Virtual Trip to Universal Studios! (Game)

LOL SpideyHulk!!
(JessicaR is now known for that comment! Haha!!!)

Flyfly drags damo out of the pool and realizes she is unconcious. She runs over to Selina who is busy talking with the Ghostbusters.

Selina: Oh my God, the next thing I know, he turned into a HIPPO!

Selina starts laughing and starts pounding her first on the table, causing her wine glass to fall onto the ground and shatter.

Selina: Whoops!! Boy am I cluuuumsy today................

She laughs even harder and it's obvious she got VERY drunk. The Ghostbusters glance at each other and shake their heads.

Flyfly: damo! She's unconcious! Need help!

The guy in the cowboy hat rushes to the rescue and performs CPR. Damo regains conciousness and finds herself staring into the eyes of the gorgeous cowboy. Feeling not quite herself, due her near-death scare, she...
French kisses him getting every magica moment in thinking that she could possibly go unconscious again.
For what I ever say in this chat, don't get offended, completely fictional and entirely untrue.
Selina goes running through the lobby singing like a virgin by Madonna.

GB 1: um I think this party is getting a little crazy, I think we should split.

Flyfly: Oh no you don't, we aren't done.

Flyfly handcuffs the GB, but only manages to get 2. The other 2 ran away probably calling for backup.

Those little red horns peak out again yet no one gets a chance to see them as flyfly hides them from view again.

FlyFly rushes the two up to her room where they have their "Universal" magic.

Well 4's a crowd in the bedroom.

Damo: oh handsome, you saved my life. I am eternally in your debt.

Cowboy: um what about your husband.

Damo: is he here right now? No.

Selina: So the butcher said...

(No one was near her)

Barry and spidey hulk come back and they are in their male thongs catching some sun on their rear ends.

Two 9 year old girls smiled as they walked by at the view.

Dogg2727 just arrived and was walking into the lobby when.............
Selina comes prancing around the corner with another wine glass in her hand.

Selina: I'm Matierial...Material...Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh!

Dogg2727 watches as Selina skips and trips into some bushes.

Selina: I'm Okaaaaaaaay...............

Meanwhile, Flyfly looks curiously at the two Ghostbusters. The GBs switch uneasy looks as they notice their hands handcuffed together.

Flyfly: Let's play a game first...

Flyfly grins innocently at the guys.
:eek: I would never get "drunk" with my two kids....time to change it round hee hee!! :p :D

Selina laughs to herself....hee hee they all fell for it!! I am an expert at "role play"...all the practise I get at nursery school!!!!

Meanwhile fly fly is in her room at the HRH with 2 GB's tied with her stockings to the bed posts!!

GIO2: So what's this game fly fly?
Fly fly: Smiles innocently and starts removing their clothes: Don't worry she says kissing GIO2, I won't hurt you....I just want some more pics for my website!!!!! ;)

GIO4: and what about me? (he says laying on the other bed also tied to the bed posts)
Fly fly: Mmmmmmmmm You!! I want to know everything that makes you "tick"....research for my website..!!!! (she says with a wicked grin and french kisses him.

GIO4: Mmmmmmmm I think I'm going to enjoy this!!.......

Back at the pool Selina has changed into her bikini and is having fun in the pool with her 2 kids on the curly slide. Spideyhulk and Barry join in the fun and Spideyhulk plays with Selina's children swimming under the water and coming up between their legs, lifting them up and throwing them gently back into the pool.....

damo and Guy in Cowboy hat sneek off together to the RPH...

while Jessica and IMGONNABE40 follow the DM to the Latin Quarter.....

Timmyboy....looks on from the beach club...enjoying the 60's and 70's sounds drinking chocolate shots with Dogg2727......

Wendypoo: well she's still riding MIB and has just reached her highest score...899,999!!.....

So that was a day in the lives of the Universal Addicts....

Will fly fly ever let the GB's go?!
Will Selina and the kids catch the plane back to England later on in the evening or will she be enticed to stay?!
Will damo and Cowboy hat guy ever leave the RPH?!
and What about JessicaR and IMGONNABE40?!
and Timmyboy and Dogg2727?!
Finally will Wendypoo ever get her legs round Dave?!

Does anyone care?!!! :p :D ............I think not!....;) :D
:rotfl: :rotfl:
Guess I'm a kinky psycho again :p :p
I'm at school so won't be able to add more before I get home. LOL this is definitely getting *ahem* interesting...:p :p

Finally will Wendypoo ever get her legs round Dave?!

