VMK podcast

dancergirlsasha said:
I love the introduction!

I will mention in the next podcast where that came from. I actually heard it from a WDW podcast just before I put this all together. The website has many more styles just like it. I would tell you here but as you all know I cant post links yet HaHa.
TodayinVMK said:
Thank you for your kind words.

I am using an IRiver T10 actually. The sound distortion was me messing with the sound. I am still learning, and have a way to go! I just wanted to get episode 1 finished or I felt like I would never get this going. I will look at the specifications of the 899, thanks for mentioning it.

I guess as I get more comfortable with my voice I won't try and distort it so much.

I also will be adding background music this week (to answer a PM that I got) I just couldnt get it put together in time for last week.

Just purchased an 895 and it is much better, I do not recommend those newer models as they do not have the same type of recording abbilities
Thanks PDAZ. I am hard at work already, and can honestly say I have learned so much more since the first release that I am confident I will improve greatly this week. I will be waiting for the new newsletter we are suppose to be getting on Monday.

Thanks all of you, as I have already stated numerous times. I hope you can get past the quality of the production and see that there is some quality in content. If you can do that, I can promise I will learn the quality of the production along the way ;)

Also, if anyone has a special topic feel free to suggest it.
I would like to let you all know that episode 2 is now available from itunes.

This weeks topics include: a rap song that would make snoop diggity dog jealous; a woot award to coasterguy ;) trading for credits? ; analysis of the newsletter ; past weeks events ; some rumors ;) ; and several simple in game tricks & tips

it can also be retrieved as an RSS feed HERE

Thank you all again for listening, and I hope I don't disappoint.
Love the intro! Keep going! And rename the show titles! They keep saying tivmk-so and-so.

Don't use VMK wiki! They are nto up to date and do not respond if you send them something!

P.S I still want to do a segment
Thanks Blue, I take it you see some improvement from this week. I am glad you liked it, as I did work hard at it. I figure if I fail as a podcaster I may have a new hit single on my hands dont you think? I think in the future I am going to expand that, for now it will stay my intro for a couple of intros.

I can't promise any segment as of yet, mainly because I am really over my head in a learning curve at the moment. But if you mail that address in the podcast with something newsworthy or of value to the vmk community I will gladly read it with full credit in a podcast.

My plan is to make this a vmk community driven podcast. Of course that takes time, to get listeners, to create a community for the content. So for now I am winging it and going with my gut.

I do have to disagree with you about the wiki tho. You may be right about the response from them, I never tried, but I find the old data in it very valuable. Its one of many of our VMK resources. Just another tool, to use in the right situation.

I am rambling on. Thanks for the words, its nice to get encouragement after putting so much work into it.
Hello :) episode #3 is now available. You can get it several ways, just look at my signature

This weeks topics: tron ends, halloween begins and WOW so many changes!
Nice :thumbsup2 I was wondering when you were going to have that ready.
Bravo VMKtoday I left you a nice review and once again if you need any help I am here
Thank you all :) And laxplaya thanks for the review I will have to go read it.

Blue, to be honest I have not decided if I will remain anonymous or not. Not sure how it might effect me as a player. I think by episode 5 I might now what I am doing haha!

I will not have a chance to publish the show notes until tomorrow. Sorry for that everyone. Hectic week for me.
Just listened to episode two.. Thanks for mentioning that sight where they have the ska disneys songs. I had a really fun time listening to them. I am loving your podcast, and can't wait to hear episode 3! I will have to go update my podcasts.
:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

5 thumbs up! But I think the backround music needs to be a bit louder. Maybe some Disney Music instead of Green Day and Maroon 5? There are some sites that give it away, or you could buy it off Itunes.

Um, most of those Push voices need to be updated (in my opinion). Some sounds like the words are one big word, some just sound, well, really bad. For example, the "woot of the week" sounds like "oops of the freak". The "Today in VMK" has papers ruffling in the.

That's all I can say, unless you want me to say that I want my own segement (yes, I'm finally willing to give up my voice, maybe) about my views on things or I could take over tips & tricks.

That's all,

P.S Thanks for the shout out. I'm just helping your podcast sound better :)


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