Video Debut of Canadian Lumberjack Show

Ugh I hate saying this because the guys seem really nice.

But that show is bad (IMO). I think if they had more space, it would be much better. Some of the other videos around with these types of shows seem more entertaining but they have tons of space. They are just smushed in there.

I agree that it would have better to get a new musical act.

It also doesn't fit in World Showcase. Why? I don't know, it just doesn't. I mean the sounds of chainsaws, really?
If they can trim the chatter and add more wow factor, I think kids would love it. Much more than they did the music group.

I'm not a fan of either, a walk by and glance is all either would get from me, but I can see where this could be of more interest to kids especially.

My kids would hate that show. They would be bored out of their minds.
I couldn't watch this video past the 6 minute mark. In the park I would watch for a minute and keep on walking. You can tell by the crowd that they are not all that into it.
Hopefully they can tweak it a bit, but I think the stage is just too small for such a show. The performers need to interact with the crowd not just the host.
Well, my son liked it! But I agree with previous poster - too much talking. But this was day 1, hopefully they can tweak it to be more exciting.
I can see some kids liking this show.

I've been to a few lumberjack shows in Alaska and this show is lame. The malfunction really made the show suck.

Unfortunately, I wasn't a great fan of Off Kilter, but I would take them over this show.
It would be better if they invited audience members up to cut wood and throw axes. Now that would be something to watch.....from a distance of course. :rotfl:
The way they are throwing those axes around there wont be a pavilion very long that thing will be chopped down before the end of the year :lmao:
I know they are limited due to time constraints and venue but I've seen more interesting lumberjack shows at state fairs. Other lumberjack shows have demonstrations like log rolling and tree climbing so it's not just a half hour of chopping wood. And many of them also have female lumberjacks.
Watching the video I would have thought they would have been better at their job then what they were showing which wasn't very good. Didn't find it entertaining at all. Like I was watching people who haven't been doing this for long and just thrown in to preform before totally ready. Hopefully just jidders for the first few shows.

As for Off Kilter I found the music volume so terribly loud that we would pick up the pace out of that area when they came out to perform. Wished they turned it down and we may have stuck around to check it out. It didn't need to be heard across the lagoon.

Performances we do enjoy at epcot and stop for are:

America fife and drum (will miss them)
America Voices of Liberty
Japan drummers
Italy Sergio
I liked it, it won't appeal to everyone but I'd guess a lot of people (especially kids) will find this more interesting than more music.

I hated to see Off Kilter go but think it's a good thing that Epcot is adding more variety, when I was there last year it seemed like nearly every pavilion had music of some sort and the only other acts I remember seeing were acrobats in China and stacking chairs in France.

I enjoy the different music, especially the American singers and the Japanese drums, but I don't think I spent more than a few minutes watching any of the rest simply because I didn't want to spend my whole day watching bands.
Was the name 'Canada's Got Talent' taken? :rolleyes:

That's an insult to Canadians everywhere, if this performance was to be an example.

I didn't last much past the 3 minute mark of the video. I've seen better at local fairs in BC. And like a PP, I couldn't help but notice the irony of the Celtic fiddle background music. While I'm sure this may have appeal for some, I doubt we'll even break stride as we pass this by.
We were there. It's a snoozer, although the children passing by we're intrigued. Now, if they were juggling the chainsaws, it would be fun to watch. The Disney entertainment folks in attendance were all patting themselves on the back.
I agree with the previous posters who said if they cut some of the talking and add some "wow" factor at this is could be interesting. But in my opinion it will never be what Off Kilter was. Even if you didn't watch Off Kilter, the music added ambiance to the area and gave the pavilion some personality. As a Canadian, I think there are so many more interesting things they could have used to replace Off Kilter if they didn't want a musical act anymore. Heck, they should have just put a Tim Hortons in the pavilion and called it a day.
I guess I'm one of the few looking forward to the lumberjacks. I don't love live music, though I did enjoy the fife and drum corp.
That was embarrassing to watch. I was bored out of mind. Disney should be ashamed of themselves.


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