Hahahahaha!!! I just read this part now (didn't see it before). OMG too funny!!!! :tongue:

PS - Selina, I forgot "your kids were there." :p We kinda lost them on the way to the Ghostbusters Show at the beginning of the story...that's why I didn't even think about it when you "got drunk."
At this point Wendypooh is well frankly sick of MIB....... so she and YES, Dave head over to the pool.......... she puts her bikini on, and dave has his trunks on........... there will be some legs around someone in the pool.................

So, with this going on Selina is sure to be enticed enough to stay....... she must protect Barry and Spidey from all the little teenagers staring at those bare bums!!!

Fly Fly........... camera in one hand, GB handcuffed to other hand...... is snapping pics left and right.......... blackmail...... heehee.

Barry and Spidey are "mooning" anyone who walks by.......... laughing

Jessica................. There really is a Dave........... who knew????

Dog2727, catches Selinas flight back to England.

DM, Jessica, and Damo order some drinks and we all decide we need some food!!!! character just gets worse and worse and worse :p :p :p

Will post a reply soon...just making sure Selina isn't posting something first
......Unfortunately the poor dogg is hallucinating.....and he doesn't realise that he is not in the room of fly fly and the GB's, but in the room of Big Bertha!! Big Bertha is shall we say on private room entertainment in the room 2 doors away and with her is her assistant with the same hairstyle as fly fly. Poor Dogg is in for a surprise - hope he enjoys it!!

Meanwhile, Selina, Spideyhulk and Barry are playing a spoof game by the pool and when you are out you fall in a hammock. Selina likes being out! She likes lying in the hammock with the warm sun on her shoulders and asks Spideyhulk if he would run in some sun lotion. Spideyhulk rubs sunlotion all over!! as she watches her kids playing with Barry in the pool!

Suddenly.....HORROR....the EAGL is walking down the path.....
EAGL: (snarls at Selina) I heard you and that teenage girl were up to no good!

Selina: Oh no, it's just Flyfly who is up to no good :p

EAGL: Where can I find her?

Selina: You don't wanna know......

EAGL: Well, FYI - The Ghostbuster guys are GAY

Selina: From what I've heard, Flyfly is proving they aren't in the least....:p :p :p

EAGL growls at Selina.

She's so jealous! Haha! Selna thinks.
All the while wendypooh and Dave are canoodling each other. Stealing some couple's room who happen to have a Loew's Membership. There is a knock on the door and a bucket filled with ice and a few bottles of beer show up. A small coconut shaped bowl filled with nuts also arrives.

wendypooh: Jackpot!
Flyfly unloads her roll of film and sees a bunch of empty film containers scattered across the floor.

Flyfly: My, I forget how I get 'picture-happy' when I'm on a roll!

Flyfly giggles and sets the camera aside.

Flyfly: I think the 7 rolls is plenty...but I still am needing some "interviews"...for the site of course...

((Note: :rotfl: :rotfl: Look what ya'll have started! Shame on you! LOL!!))

What is EAGL's problem? Is she secretly madly in love with the Ghostbusters or just jealous?
What happens when you have wendypooh and Dave in a room with beer and nuts and no cable TV?
Do I even need to ask?
Where did the frisky old lady go?
Why is Barry playing with Selina's kids while wearing a thong?
Isn't there something wrong with that picture?
Ohhhh the lines are realllly slow tonight!!!

Fly fly: well guys, guess I have quite alot for my website( she says untying them). and haven't you got a show to get ready for??!!!

GIO2: Oh if you insist ( and GIO2 goes to the bathroom).
GIO4: Well "little one" we are all on our own now.....come here.....!! He pulls fly fly close to him and softly kisses her.

Eventually the GB's are dressed in costume, fly fly takes another roll of film and all three head out of the room to find the others....

Meanwhile, the EAGL woman paces up and down the edge of the pool and snarling. Barry and Spidey are now protecting the DM inside their Cabana who is now shaking with fear!!!)

Selina and the kids have gone to their room to get refreshed and dressed for the evening.

Kids: We had sooo much fun today mum!! Can we play with Barry and Spidey tomorrow! (P.s. they are still young....didn't notice the thong....;).....
Originally posted by Selina
(P.s. they are still young....didn't notice the thong....;).....!!!
PS - we are at the Hard Rock Pool, correct??? I keep getting confused of the setting

Flyfly walks down the lobby stairs alongside the GBs and they walk out to the pool area. Flyfly is looking all around for Selina and the others and doesn't watch where she is going. She ends up running into someone...

Flyfly: OMG! It's EAGL!!

GIO2: What?

EAGL: There you are, you up-to-no-good little brat!

Flyfly: Hey!

Flyfly slaps the EAGL and receives applause from Selina who comes running up.

Selina: She's been bugging me all evening!

GIO4: What is going on? Who is she?

