Trial Run for Dogs in Resort Rooms

Do you think dogs should be allowed in guests' rooms?

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How a family who brings a dog will be treated will most likely depend on how they and their dog behave. If they keep their dog in the room, walk to dog areas directly, stay far away from public areas and allow no barking they will be treated well. But if they linger in the lobby or other public areas, allow their dog to bark (not for 30 minutes, no barking at all!), or in anyway engage the dog with me and my girls, they will be treated harshly.

This. If a dog and its owner are following the rules, it merits nothing more than an eye roll, if that. But violation of rules (allowing the dog to bark for minutes on end, not cleaning up feces because "that's someone else's job," or letting the dog run wild and jump on people because "Fluffy is just so friendly!") should be reported ASAP and documented as best possible (location, date, photo of dog, etc.).
We shouldn’t be attacking and blaming each other. We should be holding Disney accountable and making sure their policies are fair to both sides and fully enforced. If Disney does what they should (and what most pet friendly hotels do) then those who want to be separate from dogs will be, and those who want their pets along can do so. The onus is on Disney to get it right.

My personal negativity comes from doubting Disney can do this, based on prior history and experience. They are going to have to earn my trust. I am looking forward to hearing how the next few months go and really hoping Disney grows up and learns to confront people who are violating policy (pet, smoking, or otherwise).
Funny you ask...I was just reading an Undercover Tourist article about it - it says that they are all pet friendly except Cabana Bay. It also reiterates their policy that dogs may not be left unattended in the hotel rooms.

"You should be aware, though, that you cannot leave your pets unattended in your room while you spend the day at the parks...There are kennels located on-property for $15 per pet, per day. You can't reserve a spot; the kennels operate on a first-come, first-served basis. We chatted with the kennel, and they say that they rarely fill up. Still, if you're visiting over a busy weekend or holiday, we suggest getting there right as they open at 8 a.m every day! You must also return once during the day to take your furry friend for a walk; you're welcome to leave blankets, toys or any other comforting objects with your pet to make them feel at home!"

I mention this again as it's so different from Disney's current policy of 7 hours. I know a lot of people may not choose to do that, but it's still their stated policy. I posted the question about people's experiences at Universal regarding that particular rule but haven't seen any feedback. I was going to hop to the Universal forum at some point to see if I could find out more...

Thanks for the info, I guess when we go to Universal.... which won't be for awhile since my girls are still to young for those parks we will be staying at Cabana Bay.

I wonder if we will ever find out how many emails and phone calls that Disney got over this change in policy for or against, but I won't hold my breath they release it. It would truly be nice to see where everyone stands on this policy, instead of relying on these internet forums which can be skewed one way or the other.

All I'm asking for is a guarantee from Disney is that I won't be sleeping in a room that had pets in it. Should be a very simple request.
And has been pointed out many times on this thread, WDW is different. If owners wish to spend all day tending to their pets in their WDW resort room, great.
But if they are planning to enjoy time in one of four parks it's going to take them longer than 30 minutes to return if their animal is crying, barking or scratching.
Not all pets are going to enjoy hours alone in a small, unfamiliar hotel room.

I agree, but that will be up to the owner to work out, not all pets are going to be unhappy. There are plenty of situations where it could work for not going to the parks, or a large party with grand parents etc that stay behind a lot (or a small family with a baby that needs a lot of rest)

I personally do not think WDW is a pet destination and so will be unlikely to take advantage of this, I MAY consider it if my family ever does manage to have a big get together there with several adults that would likely take turns staying behind or only leaving the dogs alone for small periods of time.
I completely disagree .... although I'm not sure which side of the issue you are referring to ..... much as one side is upset and concerned for health & safety & disturbance of their family's vacation, therefore venting ........ another side is dismissive and finding humor in some of these valid concerns. This is of concern because if you can't understand the worries or potential side effects, there's a chance you will be part of the problem.

There are many valid issues being discussed and sadly, Disney brought it on with blindsiding guests who spend thousands of dollars with little notice, small opportunities to adjust their plans and a program with virtually no parameters in place to protect the majority of the guests.

But as with anything that brings passion to these boards, maybe your post and name calling says it all and it's time to say goodbye.

The thread no longer has any valid purpose, we won't know for months what impact we will have, Disney is still not responding with any solid information - not a good sign ........ so hopefully they will continue to be bombarded with complaints ....... so at best they dismantle or at least restrict to the four resorts they have chosen. And maybe they will actually make some rules that will be in the best interest of the majority of their guests.

Me ........ won't go back to those resorts, keeping my January POP Century for now and actively now looking as some nice lodging offsite for much less money. They keep making it easier and easier for me to book those nicer rooms offsite.

[NOTE: Mom to 2 very very spoiled dogs who do travel on vacation with us ... to destinations they can participate all day and have fun too.]

I think that might be too strong, but I do think it seems a little entitled of those that oppose this to believe that their vacation needs are more important than others. Many ppl have posted why this policy benefits them & not just b/c they enjoy having their pet but b/c of difficulty with boarding their pet for whatever reason. However, FWIW, I absolutely don’t think WDW should implemented without due notice. I completely understand those who are upset that they already have trips booked.
She might also have a problem if her dog attacks someone. If that happens, I am sure she will feel mistreated by fellow guests and Disney. Because there is no way I would allow an animal attack me or my family and not report it.
Well, duh. Of course anyone would report a dog attack and that attack should be taken very seriously by everyone.

