Walkers Wanna Compare Notes??

Okay, my dad called and I couldn't say no--I was getting ready for the gym and he asked me to go with him to the hospital to see my mom (she's got another infection, but they aren't sure what it is--it's in her chest). Sooooo... I can't get to the gym and do my workout before closing (because it is Saturday night) and I'm going to do Pilates instead without the walk.

I hope that missing a day doesn't throw off my training. I just couldn't say no to my dad.
Okay, my dad called and I couldn't say no--I was getting ready for the gym and he asked me to go with him to the hospital to see my mom (she's got another infection, but they aren't sure what it is--it's in her chest). Sooooo... I can't get to the gym and do my workout before closing (because it is Saturday night) and I'm going to do Pilates instead without the walk.

I hope that missing a day doesn't throw off my training. I just couldn't say no to my dad.

:hug: Oh, no! Hope your mom gets better soon. :hug:

You'll discover that there will be a lot of "interruptions" along the way. Not to worry. Just get right back on with your training and you'll do just fine. Life happens. I don't know of anyone who has been able to follow a training program to a "T". I'm sure there are folks out there that have but I haven't met them. :upsidedow
I'll be looking forward to seeing Wendy and Jeanne in those cute Krispy Kream hats.


Now, Nancy, you didn't really think I'd abandon my Cheshire Cat visor, did you? But here's Jeanne, John, and me. Full report later -- scrambling today to catch up with family stuff.


I also have a lot of catching up to do as far as catching up with my walking WISH teammates goes. More on that later as well!
Nancy- congrats on the weight loss! Keep up the good work! :thumbsup2:

Denise, I'll be looking forward to hearing how much you lost. My friend has lost 50 pds using WW and I'm so proud of her!

Wendy- I'll be looking forward to your race report and seeing how many donuts you ate! :)

Kim- :wave2: It was nice visiting with you before the half!

ms.mightyduck, (I don't know your real name yet) I always have a rest day after a long or hard walk. My body really needs it. Keep up the good work. Sorry about your mom.

To everybody else I missed: HI! :grouphug:
OK, I've got my race report on the weekly racing thread. (Does anyone besides me wonder where to post these things -- I see some posted as threads, some posted in the weekly training thread.... What's a girl to do? :)


Now, let me catch up a little!

First, Dave, thanks for all the hard work organizing the team challenge. You really do generate a lot of energy, especially for us walkers -- and I appreciate it.

Robert, I hope you continue to improve. The miles you've done -- and those races you direct -- you are a wonder!

Nancy -- Congrats on your stellar weight loss! I've definitely got to get back into my weight losing routine now that the Disney trip is behind me. I'm actually trying to use two articles I read on Sparkpeople and Active to help me set some meaningful goals between now and September, but I've got to take the time to sit still long enough to get them on paper. Every day seems like a whirlwind here at home.

ms.mightyduck -- As others have implied, the true test of who "makes it" and who doesn't in the training world is often seeing who accepts that life occasionally throws a wrench into their training plans and readily adapts to those scheduling hiccups versus those who will use one missed training session as an excuse to quit (saying "Oh, I tried to exercise regularly, but I'm just too busy." or "There's just too much going on in my life right now.") You are definitely on the right track that you are already thinking ahead to the next workout and planning to make it. Good for you! There are folks in extreme circumstances who don't have time for exercise, but most of us can make time to do what we feel is important if we are willing to swap some workouts around a bit and forgive ourselves and move on if we miss an occasional workout. After all, this is supposed to be fun -- and good for us. Who needs the stress of trying to be "perfect" in our training? Hope your Mom gets better quickly! :hug:

susie, steffwalks and catwalks -- Have a great time at the OKC Memorial! I've heard good things about that one.

OK, gotta get going this morning. See you guys later!
Okay, my dad called and I couldn't say no--I was getting ready for the gym and he asked me to go with him to the hospital to see my mom (she's got another infection, but they aren't sure what it is--it's in her chest). Sooooo... I can't get to the gym and do my workout before closing (because it is Saturday night) and I'm going to do Pilates instead without the walk.

I hope that missing a day doesn't throw off my training. I just couldn't say no to my dad.

Remember you have a year! I am a good one, especially when it's hot and humid to find an excuse not to train. Thankfully I had a daughter and a husband that would say, Let's go when I was that way. Other times, it was ME that said "let's go" but this year, my husband Mark said NO Way! Miranda and I hope to work on losing weight this year so we'll continue to walk and diet but she works odd hours as a pastry chef so getting together to walk is almost impossible. Thankfully I have this thread to keep me going. We'll help you along throughout the year. Lives to tend to get in the way. Work, hobbies and general commitments so a day here and there and for me at times, even a week off made me more determined and stronger.

