Try Everything! A Hotel Extravaganza! Updated 07/04

continued from last post

After our safari was over it was time our dinner! At Jiko! Our group had one large table very near the kitchen. We started out with a cocktail...or at least everyone else did.

I was not able to partake of the alcoholic libations as I had forgotten my ID.


I guess I should be flattered, as sooner than I know it it will get to the stage where no one ever asks to see my ID cause I look like I am well over 21! One thing I would say about our group was that I was about thirty years younger than everyone else so maybe that made me look under 21!


This was the non alcoholic version of the cocktail.


I was less than impressed by my lack of booze I refused to memorize what it was on principle.


That or I just forgot…but it tasted okay.

We have an assortment of breads to start with some different dips.



You have already learned by know not to even ask what any of this is haven’t you?


The chef came out as our appetisers came out and explained what everything was.


I remember the one on the left was a spicy vegetable samosa, the middle was a blue cheese and walnut salad and the one on the right was a game meat spring roll type thing. The samosa was really good as was the spring roll thing but I didn't like the salad at all! Just say no to blue cheese people!


The main course was served family style.


There was mac and cheese (yum!), chicken, roasted veggies, some kind of corn bread thing (pap maybe?), fish and short ribs. The corn thing was not my cup of tea at all, the fish was quite nice, the chicken was okay and the beef short ribs and veggies were quite good. The best thing on the plate was totally the mac and cheese! See I told you I was a fancy dining food connoisseur! That plate (plus some extra mac and cheese) was all I had of the mains. Oops!


Dessert came next...and I have been staring at this photo for ages trying to remember what these were but I am drawing a blank. But hey don't they look pretty?!


I think the one on the left was some kind of almond mousse, the middle one I think was either mango tart or passion-fruit panna cotta, and then the one on the right was some kind of cherry sponge. I did try them all, and I don't like any of them.


Don’t get fancy we with me at dessert! Give me chocolate and whipped cream and that's it!

All in all the meal with nice, our group was very talkative and friendly which is always a plus in family style situations! The only real issue with the meal came at the end when the bills arrived. When I booked this experience I was under the impression that it was prepaid (mainly because when I booked the CM told me that my card would be charged…) but apparently it wasn't. At first I thought I was the only one confused by this but apparently the WHOLE of our group also thought it was prepaid! I didn't feel like a total moron after that!


It wasn't a huge deal, but it did mean I had to charge it to the room and paid it off with my UK credit card (which meant a currency conversion fee…) because none of the hotels took our prepaid travel money cards.


So that put a slight dampener on the evening. But we did get a little goodie bag and a special Wanyama Safari pin...which I thought I took a photo of but seemingly I did not! Whoops!

Overall I really enjoyed Wanyama Safari, would I do it again? Probably not. If you could just do the safari without the meal I would do it in a heartbeat but for me the cost to have the meal wasn’t totally worth it. But it was a really fun experience and the safari was amazing!

Wait! Our day isn't over yet! First I need to put a little planning backstory in for you. When I was planning this part of our trip I thought it would be super efficient to do ALL of our AKL/AK experiences while we were staying at AKL. Sounds reasonable right? That was all well and good until I realised that Wanyama Safari and our other AKL activity only ran on certain days and you guessed it only on one day during our AKL stay!


So after our meal was over we headed back to our room to get changed and headed back down to the lobby to set off for our next experience: Starlight Safari! The meeting point for the night safari was a Sanaa, which is at Kidani Village, which we had no idea who to get to. I asked at the front desk and a very sweet CM told me it was a super easy walk to Kidani, just head outside and follow the path! Can anyone see where this is going?


Yep! We got well and truly lost! Maybe it is a super easy walk in the daylight (and if you know where you are going…) but in the dark it was really not! Luckly we setoff with plently of time to spare...maybe I’m partly psychic…


After ten minutes of wondering around in the dark we called it quits and headed back to Jambo House to ask for some more directions! As we got back to the lobby a van was just pulling up and a friendly CM told us he could drive us over to Kidani! We finally made it and after some search found Sanna and got us checked in.


