Video Debut of Canadian Lumberjack Show

Watched the video - definitely does not fit in to Epcot :sad1:

Didn't like Off Kilter either, just a bunch of loud noise that we had to hurry and rush by to save our ears.
cakebaker said:
Just took a look at it- as I said, not my cup of tea, but neither was the music.
It's just a 15 minute show, those that don't like it can just pass it by.

Or they can complain to GS, as many do when they don't like something.

The sound.of.chainsaws across WS is not in any way appealing or.enticing.
They do a similar lumberjack show at the Ohio State Fair every year. It's a fun show, but they do log rolling as well. I just don't see this as a good replacement for the Off Kilter music. But new isn't always bad - I'll wait and see what I think when we're down later this fall. I'm interested to see what will replace the wonderful Mo'Rocking - I can't imagine what it will be.

So many things are changing right now . . .

I witnessed this show in person. They need to go back to the county fair they came from. They do not belong in a Disney park. :furious:
This is supposed to be representative of Canadian culture? As a Canadian, I find this sad. Being a lumberjack is an occupation, one occupation of many which Canadians hold. Lumberjacks are also found in any region in any country around the world that has a logging industry.

I just wish they could have found something more uniquely Canadian to showcase :confused3
Could Disney only afford to hire the flunk-outs from Lumberjack U? Those guys were embarassingly awful.
It is pretty obvious that this act is in Epcot for no reason other than WDW's desire to replace its own long-term employees under an expensive contractual obligation with much cheaper, third-party contracted acts (despite a previous poster in the Off Kilter thread being convinced that the lumberjacks would be a highly skilled entertainment option that would actually cost Disney more than Off Kilter - I dare anyone to watch the video and state that this act is actually costing Disney more to hire). They were not even provided with costumes or a storyline by Disney. Looks like it was just "Here's the stage, go up there and do about 15 minutes of lumberjack type stuff that will work on this stage, the content is up to you but no cussing." They aren't even pretending to be Canadian (since these guys are not actors, it's probably just as well that they don't.)

What were you thinking Disney Management?

They were thinking about how much more cheaply they could hire this act.
I will spend the same amount of time in Canada as I did before. That would be zero. I had no interest in Off Kilter nor will I in this show. If I want to visit Canada, I just drive through New York and across the border.
It is pretty obvious that this act is in Epcot for no reason other than WDW's desire to replace its own long-term employees under an expensive contractual obligation with much cheaper, third-party contracted acts (despite a previous poster in the Off Kilter thread being convinced that the lumberjacks would be a highly skilled entertainment option that would actually cost Disney more than Off Kilter - I dare anyone to watch the video and state that this act is actually costing Disney more to hire). They were not even provided with costumes or a storyline by Disney. Looks like it was just "Here's the stage, go up there and do about 15 minutes of lumberjack type stuff that will work on this stage, the content is up to you but no cussing." They aren't even pretending to be Canadian (since these guys are not actors, it's probably just as well that they don't.)
If they are paying that entire team of 'lumberjacks' more than what the salary would have been for ONE band member from Off Kilter, they're still paying too much.
I finally had a chance to watch the whole video. I had to make myself watch the whole video just to be fair to the guys that were doing the new show. I have to say that this is incredibly boring and an extremely poor replacement act for Off Kilter.

I'd much rather listen to good music like what was offered before than to waste one minute watching this nonsense. It's really sad that who ever is in charge thinks that replacing that band with this act was a good idea. It really makes me wonder who the idiot is who is making these decisions.

Well I'll be. Back in April we were at an agricultural festival here in North Carolina and while there we watched a lumberjack show. I'm sure you can imagine my surprise when I played this video and discovered that somehow a county fair act just got plopped into the middle of Disney World. Same exact people, same exact show, same exact poor skills.
I just watched the video and I am afraid I have to do a little *begging your pardon*

I was supporting this change and was looking forward to the change in shows. I have seen a number of excellent logging shows and this is NOT one of them. This show failed before it started if for no other reason then a lack of space and equipment.

I was wrong on this one!...:eek:......the only good thing is it will not last long or they will realize how poor it is and make it right.

It's not a Disney show. This is a third party contractor that can be hired by state and county fairs, or anybody who wants to pay them. This is their show, or at least as much of it as they are able to do given the space and time constraints they had to work with. The first show wasn't bad due to nerves or inexperience. It is what their show is. They must have thought they hit the jackpot when Disney agreed to contract with them for a regular show.

I don't know the terms of the contract but unless they do something to negate the contract I think they are to be in Epcot for the next year. Not sure what kind of power Disney has to terminate the contract, or how much control Disney has over the content of their show.
OMG this is awful! That show was just boring crap! As a Canadian I am embarrassed that this is the featured entertainment at our pavilion. And somewhat ticked if it's true that these hacks aren't even Canadian!
Well, I didn't watch the video but its really too bad, sounds like they arent making it what it could be. We have a lumberjack show every year at the state fair. It is my kids only "do not miss" show at the fair. But they set it up as a competition between the lumberjacks and really get the crowd into it. And the plus side is the lumberjack weren't bad to look at either ;)
1. How can you relax and zone out with a that loud jabbering going on?
2. No, it most certainly does not. Only very, very small sections of a couple of provinces.
3. That's probably doing an injustice to your local fair.

A couple of the PPs got it right. Its embarrassing.

well I was trying to be positive about the change....

This is supposed to be representative of Canadian culture? As a Canadian, I find this sad. Being a lumberjack is an occupation, one occupation of many which Canadians hold. Lumberjacks are also found in any region in any country around the world that has a logging industry.

I just wish they could have found something more uniquely Canadian to showcase :confused3

I agree, but apparently they are following the same approach as the American pavilion~except they removed the Fife and Drum and no replacement yet (there may be and I am unaware)


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