Travel Changes?

Northern Italy is now on lockdown until April 3rd. This includes the areas around Milan and Venice.
We are not scheduled for ABD Northern Italy and Switzerland until July 31st but that really does not seem very far away. In the U.S. as it stands right now, I am no way scared of COVID-19. I am carrying on life as usual including going to the Detroit Pistons game last night with 17,000 of my closest friends. But I am very cognizant and aware of this. And I am very aware that Italy is not a place that I want to go to this summer. PIF due 4/2/20.

We have a lot of money tied up with Delta flights. Many people think what Delta has offered is so wonderful. For flights to Italy scheduled through 5/31/20, you can cancel and use within one year from original ticket issue date. So that's November 2020 that I would have to travel if Delta eventually extends the time from 5/31/20 to 7/31/20. I confirmed this with Delta this morning on the phone. That is not reasonable for those of us that purchased our tickets far in advance. It actually feels like a penalty for doing so. My trip was a family trip and going somewhere in the fall is not reasonable. They said I could speak with customer care if it comes to that and they may be flexible.

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I have also thought about Hawaii this summer but who knows where this virus is going to spread. Nowhere in the world is immune.

I understand that my trip is 4 1/2 months away but I am just thinking ahead. A lot can change by July but I think this is getting worse before it gets better.

And ABD, get it together. We deserve much better than what you are telling us. Heck your webpage should at least have some communication like every airline and cruise line does. Very baffling and disappointing.

i agree with you
unrelated.....haven't been to a pistons game since they left the palace....
as for corona, i was supposed to be in detroit for my sister's funeral on thursday, but couldn't take the risk..
so i had to watch from afar (the wonders of internet, even funerals can be 'live' streamed...)

we're on lockdown here -
the rumor is our health ministry is going to cut us off from the US as well, since corona has taken off in parts of the US (especially new york and california from where we get lots of tourists).
That will be kind of monumental if the health ministry pulls the trigger on that.

This morning's update is I once again moved my husband's flight home from Italy. He is now flying from Rome to JFK to Atlanta at 9:30 am tomorrow. Even is the areas not under official lock down, all museums are closed and he said Florence is very different this morning. I have been trying to keep a level head about all of this, and like I said we go to Italy often, but I am a major stress case at this point. I will breathe the biggest sigh of relief when he is here at home.

ETA: He feels fine at this point, but I a becoming paranoid. I feel like we are almost racing against the clock. I probably need to stop reading the news because they are so many cases of people in countries everything that "returned from a recent trip to Italy." I really do believe this is much more widespread than any of us really know.
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This morning's update is I once again moved my husband's flight home from Italy. He is now flying from Rome to JFK to Atlanta at 9:30 am tomorrow. Even is the areas not under official lock down, all museums are closed and he said Florence is very different this morning. I have been trying to keep a level head about all of this, and like I said we go to Italy often, but I am a major stress case at this point. I will breathe the biggest sigh of relief when he is here at home.

ETA: He feels fine at this point, but I a becoming paranoid. I feel like we are almost racing against the clock. I probably need to stop reading the news because they are so many cases of people in countries everything that "returned from a recent trip to Italy." I really do believe this is much more widespread than any of us really know.
I, too, feel as though the situation here is worse than what is being reported. Came here to see what was up with you since last time I’d heard from you, you’d mentioned you were still flying to Italy. Glad you didn’t go and get stuck in the quarantine there and safe travels to your husband.
Northern Italy is now on lockdown until April 3rd. This includes the areas around Milan and Venice.
We are not scheduled for ABD Northern Italy and Switzerland until July 31st but that really does not seem very far away. In the U.S. as it stands right now, I am no way scared of COVID-19. I am carrying on life as usual including going to the Detroit Pistons game last night with 17,000 of my closest friends. But I am very cognizant and aware of this. And I am very aware that Italy is not a place that I want to go to this summer. PIF due 4/2/20.

We have a lot of money tied up with Delta flights. Many people think what Delta has offered is so wonderful. For flights to Italy scheduled through 5/31/20, you can cancel and use within one year from original ticket issue date. So that's November 2020 that I would have to travel if Delta eventually extends the time from 5/31/20 to 7/31/20. I confirmed this with Delta this morning on the phone. That is not reasonable for those of us that purchased our tickets far in advance. It actually feels like a penalty for doing so. My trip was a family trip and going somewhere in the fall is not reasonable. They said I could speak with customer care if it comes to that and they may be flexible.

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I have also thought about Hawaii this summer but who knows where this virus is going to spread. Nowhere in the world is immune.