This is the only photo I have of our trip to Kidani that night. Mostly because it was , well, night time and pretty dark! Our safari van arrived and I noticed it was the same as the one we had for our afternoon safari. The route we took was the same and the Wanyama Safari, we were given night vision googles to see the animals which was fun, but not conducive for photos. We did see some cool sights, one standout...or sit down...was a giraffe we found sat down chewing his grass right next to our van. Giraffes are really big.

It was a fun experience, but I’m not sure I would do it again. While the night vision googles were neat they weren't the best and sometimes it was just easier to look with your normal non night vision eyes! Plus a lot of the animals weren't out on the savannah and of course those that were just wanted to be left alone to sleep!


After we got back to Kidani we were given a glow in the dark Starlight Safari pin and a glow in the dark bracelet (which at first I didn't realised was glow in the dark until I left it out on my nightstand and thought aliens had landed in the night!) which were both lovely. We caught a van back to Jambo House and fell into bed, with me wishing I hadn't booked us another early experience for the next day!
Night night!


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At month at Disney pretty darn good! Should I make you even more jealous? I have done 6 week Disney trips before :ssst: :rotfl:

But you are having a Disney Wedding!! Now I'm starting to get jealous!


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Can't argue with you there! It's the coolest thing to ever happen to me, so I totally don't mind flaunting it. :P But six weeks at, that's like a long time. I would be totally LIVING!

So basically you are more than qualified to be a lorry driver than! :laughing:

You know I'd never thought about it before, but yes. Absolutely. You're right.

We had a little bit of time before we needed to get checked in so we took a look at these fine fellows.

On our December trip I was adamant that flamingos couldn't fly, and Nathan let me have it when it turned out that he were right and they can, indeed, fly. Oops.

At 4pm our tour guide came back and we were off to our safari vehicle! We went backstage to the AKL savannah. They took us through the giant double safety gates which keep all the furry residents in...and all the furry non residents out!

This sounds SO cool!

Ohmygosh hilarious.

HELLO GORGEOUS! :lovestruc

I'm giraffe obsessed. I'd melt. I'm melting looking at your pictures now.

It wasn't a huge deal, but it did mean I had to charge it to the room and paid it off with my UK credit card (which meant a currency conversion fee…) because none of the hotels took our prepaid travel money cards.

I hate this!! We have the same problem in Canada!!

maybe I’m partly psychic…


Yep. I'll take it. Truth.

We did see some cool sights, one standout...or sit down...was a giraffe we found sat down chewing his grass right next to our van. Giraffes are really big.

Omg :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc
At the time we did it Wanyama Safari could only be booked by guests staying CL at AKL, now I think it is open to everyone no matter where they are staying.
We did this in 2010 and at that time you only had to be staying at the resort you didn't have to be CL. Then they changed it to CL only. Hioefully it has changed back to anyone staying at AKL. You can read all about our WS in my TR in my siggy.

The tour guide took us into one of the small, private rooms in Jiko where one of the CM who worked at Jiko (and was from Africa) talked to us about her home country as we had some nibbles.
This is new we just all met up in the front lobby of Jiko and were given bottle of water to take with us.

We went backstage to the AKL savannah.
They wouldn't allow us to take any backstage pics.

I love this pic it's my fave.

Red River Hogs (DM’s favourite I mentioned before)
DH's also

I guess I should be flattered, as sooner than I know it it will get to the stage where no one ever asks to see my ID cause I look like I am well over 21

Ha we're in our 50's and still get carded anytime we buy alcohol in a store.

the one on the right was a game meat spring roll type thing

Oh Bootie....Uhm I mean Bobotie rolls.

It wasn't a huge deal, but it did mean I had to charge it to the room and paid it off with my UK credit card (which meant a currency conversion fee…) because none of the hotels took our prepaid travel money cards.


That stinks.

Thanks for the help on posting gifs I finally was able to follow your directions.
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And not always true :rolleyes1


Ah if only :rolleyes1


Knew it.

So that's what caused that seizure!

Not just a random occurrence.

20th September 2018


I'll try! I will!

<goes out, buys lotto ticket>

Well I guess we just need to a redo...I'm thinking September 2018??

Maybe around the 20th?

Well we can't all have the VIP bus service :rolleyes:

Yes. Yes we can. We should.

I can't do that :sad2:

It's easy. Just put it in your mouth and suck as you pull it out.

