Victoria & Jacks PJ - WP/WR/SC - April 5th 2011 - Update 01/09

i am gonna invite her. She hasnt lived her life if she hasnt been to Disney!! She doesnt know what she is missing! I think she would love its a small world and Tower of Terror!

so whats the best addresses to get 'contacts' like hers? I have just tried to search for Pete Yorn & Larry David and only websites where you have to pay have come up!? :headache:
Great idea to invite the queen along :rotfl:
I didn't relise you were a SE London girl too, bet you are so glad you ain't here no more? part of me would love to move out of London but I think i'd miss city life and having everything so close by
inviting the queen would be fun! it would be crazy if she showed. :yay:
but i wonder what kind of response you will get?

I have definitely decided on Victoriana!!!!!

I went to my appointment at the Maggie Stockist near me today. I tried on about 6 Maggies. Including Krystalyn Marie:


Which was really gorgeous, and also Cambria Marie:


Which was very nice too! But then I tried on Victoriana last and it just blew them away!! I kept it on for about 25 minutes and was SO sad to take it off. I just love it!

Then my Mum and I did some shopping and were looking at dresses for her in Allders (UK Department Store) and we walked past the bridal section where Victoriana was first out on the rack!!! They also had McCall which I'd been reccomended by the store to try if I liked Victoriana, so I tried it on:


It is definitely my 2nd favourite, and Mum and I both adored it. But the Satin skirt was really heavy, and then (just for like) I put victoriana on in that store too, and yet again she won hands down! Lol!

Also, funny story, while I was in the 2nd bridal store, there was a 15 year old girl trying on bridesmaids dresses, and her mum was giving it big how when her daughter gets married how gorgeous and princessy her dress will be. And that her daughter is going to get married in Disneyworld.

I said "I'm getting married in Disney! :D" And then the daughter and all the shop assisstants got so excited and started asking me. And the woman got SO annoyed like i'd kicked her in the face or something. Wierd. Mum recons it's because she though she was boasting and being really unique with a Disney wedding and then the only other bride in there was already doing that. :lmao: Either way I enjoyed it. Does that make me a bad person? :rotlf:

Just for luck - here's Victoriana, (oh and we've decided on the Ivory for certain too!) :)

It's on someone else, but shows the dress really well I think, and is in the right colour, unlike the publicity photos.


I tried on McCall - I think I mentioned it! - but as I won't be wearing heels, it didn't suit me at all and it was soooo heavy! I love the sleeves though which I was surprised about as I thought I'd never want sleeves.

Lavina Royale was in my wedding shop and I wanted to try it on a I thought it was really pretty in person. The skirt is really similar to Victoriana. It was £1400 though!!
Congrats on finding your dress. Victoriana is beautiful! I think it looks best in Ivory too. Isn't it funny how many Disbrides are also Maggie Brides? We should get some type of discount!
Congrats on finding your dress. Victoriana is beautiful! I think it looks best in Ivory too. Isn't it funny how many Disbrides are also Maggie Brides? We should get some type of discount!
I was saying that in the store today. We figured Maggie just has the most princessy ones! princess:
i love love love your dress! :goodvibes as you know, its my kinda style! ;) big and princessy!!
Congrats on picking out your dress! I don't think you were being rude sharing with that woman. Boo to her for not using you as a resource!
yay!!! That dress is so gorgeous!!! COngrats on making the big decision! :)
OK your dress is amazing Torse! I am so loving it on you, perfect choice!

Oh and yay for putting that woman in her place about your DFTW lol! Too funny, I wouldve done the same thing:goodvibes
Awww, thanks Sam.

I think about the dress all the time. But really don't want to buy it this far out from the wedding, as I have a couple of dress sizes to lose that I put on with my surgery earlier in the year that I definitely want rid of before the wedding.

Also I figure if I buy it in March then I can pay in full the day I get it, rather than just put a deposit, which might mean I can get a better deal on it. As my Mum and I keep saying though I'd MUCH rather have the dress I love full price than anything else with a discount, so I'm going to make sure I have the full amount ready, and anything off it will just be a nice bonus. :)

Also, my friend told me it's customary for your Mum to pay for your dress? I know that really the parents of the bride normally pay the majority, but I figured as mine are paying the entire Disney bill and probably our flights, then it's only fair that I pay for my own dress, and BM dresses. (We're paying for our photographers and hotel too. And I think I'll pay for my Mum and Dad to have a night GF CL the days before and after the wedding too, as I will be using it to get ready I imagine.)

How did you guys split what you and your families paid for?
Thats great news you've decided on your dress. I think it is traditional that your Dad/parents pays for your dress, my Dad paid for mine, but nowadays everything is mixed up I don't think it matters, here is a list of what is traditional:

The Bride's Father pays for:
Engagement announcement in newspaper.
Stationery and postage expenses.
Bride's and bridesmaids' dresses and accessories.
Page boy outfit.
His own suit and bride's mother's outfit.
Transport for bride and himself, bridesmaids and bride's mother to ceremony venue.
Transport for bride and groom, bride's mother, bridesmaids and himself from ceremony venue to reception venue.
Flowers for the church and reception.
Bouquets for the bride and bridesmaids ( * see below).
Buttonholes for participants and guests ( * see below).
Photographer and/or videographer.
Wedding Cake.
Reception and all associated expenses.
Wedding Insurance.
Overnight accommodation for close family if required.
Wedding present for his daughter and her new husband.
Wedding consultant fees.
* Sometimes considered the responsibility of the groom.

The Groom's Parents pay for:
The parents' meeting following the engagement announcement.
Their own outfits.
Wedding present for the newly-weds.

The Bride pays for:
Hen party.
Groom's ring.
Something old, new, borrowed and blue.
Hairdresser and beautician on the day.
Her going-away outfit.
Present for groom.

The Groom pays for:
Stag party.
Bride's wedding ring.
Hiring of his own, best man's and ushers' suits.
Transport for best man and himself to ceremony venue.
Civil or church ceremony fees.
Presents for the bride, bridesmaids, pages, ushers and best man.
His going-away outfit.
Transport away from reception venue for himself and his new wife.
Wedding night venue.
Press announcement for wedding.

The Bride and Groom pay for:
Present for the bride's parents.
Thanks Chilly.

I guess it looks like my dad is getting away lightly then ;) Lol. Not really!!

We all feel happy with what we're paying for so I guess that's all that matters.

Currently Jack's Parents aren't contributing anything, as they have his sisters wedding before ours, so we aren't expecting anything from them. They have mentioned a few times they want to help out, but we are going to treat it as a nice bonus if they do, as we don't want to rely on money we possibly wont have.

I know it's ages until we pay anything but we've really sat down lately and looked at the costs and it's so comforting knowing where we all stand and that everything we want for the wedding is possible. :)


Oooooh! And yesterday after months of looking at officiants and being undecided between Rev. Herring and Rev. Miller I was reading Sara-Jaynes TR and she raved about Rev. Miller and couldn't say enough good about him, and he looks so friendly and I love the wording on his website. So he is definitely our first choice now!

Although I e-mailed and he only takes bookings 6 months out, so I just need to keep my fingers crossed for a year that he is available.
wow. thanks for that list. my DF and i are paying for everything ourselves, but its nice to know the traditional side of it.

*keeping my fingers crossed that you get the officiant you want* :goodvibes


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