Twice in two months! - Full Trip Report Completed ****

Ms Poppins

I'm sure I'm very affected by all this Disney talk
Mar 14, 2009
Sunday 24 June - Tuesday 26 June

The Kyriad Hotel for 2 nights - 1 full day in the Disneyland Park

The Cast

Abbey - 15

and 48 others...................

We're just back from DLP a few weeks ago, and Abbey is getting all excited again as she will soon be heading off with various year groups from her school for a trip to Paris, some other theme parks and of course Disneyland Paris :goodvibes

She's asked me to start off a pre-trippie for her, as she promises to take loads of photos and do a short DLP trip report on her return :woohoo:

Here she is just a few short weeks ago


The school trip sets off on Thursday 21 June, early evening by coach, travelling overnight to be in Dunkerque the following morning. The itinery is as follows:

Friday 22 June

First stop the town of Fruges, to visit Sire de Crequy (cheese farm). The afternoon will include a visit to a bakery where they'll make croissants and pain-au-chocolat. They'll stay at Hippotel this evening.

Saturday 23 June

After breakfast a visit to Bagatelle Theme Park, followed by evening meal at the hotel and later a disco.

Sunday 24 June

Transfer to Paris and do all the sights, Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Champs Elysees etc. Evening meal at Flunch restaurant Beaubourg.

Then transfer to the Kyriad Hotel :banana:

Monday 25 June

Up early for breakfast and then full day in Disneyland Park. :cool1: They don't have tickets for the Studios, so should get plenty done as they are allowed to stay until closing, to see Dreams :love: and will use the free shuttle bus back to the hotel. Abbey knows her way about and has the shortcuts all planned out make sure they get to ride BTM and Pirates as often as possible...I wonder who she gets that from ;)

Here's her list of must do's:
Peter Pan
Alice's Maze
In fact, everything...

Back to Kyriad for another night (a late one I think)

Tuesday 26 June

Up early and off to Parc Asterix. Leave here by 16:30 and head home on the coach. Should be back by 9am the next morning.

So with 2 weeks to go, we've already started organising the packing and will probably hit the shops at the weekend for some more outfits :rolleyes:
oh my that sounds like a trip to paradise for a 15-year old :cool1:! We never got to do anything so exciting on a school trip - I'm very jealous!!!
(from Abbey ^^^^^^^^^^^)
She's gonna love it!! I went with the school back in 2002, and also went to dlp for the day. The traveling, early morning etc were so fun, if I was wasn't a mum now I would try and wrangle my way onto another school trip to be a helper or something just for the banter lol
Oh, I've tried....only teachers going, no parents :rolleyes:


My first trip there was with school as part of the French exchange way back in 98! Was a great day although I remember waiting 2hrs whilst all my friends went on Indiana Jones! I was as much a wuss back then as I am now! Although I did go on Space mountain 3 times but probably only because you can't see it from the outside! I've never been back on it since! We almost missed the coach back as we were having such a great time!

There were a few school trips there this week and I was so jealous! Good times!! :)
Wow how exciting for Abbey! Sounds like a great trip. Why did my school never go to DLP?! Most exciting place I went was the European Parliament :confused:
I love the thought of her marshalling the others about to make sure they make the most of the day :rotfl:
Not long to wait either - looking forward to the photos already
Oh, I've tried....only teachers going, no parents :rolleyes:

Grrrrrrr!!! :headache: Do they not realise how their trip would benefit from all your experience?!!! :rotfl2:

Hope she has a fab trip though & doesn't gloat too much! ;)
So, outfits all organised and looks like it should stay dry throughout which means mostly shorts and t-shirts for the whole time

The girls have all got onesys (sp) to wear on the coach and reckon they'll all be fine nipping into the service stations with them on :rotfl2:

We'll be finishing the packing tomorrow. The coach leaves at 7pm tomorrow night and she is sooooo excited :cool1:

Only thing left to do is for me to get her some more euros as she's promised to try and get Lewis something from the shop opposite BTM, which is is favourite haunt ;) I don't want her using up the allowance she has already handed into school, so I'll get some more tomorrow for her. I also need to pick up some snack type things as there seem to be a lot of packed lunches mentioned in the schedule....Abbey does not do sandwiches....