It's the principle

I don't like principles.

Hey did you just call me an idiot?!

Now you know I would never dream of doing that.

I have other dreams... but that's not one of them.

Just the one, an iclke girl! princess: Called Lexi. Alexia is her full name but they only chose that so they could shorten it to Lexi. Why not just call her Lexi? :confused3 Who knows my brother is weird!

Or how about calling her Lex and lengthening it to Lexi.

Or are not too inebriated to still use a camera ;)

Ah yes. That too.
Well probably not...this TR seems to be going really well doesn't it?! At the rate I’m going I should just about be finished by year! Which is lucky as that is when I will be heading back to WDW!

How convenient!!

In other news I got a puppy! I can hear you all saying “Yes Lu, we know Lu, you already told us this Lu!” but HA! Tricks on you cause I actually got two!

Ooooh... sneaky!

Meet Blaze!

Hi Blaze!
(Super cute!! So's the puppy!)

And she loves her big sister Cookie Monster...yes she has been re-named Monster rather than Dough...

Oh? Um... did she get into some trouble perhaps, necessitating a name change?

Right then...maybe I should, I don’t know, post an actual Disney 2016 trip TR update? Sounds crazy for my TR though doesn't it?

Totally unexpected!
Well..I seem to be doing really well with this whole TR don’t I? I mean it’s only been what? Like 7 months since I last did an update?


I am nailing it!


The main reason I haven’t touched this in months is mainly because my photos all went poof with that whole Photo-bucket rubbish.


And I was too annoyed *cough* lazy *cough* to move them all over to another site. I tried to redo all the photos but it was so slow and I can’t remember which ones I put where and every-time I did a bit I got frustrated and bored and stopped!


But I FINALLY got them all updated (I think), it took ages and actually I’m pretty glad I hadn’t gotten far into the TR. If I had then I literally would have just left it unfinished forever!

Also as a side note sometimes the updated photos are huge...I don’t really know why and really I cannot be bothered to change them! Sorry not sorry!


Anyway I do have another trip in September this year to come and really I would like to finish this TR (from 2016!) up before that trip comes round! So maybe I should get started?


Now first things first I have to remember where I last let off...ah yes just finished day 2...shoot I thought I had done more!


Oh Well! Let’s see how well the old memory can cope with this!
Day 3, Part 1: Never Smile At A Crocodile...But Hippos Don’t Mind

Today we had an early start on the cards. DM was panicing that we were going to be late (which is ironic since late is her idea of early…) and had a teeny tiny meltdown about how we were going to get to our destination.


I told her we would have plenty of time (or be over an hour early…) but in a bid to calm her down we set off half an hour earlier than I had planned.


Any ideas where we were headed? No? Well I had to look at my 2016 plans to remember so I guess I can’t blame you! We were off to Animal Kingdom!

As the park didn’t open for a quite a while yet we had a bus all to ourselves.


I have to say AK was pretty darn busy…




I mean look at those crowds…



Wall to wall people!

I got us all checked in with the lovely cast member, who did point out we were an hour early…


And we waited till it was time to enter the park. How about a little people watching?

Um….never-mind! So why were we at AK at this time in the morning I hear no one ask, could we having a PPO breakfast at Tusker House? Or maybe Rainforest Cafe?


Yeah no...I don’t think anyone would get up at stupid o’clock in the morning to go to Rainforest Cafe. No offence if you have, you do you…


Anyway it was not food that was calling us this morning it was the wild! And Africa! And trekking! We were off to Wild Africa Trek!




This was meant to be a surprise for mum but I suck at surprises and spilled the beans like a week after I booked it!


*Rant Warning* As you might have guessed from that nifty little warning I just gave you I am about to have a little rant. Now Wild Africa Trek was amazing, we both loved it. It’s such a great memory...which is all it is now as I have no photos from it. You see I took my fancy new camera (which I have no idea how to use to this day) with me to get some shots on the trek but the cast members told me that it would be better to leave my camera in the locker as they had their own photography people who would be taking photos of us throughout the experience and at the end we would get a code to download and keep all our photos.


