To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

Alright, got the pre-race timing down:

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I'm not 100% on the outfits yet. The WI Black and Red shorts are solid for either the HM/M because they have pockets for E-Gel and RunGum. That means the Punk Rock shorts have to be 5k/10k. The question will be whether I wear the new featherlight Gore for the HM or M (Bucky goes to the other). The UA Grey goes well with the Punk Rock shorts. That just leaves the other outfit for the 5k/10k. I haven't decided between "Feed Your Crazy" or Hansons and it may become a race day decision. The Hansons jersey is tight because I bought the last one on clearance (so a bit smaller than desired). I use to fit into it, but it's a close call at the moment. The shoes are all ocean blue. The bib will be either Blue or Purple dependent on the race.

I plan to be on the first bus for all 4 races. I like to be stress free (as much as possible). So I don't mind standing around for lots of extra time. Plus, that means more DIS people meeting time!

And here's my running gear packing checklist! I think I've got everything listed now.

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I'll be doing some preliminary packing tomorrow! Getting excited!
9 Days to Go (Merry Christmas! :santa:)

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Date - Day - Scheduled Workout (Intervals within desired pace)

12/18/17 - M - MBW
12/19/17 - T - 2 mile WU + 8 x 800m @ CV w/ 45 second RI + 2 mile CD (6/8)
12/20/17 - W - 7 miles @ 7:54-8:28 min/mile
12/21/17 - R - 3 mile WU + 9 miles M Tempo + 3 mile CD (9/9)
12/22/17 - F - 7 miles @ 7:54-8:28 min/mile ***Only did 4.6 miles***
12/23/17 - Sat - 11 miles @ 7:54-8:28 min/mile ***Only did 10.5 miles***
12/24/17 - Sun - 12 miles @ 7:35 min/mile ***Only did 11.2 miles*** (6/7)
12/25/17 - M - MBW

Total (training) mileage = 56.8 miles
Number of SOS intervals within pace = 21/24 (88%)


Normal medicine ball workout. Left hamstring near the knee feels weird. Kind of sore, and a bit "clicky". Not really sure why since I didn't run on Monday, and didn't really notice any issues after Sunday's Max Long Run.


The hamstring still felt off. I wasn't sure whether the run was going to be accomplishable. It was the last CV (critical velocity) run and essentially the last fast run between now and Dopey.

2 mile WU + 8 x 800m @ CV w/ 45 second RI + 2 mile CD

WC of 31, 8 mph wind, and night.

Critical Velocity Pace = 6:23 min/mile
Critical Velocity window = +/- 5 seconds (6:18-6:28; 3:07.5 - 3:13.5)

The WU was fine, but the hamstring was noticeable. I went in with the mindset that I would shut it down at a moment's notice. Eventually, it was time to start hitting the paces.

CV = 3:13.5, 3:09.4, 3:10.9, 3:13.0, 3:11.0, 3:07.4, 3:08.6, 3:10.5

Other than the hamstring feeling like it was going to pop (never bad enough that I needed to actually stop), the workout was fairly easy. The first interval was a bit slow at the 0.25 mile mark, but I was able to sneak it in. Most every interval was way too fast to start and then I had to pull back to get it within window. The 6th and 7th intervals were just too far gone by the time I noticed to get them in window. It was nice to have a faster run feel relatively easy and yet feel as if I wasn't at 100%. Should help build the confidence that if my leg continues to feel this way, I should be ok.


Heat Acclimation Training begins today. The WC was 22, but I dressed as if it were 0. I wore my columbia heat tights, under armour waffle tights, columbia thermal long sleeve, jacket, heavy gloves and thermal columbia hat. I was sweating buckets so it certainly worked. Hopefully this will help me better prepare for the unpredictable Florida weather!

Average pace was 8:17 with a 136 HR.


14 days to go!

3 mile WU + 9 miles M Tempo + 3 mile CD

WC of 25, minimal wind, mostly cloudy and sunny at the end. I took off work to do this run in the morning/mid-day.

Heat Acclimation Training run #2. Dressed as if it were 5-10 degrees. My legs got nice and toasty during those marathon miles.