Flyfly: You should recognize her...she goes to Universal quite often and sits up front for the Ghostbusters Show...God knows why since she HATES it...

GIO2: She hates the show, yet she still comes?

Selina: Yep! What was it she said Flyfly?

Flyfly: I was making friendly conversation and she said rudely, "It's just a bunch of gay guys dancing...a bunch of GAY guys..."

GIO4: Poor Flyfly! But I guess you already know a couple of us aren't gay ;)

Flyfly gives Selina a knowing smile as EAGL regains her composture.

EAGL: Well, I hate little teenage girls more than the show. Especially a hussy like yourself!

Flyfly's eyes widen and jaw drops. The GBs stand back while Selina and Flyfly take a step toward EAGL....
did I just call myself a 'hussy'?? :eek: Oh well, I had to make the EAGL really evil...:p I could have gotten worse, but I thought this was good enough for now...though I will say the lady was creepy...she glared at me from the corner of her eye for no reason. She had this eerie presence like the Anti-Christ...I'm serious! LOL Fight scene! I want a fight scene! hehe

PS - I know I already used the "know they aren't gay" line, but GIO4 wouldn't have known Selina said the same I was running out of ideas currently...a bit of a brain fart. ;) I'm going to wait until someone else posts before I type anymore...
:rotfl: ................................
wish i could stay up but really tired.......:rotfl:
LOL, guess I'll write the fight scene...I guess it'll be easier since I met the lady in real life....:rolleyes:
and FYI - she's not as bad as I portray her...she did seem pretty negative and creepy when I met her. She did complain about teenagers like the girls that asked me to save a spot for them...and she did have an issue with the Ghostbusters being gay...first off, why would she left her young son watch if she *knew* they were gay? And what was she saying to the rather cute Ghostbuster after the show? He wasn't telling her off or anything...maybe she was just being evil and trying to get on my nerves? Who knows...:rolleyes: But she acted a lot more immature than I act! Well, not based on this RPG, but me in

EAGL: I'm not going to let a boy-crazy teenager like you ruin me!

Flyfly: And how will I "ruin you?"

EAGL mumbles a few things under her breath...sounds like cuss words, but they were too inaudible to know for sure.

EAGL: You are your little "groupies" over at the Ghostbusters Show all acting like immature, obsessive teenyboppers -

Flyfly cuts her off.

Flyfly: TEENYBOPPERS?! Waitaminute, did you just call me a TEENYBOPPER?!?! Boy, you have got some nerve!

Selina: What's wrong with "teenybopper?"

Flyfly: Stereotyping! Teenyboppers are annoying girls that get all giddy and scream and everything...the ones that claim they are "in love" with celebrities and stuff....ok, maybe I stereotype the word, but still!

Selina: But...doesn't that describe you?

Flyfly: Heck no! I don't scream and get all giddy and immature...and I don't claim to be "in love........"

Flyfly glances over at the Ghostbusters and blushes before turning back.

NOTE: just kidding! lol, I seriously don't claim to be "in love" nor do I get all giddy and all at GB Shows...I'm known to just be "intense" when I see the whatever that means ;)

EAGL: You nearly made me and my son deaf at the one Ghostbusters Show a couple weeks ago...

Flyfly: I wasn't screaming you know!

EAGL: Well the ghostbusters are GAY...get over it! And tell your little "groupies" to get over it too!

EAGL towers over Flyfly who is a mere 5'1" tall. But Flyfly doesn't cower and straightens up looking straight into the eyes of EAGL. She gets the glare and Flyfly jumps back.

Flyfly: The glare! The evil glare!

Selina: What??

Flyfly: It's the glare...the look that is so eerie and creepy! I swear she is the Anti-Christ! I swear it!! Just look at her! Her eyes are practically red and she dares upset me by claiming all the Ghostbusters are gay

Another Note: Not that I have anything against it...or care for the most part...but I do have a favorite GB and it's nice to imagine...oh basically already know

Selina: Yeah, only the Devil! The Devil would know how to get you where it hurts! Though I expected him to be more physical torture...and be more Anti-CHRIST than Anti-GHOSTUBSTERS...

Flyfly: This is almost worse! And, all I'm saying is she's evil :p

Flyfly turns to EAGL and yells while running towards her.


Flyfly runs into EAGL and knocks her other. Selina grabs her dark brown hair and drags her into the pool and dunks her under, leaving her under long enough to scare her, but letting her breathe before she drowns.

EAGL: You....

Somehow, EAGL's cellphone rings, despite being dunked into the pool along with EAGL herself. EAGL answers it.

EAGL: Oh, just trying to straighten up some annoying brat...what else is new? :rolleyes:

Selina snatches the cellphone from EAGL and throws it onto the ground and stomps on it.