This is the kind of ‘unwelcome’ post I was thinking about when mexi said someone was afraid to post on this this thread. It casts aspersions on the owner to remind them that biting will not be tolerated and that she will indeed feel "mistreated" because if her dog is vicious. The reminder, while factually true, assumes that (1) the dog is vicious and (2) the owner is so dumb/self absorbed/etc that they don't know that biting is not acceptable. It assumes the absolute worst of the dog and the dog owner.
Thanks for the info, I guess when we go to Universal.... which won't be for awhile since my girls are still to young for those parks we will be staying at Cabana Bay.

I wonder if we will ever find out how many emails and phone calls that Disney got over this change in policy for or against, but I won't hold my breath they release it. It would truly be nice to see where everyone stands on this policy, instead of relying on these internet forums which can be skewed one way or the other.

All I'm asking for is a guarantee from Disney is that I won't be sleeping in a room that had pets in it. Should be a very simple request.

One would hope! Because it sounds like Universal can mostly do that for people. I may be finding out soon more on the Universal end since we're supposed to go to Universal on our next family trip, lol! I find their website difficult to navigate - I didn't even know the hotel we booked was pet friendly until I saw this thread! But our combined trip is why I'm trying to gather information - so many have pointed to Universal as being successful with it, but it sounds like it was even designed to keep things separate, which puts them ahead of the game with Disney. Clearly their policies are more definite and sensitive to both pet and non-pet at this point. I have no info about rules being followed or enforced at Universal. My experience at Disney in both those areas does not inspire confidence on that end!
This. If a dog and its owner are following the rules, it merits nothing more than an eye roll, if that. But violation of rules (allowing the dog to bark for minutes on end, not cleaning up feces because "that's someone else's job," or letting the dog run wild and jump on people because "Fluffy is just so friendly!") should be reported ASAP and documented as best possible (location, date, photo of dog, etc.).
Why would it even merit an eye roll? If the person is abiding by rules & taking advantage of a policy they don’t deserve rudeness. Send your eye roll to WDW execs.
Well, since you didn't like my first answer, or thought I was rude or uncivil, I will try again. To be clear, I did understand what you were saying the first time.

The majority of people who click on a thread of this length whether they support the policy or not, are not going to read many responses because this thread is way too long. They probably vote, offer up their opinion one way or another and move on. Very few people have done this. Why? I think it's because people who enjoy dogs or maybe have no real opinion one way or another may think, "that's nice" and move on. That's it. If you support it, there isn't all that much to say, except great! I'm happy. Can't wait to book! What else is there?

There are many people affected by this for many reasons. Those people have a lot to say. Unanswered questions, miscommunications, allergies, phobias, etc....I think that if you support the dog policy, you don't really have anything to speak out about. It's just great news for you. I also think that perhaps people who did read through the thread, but supported the new policy didn't speak out because they were being respectful of others feelings. When you've got 40 posters in a row talking about their worries/angst over allergies, who wants to come on to the thread and say, Yay! Best day ever! I think some people who did vote yes, we love this policy were just being sensitive to others by not offering up their opinions on this thread.
And again...all of those other things have literally nothing to do with what I quoted you on and what I responded with.

It was a simple response to a simple quote. Again I wasn't commenting about the poll numbers because that's not what your comment that I quoted about. I was commenting on the number of people who feel comfortable speaking. If you were strictly about the poll numbers then there's no need to even comment about the number of people commenting who support it but you did comment on the number of people commenting who support it or have no issues with it and I responded.
I have a question are all Universal Hotels pet friendly? Or are there a few that aren't pet friendly?

All are pet-friendly except Cabana Bay Beach Resort. There are lots of rules, just like the ones WDW is putting into place. Upcharges, the possibility of paying damages, etc. I've never heard the kind of hyperbole about pets at UOR that some on this thread are spreading.
I am looking forward to hearing how the next few months go and really hoping Disney grows up and learns to confront people who are violating policy (pet, smoking, or otherwise).

Couldn't like this statement any more. Enforce the rules and stop letting people who feel they are above them constantly circumvent them, and everything will be fine.