Hopefully she'll remember to take lots of nice photos and we'll put together a trippie when she gets back. :goodvibes
I wish they did such fun trips with my school! The closest I got to a Paris school trip was a stop at Calais to catch a ferry to Dover! :rotfl: And that was for one day, so we headed of really early and got back in the middle of the night. Way to exhausting for what it was really.

Must be fun that she can play tour guide and show all her friends the hidden passages, show spots and the good restaurants and stuff. Hope she has lots of fun!

If she happens to read this: Have a brilliant time Abbey! :cheer2:
So, outfits all organised and looks like it should stay dry throughout which means mostly shorts and t-shirts for the whole time

The girls have all got onesys (sp) to wear on the coach and reckon they'll all be fine nipping into the service stations with them on :rotfl2:

We'll be finishing the packing tomorrow. The coach leaves at 7pm tomorrow night and she is sooooo excited :cool1:

Only thing left to do is for me to get her some more euros as she's promised to try and get Lewis something from the shop opposite BTM, which is is favourite haunt ;) I don't want her using up the allowance she has already handed into school, so I'll get some more tomorrow for her. I also need to pick up some snack type things as there seem to be a lot of packed lunches mentioned in the schedule....Abbey does not do sandwiches....

Hopefully she'll remember to take lots of nice photos and we'll put together a trippie when she gets back. :goodvibes

I see people in town shopping in their onesies... so I am sure she will be just fine in the services! :lmao:

I hope she has a fab trip! I went to DLP with the school back in 90s (that makes me feel sooo old!) and it was what gave me the Disney bug! pixiedust: Although I think Abbey already has that! :joker:
Gosh, it's almost here :cheer2::cheer2:.

I too wish we'd gone to fun places like that on my high school trips! The best we got was a French exchange to Toulouse (which is a looong way on a coach!) where we stayed with French families and I got bitten alive the whole week (by the mozzies, not the families :rotfl:). No fun trips to theme parks involved though!!

I'm guessing Abbey is going to be using some of her French she has obviously picked up on her many trips to DLRP :rotfl2:. She certainly won't need a park map ::yes::.

I hope she has a fab time and can't wait to see some photos :beach:.
Todays the day Abbey :banana::banana:!!

Hope she has a fabulous amazing trip Julie!
On the way now. :goodvibes Looking forward to hearing all about it when she gets back. :goodvibes
Abbey is back from her trip and finally we have uploaded all her photos. So here we go.......

Thursday 21 June

The school had asked us to be at the pick-up point for 18:15, the coach would leave at 19:00 prompt. Just before 18:00 one of Abbey's friends called to ask where she was! We got there bang on 18:15 and the bus was almost full. We said our goodbyes to a very excitable coach full of teenagers and surprised to see them head off ahead of schedule at 18:35 :) As the coach left and the parents waved, one of the dad's shouted 'Don't come back!' :wave2:

And now, I'll hand over to Abbey.......


Hi everyone!! This was my first trip abroad with the school so as you can tell from the photo above I was extremely excited! We were told that our first stop would be 3 hours into the journey which nobody was fussed about. The weather was miserable and we all just lounged with our pillows and blankets, and watched the first series of the Big Bang Theory. A few of my friends and I had brought onesies with us, so before our 2nd stop we changed into them and got some odd looks from the staff in the service station :cool1: .


Friday 22 June

At around 5am we were in Dover and had to wait on the coach to get onto the ferry. That took about 30 minutes and we drove onto it then went and got breakfast with 5 euro's given to us. I had beans, toast, egg and bacon which came to 4.95 :thumbsup2 .

Around 2-3 hours later we were in France and went to a cheese farm and bakery. The cheese farm stank and the man who showed us how to make croissant's and pain du chocolat's did not seem pleased to see a school of 40 children :rotfl2: . After this we checked into our 1st hotel...The Hippotel! We then had dinner and a few of my friends and I went for a walk around the town and got crepes!



