virtuous girl 4-24-12 " Reception video- MK ceremony "

I'm joining in now!

* First of all, your story is sweet and a little sad at the same time. I'm sorry you had such a rough upbringing, but the fact that your love lasted through it all and from when you were so young is inspiring :goodvibes
* All your DIY projects are great! I really love the ring bearer pillow and flower girl basket!
* I love the idea to have you two be in color and all the guests be in white! This is going to look so awesome in pictures!
* I think the new ceremony location will be perfect for your theme, the inspiration pics look amazing!
* I'm glad you are having a harpist! One of my good friends plays the harp and she did our wedding, and it was just beautiful. Everyone loved the harp music and commented on it afterward.
* Your menu sounds amazing! I haven't eaten at any of the places at the Poly yet, but Ohana is definitely on my list to try next trip!
* You look absolutely GORGEOUS in your dress! It is just stunning on you, you look so beautiful.
* From everything I've heard, your wedding is going to be massively unique and special. I'm sure the stress is getting to you a little bit, but keep faith that things will work out and be perfect for you!
Aww, I'm sorry you're feeling down. Based on everything you've posted already it looks like your wedding is going to be really amazing and memorable. It definitely has a huge wow factor. But I know what you mean, I worry about the same thing sometimes. Especially because we've both waited a while to save up and plan these VRs, it adds the stress of everything having to be just right. The thing is, everyone who takes the time and effort to fly all the way down to Disney to be with us on our special days truly cares for us and will not nit pick every tiny detail. They all just want to see us living our happily ever after. So don't stress, even if everything isn't absolutey perfect I'm sure it will still be beautiful and a special memory for both of you for years to come!
Hey Michelle!!

First of all, take a deep breath :)
Something is in the air of 2012 I swear. I've been having these same worries, debating our locations, the "what-if's", etc. Your VR is going to be GORGEOUS! All of us ooh and ahh over all of your bling and details, it will defintely be very unique and amazing- with your colors, your dress, everything! I saw this quote on FB today and updated mine to the same, it took me out of my funk today and maybe it will help you too :goodvibes
"if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." -Wayne Dye

2012 is THE year... don't let it get you down only a week in. I totally understand being sick to your stomach over it, I have it too and don't know how to stop it other than just try to get your mind off it and distract yourself. We're all here to get you back to your cheery self! :tinker:
Wow Michelle you look amazing in your dress :)

orry to hear you are feeling down though, but I don't think you should worry about a thing as every single idea and plan you have posted I love, and you are an inspiration to many of us planning our days too.

Take some time ouot to yourself, I too sometimes wish it was just the 2 of us, but having your family and friends there to celebrate your magical day with you will be amazing, I promise!

I saw this quote once on the Disney Weddings blog I think and I wrote it down to remember:

"A wedding/VR is a party, not a performance. If at the end of the day you are married to the one you love, then everything went perfectly".

Take care xxx
I haven't been on for a while and was just catching up on your plans. Michele you shouldn't worry, your VR is going to be over the top amazing! I love your dress so much, its gorgeous on you. All your plans are going to come together beautifully. A Disney wedding is so amazing, you will not believe it. I never imagined how much of a fairy tale it would feel like until that day. My daughters wedding had it share of changes and dissapointments but when all was said and done it was truly a magical day. She is also a nurse and is very organized and knows what she wanted. Drove me a little crazy because I wanted to add things on all the time. We added the Coach 3 weeks before, was the best thing I did. Anyway if you are ever interested I may be able to show you her pictures. If so send me a pm.
Oh girl dont stress!!!!!! Your Vow Renewal will be amazing. Stop rethinking things (I should take my own advice there). I think its just nerves as you get closer. How about taking 2-3days away from anything (even looking at your stuff) and see how you feel.
:grouphug: U GIRLS ROCK!!!:grouphug:

All the kind & comforting words r greatly appreciated!!! Wow, i have been MIA for almost 2wks now. But this next update will b AWESOME!! well let me back date 2 almost 2 wks ago. Remeber my post about me feeling blue? well 2 make things a little worst more people cancelled on me. I had about 40-42 people coming & now i'm down 2 about 25 people. at that point i freaked out even more! i told manny that i should have just not invited nobody & just let it b him and i. I should have just done it big for us & got married at swan boat landing near the castle like any girl would want to, have a mini reception with cake cutting, & dessert party 4 just the 2 of us. His words were " u want 2 get married near the castle then get married near the castle" :scared1: :eek: :worship: :yay: wait a minute, did i hear him correctly :confused: yup i did!! :banana: I immediately called DFTW to see what dates were available. I had to wait 4 days for an answer from them & it felt like 4yrs :laughing:. Low & behold the april 24th was available! :cheer2: so as of right now the ceremony site will b 4/24/12 @ 8am in magic kingdom. Joe from DFTW said they have to make up a new contract 4 me 2 sign so i will not feel a sigh of relief until i do. apparently it takes a long time 2 write one up :confused3. What is even sweeter is that i have not even told my guests or wedding party about it :goodvibes .. I am hoping more guest actually cancel 2 at about 20 people. I dont want 2 say anything until the RSVPs r in :rolleyes1. I dont want people 2 show up 4 the ceremony site & not just 4 us.I think since the day has change from a monday to a tuesday i think more people will.

