Travel Changes?

This is unprecedented, and I don’t understand what happens to Americans abroad that cannot get home in the next 26 hours. I did not hear about exceptions for Americans
If I were in other parts of Europe I would getting my behind to Heathrow as quickly as possible before they shut the UK off from the US as well. Along with thousands and thousands of others. Heathrow is going to be an absolute madhouse.

Shoot I can't believe ABD put their customers in this situation -- first putting them in the cross hairs of the virus by continuing with this trip, now looking at them being potentially stuck in Paris when the trip is over. If I was on the trip (and if I was I would've cancelled) I would not be able to enjoy myself at all -- between worrying about contracting the virus and worried about how I would get home, then likely facing a mandatory 14 day quarantine once I got home, I can't see any way I would be having a jolly old good time.

Prayers for those on the trip that put their trust in ABD and went ahead as scheduled. say they are idiots is the understatement of the century.
i believe the tour begins in the UK, so they can turn everyone around from the UK..
or they could continue their boneheadedness and carry out the tour in the UK only (without continuing to france) since the travel ban excludes the UK (for now)...


My money's on this. They will tour UK and then send everyone home from there. I was looking over the terms and conditions of my ABD contract earlier and it very clearly says they can do this and not issue any refunds, credits, etc. Now, trying to find flights for everyone at this point is a whole different matter. ugh.
I’m sorry but we are all adults and we as adults should know better than to go on a group tour to Europe during this insanity. The problem is a lot of people truly believe in the Disney bubble and that nothing can go wrong. That’s a dangerous attitude.

I also sadly think that there are some people on these trips that haven’t traveled ever. There were a few on the last ABD I was on in Italy. And for these unfortunate people they may not understand. But there’s just so much stuff on the news that I find it hard to believe people don’t know that it’s risky to travel there right now
My money's on this. They will tour UK and then send everyone home from there. I was looking over the terms and conditions of my ABD contract earlier and it very clearly says they can do this and not issue any refunds, credits, etc. Now, trying to find flights for everyone at this point is a whole different matter. ugh.
I hope they can find a way home. So sad. say they are idiots is the understatement of the century.
i believe the tour begins in the UK, so they can turn everyone around from the UK..
or they could continue their boneheadedness and carry out the tour in the UK only (without continuing to france) since the travel ban excludes the UK..

If I were in other parts of Europe I would getting my behind to Heathrow as quickly as possible before they shut the UK off from the US as well. Along with thousands and thousands of others. Heathrow is going to be an absolute madhouse.

Shoot I can't believe ABD put their customers in this situation -- first putting them in the cross hairs of the virus by continuing with this trip, now looking at them being potentially stuck in Paris when the trip is over. If I was on the trip (and if I was I would've cancelled) I would not be able to enjoy myself at all -- between worrying about contracting the virus and worried about how I would get home, then likely facing a mandatory 14 day quarantine once I got home, I can't see any way I would be having a jolly old good time.

Prayers for those on the trip that put their trust in ABD and went ahead as scheduled.
I don’t understand how not including the UK is going to work. Won’t everyone try to get to the U.K. if they want to get to the US.
Are they not allowing people with European passports enter the country?
I don’t understand how not including the UK is going to work. Won’t everyone try to get to the U.K. if they want to get to the US.
Are they not allowing people with European passports enter the country?

Just spit balling here but possibly with a U.K. or U.S. passport if Trump wasn’t being very specific.
I called this travel ban earlier today, so why couldn't ABD? I suspect it could even become a longer ban than 30 days too. God, what stupidity. Hopefully, vacationistas are calling people and canceling right now because it doesn't start yet. Hopefully, just people doing extra predays and the guides will be the only ones affected. They've got to be suicidal if they let more people leave for the trip.
I don’t understand how not including the UK is going to work. Won’t everyone try to get to the U.K. if they want to get to the US.
Are they not allowing people with European passports enter the country?

I believe I read that the EU open borders is why all Europe but not U.K. was included. I would not linger in the U.K. though. I also think they are going to have some plan to get Americans home somehow, but this is a gigantic cluster and going to be chaos.
I am happy that you were able to get a dummy date. My travel agent called the regional head of ABD today to complain as she has called every day this week to get answers. The heads response was “there is still time to make changes as we see fit. We will continue to watch this but as of now, all tours are scheduled as is”. We leave in 2 weeks!!! There was no option to move to another date. After all of this is said and done, I want to review my options with an attorney. The amount of stress this has caused me and my family is crazy. The thought of being out that much money is sickening, the risk that ABD is willing to take to pad their own pockets is disgusting. I am disappointed in this company.

I'm hoping things change now for you since there's a ban. I'm disgusted on your behalf.

As for consulting an attorney, I would not waste my time doing that yet. I suspect some class action suits might get filed eventually against some companies. Wait and see because that would be a better option.
We are in route to Australia and had a family member call and Disney is saying that our trip is not affected and not offering any relief. Has anyone had success in changing a trip?
I thinks it’s crazy that international travel is disrupted, countries are telling people to stay self contained. And we are supposed to go on a bus.
Really expected more out of abd.
That said, any have any advice on what we can do to move the trip and not lose all our money.
We had planned to arrive two days earlier so we were thinking of not making the connection in LA until we could talk to a supervisor. Any advice would be appreciated.


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