Hope the parents are ok.

Denise did Miranda sign up for the miles/hours game? I still have some slots on Craig and Martha's team.

It's freezing outside, I just wanna stay in bed and snuggle with my soft warm princess. I have to go to work instead. Yuck! The good side is it will be in the 50s again tomorrow.

Well I gave the Jeep to dear daughter but when I took it in for a check up before I found out it needed about $1200 in repairs it's self. Minor things like transmission line leaking, brakes and water pump. Such a waste of good Disney money.

Well I would have just done something foolish like going in Sept and doing the Everest 5K anyway.

Have a super day y'all.

Car Repairing Panda:hippie:
Wendy: great race report...thank-you so much for your kind words. I can't believe how incredibly efficient you are in getting those reports out in no time. Of course all my photos are in my disposable camera, which still has film left, so I have no idea when they will get developed. As John and I were walking back to the car we decided our next gift to ourselves was going to be an inexpensive but tiny digital camera (the one we have is fairly big and clumsy) so we can take it to racing events and then download our photos quickly. We started out so good about the donuts. We each ate one in the car, got our coffee near our home and then each had just one more. I even froze them in 2 packs of 4 so I wouldn't be tempted. Well, last night we went to a wine tasting and I guess I tasted a little too much because apparently at about 10pm (while I was still in a stupor!) I nuked one of the 4 packs and John and I ate them! I only vaguely remembered it, so this morning when I got up, the first thing I did was check the freezer and sure enough one of the packs was missing. Drat, I was hoping I had dreamt it! So, so bad for us. Next time you will get BOTH our boxes! Did you notice that my neighbor and her friend (the gazelles :rotfl: )declined the donuts? No sense of fun, but they do look good. it was so good to see you again and now that we know we have a favorite restaurant in common we will have to get together with both hubbies for a non-WISH shirt event.

Nancy: WTG with the weight loss! After yesterday, I will NOT be getting on the scale any time soon. Then again, if I had to eat melted crap sandwiches, I'd probably lose weight also. :rotfl: :rotfl:
Well weigh in today. Not great but in the loss column. I lost 1.4 but Miranda lost 4.4. We were very proud. Went to the wedding expo and got a lot of ideas. Have an appt for a wedding dress in March so another goal to strive for.

Thank goodness our walking miles does not start till the 1st. I have a "tasting" at her restaurant tomorrow night where we try all the stuff available for her wedding then tuesday a hair do.

See, there always seems to be something thwarting our miles but by Weds. I'll be hungry for that TM!

Take care.

Thank you for all the kind words. My mom is disabled with a lung condition, so this kind of thing happens a few times a year. She was in good spirits.

However, last night I developed a stomach issue and my stomach still not doing well today, either, interrupting yet another day of walking. On the plus side, I was already off today and didn't have to call out....
Jeanne -- The only thing that saved me from the doughnuts were three hungry kids and a husband so enamoured of Krispy Kreme that he insists Dunkin Donuts aren't REAL doughnuts. You'll love having a digital camera -- and prices are always dropping relative to features as the technology improves. (That is, every year you'll find you can get more basic features for less money, though the "hot feature" [whatever it is this year] always commands top dollar.) I always shop the previous year's models when I need to replace mine -- or when the urge for a lighter, cooler camera becomes overwhelming ;) . Once you've decided on a model at Best Buy or Ciurcuit City, be sure to check out the prices online. I try to get a weather resistant model with a decent zoom and the highest megapixils I can. Zooms make the camera a bit heavier, though, so you may not want one for your racing camera. I've had Olympus, Nikon, and Canon and loved them all. Happy shopping!

ms.mightyduck -- Hang in there! Hope you feel better soon.

Dave -- You sound just like me. "Disney race? Where do I sign?" I'm a little leary of races with obstacles -- sounds like too much of an opportunity for humiliation for me. :laughing: Good luck with all the repairs.

Denise -- Congrats on the loss! Any ounce lost is a good loss!
Dave- I hate car repairs! I like your thinking, what a waste of Disney money! After getting toenail blisters from the half, I'm going to try Erica's idea, and have some Ecco sandals coming. I hope I like them, my toenails will thank me!

Denise- congrats on the loss! I second Wendy, any loss is a loss!

I'm on board for 4 miles today on the TM.
Dave- I hate car repairs! I like your thinking, what a waste of Disney money! After getting toenail blisters from the half, I'm going to try Erica's idea, and have some Ecco sandals coming. I hope I like them, my toenails will thank me!

Denise- congrats on the loss! I second Wendy, any loss is a loss!