Oh, and some consistent and standardized information coming from Disney would be most helpful as well. Conflicting reports of this or that are not helpful whatsoever.
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All are pet-friendly except Cabana Bay Beach Resort. There are lots of rules, just like the ones WDW is putting into place. Upcharges, the possibility of paying damages, etc. I've never heard the kind of hyperbole about pets at UOR that some on this thread are spreading.
Actually Universal spells out their rules/policies/consequences much better, and they are far more stringent than those currently in place at WDW.
Example for supporters of the new dog policy who don't understand why many don't like the change to the new Disney dog policy. Imagine you and your significant other have a favourite resort that happens to be adults-only and that there is no such other comparable resort for you at that price. You enjoy the qualities that may be present in such a resort. Then imagine that management of that adults-only resort suddenly declares it immediately open to children, including during your long-planned upcoming trip. Your adults-only resort wouldn't be anywhere near the same anymore, would it? Now let's imagine that the children now allowed iBut not just any children: children who will poop everywhere outside, children who may give you a nasty bite, and children who may flare up your allergies. I don't visit adult-only resorts as I have children, but I wanted to give this as an example. There are differences in atmosphere and relaxation between adults only and family resorts, just as there are differences in atmosphere and relaxation between a non-pet and a pet resort, particularly since Disney will be allowing dogs everywhere all over the resorts including public areas (except for restaurants & pools). The new dog policy is not a little change, it is a huge change.
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I also think ppl need to be careful with that kind of behavior b/c it may backfire. They might find themselves being the ones that get removed like the lady on the SW flight that supposedly said she couldn’t fly with the dog on the plane.

Oh the SW incident... she told the crew she was deathly allergic but didn't have a letter from a doctor stating this fact. Even if she did have such letter....Under the ADA service dog and passenger get priority and she would have been placed on another flight
Just got a second follow up call from Disney guest experiences. Chris called to tell me that the number of negative response emails coming into wdw regarding this policy change are both unexpected and overwhelming. Told me due to the admitted poor rollout, and guest feedback the policy is under microscope. He admitted to me that he knows full well CM’s are loathe to confront guests even when they see them breaking rules and acknowledges how that alone makes this change this problematic.

Said they didn’t limit size or breed because they are counting on owners to be responsible. Talked about how hotels that have allowed dogs for years have size restrictions so it is just bizarre Disney jumps in with both feet with zero restrictions including allowing dogs alone in strange hotel room all day while owners are out in parks.

Overall he did say they get it, acknowledged what an issue it is and said they will monitor carefully what happens and make changes accordingly.
Example for supporters of the new dog policy who don't understand why many don't like the change to the new Disney dog policy. Imagine you and your significant other have a favourite resort that happens to be adults-only and that there is no such other comparable resort for you at that price. You enjoy the qualities that may be present in such a resort. Then imagine that management of that adults-only resort suddenly declares it immediately open to children, including during your long-planned upcoming trip. But not just any children: children who will poop everywhere outside, children who may give you a nasty bite, and children who may flare up your allergies. Your adults-only resort wouldn't be anywhere near the same anymore, would it? I don't visit adult-only resorts as I have children, but I wanted to give this as an example.

Just because it's your favorite resort doesn't mean the owner doesn't have the right to change it. That seems to the be thing you're missing. Does it suck for you because your love it so much - of course it does. Are you allowed to voice your concerns over it - of course. But things change everyday. Life comes at you fast and sometimes you have to deal. And people are just going to have to deal with this at WDW now. Or not if they don't want to - that's where their choice is.
I think that might be too strong, but I do think it seems a little entitled of those that oppose this to believe that their vacation needs are more important than others. Many ppl have posted why this policy benefits them & not just b/c they enjoy having their pet but b/c of difficulty with boarding their pet for whatever reason. However, FWIW, I absolutely don’t think WDW should implemented without due notice. I completely understand those who are upset that they already have trips booked.

Another way of looking at it is that, before, we were all treated equally and, now, some are gaining at others' expense. IOW... perspectives! :D It's why a separate pet-friendly resort would be brilliant. Then you really could help pet-owners without "un-helping" others!

Regardless, it's unnecessarily harsh to suggest that anyone is believing they're more entitled - you can't possibly know enough even to speculate on that. And it clouds things on both sides.
I think that might be too strong, but I do think it seems a little entitled of those that oppose this to believe that their vacation needs are more important than others.
I am also shocked by the number people who feel entitled to a free upgrade (and pursuing one) just because they don't want dogs in the resort. I completely sympathize with people who have medical/emotional problems with dogs and my heart is warmed by Disney's response to them. Their success seems to have morphed into a doggie upgrade gravy train for people who disagree with the current policy. I understand that they may not want to stay in a pet friendly room or section, but I believe that Disney will do its best to accommodate them in their current resort choice.

Many ppl have posted why this policy benefits them & not just b/c they enjoy having their pet but b/c of difficulty with boarding their pet for whatever reason. However, FWIW, I absolutely don’t think WDW should implemented without due notice. I completely understand those who are upset that they already have trips booked.
I agree with you on the timing. I think that Disney could have given more notice ... like starting in January and not immediately.
I think that might be too strong, but I do think it seems a little entitled of those that oppose this to believe that their vacation needs are more important than others. Many ppl have posted why this policy benefits them & not just b/c they enjoy having their pet but b/c of difficulty with boarding their pet for whatever reason. However, FWIW, I absolutely don’t think WDW should implemented without due notice. I completely understand those who are upset that they already have trips booked.

Would it not also be entitled for people who want to bring their dogs and think it's fine to subject others to their barking, smell, urine and feces tainting the beautiful grounds of the resort, allergic and asthmatic reactions for those who can't be around them, scaring little kids or even adults who are afraid of them, etc.? If you consider one entitled (which wasn't my word I'm just responding to it's use) both sides would be guilty of this.
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