I understand that my trip is 4 1/2 months away but I am just thinking ahead. A lot can change by July but I think this is getting worse before it gets better.

And ABD, get it together. We deserve much better than what you are telling us. Heck your webpage should at least have some communication like every airline and cruise line does. Very baffling and disappointing.

I'm with you. We now have a Delta credit but are under the gun to use it by mid-December. If all blows over, we can use it for the Rhine ABD this summer. If not . . . ? At this point, with a credit I have with the Mexico resort we needed to cancel, I am looking at going there over Thanksgiving week which isn't ideal. We are going to have to come to a point where we decide if we use this credit just to use it at a time that isn't ideal or we just let it go to the tune of multiple thousands of $$$. The only reason we cancelled Mexico is because DS12's school threatened to keep any students who traveled internationally over break home for two weeks. Ironically, we live 10 miles from Westchester County, NY, so I'm not sure why going to Mexico was worse than just staying where we are . . . . but, at the end of the day, I didn't want us stuck in Mexico if the tide turned. I would rather be stuck in the U.S.

We are heading out to Brooklyn in about an hour to have lunch and go to the Nets game. We are taking all, IMHO, reasonable precautions - washing hands, bringing hand sanitizer - but until the NBA bans fans, the gov't locks us down or we are put in some kind of quarantine, we are going to live our lives.
The issue in the US is that we haven't tested very many people. As such, we have no idea the true extent. And it is definitely much broader than the current numbers reflect (and those numbers have nearly doubled in the last 40+ hours or so, mind you). (My prediction is that every US state will have at least 1 reported case by this coming Friday.) Remember, that for a number of people, they have no idea where they contracted the virus. As such, there have to be random people out there who have been exposed and are spreading the virus without knowing it. Think about the nursing homes/care facilities - three in WA state have issues and to my knowledge, no one knows how it started in those facilities.

As for travel changes: I had a client cancel a trip to Chicago last week. My work cancelled a retreat in Florida for this coming weekend. I still have another work trip to Chicago this coming Tuesday, at this point. But work has been encouraging us not to travel, if at all possible. And if we go international, we are required to report it to someone at the office.

Our spring break was to Philly at the end of the month. Pretty much would eat all of the costs if we cancel. We are still discussing what do do. A lot can change in 3 weeks at this point, I think.
Our spring break was to Philly at the end of the month. Pretty much would eat all of the costs if we cancel. We are still discussing what do do. A lot can change in 3 weeks at this point, I think.
Oh yes a lot can change in 3 weeks. 2 weeks ago, I panicked and cancelled our Netherlands spring break trip when there was only 2 cases and today there is 265. 2 weeks ago, Italy had 20 cases, today 16-17million people are on lockdown with 5883 cases.
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This morning's update is I once again moved my husband's flight home from Italy. He is now flying from Rome to JFK to Atlanta at 9:30 am tomorrow. Even is the areas not under official lock down, all museums are closed and he said Florence is very different this morning. I have been trying to keep a level head about all of this, and like I said we go to Italy often, but I am a major stress case at this point. I will breathe the biggest sigh of relief when he is here at home.

ETA: He feels fine at this point, but I a becoming paranoid. I feel like we are almost racing against the clock. I probably need to stop reading the news because they are so many cases of people in countries everything that "returned from a recent trip to Italy." I really do believe this is much more widespread than any of us really know.

the lockdown in northern italy was all over the news here because a number of israelis who are on relocation in Milano and Como and points north, threw their kids in their cars this morning and raced for the airport in Milano to catch the very last flight to tel aviv (easyjet) before the door slams shut.
Most of them have been living in self-imposed quarantine and said the situation was getting scarier by the day.
Overnight the number of confirmed cases in Italy jumped by 1,500 (to 7,375) and deaths also went up by 133 to 366.
One of my daughter's closest friends is on relocation in Milano. My daughter has been haranguing her for a month to pack up the kids and come home. At the outset, she pooh poohed it, but they were one of the families racing for the airport this morning to catch that flight.
And now they'll go into 14 days of quarantine here, but at least they're home and if they get sick, they'll be in familiar medical surroundings. No one wants to be sick at all, but if you do get sick, you certainly don't want to be in a foreign country, far from home.
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Yes. If they cancel, they not only refund you everything but they work with you on getting any cancellation fees back with any airlines even if you didn’t book through ABD directly.