I'm on board for 4 miles today on the TM.

Erica has done a lot of long walks in her Eccos, even 2 half marathon races. She did the marathon in her Ecco running shoes and was wishing she had stuck with the sandals. Her toes were crying by the time it was over. She did the Donald the day before in the sandals.

I think the 60's hippy sandals look is major cute on her to. Even with the sandals when you do distance a good wicking sock is needed to keep you from blisters.

I decided I'm going to have to buy a pair of shoes just for distances over 20 miles. I normally wear size 9.5 Mizuno Revolvers for all my walking but for marathons I think I'm going to get a pair of size 10s.

Jeanne, now Darlin, you must stop the midnight commando raids to the fridge. First it's donuts then it's up to "4 fried chickens and a coke". Who can guess who ordered this in a famous movie? Hint his partner ordered "Plain white bread, toasted".

We are heading off to Midus soon to drop off the Jeep then off to walk. I get to walk with my pretty princess today.:cloud9:

Have a super day y'all.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Jeanne, now Darlin, you must stop the midnight commando raids to the fridge. First it's donuts then it's up to "4 fried chickens and a coke". Who can guess who ordered this in a famous movie? Hint his partner ordered "Plain white bread, toasted".

Walking Panda:hippie:

I give up.....I guess it was a movie "before my time" :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Stacy: just a word about the Ecco sandals. Nancy and I both bought them based on Erica's recommendation. It seems we both LOVE them for post marathon or training events because they do let your little tootsies breathe. We both agree, however, that we could never wear them for super long distances or even to actually train in. I think Nancy said that she found the super supportive sole to actually be too hard and my problem is that after wearing them for a while the ankle strap bothers me. Just wanted to give you a heads up before you get your hopes up because they ain't cheap. We both marvel that Erica wears them all the time because that wouldn't work for either of us. But again, we find them great post training.
Dave or jeanneg

Could you post a link so I can see a picture of the sandals. I have some Mary Jane's that I use in Disney and LOVE them but they are the Walmart brand. Sandals would be a nice alternative.


Just wanted to add that I paid about $95 for mine.....think I used Endless Shoes.com They are the company that PAYS YOU $5 to ship it next day! Works for me!
Denise-- Good job on youra and Miranda's weight loss. Every ounce counts. :thumbsup2

Jeanne--Since you don't actually remember eating those donuts, there would be no calories from them. :rotfl2:

I got my Ecco even cheaper than Jeanne's through shoe buy. If you sign up for their email, you will get weekly specials. I just waited for a $20 off special and sale on them. As Jeanne said I found after wearing them for a month or two that the sole at the heel area was not comfortable if I wore them for more than 4 hours. I do have to admire that Erica can walk long distances in them, I was hoping it would work for me but no luck.

Wendy--- Love your race report and pictures. Looks like it was a fun time and a wonderful fund raiser for a good cause.

Dave--- Your team challenge is a successful idea. Thanks so much for putting that all together for us. It will be alot of fun.

Dave - I believe that line came out of a Blues Brothers movie.

Jeanne - When you get a digital camera for races, make sure it is "Splash Proof", in my first race, I spent so much time pouring water over my head, when I went looking for a small digital camera for races, that is the first thing I thought of. I got mine at Sam's Club, a Olympus Stylus 820. Sams was $20 cheaper than on line. It also has image stabilization, which helps a little when you don't really stop to take the picture:rotfl:
Hi Everyone!

Please bear with me as I try to catch up...I just did 3 miles on the TM, so I am worthy again!;)

I really fell off my training at the end of last week, so now I'm back and ready to start the miles/hours challenge! :cool1:

Nancy -- Love your theory about food. Gotta get my selective memory going!:rotfl:

Dave -- I'm pleading youth on the movie quote as well. I think if you run marathons, you deserve special shoes!:woohoo: So sorry about the car. It figures, doesn't it? Here's some:wizard:

Stacey -- Hope those 4 miles were awesome. It feels so good to move again!:cheer2:

ms.mightyduck -- Hope you're feeling better.:sick: I'm having a personal day today. I had a rough weekend, and knew I needed to just be by myself and get centered again. Best wishes for your mom to feel better and be home quickly.:grouphug:

Denise -- Congrats on the weight loss! You and Miranda are both off to an awesome start!:thumbsup2

Jeanne -- when are you going to get Nancy to give us the recipe for the melted crap sandwiches?! I wonder how they compare to Peruvian Turkey?:lmao:

Kim -- So glad to see you're back on the Boards!:goodvibes

Wendy, Connie, Robert, Bill, Susie -- and everyone else! I hope you have an awesome day, and you are ready for whatever is just around the riverbend!



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