Walkers Wanna Compare Notes??

Hi everyone,

Snowed in at home. No way to get out with crutches so work at home. Leg getting slowly better today after bad weekend.

Jeanne: Image stabilization is important as it can make it looks like you are stopping all the time to take pics but dont:rolleyes1 I plan to get a new smaller one later this year. Some of the new ones are so much smaller than the one I bought 1 1/2 yrs ago.
Dave - I believe that line came out of a Blues Brothers movie.

Jeanne - When you get a digital camera for races, make sure it is "Splash Proof", in my first race, I spent so much time pouring water over my head, when I went looking for a small digital camera for races, that is the first thing I thought of. I got mine at Sam's Club, a Olympus Stylus 820. Sams was $20 cheaper than on line. It also has image stabilization, which helps a little when you don't really stop to take the picture:rotfl:

Thanks, Lynn....I never thought of that, but you're absolutely right. I threw lots of water over myself during the marathon and it really helped.
Hi everyone,

Snowed in at home. No way to get out with crutches so work at home. Leg getting slowly better today after bad weekend.

Jeanne: Image stabilization is important as it can make it looks like you are stopping all the time to take pics but dont:rolleyes1 I plan to get a new smaller one later this year. Some of the new ones are so much smaller than the one I bought 1 1/2 yrs ago.

Got it! :thumbsup2

Glad the leg is gradually improving. Snow and crutches are definitely a no-no!
Now eathquakes. :scared1: The scared my Kitties!

Earthquakes have shaken the Lake Tahoe area, the U.S. Geological Survey reports.

An earthquake of magnitude 3.2 was reported at 2:18 p.m. with an epicenter located 6 miles north of Incline Village, the USGS reported on its Web site.

Another quake of magnitude 1.8 was reported 2:34 p.m. with an epicenter 5 miles north of Incline Village, according to the USGS.

What's next locust:confused3
Dave - I believe that line came out of a Blues Brothers movie.

Jeanne - When you get a digital camera for races, make sure it is "Splash Proof", in my first race, I spent so much time pouring water over my head, when I went looking for a small digital camera for races, that is the first thing I thought of. I got mine at Sam's Club, a Olympus Stylus 820. Sams was $20 cheaper than on line. It also has image stabilization, which helps a little when you don't really stop to take the picture:rotfl:

Yes Lynn you are right. Jake ordered 4 fried chickens and a coke and Elwood orderd plain white toast. They were trying to recruit a band member and his wife who is a famous singer was the restraunt owner. Do you remember who she was?

Trivia Panda:hippie:
It was Areatha, and she sang RESPECT..... Her hubby was Matt Guitar Murphy, and I am trying to remember the sax player, Sweet Home Chicago was my stomping ground in my youth, Ohh that implies I have grown up, never mind... Elwood ordered Dry White Toast.
It was Areatha, and she sang RESPECT..... Her hubby was Matt Guitar Murphy, and I am trying to remember the sax player, Sweet Home Chicago was my stomping ground in my youth, Ohh that implies I have grown up, never mind... Elwood ordered Dry White Toast.

They were on a mission from God. One of my all time favorite movies.

Golden Oldie Panda:hippie:
Now eathquakes. :scared1: The scared my Kitties!

Earthquakes have shaken the Lake Tahoe area, the U.S. Geological Survey reports.

An earthquake of magnitude 3.2 was reported at 2:18 p.m. with an epicenter located 6 miles north of Incline Village, the USGS reported on its Web site.

Another quake of magnitude 1.8 was reported 2:34 p.m. with an epicenter 5 miles north of Incline Village, according to the USGS.

What's next locust:confused3

Haha that was so much fun. (it was my first;) )
Thanks for the idea on the image stabilization for the camera. I have a few shaky pics, especially from the beginning. I'm going to check for another camera.

WOW- an earthquake! I would keep an eye out for locusts! :)
Good morning Robert, Bill, Scott and all our pretty princesses.

It's warmer here today but pouring rain so no playing outside. Darn, I know Robert, you are in the middle of snow hades and don't wanna here me whine.

My left foot is still hurting, we did a brisk 4 miler yesterday and it was really singing to me after that. I guess it still hasn't recovered from the Goofy yet. I've been icing dailey and taking it easy.

I did DD's taxes yesterday and used the efile feature. I had never done that before. It was an adventure for this computer cavepanda.

Some day I should learn more about the computer.

Bill, glad to hear you are comfortable with your inner Tink.

Denise, I envy you with having your whole family involved with exercising. My daughter is still in that rebel stage on that sort of thing.

Have an awesome day y'all.