There was also a marching band playing lot's of happy music, including James Brown


We got back to the hotel at around 10:20pm and I played a game of pool in the lobby with a nice glass bottle of coca cola:cool2:. Then off to bed with an early start and long day ahead of us!
Saturday 23 June

After a reasonable sleep we were up for 7:30ish and had breakfast. We got back on the same coach and travelled to Bagatelle Theme Park. We went on various rides, most were water associated and the weather was very nice (shorts and tee weather :cool1: ) The rides were good but nothing compared to Disneyland :flower3: .









These bikes were bouncy, so as you were peddling you were moving up and down at the same time, very confusing :confused3


We all had a great time and had lunch in the park. The food was good, being chips and hot dogs :rotfl2: . We then went back onto the coach for dinner to be in the hotel then a night at a local disco.




We got back really late, with the teachers to then tell us we had to have our bags packed and the rooms tidy for 7:30 :scared1: We went to sleep after 1am sitting not knowing how to pack our bags :crazy2: . I forgot to mention last night I had tried to pull over the curtain and the pole fell down with it leaving our room on view from a balcony door...I thought we would be charged as the teachers had lectured us that any damage in the room would need to be paid for :mad: Luckily the teachers said it was a maintenance problem and that we didn't need to worry. We had managed to put it up temporarily but tonight we were so tired we didn't care and left it on the floor :rolleyes:
Sunday 24 June

We were up with our rooms gutted and bags on the coach for 7:30 followed by breakfast at 8am. I had a croissant and there was food to make up a packed lunch for the following day however there was nothing that I liked. However, mum to the rescue!....she had packed some food for me that I could have if this problem was to occur :cool1: We were off to Paris at 8:30 and watched some movies to pass the few hours we had on the coach. The weather was quite miserable with rain but we managed to wear shorts and hoodies without being cold. We passed some famous landmarks and stopped at the Eiffel Tower. We waited in the queue to get tickets for at least 40mins, but kept ourselves amused by taking photos...





There was some construction work underneath the Eiffel Tower which didn't help make it look any better....



Finally we got onto the tower but had to walk the whole way because only one lift was working, but we only went to the 2nd floor. One of my friends timed us and it took us around 6 minutes to walk to the first floor...

I'm guessing this is the guy who designed it...





After spending a wee while admiring the view and spending 3E on a bottle of fanta :scratchin we walked back down and sat about as we had time to spare before we had to meet back with our teachers. Because of the rain we got back on the coach and went on a tour of all famous sites followed by dinner at a buffet place called Flunch.

Back on the coach and we were off to the Kyriad :cool1: :cheer2: :dance3:
We got there quite early and had some time to kill, so I asked if we could jump on a shuttle bus and go to Disney Village to look at the shops, sadly we couldn't because we would of needed a teacher with us and that it would cause some hassle, even though I had explained that I could be the teacher and take everyone...we sat in the lobby at the bar and watched the football and had some coca cola. We also arrived earlier than planned so we got quite bored. The WiFi never worked either :sad1: and the receptionists said that they were trying ''something new'' so that it might take some time to work. They were also quite rude when we were in the corridor, saying that we were making too much noise, when another school was there too, making the noise... We went to sleep watching some Criminal Minds in French. DISNEYLAND TOMORROW :)

Here are some photos of the room between 3 of us...




Monday 25 June

I had a lie in until 8:20 with time for a shower as we were told breakfast would be at 9:30, which was fine because we were all so tired from the day before. Breakfast was fine, with the usual things there except bacon :sad2: so I had some croissants and apple juice. Afterwards we got on the shuttle bus to be at the park for around 10:45.



As soon as we got into Main Street one of my friends said "right Abbey, take us to Big Thunder Mountain!" So we walked through Liberty Arcade and the covered walkway, being there within 2 minutes, rather than five if we walked down Main Street. The waiting time was already 60 minutes though so we waited for fast passes for about 20 minutes. There were 16 of us so 2 of us got all the tickets together and got them in a bundle to save time. We then headed to Pirates with a 20 minute wait and again kept ourselves amused by singing some songs and taking photos, with the occasional stare as we hummed (loudly) the theme tune for Pirates. The cast member also got a bit scared when she asked how many for the boat and my reply was 16 :rotfl2: Afterwards we took a walk over the suspension bridge.