Marathon Tempo pace = 6:58 min/mile
Marathon Tempo window = +/- 10 seconds

Another day where I wasn't sure what my body would give me. On Monday, I noticed my left hamstring was sore. Couldn't really say why other than it seemed like it stiffened up on me overnight. On Tuesday, it felt like more of the same. The Tuesday run felt a little awkward to start and on a few occasions during the CV pacing it felt on the verge of being bad. Not bad enough to stop, but bad enough to take notice. On Wednesday, it was more of the same with the hamstring still sore. During the Wednesday run, on a few occasions the hamstring would suddenly pop. Again not bad, but disconcerting. I've had this happen before during/after the Dopey 2015 5k. That time I equated it to pushing the pace a touch too hard and because I wasn't able to run in the 3/4 days prior to the event. But this time isn't really the same, so I'm not sure the cause this time around. Regardless, with that other experience I was still able to do quite well in the proceeding 10k, HM, and M. So time will tell how it reacts this time. That's all to say that I entered this run fully intending on shutting it down at the sign of trouble.

M Tempo = 7:02, 7:00, 6:53, 6:56, 6:52, 7:04, 6:53, 6:52, 6:49

Things were a but awkward to start. I was hopeful that things would calm down as the warm-up proceeded. Thankfully things did and today seemed better than yesterday even though today was much quicker overall. Overall the run felt appropriate given it's placement in the training plan. If anything it was a bigger success than normal since I was intentionally overdressed. My legs weren't happy about being so hot, but I told them to deal with it.

Final average pace was 6:56 min/mile, GAP of 6:52, average HR of 147 (historical 148-152).

TRIMP was 212 with a predicted 233.

That just leaves a single Max M Tempo next week Wednesday. Otherwise it's easy street between now and the 5k! Almost time for that victory lap!


Friday was the beginning of the Christmas Dopey Challenge. 4 Christmases over 4 days, but only 2 houses (SIL and ours) instead of 4 houses. Not sure they were in a crescendo of distance either. :P

Time was limited on Friday. I was able to leave a few minutes early from work and rush home. I asked Steph about 10 times exactly what time she wanted me in the car to head to Xmas #1. Goal time 5:40pm. So I was out the door as quick as possible and was going to try and squeeze in as much of a run as I could.

WC of 28, 4 mph wind, night. I kept a constant eye on the time and right when I thought I hit my limit I headed home. So I was able to get in 4.6 miles instead of 7. Average pace was 8:19 with a 130 HR. Way overdressed as per usual with HAT. All in all a success. So I ran through the house (maybe a few extra tenths of running in there?) and was able to get in the car at 5:41:10pm. Almost there! But all things considered on all the moving pieces it was a decent attempt on my part.


An early morning run because Steph had to leave for work at 7:30am. So I had a 90 min run scheduled and left the house at 6:00am. Given the timing (and that my 11 mile route is actually 11.2) I knew it was going to be cutting it close again. So, I cut the run short at 10.5 miles to ensure I made it home before 7:30am and so Steph could leave for work on time.

WC of 9, 8mph wind, before sunrise. Average pace was a 7:50 with a HR of 133. I really should have checked the weather before leaving because I was not expecting it to be that cold. I still accomplished HAT, but probably not to the full extent.

That afternoon/evening we had Xmas #2!


11 days to go!

Heat Acclimation Training Run #5

WC of 17, no wind, and a surprise active snowfall!

Long Run Pace = 7:35 min/mile
Long Run window = +/- 10 seconds

Long Run = 7:26, 7:33, 7:33, 7:35, 7:37, 7:45, 7:46, 7:57, 8:04, 8:20

Last long run! Have to be so thankful that up till now in training the weather has been pretty agreeable. This morning I woke up to check the weather and surprise! it was going to snow this morning. Because of other commitments throughout the day (Xmas #3 and having to go to work for about 2 hours), there was no moving this run. If I had any indication before bed last night, then I certainly wouldn't have slept for 10.5 hours and instead completed the run before the snow fall began. But alas, got to run in the conditions I'm given! So off I went.

The snow accumulation on the road was minimal in the beginning. So maintaining pace wasn't an issue. But the snow kept falling and it kept accumulating. It's not a ton, but it's enough to make a difference in stride, power, efficiency, etc. So around mile 8, I decided that trying to maintain the pace window anymore was not going to be wise. So back to pure effort at that point.

Obviously would have enjoyed my last long run to be in ok conditions, but I work with what I get. All the metrics are still where I expected them to be. So just gearing up for the last week of training and then it's time for that victory lap!

After the run and work was Xmas #3!