@sayhello you’re absolutely correct about the insurance policy. It is very pricey. I always get it because of my profession. Not knowing if some kind of emergency might pop up at the last second. But you’re right. Maybe most of the other people on the trip don’t have any kind of insurance and they would lose everything if they canceled right now.

so I’m in a waiting game with ABD to see if they will cancel within the next 72 hours. It’s insane that it’s come down to this. I’m incredibly upset about it. I used to think that Disney valued safety of their guests more than anything else. Why else would they be waiting until just this year told relaunch Egypt when other companies like Abercrombie have been going there for years now. I thought it was because they valued our safety and wanted to make sure there was not even an iota of risk. But with what’s going on now in France with 1000 cases, and ABD wanting to push forward, without even blinking an eye and giving some people an option of canceling or moving their trip, it’s left a very bad taste in my mouth. I can’t even really come up with any back up plan trips because I’m waiting on them to cancel this trip right now. One thing is for sure though, I’m definitely not going to the Jersey shore! No offense to anyone that likes it there…lol

I’ll be probably going to Hawaii. Not to make that sound like it’s anything less. And at this point if I catch corona at least I’ll be sipping on a mai tai when I do it. At least I know that there is less risk catching it there than in Central Europe where all hell is breaking loose.

here's a very clear website - it shows the 24 hour increases in new cases - for example from yesterday to today the number of confirmed cases in italy jumped by 1,492 to 7,375 (putting them into second place behind china)..
for France, the one day jump from yesterday to today was 177 new cases, taking france up to 1,126 confirmed cases
do the people at ABD not know how to read a simple table?
I’m really unhappy with the way ABD has handled this situation and with their poor communication. I can’t believe that they haven’t cancelled England/France for next week. We’ve been very loyal ABD customers, but I’ve lost some faith in the brand. This will be the first May that we won’t rush to book an ABD.

I’m very grateful that we decided to skip our PIF two weeks ago for Scotland. We worried we might be overreacting, but my husband is a physician and felt it was too risky. Luckily, our airline (Air Canada) gave us a full refund so we’re not stuck trying to use a credit with all this uncertainty.
Frances number is very close to Japan’s at this point. And Japan is CDC level two… Wonder why CDC hasn’t given any kind of restriction on France? I tried to ask for a supervisor yesterday when I called ABD and was told it would be a two hour wait. No one ever called me back.

France is DOUBLE japan.
Japan is 502 cases (up 41 from yesterday)
France is 1,126 (up 177 since yesterday)

France is DOUBLE japan.
Japan is 502 cases (up 41 from yesterday)
France is 1,126 (up 177 since yesterday)

I think the CDC will stop increasing the risk for various countries. The number of cases is going to sky rocket in all nations across the globe once testing begins in earnest. No need to keep increasing the risk for each country individually. Just a general caution about travel will be more likely. Just as safe to go to England as Italy as China as West Des Moines, Iowa at this point.
I have been e-mailing with the Waldorf Astoria in the Maldives (where we had a scheduled stay from April 4 - 11) and they agreed to refund our prepayment ($600.00) and re-deposit the points and free night certificate we used to book our stay, without penalty. Even though we are past the cancellation deadline. They said they completely understand the situation and are happy to allow me to cancel without penalty.

I feel awful for everyone that has an ABD booked in the coming days that aren't being offered full refunds if they wish to cancel. It's not as though cancelling a few ABD trips is going to cost Disney's bottom line. It's just a drop in the proverbial bucket for them. Shame on ABD.
I feel awful for everyone that has an ABD booked in the coming days that aren't being offered full refunds if they wish to cancel. It's not as though cancelling a few ABD trips is going to cost Disney's bottom line. It's just a drop in the proverbial bucket for them. Shame on ABD.
US Dept of State issues advisory for cruise ships. This should apply to ABD Cruises. And any trip with a cruise such as Egypt!
I feel like going on my ABDs this summer is an 'extreme' travel adventure.
I think the CDC will stop increasing the risk for various countries. The number of cases is going to sky rocket in all nations across the globe once testing begins in earnest. No need to keep increasing the risk for each country individually. Just a general caution about travel will be more likely. Just as safe to go to England as Italy as China as West Des Moines, Iowa at this point.

I get your general point but, no, its not just as dangerous to travel to Des Moines as it is Paris.
Central europe in particular is ablaze with cases. Its definitely safer to stay in the US, IMO.
Part of the reason Hawaii is my backup plan and not, say, Aruba (even though its closer), is that I don't want to leave the country and risk some kind of quarantine.

I have been e-mailing with the Waldorf Astoria in the Maldives (where we had a scheduled stay from April 4 - 11) and they agreed to refund our prepayment ($600.00) and re-deposit the points and free night certificate we used to book our stay, without penalty. Even though we are past the cancellation deadline. They said they completely understand the situation and are happy to allow me to cancel without penalty.