Yeah...I think you can see where this is going. The photos were meant to be ready two hours or so after the trek ended so I waited till we got back to the hotel later that day to check, and no photos. I wasn't panicking yet and decided to check the next day, and no photos. I contacted Disney about it who said they would look into it. Flash forward to the end of our trip and I got an email apologizing but the photos had been lost due to technical problems. So yeah no photos for Wild Africa Trek for you! Can’t repeat what I said it the time but it sounded a lot like a monologue about ducks...just not the Donald kind. But you live and you learn and are totally fine with it...


Okay rant over! So I guess it’s time to let our inner Figment out and use our imaginations! Woo-hoo! I have put some photos in that aren’t mine just to help get your Figment on!

We met with our trek guides who told us a bit about what we would be doing and about the photographs who would be with us capturing our experience…


And then it was time to get weighed! Great! Not awkward at all! Just as a heads up if you are thinking about doing Wild Africa Trek there is a weight limit and if you are over it you wouldn’t be able to participate. Luckily I was under the limit, so next it was time to get strapped into a harness...okay that just took a Fifty Shades of Grey turn didn’t it?!


I have to say you do get very up close and personal with at least two trek guides while getting strapped into your safety gear! Once we were securely wedged into our safety harnesses we were given ear pieces units and a fancy Wild Africa Trek water bottle to keep! Yay for freebies!

We were given a safety briefing and off we went! The trek starts “off stage” but then back “on stage” through the Gorilla Fall Exploration Trail and into the aviary. Our guide told us some fun facts about the birds, but I won’t spoil it for you by telling you them…


Our expedition took us back “off stage” back toward the Kilimanjaro savannah. It was time for of first animal encounter! Hippos! We were hooked up to the safety equipment so we didn’t, you know, fall in and get eaten hungry hungry hippo style and we stood on a ledge that over looks the hippo area. (None of these people are me...)


This is a photo I took from KS later on.

This was seriously so so cool, watching the hippos chowing down on their lettuce and watching the Disney ducks trying to steal it! Then each group had a photo, which you will have to get your Figment on to see, and we detached from the safety gear and off we trekked!

Next stop crocodiles! Once again it was time to strap on…the safety gear! To cross the rope bridge of certain death!!!


Just kidding! It’s more like the rope bridge of humiliation if you don’t look where you are going! After our arduous river crossing we got to have our closer view of those crocs!


No not those! We got to learn some fun croco facts, such as all the crocodiles we saw were all male. The more you know! Here is a photo of some random people doing this part!


I took this one again from KS, which I took because I was excited we had done it not because I know we had no photos!

After we got unstrapped we finally got to take off our safety harnesses!

Then it was time to VIP on our own private KS safari! Our guides give us all a frosty towel which felt so good!


Our truck pulled onto the Haramba reserve and we followed a similar route to the regular KS but our truck pulled off to the side a few times to get a closer look at some of the animals. That was pretty cool. Our guides were very knowledgable and it was just so nice to get the chance to stop and see the animals without people’s cameras or phones or big head in the way!

Next it was time for breakfast! Our truck pulled off the savannah and up to this lookout post. Again this photo is from KS, thank goodness I took these or this post would be literally just words (which it kinda is!) so thank you past Lu!



Our breakfast came in these metal lunch-boxes and there were dried meats, fruits, oatmeal, yogurt and a beautiful edible flower. (Not my photos...again...)


Also there was POG juice which was delicious. The views out over the savannah were amazing and each table had a pair of binoculars which was great. At the back of the look-out post there was a view of the rhinos which was also very cool. After we finished our breakfast we headed back out to finish our safari. As the trek ended we were each given a stone to place in one of the provided boxes which each represented a different animal, as a portion of the Wild Africa Trek cost goes toward animal conservation you could chose which animals conservation you wanted your money to go towards. Which was a nice touch I thought.

Wild Africa Trek really was a wonderful experience (apart from the photo disaster). I would highly recommend it, just take your own camera!


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Day 3, Part 2: Carbs Are Friends, And Food!

We had just finished our Wild Africa Trek and you know what they say, when in Animal Kingdom...stay in Animal Kingdom!


You might laugh but trust me that is going to catch on! I decided that this would be the perfect time to do something new: Rafiki’s Planet Watch! So we hopped on the train and off we went.







