Trading Dream for Dream

AZCat said:
I have an extra - dreams poster, and pirate turret

Looking for a castle turret (princess) and a t-shirt

I'll trade you the items you want for the items you have.
Looking for Hook chair, I have a castle turret to trade.
hi im trading the pin for a poster and then i have complete collection woot
bevgray said:
Since the Dream items are random, I thought it might be fun to start a trade list so that duplicates can be traded for items not yet received. This should be 1 dream item for 1 dream item. Other DIS members are welcome to post here too but please keep the trades to strictly Dream items. If you are looking for/trading other things, please use other threads. I will update my list as codes are unlocked and duplicates received.

Have for trade:

Dream Poster

Looking for:
Castle Turret Chair
Pirate Turret Chair

TinkerBlue on VMK
I am in the same position ;)
I have an extra shirt if you want to trade for hook chair. I'm also looking for the pin if anyone has an extra to trade.
~Nite :rose:

VMK_MagicalLadee said:
I Need the shirt. i have hook chair and pirate turret :)
I have an extra poster and pin I'd like to trade for chairs.

Automatic win: Hook chair for both pin and poster.

Also interested in the turret chairs.
DemonLlama said:
I have an extra poster and pin I'd like to trade for chairs.

Automatic win: Hook chair for both pin and poster.

Also interested in the turret chairs.

Ill do that hook chair trade. Where to meet?
I'm trading 2 t-shirts and maybe a poster.

Looking for the pin and either of the turret chairs.
NiteBeforXmas said:
I have an extra shirt if you want to trade for hook chair. I'm also looking for the pin if anyone has an extra to trade.
~Nite :rose:
I have an extra pin, but what do you have if you're wanting a hook chair?
I have the following extras:

3 t-shirts
2 posters
1 pin

look for me on VMK (sweetlikeapeach). I'm really not fussy when it comes to trading. Catch me at the right time and I may gift you the item.
(hint: I'm logged in right now)
I have a couple of extra pins and Im looking for the pirate turret. I believe I also have one Castle turret that I am trading.
I have a extra dreams poster to trade.
Mostly interested in a t-shirt.

I can add something else to the poster if it isn't enough.
I have a pirate turret, pin and poster for trade, Looking for Hook chairs and a shirt


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