We were then on time for our BTM fast pass and went on with a 5 minute wait


Afterwards we went a walk to Discoveryland and got fastpasses for Space Mountain, however some people had crumpled their tickets so they did not work in the machine. The cast member was very nice about it though considering how many tickets there was and wrote how many people one ticket would apply for. Every ride had a long waiting time so we sat about for 20 minutes, which nobody was bothered about because we were quite tired.




We went back to the meeting point and got our voucher for lunch. There were specific restaurants we could use it in and whatever we ordered had to be from Menu 2. After some discussion and noticing that the Bella Notte Pizzeria was closed, we went to Cafe Hyperion. We waited in the line for at least 35 minutes. The Menu 2 was a cheeseburger, large fries, large soft drink of your choice, white magnum bar with nuts or chocolate balls and yoghurt. Overall it was very nice but the cheeseburger had salad cream on it so I gave that a miss...

We then wandered around a bit more going to see the dragon and looking in the shops. We also went on a small world and done some shopping. Then off to Phantom Manor with a 10 minute wait. The rest of the afternoon we wandered between Frontierland and Discoveryland. We went into the shops in Frontierland and I got my little brother a gun which he had not stopped talking about. This lead to us spending quite some time mucking about and we all became big kids after buying cowboy hats, pistols and bandana's...One of my friends and I went into the shop and couldn't find the small metal pistols, so asked the CM at the till, he was very funny and helped us out a lot by showing us the different pistols.







By this time the parade had started and nobody was fussed about seeing it so we headed over to Pirates again. On the way there I noticed Captain Jack Sparrow standing, with no crowd! I immediately walked over for a photo, this time he was standing beside the Captain's wheel and thought I was Spanish and seemed very confused when I said 'no.....English' :rotfl:


We then walked onto Pirates with all our cowboy gear! After this we got dinner at Casey's, and again the CM's were rude aswell to me and all my friends, and we were all at different cashiers :confused3 We headed over to Buzz with a 15 minute wait and by this time we were ready to use our fast passes for BTM, which was 22:35!! Dreams was starting soon and central plaza was heaving with people, so we ran to the ride, got on without a wait and enjoyed going round the mountain in the dark with our bandana's and guns. The CM who was giving us our photo's was very nice and spoke to us about dreams.


Another long run and we found a spot in the middle of Central Plaza with only a few minutes before the show started. We all enjoyed it even though we weren't altogether :sad1: I also text my mum saying I almost cried at it. As soon as it had finished we linked arms and headed back to the meeting point to get on the shuttle bus. We got back very late and had to have our bags packed again and ready to leave for 9am the next morning. This was by far my favourite day, even though I wish we had done more but it was soo busy! I fell asleep very easily and looked forward to the next day. :)
yey Abbey, fabulous trip report, your Mum has taught you well :cool1:. My DD has that same Mickey vest top, and she was after a little gun like that too last month :rotfl:.
Tuesday 26 June

Today was our last day and we had breakfast and were on the coach by 9am. We went to Parc Asterix which didn't feel like too far away. I noticed it was quite busy and we all went onto the ride with I think 7 loops in it. That wasn't a long wait but the ride was quite slow, even though there was so many loops. By this point all the rides were very busy so there was no other choice than to wait in the queues which were all between 40-60mins. A packed lunch was given to us but me and one of my friends are quite fussy so we wandered about to find somewhere that sold chips. Eventually we found a place which was similar to McDonald's food and got chips for 3E. This was then followed by more rides. At this point we were all really tired and weren't bothered about what rides we got on.



We left there at about 5ish and had a 3 hour journey back to Dover to get onto the ferry. Dinner was quite late and we got onto the ferry a wee while afterwards. We were all really tired and moany. We then travelled through the night to be back at the school for 9am. We arrived at 9:15.


Overall, the trip was fantastic! It was strange not going to Disneyland with my family but I still had a great time and got to see some things I never thought I would (cheese farm.) The weather was nice apart from one day and there was no fallouts between any of my friends :thumbsup2 :lmao: We all had so much fun everyones wanting to go back again in 2 years! This trip report probably wasn't up to the standard of my mums :rolleyes: but I hope you enjoyed reading it :)


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