It was a really nice relaxing train ride, until a really annoying kid kept standing up and messing around so the CM on the train had to keep asking him to stop, which of course he wouldn’t.
He also toy dinosaur he kept hitting unsuspecting fellow train passengers with and when they asked him to stop he just stuck his tongue out and hit them again! Lovely.
Unsurprisingly his parents seemed completely oblivious to the mayhem their little angel was causing. Great parenting...



Finally we made it to our destination, and wow was it crowded!



I spent ages trying (and failing) to get a decent shot of these monkeys but in the end I just gave up! You are welcome TR readers!






Chip and Dale were out doing their meet and greet and I took a terrible stealth photo of them.


Apparently it's that way! Thanks Rafiki!




We made our way inside to take a look at the various creatures living there.














I think I may have...erm...interrupted these two!


This other guy is just like "not again!"



After that I think we need to cleanse our eyes with some cute little goats and pigs at the affection section! Is that what it’s called? Well it is now!







And here is a photo that I’m sure I had a really good reason for taking!


That was pretty much us done with Rafiki’s Planet Watch. Off to the train! Oooo! Look some plants!


This TR is just gold isn’t it? Back to the station which was again heaving with people!


We had a FP for KS so we had to push past all those people to make sure we made it to start our two week safari!

continued in next post
continued from last post

We made our way to Africa.




Time for our safari! Woo-hoo!



Quiz time: What did I take a photo of here?



Answers in the comments! :rotfl:



















It was a very good two week safari, it just flew by almost in a matter of minutes! By now it was getting close to lunchtime, and I was pretty hungry by now what with our trek so it was time to head out of AK and back to AKL. But we weren’t getting off at Jambo House, we were headed to Kidani Village for lunch at Sanaa.

Kidani Village is very pretty, but for some reason I didn’t think it was worth photographing! Bad Lu! Terrible TR writer! Oh well! I did manage to remember to photograph the food! Well mine at least! I’m sure mum ate...I just have no idea what she ate!


For starters I remembered my ID this time, so I decided to start of this something boozy! This:


Which is a Magical Star Cocktail! C-L-A-S-S-I-C! It was indeed boozy, maybe even too boozy.


I know right?!

As we were at Sanaa it was only right we had the bread service!


We chose to get all the dippy things cause...


It was really good! I loved the bread cause carbs!


For my entree I got the choose two curry thing (it has a name I just don’t know what it is) and I picked the Butter Chicken and the Spicy Durban Shrimp with Basmati Rice.

Again this was really good, it wasn’t too spicy (which is good is it was a really hot day) and it had a really good flavour. We decided not to get a dessert so we settled the cheque and headed out. Rather than take the bus back to Jambo House we decided to re-try to find our way walking. Let’s just say that it is so much easier to do in the daylight! When we got back we nipped into the lounge to see what goodies they had and grabbed some snacks and drinks to take back to the room.

We sat on the balcony for a while but most of the animal were hiding somewhere else so it was all quite on the savannah. DM stayed outside while I got a shower and changed before we headed back out to AK.
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Day 3, Part 3: Back To The Bus Depot!

Once we arrived at AK we hot footed it straight to Africa to see Festival of the Lion King. Neither of us had seen it before (I have seen the full stage version in the West End) so we were both pretty excited! I didn’t take any photos and before you all sass me and say “what's new” I didn’t take any on purpose as I wanted to just enjoy the show. I had planned to take some the next time we saw it but SPOILER ALERT we never did so there you go.


I loved it sooooooo much! It hit me straight in the feels! Only downside it seemed to be raining in the theatre cause my eyes were all wet!


It seemed like we need to dry our faces and what better way to do that then a quick expedition up a mountain with a Yeti?


DM was feeling better so she decided she would try doing EE again. We waited for the front row, which turns out was a good idea as she coped so much better this time around. When we returned back from our expedition it was still a walk on so why not?

It was starting to get a little dusky and I have to say AK looks beautiful when it starts to get darker.



You would think after doing Wild Africa Trek and two safaris already today we would be all safaried out, but you would be wrong!








We decided to see what life is like as a bug.





Turns out it’s tough! As it was now officially dark it seemed like the perfect time to ride EE! Of course it come as no surprise to you if you have been following along so far that I forgot to take any photos of EE at night. If that is a surprise to you then you must be new, and welcome to the TR of disappointment!