So as a result of changing ceremony sites & the HUGE expense it is costing i am down grading EVERYTHING else. The menu, the cake, the decor 4 the reception, no DJ just an ipod setup since it is a brunch recept, only have mickey not minnie. I am canceling the MK shoot also since the wedding is in MK. The only 2 shots i really want are these-



(kinda creepy i know! :rotfl: but i think manny would love it since he is in 2 horror films) if not the 2nd pic then at least the 1st. All the other shots i dont really care about..

I am also checking into having the dessert party at sago cay 2 avoid the venue fee & $12.95 viewing fee but just meet the $500 food & beverage minimum. I believe that even a small guest count, the new site, having the caricature artist, mickey, & dessert party will b an awesome experience 4 everyone. I thought the decor really mattered but now realizing it doesnt. There will b little decor but i think the guest will remember more of the activities if anything. I hope i still have followers out there :worship:. i am leaving 2 new york 4 the wkend so i will try my best 2 get around on commenting on other peoples PJ. I didnt update sooner bcuz i wanted 2 wait 4 an answer from them. Again nothing is written in stone until the contract is signed with my blood, sweat, & tears :rotfl2:. I REALLY DO APPRECIATE YALL! :hug:

Peace out :cloud9:
I'm still following!

That's so amazing you switched your venue--So happy for you!!! :dance3::bride:
For the guests that do go, oh wow, are they going to be surprised!!! :lmao:
That is AWESOME!!! :goodvibes
I am so happy for you! All those long hours and the stress and now you're getting a perfect ceremony at the castle. I'm really so happy for you!! Good luck getting everything signed and etc, keep us posted!!
Were you able to cancel all of your decor and etc, since you were using an outside vendor? so so sooo awesome!!

Have fun in NY, we've been missing you!! :goodvibes
Wow and what a change that is! How wonderful!!

"u want 2 get married near the castle then get married in near the castle - awww, bless Manny.

I can't wait to see the big day come together, I really cant xx
OMG!!! I had to go back and re-read that a few times. You're getting married in front of the castle?!! That is so awesome. It doesn't get better than that! I'm so happy for you!!
I'm still following!

That's so amazing you switched your venue--So happy for you!!! :dance3::bride:
For the guests that do go, oh wow, are they going to be surprised!!! :lmao:

Glad ur still supporting me, thanks! :goodvibes

That is AWESOME!!! :goodvibes
I am so happy for you! All those long hours and the stress and now you're getting a perfect ceremony at the castle. I'm really so happy for you!! Good luck getting everything signed and etc, keep us posted!!
Were you able to cancel all of your decor and etc, since you were using an outside vendor? so so sooo awesome!!

Have fun in NY, we've been missing you!! :goodvibes

I will keep yall posted! i down graded the package, i didnt completely cancel it bcuz i still want the bouquet, chairs, & some crystal trees 4 the reception. i took off over $1,000 from the original bill. Thanks :cutie:

Wow and what a change that is! How wonderful!!

"u want 2 get married near the castle then get married in near the castle - awww, bless Manny.

I can't wait to see the big day come together, I really cant xx

thanks 4 following! :flower3:
Wow Michelle, that's absolutely amazing!!!! i am so happy for you!!! You are a very lucky girl with a very wonderful husband. Can't wait to hear all about it!!
I can only imagine how excited you must be!

What a guy! :lovestruc

Lots of butterflies in my stomach! :rotfl: Thks! :goodvibes

Wow Michelle, that's absolutely amazing!!!! i am so happy for you!!! You are a very lucky girl with a very wonderful husband. Can't wait to hear all about it!!

Thanks hun :cutie:

What an amazing change! It's absolutely fantastic and I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to hear more about it!

Thanks chick :flower3:

That is so awesome! What a lucky girl you are!

Thank u... by the way do u have a PJ?? i dont c one by ur signature...
Wow, how exciting!! I'm glad you're back...I was wondering how you were doing. I think the changes are all great and you'll get so much "wow factor" just from the setting. Can't wait to hear more...
Thank u... by the way do u have a PJ?? i dont c one by ur signature...

I did start one, but I haven't kept up with it. Our VR is 5/29, and we just upgraded to a Wishes event. We are signing the contract and sending it back this week. I will probably update it when I have more to say ;) Thanks for asking!


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