Virtual Trip to Universal Studios! (Game)


<font color=green>Manager of the DISBoard Ghostbus
May 18, 2003
Hey! I thought of an idea to createa Universal Studios RPG game. A way to "go to the parks" without being in Orlando. What do you say?

BUT, there is a catch!! If you want to participate you can NOT be yourself. You can play the part of another DIS'r or a Universal Studios employee (ie - a Ghostbuster...LOL) or something along those lines. You can be more than one person if you would like, but you don't have to.

So, the story is: A trip to Universal Studios!: Female DIS'rs drooling over the GBs and other crazy happenings!! :)

If you are interested, please post who you want to be. We will start this on Monday so if any others want to join us, they have time to find this thread. That is, unless we get enough people to sign up beforehand...others can join later on down the road too, if they'd like. :)

Rules of an RPG: You can only respond to others' comments and actions with the characters you "are." You can not respond for someone else. The story is in third person where you list the character's name and then the colon and what they say and/or do.

Interested by have very little time online? Don't let that stop you from joining the fun!! Even though someone may ask your character a question and you can't reply...another person's character can answer for your character if they are around...or, you can have your character disappear (go to the bathroom maybe? whatever...just be creative) until you can come back and post. Just post whenever you can and want...just to contribute to the adventure! ;) No excuses now!!

Let me know!!! :)

Character and DIS'r username
Selina played by Flyfly_Eclipse ;)
Barry Hom played by damo
I think here is good..........I'm wondering....would it be possible just on the front page to post the GB pic next to the person's name who is playing the part - so we all remember which one we are talking about. I don't think diser's need to have a pic as most of us have seen pics of each other/or already have an "image" implanted in the brain of that person!!

Anyway.........Selina would like to play "Orange guy #2" :p
Sure Selina! I'll post a small picture so people know. :) :) Good idea...people may get confused if different people want to play a GB. :) Do you want another part as well? I'm debating who I want to be...I have a couple ideas I am debating though......;)
Yes, I never thought of being two!! But it's not fair if I choose now, because most of the others will be on later, so I'll see tomorrow morning how the auditions are going!!:D
OK :)
I'm not sure who to be!!! hmmmmm....I know I want to be a fellow DIS'r because that'll be lots of fun! muahahahahaha!!
Hi back on for a few mins.......
I've been thinking while having a bath, I don't think I'll be orange guy no. 2 as I might be biased towards that character!!

The problem is we don't know yet who wants to play:-

How about to begin with we don't choose yet, everyone just signs in to the thread first to say they want to play and then go from there?:D
LOL I'd hate to think of what you may make the "Guy in Orange #2" say or do!!! ;) ;) :p

However, we'll see if anyone else wants to join us...and yeah, we'll let them choose.

I decided I'm going to be YOU (muahahahaha). :)

Anyone else want to join?

I never participated in one, but I was reading the one they had on an "8 Simple Rules" messageboard and it was hysterical...they even had the characters go to Universal Studios Orlando, which was pretty fun to read. :) Just thought this could be something different for this board...try something new here...
DM.......sure you have a "little" time..........perhaps you could play Barry as he isn't here very much until after Nov 16th!!!::yes:: :wave: :wave2: ........trying out the smiles....
Aelina - that would be Kevin who won't be on much until after Nov. 16...but, I haven't heard much from Barry anyway.......

man, I hope more people will don't have to be on often, you can have your character disappear for a while for...bathroom breaks or something...I don't know...:)
Yes I realised afterwards I meant Kevin.....I think someone else hopefully will be saying that they will be playing very soon.....!...:smooth:
109 people have looked at this thread!! Would you all like us to start playing on Monday and you can join in at random playing someone other than yourself???

Fly fly....perhaps we should "bend the rules" and say that any number of people can play the same character or add characters as long as it isn't themselves - in that way, the game is very open and diser's who do not have very much on-line time can still join in the fun!!:D :D
Selina - that's what I meant. People can just jump in whenever they want. They can play any character (preferably a fellow DIS'r or a Universal employee though) as long as it isn't themself.
Okay fly as it's your's only fair that you start the introduction to the story and begin the game...!!:p

Everyone else who reads fly is "ghostbustering" this weekend....wouldn't it be nice if lots of you just post here that you will "play a bit!!" for when she gets back.....::yes:: :jester:
Timmyboy..........:wave2: thanks for posting.

AlexandNessa......I think we'll have to play DM as we know him.....:umbrella: ;)
Hey cool! Well, I guess it can work with 4 people...and more cxan join in later if they'd like. :)

I'll try starting off now, and we'll go from there :)


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