Tom & Heidi 1/19/09 Italy WD/WP/Narcoossee's/Sago Cay...Sprint to the Finish!!!

I think I have achieved success with the video. The 1st disc (yes there are two!) has the Love Story Interview, a Montage of the Ceremony and Reception, a Montage of Pre-Ceremony stuff, the Ceremony itself, a longer montage of pre-reception and reception, including the best man's speech, dances, etc. It's a lot of stuff!

I've uploaded just the intro montage set to music. I'm working on the Love Story interview. This is where I hate how I talk and the strange faces I make, but the opening is really cool!

So, here's the link to the Wedding Montage:

p.s. Mom, you're not allowed to watch this. I'm bringing the whole disc in 3 weeks!

WOW! That was amazing! Who did it?
Hi, I have been lurking on your planning journal for ages and just had to post what a wonderful video you got!! You really had a mazing wedding and it shows in the video. I love all the special touches like the silhoutte lady! :goodvibes
Hi, I have been lurking on your planning journal for ages and just had to post what a wonderful video you got!! You really had a mazing wedding and it shows in the video. I love all the special touches like the silhoutte lady! :goodvibes

Thank you! I think those are my favorite parts, too!

Off to check those prices...:laughing:

Ugh. It's expensive. Worth it? Yes, but definitely expensive.

Here's the very beginning of the video. It starts with the Love Story.

Please excuse my weird voice, mannerisms and looks in this section! :rotfl:
Hi Heidi! I just wanted to chime in and say how truely beautiful those videos are! The wedding overview was done perfectly and was a joy to watch. But I have to say your Love Story video was the one that made me tear up - I think we all strive and wish for a relationship as wonderful as yours and Tom's is.
Thank you all for the compliments on the video! I'm sorry I'm so delinquent in keeping up with the TR. I'm going to try to make a mad dash to finish this.

W-Day “I’m Late! I’m Late! For a Very Important Date!”

Here’s where I wish people would not ask brides what we want on the day of our wedding! We’re either too happy, too stressed, or too out of it to really understand the timeline.

I knew we were running late, but I didn’t know what that meant exactly. So, when I showed up in the lobby, one of Michelle’s assistants was there, along with my parents, Shelley from Impressions and the Roots. The Roots asked me if I wanted to take pictures with my parents now or later. Well, they should have said “the coach isn’t here yet. Let’s take some pictures with your parents!” I really wanted to use this time to take pictures with my Maids in the GF lobby, but since they weren’t ready...

Anyway, in my fear and agitation over being late, I said “later is fine.” Wrong answer. This is the only posed picture I have with my parents, and it is NOT good.


And apparently we had time for some pictures, because they snapped these of me while we were waiting. You can tell I’m a bit stressed in the first one!





They’re good...but I have plenty of me. I could have used more of me with my parents. In their defense...they asked me, but my brain was such a muddle at that point, I can’t be responsible for what I said. And anyway...I thought that was the point of having a WP!! Someone to say “now why don’t you do some pictures with your parents till the coach gets here?” Unfortunately, the assistant wasn’t really engaged. Just kinda there.

So, then we (my parents and I) climbed in the coach. They didn’t know they were getting to ride in the coach, so Mom was pretty excited. I’m a little bummed with the pics of the coach. The ones I have are beautiful, but there’s really no posed shots. Sure, I could have randomly smiled at the camera, but that’s just not me. But, a “hey Heidi, look over here!” would have netted some great shots. Instead, I look preoccupied with getting into the coach, keeping my train from being trampled, and assessing my flowers. In all honesty, those were my first thoughts, but we took a LONG pass in front of the GF where we waved at folks. I wish the Roots had been there for that. I was much more relaxed and enjoying the coach by that point. Unfortunately, I can’t prove it!












By the time we arrived at the WP, I was more myself, as you can see!






This one of my parents cracks me up!

They really were excited! Dad had a stroke a few years back, so he just looks perpetually grumpy! He really does like DH! Promise! But doesn’t he look dashing?
So, they herded me into the Bride’s Vestibule. I didn’t spend much time in there, honestly. It was kinda a blur. But, I do remember it smelling really good. My girls came a while later. On the video, you can tell they were in a hurry. Unfortunately, I don’t have many pictures of this, either!



