Virtual Trip to Universal Studios! (Game)

Originally posted by DocBosch
Dogg2727, quit writing yourself and Flyfly into sexual situations!

It's sleazy and totally inappropriate. It makes me uncomfortable, as I'm sure it does everyone else, and I can only imagine how it makes her feel.

It's also inappropriate to write such things on a family board.

I don't want to see sexual situations between FlyFly and Ghostbusters either. That is some scary stuff!

When did I talk street? :confused:
No problem Barry!! That wasn't where I was going to lead the story to anyway :p I thought an innocent panty toss (okay...a tad of an oxymoron, but whatev) at a GB Show and then maybe some hook-ups (but not that way......) since I knew Selina and wendypooh would enjoy that. But things got a tad bit out of hand, for sure. That's why we're trying to change things around. :)
Originally posted by Barry Hom
When did I talk street? :confused:

I don't know, but that is some funny imagery!

There's something wrong when Barry and SpideyHulk in things is the LEAST dirty thing in a story.

I like the characters of Barry and SpideyHulk in the story. Almost seem like a classic comical duo. Though... I think they this duo may need to be a trio... maybe a Moe to their Curly and Larry... if you get what I'm saying.........
Hey guys well sorry you feel that way. No Flyfly was fine with it. I was typing it up while talking to her through IM. We both thought it was funny because the whole story is far beyond the realms of true. We got, well at least I, got to thinking that no one even read the thing anymore so we just went off on a tangent. In all fairness, it was pretty funny, but as you can tell I put the story back on the ground.
Kevin...thank you - yes it needed very much to be said.

Barry....I hope you forgive me for fly fly tying up the GB's post. It was linked mainly to photos for her website and although innuendoes were there - I think it was done in a nice way - at least I hope it was. I have tried to completely change the story twice but in vain. Also I have just read Dogg's last fly and I have Pmd each other and she like me was not happy at all with his posts - infact I have already told fly fly that I'm sorry but I don't feel like playing anymore. last entry for the story is..........


Selina and her children had a lovely stay at Universal and took her children to the airport for the long flight home. She kissed fly fly, and all her new friiends goodbye promising to come back soon.
For fly fly (and anyone else connected....)

Sorry about the RPG thread, hope you understand..........but having said that..for the most part I thought it was absolutely hilarious. I might occasionally phone you in the thread if you like to let you know what I am doing in England! Also another reason is the time difference - this week I have been so tired for nursery because I was wanting to join in, but had to stay up really late - and if I continued to do that, it would affect my job. Working with small children you have to be absolutely alert. So you see there were other reasons too. ......
Please don't stop posting!!! :(

I've come to a decision. I've been pondering this all day (despite the Homecoming craziness) and...tell me how this sounds:

We will start over...not completely over, but we will keep the posts we liked (all the appropriate ones, that is) and I may have to edit a sentance or two if I liked a post, but something should be deleted from part of it. Then we can take it from there. I don't remember when it went...the way it did...sometime after I went psycho on Barry for joking about the GB Show cancelling :p That and the panty toss were pretty funny...especially damo's posts for Barry! I'll have to keep those. I really do not want to end least not so ya'll mind??? :confused: I'll make the thread right now...hope you'll join me!!
Why don't we just continue from here but tone it down a bit. I was hesitant to join in after a while since it was getting a little raunchy but I see no reason why we couldn't go on now that some limitations have been drawn.

Just start us all going on to MIB or something like that.
Well damo, I'm copying over the "good posts" and would like to see this first thread deleted (I don't think this can be good for my reputation on the boards, not to mention anyone who finds this from a link from MY WEBSITE!!! :eek: ). I'm working on it still, but am getting there.
Well I gotta say I did have some part to the raunchy section lol. I was just trying to think of funny, off the wall stuff. Sorry for all that nonsense. If you want I will edit (basically delete) all that I said and stop typing on the thread. I just want Selina, damo, barry, and everyone else to have a good time on this because it is a good thread.
I have to admit that I hesitated to post as well due to the turn of events and the raunch factor. Glad to see it's changing.....:D
but can we please please please either delete and edit the posts on this board, or move over to the other one? Seriously, I have this messageboard (not this thread, but linked from my website, and the Ghostbusters, their bosses, other Universal people, friends, family, etc visit my website and can easily find their way here I'm portrayed in this story may not exactly be a good thing...I know it's "just a story" but...still...
Hi fly fly....I am not sure, but I think that the person who starts a thread has the power to delete the first post which deletes all the posts in the thread if you want to.

Some of these were hilarious. Why don't you start a whole new about "Spidey and Barry go.........whatever" along the lines of Kevin's idea. I agree so much with what he said....the fictitious characters of these two was very very funny - then we can all pop in and you can be their "little mo"!!! :D

Spidey/Barry : when you read this - can you post how you feel about it?
Selina - I don't think I can delete the thread, or my first post because I tried deleting a thread and because I couldn't I had to just rename it (remember the "Ignore" thread? ;))

Also, I kept some of the posts I liked and we can change the story from there, is that OK? We can just take it where we left off and do whatever!! The Spidey/Barry thing sounds hilarious, so I'm all for that!!
Hi.....Yes of course....I just noticed no-one seemed to be posting and wondered if they were all a bit reticent and needed a theme to attract them back!;)

I'm on a creative course tonight from 7pm-9.30pm to do with my job - learning new ways to do things- should be interesting!!:p
So I hope to be on again later but if not tomorrow from 4pm your time for "Hapopy Hour"!!!:D


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