Happy Panda:hippie:
Take care Robert and Linda. Crutches, snow and earthquakes oh my.

So is Tiff 13 Linda?

Thanks for all the information regarding digital cameras. We do have one which I use for my trips and hardly ever get any pictures developed. I took a disposable camera with me for the marathon and never took any pictures. I hope next year that I will have time to at least take a few pictures. I usually depend on DS#1 to help with any electronic purchases.

It is to get into the 40's today but raining. I was hoping I could do an outside walk.

Yesterday did 3 miles on elipical and a Pilates class. I find Pilates class hard work. It is using so many different muscles that I don't normally use and I am always sore the next day.

Have a great day everyone.

Boy am I ever getting bad at keeping up.

Robert you and Linda stay safe!!!!!

Dave is there still room on the teams?? MIke and I would like to join in.

Decision should be made this week on doing the Mickey next year. Just waiting for a few things to be finallized and we should know if it can happen.

Hey walkers :cool1:

After nearly 3 years of battling this nagging back/hip injury I seem to be back in the ballgame instead of on the injured list. Hoping to stay that way through the 1/2 marathon training this year :wizard: :wizard:

Planning to primarily walk my walk back into shape before taking up any type of wogging/running again. So I was hoping you wouldn't mind if I joined in here??????? :confused3

Now I have the dreaded shoe question for you all. I have the Asic Kayanos and I'm wondering if a lower heeled shoe might not be better for walking??? Any suggestions? I've found when I say I want to "walk" I end up being steared to the clunky "walking" shoes and that doesn't seem to be the right route. Thanks!

Minnie Asked:
Hey walkers

After nearly 3 years of battling this nagging back/hip injury I seem to be back in the ballgame instead of on the injured list. Hoping to stay that way through the 1/2 marathon training this year

Planning to primarily walk my walk back into shape before taking up any type of wogging/running again. So I was hoping you wouldn't mind if I joined in here???????

Now I have the dreaded shoe question for you all. I have the Asic Kayanos and I'm wondering if a lower heeled shoe might not be better for walking??? Any suggestions? I've found when I say I want to "walk" I end up being steared to the clunky "walking" shoes and that doesn't seem to be the right route. Thanks!

Welcome to our side of things! :rotfl: Walking is much easier on the body and YOU can get some darn good speed!

Shoes? I wear Asics, they fit best and they have the flexibility needed for walking. Try them out and see how well they work for you. Next time you go into a running store tell them I am racewalking! It helps.
Man I have a lot of catching up to do. This work stuff really stinks. Shoes, if you look back on the very beginning of this thread Dave said – you should never have to break in shoes and he’s right. I bought a pair of cross trainers 1 year ago and never had to break them in. I started walking miles 2-3 on the TM and never had a problem. THEN I wanted to start a bit of running so when my shoes needed to be replaced I purchased running shoes. My shins hurt all the time! We went to Disney in Nov/Dec and I ended up wearing Mary Janes from Wal-Mart because my legs hurt so bad from those running shoes. Finally I knew I wasn’t going to run the ½ marathon only powerwalk. Around Christmas break I purchased a new pair of Nike Cross trainers and they NEVER bothered my shins or feet. After only a few weeks of wear, I wore them for the entire ½ marathon. I had one spot that almost turned into a blister but I work my flip-flops for the next day and it went away.

When you find your shoe, stick with it. We are all different and have strides that we have to consider. My son is extremely flat footed, I brought him to the Good Feet Store and he was fitted with some orthotics(sp) for runners. He wears them in all his shoes. He’s a changed person. His legs are much better and the little bugger beat the whole family during the ½ that and because if we caught him, we’d kill him. You see it was all HIS idea that we do this and he didn’t train at all! BRAT.

Good luck and welcome.

Minnie welcome, we can never have to many pretty princesses.

Denise I'm glad you found shoes you can live with, it's such a pain finding some you like. Each and every one of us is so unique and special. One size doesn't fit all.

I hope that "I was shocked" thead goes on and dies, it's starting to get ugly, I could see that coming.

How is everyone recovering from the Disney events? My left foot is still mad at me from the Goofy.

Robert, heal quickly.

Have a super evening y'all.

Icing Panda:hippie:
Why is it so much harder to walk on the treadmill than outside? Because of 40+ mph wind today, I did my walking on the treadmill. For the first time I did distance, I usually only use it for the sprint program. I was totally worn out trying to keep up a 17 minute mile pace, where outside, I can easily keep up a better than 16 minute mile pace. I was watching a movie, so I cannot say I was too bored, it is just really hard for me to keep up any speed. I can see that I will not do much training on the treadmill, so I just hope that the weather cooperates more!


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