Video Debut of Canadian Lumberjack Show

I watched the video for about one minute and 25 seconds, which is probably about a minute longer than I would watch it in person.
I kept fast forwarding it, I found it boring. We went to a lumberjack show in Vancouver and it was really good. They had these huge tree logs and they climbed them so fast. They were racing to the top. They also did log rolling. It was way more exciting than the video I just watched.
I can see it being a nice option for someone looking to take a break, zone out for a while, but it isn't very unique to me. I mean, I know it is paying homage to Canada's territory, but it reminds me of the log rollers that are at out local summer fest. I wish maybe they could have kept both Off Kilter on one stage and put these guys in a new venue over by the gardens near Le Cellier or something. I just miss the upbeat fun that seeing Off Kilter did. It has to be hard for the Lumberjacks tho, following a big fan favorite like Off Kilter. If the lumberjacks were in addition to them I bet they would be being received a bit better.
1. I can see it being a nice option for someone looking to take a break, zone out for a while, but it isn't very unique to me.
2. I mean, I know it is paying homage to Canada's territory, but
3. it reminds me of the log rollers that are at out local summer fest.

I wish maybe they could have kept both Off Kilter on one stage and put these guys in a new venue over by the gardens near Le Cellier or something. I just miss the upbeat fun that seeing Off Kilter did. It has to be hard for the Lumberjacks tho, following a big fan favorite like Off Kilter. If the lumberjacks were in addition to them I bet they would be being received a bit better.

1. How can you relax and zone out with a that loud jabbering going on?
2. No, it most certainly does not. Only very, very small sections of a couple of provinces.
3. That's probably doing an injustice to your local fair.

A couple of the PPs got it right. Its embarrassing.
I wonder if the lumberjacks knew how small and constricting the stage area was going to be when they agreed to this with WDW.

I do think the show is going to be a miserable flop but it's not because of them, but because the area/location is just not right for this type of show.
I watched the video and kept hoping it would get interesting or at least ok at some point. It did not. Can not believe they replaced a popular musical group with this:confused3
I kept fast forwarding it, I found it boring. We went to a lumberjack show in Vancouver and it was really good. They had these huge tree logs and they climbed them so fast. They were racing to the top. They also did log rolling. It was way more exciting than the video I just watched.

This is what I did too. I really, really wanted to get through the whole thing, but I couldn't without skipping ahead. I figured if I was going to give an opinion, I'd at least see what they could do. I don't know what I expected, but this wasn't it. I guess I thought there'd be some tricks or something- or what someone else described as a "wow" factor. Honestly, I've seen shows at our Renaissance Festival that could blow this out of the water. The guys all seem nice and they do have some skills, but I really expected more for a Disney show.

And just to clarify- this is all coming from someone who couldn't care less that Off Kilter is gone. I never saw them perform, and I actually think it's a good idea to switch out shows occasionally to keep things fresh. I wouldn't be stopping to watch this show though.
Just one more nail in the coffin of what Epcot once was.

That was beyond lame...and they are going to repeat that several times a day?
Absolutely pathetic.

They need something exciting right off the bat to grab the audience's attention, and they think lame ax throwing is the way to do it.? Looks more like the kind of act used to "clear the house" in old time vaudeville.
We'll probably stop and watch for at least a few minutes. Which is more than we did with Off Kilter -- that we hurried past pretty quickly - too screechy and loud for our taste.
I wonder if the lumberjacks knew how small and constricting the stage area was going to be when they agreed to this with WDW.

I do think the show is going to be a miserable flop but it's not because of them, but because the area/location is just not right for this type of show.

Agree with this & the others who have said similar things about the tiny venue. It's like the first time I saw a monster truck show in a hockey rink. Just too small.
Absolutely pathetic.

They need something exciting right off the bat to grab the audience's attention, and they think lame ax throwing is the way to do it.? Looks more like the kind of act used to "clear the house" in old time vaudeville.

As a Motorsports promoter, this was my strategy. Never run the "stock" class first. Start with some kind of "wow" factor. Start & end the show with the saws, IMO.
Somewhere in Canada Off Kilter is laughing hysterically.. This is dreadful. Epcot should be ashamed.

Hopefully there is a defibrillator and a trauma kit nearby.
So... do we actually know anything about the show or are we all just taking jabs and guesses based off of the stage and name?

Jabs and guesses are pretty accurate.

Could we just wait to see what they actually do with it? There's no way to know if the videos on youtube and elsewhere are what they are going to be doing in Epcot. I'm expecting a little more polished production than what I see on sample videos.

Really, it's a little premature to call it a bust.


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