What are you craving?


because He lives
May 5, 2006
Uh, due to the huge tangent that Patchy, Milkabum, and I have gone off on in milk's cultural background thread... I've decided to just make a whole new thread about what we girls seem to love to talk about:


What food would you love to eat right now? What is making those taste buds stand up and tingle? What is your mouth watering for? (I expect to hear a lot of "chocolate, chocolate, chocolate" from the girls! :rotfl2: )

So tell us now. Tell us tomorrow. Tell us next week. Tell us in an hour again.

As weird as it sounds at 10pm my time... I would just die for some crab legs...

How about yourself? There must be something. Anything. We'd love to hear it... and so would our stomachs!
Hot Krispy Kreme doughnuts...Can anyone top that?
I am not sure if this is only for girls but I would love to eat a cheeseburger at the Trump Tower and there Lobster chowder. And at Pizzaria (probably mis-spelled because I never really used that word) Uno a THREE CHEESE PIZZA.
I love anything Italian.I love pasta,Ravioli all of that yummy. :woohoo:
KidGoofy said:
I am not sure if this is only for girls but I would love to eat a cheeseburger at the Trump Tower and there Lobster chowder. And at Pizzaria (probably mis-spelled because I never really used that word) Uno a THREE CHEESE PIZZA.

Nope, this is for everyone!

Mmmm crab bisque. I've totally been in the mood for seafood lately.
Right now I would love to have steamers and muscles. (For anyone who doesn't know what steamers are they are just steamed clams.) I'm with most of you on the seafood kick, I could never live anywhere I couldn't get fresh seafood when I wanted it. Thinking about food makes me want a nice steak too, uh oh off to the fridge for a snack.:lmao:
a slogan for an ice cream place in fla says it best: life's short, eat desert first!

apple pie (only if it's made by my "poppy")
this great oreo pie my mom makes (homemade oreo crust, with oreo ice cream, and hot fudge smeared like ice cream on the top)
scrambled eggs (try to mix them with a macaroni ladle- the texture and taste is delicious!)
belgian waffles a la mode (good french right? jk)
hmm......... chocolate!!!!
those big lollipops from WDW!!!!!
anything that smells like Main Street USA's candy shop (you know, that smell that's not really food, just a kinda perfume let out in the street)
and of course- just a spoon of caramel!!!!! yummy yummy!!!!
PEROGIES :lmao: Okay.. seriously?
Soft derve ice cream, or an ice cream sandwich
I kit-kat bar- sue me. :lmao:
Tim hortons vanilla sprinkle doughtnuts! (Tim Hortons is only in Canada and around the border, it's a doughnut/coffee/sandwich shop).
Filet Minion, served up via the cook-in-front-of-you-cooks at Jinpachi. Top THAT.
sushi (only with salmon or tuna, yum *licks lips*)
i think it was little debbies or something but it was a molten chocolate cake. all you have to do is add water with the powder, apply hot fudge that comes with it, bake in a mocrowave for two minutes, and ta da! nice, hot cake, served and eaten in less then half an hour :goodvibes
pasta (btw my mom is making some now :goodvibes )
AH!!!!!!! *pulls hair out of roots*
oh yea steamed clams made down at the shore how they are all steamy and hot when they get to the table and you open one up to find this flavourful little tan circle with flavor drizzling out of it and you pick it up (with a fork duh LOL) and dunk it in the melted butter and you pop it in your mouth and the clam comes to life again :goodvibes

uh oh.... all aboard exadgeration(sp?) station! choo choo!! :rotfl:
Beherenow said:
Hot Krispy Kreme doughnuts...Can anyone top that?

Oh yum! Like the free one they give you fresh out of the fryer????
I've only had it once. There is no Krispy Kreme within 3 hours of me! :sad1:

Muahaha. I am so glad I made this thread... is everyone getting hungry? :stir:
Free?!? :love: Meh, I have to pay for mine, but they are soooooooo worth it. At one point, I had their schedule memorized so I would know when the HOT doughnuts would be there. Once, I even drove over 125 MPH to deliver them still hot, but I would not recommend that. ;)
Beherenow said:
Free?!? :love: Meh, I have to pay for mine, but they are soooooooo worth it. At one point, I had their schedule memorized so I would know when the HOT doughnuts would be there. Once, I even drove over 125 MPH to deliver them still hot, but I would not recommend that. ;)

Yeah. Maybe not all of them do that. We were in Illinois, and they gave a free sample donut. A-ma-zing.

:rotfl2: I think I'll stick to the speed limit...
Another good one is the cinnamon bun kind. Lucky for me I got it when they were just putting it on the shelf but 8 seconds in the microwave warms it right back up. Too bad it's about 1/2 hour from my house. Tim Horton's has really good turkey and swiss club sandwiches too.
let me guess: no sushi fans? :(

ooo i could SOOOOOOOOOO go for some now
milkabum said:
PEROGIES :lmao: Okay.. seriously?

Today, i was walking pass the little kitchen area of my dorm, i swear to go it smelled like somebody was cooking perogies! it was insane! i was going crazy....

I really want perogies, cheesecake, golabki, peppermint frappuccino, and BBQ Potato Chips (spicy ones).... oh i forgot oreos i have been wanting those for a week!

yeah random stuff i know


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