I feel awful for everyone that has an ABD booked in the coming days that aren't being offered full refunds if they wish to cancel. It's not as though cancelling a few ABD trips is going to cost Disney's bottom line. It's just a drop in the proverbial bucket for them. Shame on ABD.

Correct. Its unbelievable. Even worse that they're not even returning phone calls. I might start looking at other vendors like A&K in the future. I'm holding out that they're going to do the right thing and not take a GROUP of people around in a country with over 1100 cases. I'm waiting until Wednesday (the day before we leave) to cancel just in case they cancel first. Imagine, today France has 1100 cases. What's it going to be like on the 16th when we're scheduled to arrive there from London if we stayed with ABD?

My wife and I have decided on Hawaii. Looking at FS Hualalai @disneyholic family you're right it looks incredible! This is our 10th anniversary and there's no point being stressed and all of us having a freakout if someone coughs at the Louvre. Or worse, exposing our son to god knows what.

We're cutting our losses and not going. We are not going to be as reactionary as some people who aren't even leaving their house. We're still getting on a plane for a long flight. Its just that at the end of that flight we'll be on an island and not in a place like France where I wouldn't even be able to guarantee I'd be able to fly home from in a couple weeks.
EDITED: Oops ... somehow quoted wrong post. But I'm really happy you guys are going to Hawaii and happy anniversary! I still can't believe ABD hasn't cancelled this trip--it really is unconscionable. Are they really hurting that badly for $$$?
Well, I haven't weighed in and wasn't going to-- but if I had an "unlike" option I'd post it! I have no doubt that Disney-- and Tauck, others-- are trying to work through this in the best interests of their clients. They have every incentive to do so. It must be awfully hard to cut through the panic and hysteria and assess this situation carefully and correctly. We are booked on a trip to Jordan and Eygpt in late April with Tauck-- it is still going, as of this posting, and I trust they will not pull the plug unless safety actually requires it.
Well, I haven't weighed in and wasn't going to-- but if I had an "unlike" option I'd post it! I have no doubt that Disney-- and Tauck, others-- are trying to work through this in the best interests of their clients. They have every incentive to do so. It must be awfully hard to cut through the panic and hysteria and assess this situation carefully and correctly. We are booked on a trip to Jordan and Eygpt in late April with Tauck-- it is still going, as of this posting, and I trust they will not pull the plug unless safety actually requires it.

so you think a neurosurgeon and family physician are hysterical?
and you can add to that my many friends, all respected physicians, who believe that the authorities haven't done nearly enough in terms of quarantines and travel bans.... but i guess they're hysterical too...
so you think a neurosurgeon and family physician are hysterical?
and you can add to that my many friends, all respected physicians, who believe that the authorities haven't done nearly enough in terms of quarantines and travel bans.... but i guess they're hysterical too...

I think most physicians would agree that you don’t know what you don’t know. Right now we are unaware of so many variables that it’s challenging to make truly informed decisions.
I get your general point but, no, its not just as dangerous to travel to Des Moines as it is Paris.
Central europe in particular is ablaze with cases. Its definitely safer to stay in the US, IMO.
Part of the reason Hawaii is my backup plan and not, say, Aruba (even though its closer), is that I don't want to leave the country and risk some kind of quarantine.

Correct. Its unbelievable. Even worse that they're not even returning phone calls. I might start looking at other vendors like A&K in the future. I'm holding out that they're going to do the right thing and not take a GROUP of people around in a country with over 1100 cases. I'm waiting until Wednesday (the day before we leave) to cancel just in case they cancel first. Imagine, today France has 1100 cases. What's it going to be like on the 16th when we're scheduled to arrive there from London if we stayed with ABD?

My wife and I have decided on Hawaii. Looking at FS Hualalai @disneyholic family you're right it looks incredible! This is our 10th anniversary and there's no point being stressed and all of us having a freakout if someone coughs at the Louvre. Or worse, exposing our son to god knows what.

We're cutting our losses and not going. We are not going to be as reactionary as some people who aren't even leaving their house. We're still getting on a plane for a long flight. Its just that at the end of that flight we'll be on an island and not in a place like France where I wouldn't even be able to guarantee I'd be able to fly home from in a couple weeks.
Well don't use Abercombie. I have an Egypt and Jordan trip this Saturday March 13 and they have been absolutely unhelpful. Won't reschedule, have sent us zero communications. I am very unhappy with their customer service.


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