After three rides on EE (once with DM, twice on my own), which is epic at night, it was time to make our way out of the park. The tree was having it’s awakening which was very pretty, but we decided to skip the whole show to try and make it to the buses without a huge queue.




Now I have mentioned before about our terrible luck with buses at AKL but this night was the worst. By the time we made it to the bus stop it was already packed. We ended up talking to a family who were inline in-front of us who said they had already been there 20 minutes!


We ended up waiting another thirty minutes before a for AKL turned up. Unfortunately for me and our bus driver the old man behind us in the line was not a happy camper. He had been loudly complaining the whole time about how he wasn’t even going to be able to get on this bus anyway we were waiting and DM made a huge mistake of trying to calm him down by pointing out that another bus would be along and everyone would get home.


At the same time a second AKL arrived, you would think that this would appease Mr. Cranky-Pants but this seemed to make he madder! He started yelling that he wished he didn’t know there was a second bus (which makes zero sense as he got on the first bus anyway…) and as we boarded the bus we could hear as the old guy reached the bus driver who was standing outside our bus and he started laying into him. His language was really not very DIS approved but let’s just say it was rather colourful! The bus driver (bless his heart) was trying to calm the situation down but Mr. Potty-Mouth wasn’t done, oh no, he told our driver to go back to where he came from!


This bus driver was amazing and simply said “You want me to go back to the bus depo?”


Mr. Rude really had no response to that and got on the bus chuntering away to himself. Here comes the unfortunate for me part, since the bus was packed, and I mean PACKED!


I was standing wedged into the back door with a stroller pressing into places a stroller should not go, DM had gotten a seat after a very nice man stood for her, but then Mr. Terrible-Human-Being ended up pushing his way to stand next to me!


He kept trying to talk to me about the bus drama but I make that really clear that was a nope.


After the longest bus journey of my life we finally made it to Jambo House, Mr. Grouch had taken the hint that I was not on his team and had taken to rambling under his breath! I have never moved so fast as I did to get off that bus, of course DM thought it was hilarious that I got stuck with Mr. McGrumpypants! Thanks mom!


We made it back to the room and I made sure my newest family member was tucked up nice and tight!


Isn’t he a cutie? His name is Bob. Bob the Yeti.

It had been a long day and I pretty much fell into bed! Thankfully tomorrow wasn’t an early start!

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Welcome back, Lu! So good to see you again!

Thanks! I am so far behind on everything, but very belated congratulations on your wedding!


And yeah, Photobucket is the absolute worst. I feel your struggle.

Urg Photobucket


Kristen Bell is basically the embodiment of everything I feel about life. Too real.

So, so true!

Wow, welcome back! How are the puppies?

Thanks! The puppies...are driving me crazy!


But I love em! :rotfl:

Hey, big pictures are all the better to look at, right? What an amazing day at AK, you got so much done! Silver lining - I'm sure that you enjoyed your tour and the FoLK even more without taking pictures, so you are totally forgiven! :teeth: I love the Safari the best at AK myself. And you saw so many extra animals at Rafiki's Planet Watch!

Right, they are totally easy to see pictures! :rotfl:


I agree the AK safari is really the best :thumbsup2

Love the Sanaa food pictures - I must go now and wipe the drool off my face. Doesn't help that I am on a wedding diet for DD24's wedding in June and I am always hangry!

How exciting! But yeah, food photos are always the worst when you are on a diet! :laughing:


Impressive updates!

:thanks:....but don't get used to it or anything! :rotfl:
Day 4, Part 1: Hey Animal Kingdom Lodge, I'm Really Stuck On You

After a couple of busy days and early mornings we both felt like we needed a bit of a rest. After a lie in we decided to grab some breakfast at the Mara (gotta use those QS credits!)



DM and I both got the very healthy Mickey waffles and bacon!


It came with strawberries and whipped cream. And you know how I feel about whipped cream!



DM...she is less keen...


After breakfast we made our way back to the room and hung out on the balcony until it was time to get ready to head out.





Today we were off to Hollywood Studios. We had Fps for Star Tours but when we arrived we hit up the Muppets first!




I know it’s outdated but I still love the Muppets. I hope that they don’t get rid of it, but maybe a new movie would be good!