Another busy day was on tap. Thankfully, it didn't involve running so that was one less thing to worry about. Santa visited our house and dropped off a plethora of Hot Wheels tracks and accessories. I'd venture to guess G and I will be quite busy designing our own custom tracks. :car:

After Santa visited, we had Xmas #4! Then, after that I had to go into work for another 2 hours. Was able to make it home that night with enough time to enjoy dinner and then head to bed. The whirlwind of Xmas parties was finally over.

G in an Elf Hat!

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Steph with the Elf Hat playing ring toss onto it.

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What I got for Xmas (running related): 2 pairs Kinvara 8 for Dopey, Punk Rock BOA shorts, Gore Magnitude 2.0 singlet, UA beanie, UA singlet, and 3 pairs of Triumph ISO 3.

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The Punk Rock shorts are pretty cool (from mom)! I think they'll go nice with the UA Grey top that Steph surprised me with.

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My sister got this Gore Magnitude 2.0 singlet for me. It's feather-light (like 70 grams) and has glued seams (no chafing). It's a real professional quality singlet. I'm excited to give it a go during Dopey weekend. Haven't decided if this will be my HM or M top yet. Still got some time to decide.

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Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday season! :santa:

I have been wondering exactly what you were doing for "heat acclimation training", given the irony of the polar vortex cold snap setting in at the same time. Thought you might have to go for full eskimo gear or something! My coldest run so far this year has been around 20 F, but being in the Detroit area currently, I'm planning for single digits tomorrow morning. I don't think it's supposed to be windy, so once I get moving it should be OK.

Glad to see your family had a fun and very busy Christmas! Hope the new year is the same!
So ... I finally took some time to read through your journal (or at least the recent parts). Nice to see that your training is going pretty decently!

I'm going to stay out of the predicting because I'm pretty much always wrong about these things (also, those penalties scare me), but ... I'm excited to see what you do at Dopey. I'm thinking lots and lots of PRs. But that's all I can predict. (Although maybe I will second Gigi's prediction of "pencil" as your Dopey rank. But only because your daughter is so stinkin cute.)
I do like all the math you did to get to your guessing ... its interesting to see the different predictions based on the different models.

I like that you do your heat acclimation training outside with extra layers. I just do it on the treadmill with the heat on. Your way seems better ... less treadmill-y.
I have been wondering exactly what you were doing for "heat acclimation training", given the irony of the polar vortex cold snap setting in at the same time. Thought you might have to go for full eskimo gear or something!

It's been fine up until today. A WC of -8 is nearly impossible to do HAT with. I came home "comfortable" and not drenched in sweat. So today was a bit of a miss.

My coldest run so far this year has been around 20 F, but being in the Detroit area currently, I'm planning for single digits tomorrow morning. I don't think it's supposed to be windy, so once I get moving it should be OK.

Best of luck with it. We've got -15 tomorrow even with a light wind. Enjoy!

Glad to see your family had a fun and very busy Christmas! Hope the new year is the same!

Thanks! And Happy Holidays to you and yours as well!

So ... I finally took some time to read through your journal (or at least the recent parts). Nice to see that your training is going pretty decently!

Thanks for reading!

I'm going to stay out of the predicting because I'm pretty much always wrong about these things (also, those penalties scare me), but ... I'm excited to see what you do at Dopey. I'm thinking lots and lots of PRs. But that's all I can predict. (Although maybe I will second Gigi's prediction of "pencil" as your Dopey rank. But only because your daughter is so stinkin cute.)
I do like all the math you did to get to your guessing ... its interesting to see the different predictions based on the different models.

You never know. A completely random guess could be the instant $10 winner! Just saying! Sounds like a double pencil projection at a minimum.

I like that you do your heat acclimation training outside with extra layers. I just do it on the treadmill with the heat on. Your way seems better ... less treadmill-y.

Thanks! I'd say it sound like a lot more fun than it is. It's pretty miserable for the most part. Although I'm not sure I'd have the will/desire to do HAT on a treadmill. I bow down to you! :worship:
Thanks! I'd say it sound like a lot more fun than it is. It's pretty miserable for the most part. Although I'm not sure I'd have the will/desire to do HAT on a treadmill. I bow down to you! :worship:

Well, last time I did HAT it was snowing, so ... that made the "wearing long sleeves on the treadmill with the heat at 75" a little more bearable (I hate running in the snow). I may have to try my next HAT outside and see which one is less miserable.