This is the only pic I have of any of my BMs in the Bride’s Vestibule. Seriously?


I love this picture. In the video, you can see it a lot better. The guys were lined up ready to go in, and I was peeking! Then, my SIL walked up with her family, so I yelled at my planner to keep her from letting the guys go in before SIL got seated. It didn’t occur to me till after I yelled out that everyone would turn around! I think I said “whoops!” and leaned back into my room!


And here’s a link to the prelude video
Yea another update! :yay:

The video is very cute! And of course your pictures are great!

But I totally, totally, TOTALLY relate to what you said about pictures and people asking you questions on the day of. I think it should kind of go without saying that the bride not only wants pictures of herself and DH, but also with her parents, bridesmaids, and siblings. It's unfortunate because it seems like you almost have to be pushy and dictate things to get what you want, which isn't something you should have to do on your wedding day :sad2:

Regardless everything looked really beautiful and the carriage looks awesome! I cannot wait to read more!
I just LOVE your videos! I just realized I never even posted after I watched the first videos you posted- that's because I ran and got DF and immediately made him watch them all over again with me:rotfl: They turned out perfect! I am sorry to hear that you didn't get some shots you wish you had:guilty: but you have inspired me to make a list to give to Misty ahead of time- I know for sure I will not be clear minded enough the day of to direct this, I agree you do soooo much planning so the day of your work should be done and your WP etc should be paying attention to these details but guess it's not always the case. It just seems so Bridezilla to make a list but guess it's worth it in the end- can't wait for another update! P.S. How long til you see Tom again?:hug:
your pictures are simply beautiful, but i'm so suprised at how many are missing!! That's such a shame. big reminder to write down everything before the wedding and hand it to your photographer. HOpefully with video and the pictures you do have, it's enought of a momery for you! It looks like such a beautiful day!
Yea another update! :yay:

The video is very cute! And of course your pictures are great!

But I totally, totally, TOTALLY relate to what you said about pictures and people asking you questions on the day of. I think it should kind of go without saying that the bride not only wants pictures of herself and DH, but also with her parents, bridesmaids, and siblings. It's unfortunate because it seems like you almost have to be pushy and dictate things to get what you want, which isn't something you should have to do on your wedding day :sad2:

Regardless everything looked really beautiful and the carriage looks awesome! I cannot wait to read more!

Thank you! and amen, sister!

I just LOVE your videos! I just realized I never even posted after I watched the first videos you posted- that's because I ran and got DF and immediately made him watch them all over again with me:rotfl: They turned out perfect! I am sorry to hear that you didn't get some shots you wish you had:guilty: but you have inspired me to make a list to give to Misty ahead of time- I know for sure I will not be clear minded enough the day of to direct this, I agree you do soooo much planning so the day of your work should be done and your WP etc should be paying attention to these details but guess it's not always the case. It just seems so Bridezilla to make a list but guess it's worth it in the end- can't wait for another update! P.S. How long til you see Tom again?:hug:

Definitely make a list! They asked me for one! I just never got around to it! Just like you said, you don't want to be totally bridezilla. But, I think this is a very big, often over-looked task.

Heidi as usual you are just a beautiful bride!!

Thank you!

your pictures are simply beautiful, but i'm so suprised at how many are missing!! That's such a shame. big reminder to write down everything before the wedding and hand it to your photographer. HOpefully with video and the pictures you do have, it's enought of a momery for you! It looks like such a beautiful day!

I do have enough of a memory. More than enough. I think the reason I'm detailing the short comings is to tip off future brides about my mistakes. I would LOVE to have no regrets at all, but when you have a once-in-a-lifetime event, it's hard not to look back and say "darn! I wish I had a picture of that or had done this differently." I LOVE the pictures I have! And there are so many I have and love that I would not have thought to put on the "list!"
Hi Heidi! You probably already know this, but they have your invitation in the glass cabinet in Franck's! I was so excited when I saw it, I took a photo.... what can I say, I was excited just to be in there :laughing:

Yeah for another update! The photos are absolutely gorgeous!
I will make a note of that, remember to smile while in carriage, lovely video.


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