After we survived the Swedish chef’s cannon we headed off to catch our star cruiser.


It always becomes a game to see if I can ever get any good photos going through Star Tours! I’m still failing!




Once we returned to earth it was time to do some browsing in the shops. But you will have to trust me on that as I have no photographic evidence to support that!


Our ADR was approaching so we headed back in the direction of the Muppets. Any ideas where we were headed?


Thta's right the Christmas shop!

Seriously they make the best baubles you have ever tasted!

Okay, fine we actually were headed for Mama Melrose. I had booked us the Fantasmic Dining Package, while I enjoy Fantasmic DM isn’t that fussed about it so it’s easier to do the package and get seats without too much waiting.


I love the fairy lights.


With the dining package you get an appetizer, an entrée and a sampler plate of desserts for the price, which you can use TS credits for, which I think is pretty ok value.


We started out with the bread with oil. Mmmmm….bread.


For my appetizer I chose the tomato and mozzarella.


It was really fresh and tasty. And wait a second! Did I actually take a photo of DM’s food?!


Yes I did! She had the Caesar salad.


For our entrées we both got the steak with mac and cheese.


It was very nice, I would get it again but without the red wine jus that went on it.


I like my steak jus free! DM loved her jus so she was a very happy camper! We ended up skipping the dessert (mostly because last time we didn’t like any of them) and settled the cheque and off we went. DM was still feeling in the need of a rest so we headed back to AKL.

This was our last night at AKL before we moved to our next hotel so was decided to pay off the room bill before check out to say our credit cards! We made our way to Club Level to settle up with our prepaid cards, which is where we hit a snag, apparently Disney don’t take our prepaid cards.


That threw a spanner in the works! Luckily we hadn't spent too much a AKL so we had enough cash to cover it. Unluckily it was back in the room and we didn’t know about the short cut from Club Level so I left DM in the lounge and trekked back to the room. I noticed that there were some workmen on our floor but didn't think much of it...until I was literally glued to AKL!


They had just applied glue to where they were moving carpets around but hadn’t put any signs up so I was stuck to AKL! One of the workmen just looked at me and said
"Watch out for the glue there, it's real sticky" Thanks dude.


The other guy must have realised I was already glued to the floor and de-stuck me before taking my shoe away to get the glue off, which left me looking like a really awkward, confused flamingo in the hallway!


Once my shoe was glue free(ish) I thanked the workman and hurried on my way, remembering to take the other elevator back down to the lobby once I got the money from the safe!

I relayed my adventure to DM and the Club Level cast members and as the loving mother she is DM thought it was hilarious!


The cast members were really apologetic and wanted to know if they could do anything but really it wasn’t a big deal plus it was very funny!


After all the excitement DM felt like she wanted a nap so she went back to the room (avoiding the people sticking floor!) and I left AKL for a solo adventure!
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Day 4, Part 2: Why Don’t You Use That Fantasmic Imagination Guys!

I didn’t really have much of a plan for my solo time so I waited for the first bus that came along, which happened to be Epcot. While I was on the bus I called my dad back in the UK to check up on how he was doing and more importantly how my fur babies were doing as he was on babysitter duty!


Soon I made it Epcot.



I do really love the atmosphere at Epcot, and the music is the best! Not having anything planned to do I hopped in line for one of the classics: Spaceship Earth!


Ready to cruise through time with Dame Judi!

Our journey was stopped a few times before we got the future but sadly Spaceship Earth was clearly feeling extra sassy as they decided I didn’t have a future.




I didn’t really feel like doing anything else at Epcot so I made my way over the international gateway to get to Hollywood Studios.




I caught the boat and enjoyed my journey.


When I arrived in HS I made a beeline for one of my favs! Tower of Terror! On the boat over I had managed to score a FP for it.



Now this is really where my love of FP+ comes into play. I managed to do ToT five times in a row using FP+! I would scan my band and book the next one before the pre-show even started!


A benefit of being on my own was I got front row three out of the five time! Score! After my fifth decent into the twilight zone it was time to meet up with DM for our ADR at 50’s Prime Time Cafe. Now here is the issue with DM, she never uses her phone. Like ever. So I had a time and place to meet but I had no way of contacting her.