I guess I can make an attempt at the prediction game (although I assume I will get all the penalties)...
5K: 19:15
10K: 41:00
Half: 1:31:10
Marathon: 3:10:37
Dopey Place: Pencil. (I'm sticking with Gigi on that one. Girl seems to know her stuff.)
Well, last time I did HAT it was snowing, so ... that made the "wearing long sleeves on the treadmill with the heat at 75" a little more bearable (I hate running in the snow). I may have to try my next HAT outside and see which one is less miserable.

:scratchin It'll be an interesting test!

I'm sticking with Gigi on that one. Girl seems to know her stuff.


Lots of Kinvaras! Which ones correlate to which races?

Both Kinvaras (left side of pic) will be used for Dopey. They're the 5k/HM and 10k/M shoes. Favorite pair of shoes thus far! The right side are Triumphs which are my mileage eaters. I get about 500 miles a pair.
Both Kinvaras (left side of pic) will be used for Dopey. They're the 5k/HM and 10k/M shoes. Favorite pair of shoes thus far! The right side are Triumphs which are my mileage eaters. I get about 500 miles a pair.
I meant the ones you're taking. You have three pairs of Kinvaras on your check list is the third pair a backup just in case?
I meant the ones you're taking. You have three pairs of Kinvaras on your check list is the third pair a backup just in case?

Whoops sorry for the mistake! Yes the two new pairs are the planned race shoes. The third pair of Kinvaras is the old pair that's got about 150-200 miles on them. If it rains, then they are my backup pair.
Ok so now I don't feel bad for owning three pairs of the same shoes. You've made it easy for me to justify that :)

How many kudos can I give you for running in this insanely cold weather right now? Holy moly. Florida is going to be nice break for you and your family from this winter wonderland.
I'm like 99.989% sure my run tomorrow will be on the treadmill because negative degrees are negative fun.

Also those shorts are a "statement" piece and I'm here for them! I vote you wear them for the 5k because it'll be easiest for new dis people to find you before the race :)
Ok so now I don't feel bad for owning three pairs of the same shoes. You've made it easy for me to justify that :)
I have 3 pairs of Brooks Glycerins in rotation (13, 14, & 14) and 3 pairs waiting to be added to rotation (13, 14, 15) so definitely don't feel bad about having a ton of shoes. None of mine are even peacock print (and I imagine Billy doesn't have peacock print Kinvaras) so I feel like you have way more justification right there.
But imagine if he did? Peacock kinvaras + punk shorts + badger shirt would be a whole lot of "look"!!!!

And so I guess this means I need to go buy three more pairs to catch up to you, right?
That really would be a "look" of some kind.

I think you should definitely buy three more pairs but only if they are all different colors.
Nice Christmas running haul!! Those shorts are so cool!
Also, thanks for posting the packing list, I'm going to use it as a rough guide to ensure I forget nothing myself ;)
Ok so now I don't feel bad for owning three pairs of the same shoes. You've made it easy for me to justify that :)


You don't want to even know how many Kinvara 8s I plan on buying when they go super sale in May....

How many kudos can I give you for running in this insanely cold weather right now? Holy moly. Florida is going to be nice break for you and your family from this winter wonderland.
I'm like 99.989% sure my run tomorrow will be on the treadmill because negative degrees are negative fun.

We shall see on the reprieve. Seems like the discussion is of an Arctic Blast. My mom is not happy about it. She hates running in the cold (anything less than 65).

Also those shorts are a "statement" piece and I'm here for them! I vote you wear them for the 5k because it'll be easiest for new dis people to find you before the race :)

Most def a statement! Might be too aggressive for the first intro on 5k day. Might scare some people away.

and I imagine Billy doesn't have peacock print Kinvaras

Got me there!

Peacock kinvaras + punk shorts + badger shirt would be a whole lot of "look"!!!!

That's a look for sure!

Nice Christmas running haul!! Those shorts are so cool!


Also, thanks for posting the packing list, I'm going to use it as a rough guide to ensure I forget nothing myself ;)

No problem!
Food for thought on which day you wear Wisconsin gear: Whenever I do not wear BYU gear during a race, my time is slower. And if I wear BYU gear and have a slower time, there were also multiple photo op stops during the race. Except for one race in which I wear BYU gear and have photo stops, my time is faster when wearing BYU gear.
Food for thought on which day you wear Wisconsin gear: Whenever I do not wear BYU gear during a race, my time is slower. And if I wear BYU gear and have a slower time, there were also multiple photo op stops during the race. Except for one race in which I wear BYU gear and have photo stops, my time is faster when wearing BYU gear.

Hmm... it's definite thinker! :scratchin


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