EAGL: That was my cellphone...

EAGL was about to throw a punch at Selina's jaw when EAGL's son runs up to her.

Son: Mom!

EAGL: What?

Son: I want to go back to the parks tomorrow!

EAGL: Again? Aren't you bored yet? I guess...there's nothing to better to do...what do you want to do tomorrow?

Son: I want to see the Ghostbusters Show again.

EAGL: Great...and arrive half an hour early? You want to sit around and watch a show with a bunch of gay guys dancing? You know, I was told they were gay.

Son: Are they REALLY gay?

EAGL: Yes. They are. But this time we are not letting any teenager sit by us. We will get there earlier and make them sit far from us so we don't have to be near them.

Her son runs off and EAGL turns back around and gives Selina and Flyfly her infamous glare. This fight wasn't over...

Sorry...this was terrible, wasn't it? I can't think...hopefully I'll come up with something better tomorrow, but feel free to add onto this!
I think we are all a bit brain dead now....I decided to edit out doggy's experience with Big Bertha. I wrote it quickly last night and didn't do justice to her!! It was a fun "fred" ......:teeth:
LOL...well, I'll add more later today unless I have time during first period...:) I think after the fight is finished, we can find a way to go on Day 2...and what will we do then??

And where did Kevin go? He came to the rescue and then disappeared.....:p :p
OMG I think I am disturbed for life!!!

dogg, do you mind if we "move on" from this? I mean, we had the whole GB thing from the beginning...I think the others would like to post about other things now...maybe we can go back to the parks??

OK, we are going to move on, I say, skip dogg's last post (though entertaining, I just don't think we can move on from, we'll start with the fight scene and go from there. Whether or not people continue the fight, doesn't matter but we need to move on). So.......we'll end up going to Day 2 of our trip to Universal......
So morning comes and Dogg2727 gets up and opens the front door to find the morning newspaper promptly on time and at his door. Being Sunday he couldn't wait to see the ads.

Flyfly gets up and goes into the bathroom and shuts the door to get dressed for the new day.

The GB gets up and just walks out singing trying to get his vocal cords adjusted for the show.

Dogg2727: Perfect, nothing on sale. Cheap companies and their good for nothing sales.

Flyfly walks out in her outfit. Her top was the bathing suit from yesterday and was wearing short shorts.

Dogg2727: Well I guess I can get dressed now.

Selina: Ah what a beautiful morning. Oh that whole Barry thing was a dream, rats! Well I guess those feelings are natural in marriage, I love my husband with all my heart.

Barry and SpideyHulk wake up from the alarm clock. They shared a room being smart to cut the costs in half.

Dogg2727 walks out wearing a solid colored T-shirt with kacki <--spelling shorts.

Flyfly and Dogg2727 leave the room at 7:30 knowing the boats arrive promptly at 7:35.

SpideyHulk and Barry are racing, but they are slow at everything and don't get out till 8:15

Selina and the kids get out at 7:45 but stop by the restaurant for a buffet since the kids were whining for food.

Damo and the guy stay in bed, wonder why.

wendypoo wakes up, gets ready, then goes back to sleep.

Flyfly calls up the others seeing where they are in relation to her location.

They all meet up at IOA at 9:00 just when the park opens.....
Kevin, who had disappeared the day before, arrived bright and early for the meet at IOA. wendypooh and Dave walked up. They still looked lovey dovey and seemed to have a million inside jokes from the evening before...
Barry, Selina, and SpideyHulk were last to arrive.

Flyfly: Where's damo?

Selina: Last I heard she was with the GB in the cowboy hat...

Flyfly: Uh oh! He's performing today! He better get to work soon!

damo walks up all grumpy.

damo: No worries...he's there...

Flyfly: lol! poor damo! Get a good night's sleep?

damo: not quite...:p

They notice the lines starting to shorten and they walked over to the turnstiles. The entered the park, welcomed by mood-setting music, giving everyone the urge to experience the "adventure!"

Note: I know, lame, but what can I say? Nothing will ever live up to the panty toss thing, will it? :p

They all were excited to be there, but didn't notice...
Originally posted by Flyfly_Eclipse
And where did Kevin go?

Kevin is standing back, thinking "There are a lot of sexually frustrated people writing this story."

He then turns and head towards Hard Rock Cafe, hoping to pick up three or four waitresses to take back to his room... ;)

(I maybe too busy to participate, but I'm still watching. :p)


Also, if nobody's going to say it, I will:

Dogg2727, quit writing yourself and Flyfly into sexual situations!

It's sleazy and totally inappropriate. It makes me uncomfortable, as I'm sure it does everyone else, and I can only imagine how it makes her feel.



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