It was really hot so I ended up sitting on a bench as much in the shade as I could get outside 50’s as I could keeping my eyes peeled for any sign of her.

Finally about thirty minutes later I saw her appear, apparently she had been waiting in the wrong place.


Oh well! She was here now! Time to eat! 50’s Prime Time is DM’s favourite. We got a TV table which is always the best!


I got a lemonade with fluffy pink stuff!


Wildberry foam maybe? Who knows? Who cares?! Anyway on to the food! DM got the sample plate, I know cause even though I didn’t take a photo of it


That is what she always orders! Speaking of always ordering the same thing I got the fried chicken...which I always get!


Our food came out superfast, I mean we ordered and then


It was there!

Our server wasn’t into the whole Prime Time spiel at all so it was a little disappointing.


But the food was good. Neither of us were feeling dessert so we just paid up and left.

We had some time before Fantasmic started and for some reason I thought it was the perfect time to see Voyage of the Little Mermaid! As we were making our way over we saw R2D2 zipping around. I may not be a Star Wars fan but I love me so R2D2!



Clearly I forgot to take any photos of Voyage of the Little Mermaid but I know that’s what we did. But luckily for you guys I did take a photo of creepy Rapunzel at the gift shop!


You are welcome!

It was finally time to get seated for Fantasmic. Now I will give you a heads up my photos are terrible. I’m sure you are all used to that if you have been following up until now but just in case you thought I had suddenly developed mad photography skillz…I didn’t, but I try!


Personally I really enjoy Fantasmic, it’s not my favourite night-time show but it’s at least third (always about Illuminations…), for DM it’s a once a trip and done kinda thing.












DHS was having EMH so that can only mean one thing! Well two things! ToT and RnRC!
First stop Tower of Terror!!


I finally got a shot of ToT with the top light on! I never noticed it before! What a noob!


The wait was only 13 minutes which is too tempting! Let’s go again!



DM was Twilight Zoned out after the third ride, which means it’s time for ride two! RnRC!


These two rides (and lately TSMM) are really why I still love DHS. I could ride those puppies all day long!


After two rounds of backstage passes with Aerosmith it was time to head back to AKL for the last time this trip!


As it was checkout tomorrow (and really dark) past Lu obviously decided this would be the perfect time to take lobby photos!


It is such a beautiful resort. Bye room 4309, it’s been real!


We finished off packing and enjoyed our balcony until we were ready for bed. It was a great stay at AKL. Tomorrow was check-in day at hotel 2!

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The main reason I haven’t touched this in months is mainly because my photos all went poof with that whole Photo-bucket rubbish.

Ugh that was awful.

Yeah no...I don’t think anyone would get up at stupid o’clock in the morning to go to Rainforest Cafe. No offence if you have, you do you…


:rotfl: that would be crazy.

As you might have guessed from that nifty little warning I just gave you I am about to have a little rant. Now Wild Africa Trek was amazing, we both loved it. It’s such a great memory...which is all it is now as I have no photos from it. You see I took my fancy new camera (which I have no idea how to use to this day) with me to get some shots on the trek but the cast members told me that it would be better to leave my camera in the locker as they had their own photography people who would be taking photos of us throughout the experience and at the end we would get a code to download and keep all our photos.

Ugh that's so dumb. They let everyone take their phones on ours which I didn't expect because I had heard they ask you not to. They got some decent pictures of us but honestly we were only in like 7-10/150 of them so I'm glad we took a few of our own and our own of the animals.

Do you watch Community? We're re-watching it now and I almost forgot how much I love it :rotfl: I love all your Community gifs.

But luckily for you guys I did take a photo of creepy Rapunzel at the gift shop!

The eyes are so creepy!
I mean it’s only been what? Like 7 months since I last did an update?

I just figured you were looking for gifs.

The main reason I haven’t touched this in months is mainly because my photos all went poof with that whole Photo-bucket rubbish.

Ah yes....

And I see you've flipped over to Flickr. How is that working out? I've also heard Smugmug is pretty good.

Now first things first I have to remember where I last let off...ah yes just finished day 2...shoot I thought I had done more!


Awwwww... poor l'il Lu.

I'll catch up in a bit... but glad you're back. :)


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