfl2: Sure enough, one of them thought it was romantic and wanted to follow along wth Joe's adventures in locating Mystery Girl, and the other friend thought it was very creepy!!:rotfl2:

See, it just goes to show - people are going to interpret it the way they are going to interpret it. To some, it will be romantic; to others, it will be creepy. It is kind of open to interpretation. Again, the guy who 'tracked me down' (Stuart) several years ago probably thought he was being extremely romantic and I should be thrilled, but because I had no interest in him at all, I thought he was creepy. So that is another major factor - if the recipient of the attention is interested, it will be so flattering and gallant and magical, but if they are NOT interested, it will be weird and stalker-ish!!

I guess there is no right or wrong answer, Joe - you just kind of have to take a chance in the game of love!!:lovestruc

But I am now wondering about all these people I have seen in DLR over and over again in a day (that always happens, where we see certain people early in the day and then again throughout the day) are people I should be paying attention to! Maybe the guy I saw in Goofy's Kitchen in December, and again in Adventureland a few hours later, and again on Main Street later, was my soul mate and I missed a golden opportunity!
:rotfl2::rotfl2:I showed Joe's descriptions of his day at DLR and encounters with Mystery Girl to two of my female friends, thinking that they would both take one side or the other - romantic or....odd. :rotfl2::rotfl2: Sure enough, one of them thought it was romantic and wanted to follow along wth Joe's adventures in locating Mystery Girl, and the other friend thought it was very creepy!!:rotfl2:

See, it just goes to show - people are going to interpret it the way they are going to interpret it. To some, it will be romantic; to others, it will be creepy. It is kind of open to interpretation. Again, the guy who 'tracked me down' (Stuart) several years ago probably thought he was being extremely romantic and I should be thrilled, but because I had no interest in him at all, I thought he was creepy. So that is another major factor - if the recipient of the attention is interested, it will be so flattering and gallant and magical, but if they are NOT interested, it will be weird and stalker-ish!!

I guess there is no right or wrong answer, Joe - you just kind of have to take a chance in the game of love!!:lovestruc

But I am now wondering about all these people I have seen in DLR over and over again in a day (that always happens, where we see certain people early in the day and then again throughout the day) are people I should be paying attention to! Maybe the guy I saw in Goofy's Kitchen in December, and again in Adventureland a few hours later, and again on Main Street later, was my soul mate and I missed a golden opportunity!

But I am now wondering about all these people I have seen in DLR over and over again in a day (that always happens, where we see certain people early in the day and then again throughout the day) are people I should be paying attention to! Maybe the guy I saw in Goofy's Kitchen in December, and again in Adventureland a few hours later, and again on Main Street later, was my soul mate and I missed a golden opportunity!

I am not sure if it is intentional or not but your posts come across as pretty rude.:rolleyes1

Originally Posted by Susie63

I am not sure if it is intentional or not but your posts come across as pretty rude.:rolleyes1

Actually, I was being totally serious. There are people that my friends and I see over and over in DLR whenever we go - that's the truth! So I am wondering now if I should be paying more attention to them.

No, Susie63 - I am not intentionally trying to sound rude. I am a moderator here, so that is not my goal.;) I am trying to be realistic, however, and provide another viewpoint other than the dreamy romantic one or the creepy stalker one!
It does depend on the person Sherry, you've got a good point about that. And since you had a creepy guy on your tail you are probably more likely to see this as creepy, where I've never been thru that so I are probably more likely to see it as romantic. :) And yes, perhaps you SHOULD be paying more attention to those people! ROFL!! You just never know my friend, you just never know..... ;)
It does depend on the person Sherry, you've got a good point about that. And since you had a creepy guy on your tail you are probably more likely to see this as creepy, where I've never been thru that so I are probably more likely to see it as romantic. :) And yes, perhaps you SHOULD be paying more attention to those people! ROFL!! You just never know my friend, you just never know..... ;)

And since our eyes met and I did find a prince at DL and have had an amazing 42 plus years with him, I see this a romantic. :lovestruc And with us there is an age difference also...I was 17 and he was 22. Our DD married love of her life when she was 30 and he 25. All that age stuff is just silliness. It would be creepy if he found her, she said she was not interested and he still pursued. That has not happened.
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