What are your biggest frustrations?

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I don't understand why WDW doesn't have dedicated buses running at the end of the night just for the scooters & wheelchairs. That would go a long ways to relieving some of the frustrations people have with the buses. We were there last week and took the bus ONCE (we had a rental but thought we'd give a try just once). We ended up waiting forever because each time a bus would pull up 4 or 5 scooters would show up and take up most of the bus. What should have taken maybe 20 minutes ended up taking more than an hour just to get on the bus. I don't question if someone needs a scooter or wheelchair but the process that WDW uses to load and unload them is ridiculous. When we did get on there were 4 scooters on the bus and each at a different stop in CBR. Each time the driver had to stop, take two or three shots at "kneeling" the bus just right, untether the scooter and then the rider would attempt to navigate their way off the bus (which took a while too because most of the scooter riders weren't too skilled at navigating in such a tight spot). It took FOREVER! I'll never take the bus again (National Emerald Aisle all the way). Once again, I don't fault anyone for using a scooter/wheelchair but WDW needs to make some serious changes if this is the way the buses normally operate. :sad2:

Got to reply to this, total rubbish if your going to make things up and least try to get somewhere near the truth.
Not that I care for your tone (like I ever do) but as I said I don't take the bus so maybe it was 3 or 4. I do know there was line of scooters a mile long (yes, it was an actual mile - honest I measured :sad2:) and that every bus took the max number of scooters each time up to and including when we got on the bus ourselves. It still doesn't change the fact that the entire loading process and trip back to CBR took a ridiculous amount of time. How anyone puts up with riding the buses is beyond me. :confused3 If I was in a scooter I would welcome a dedicated bus to use that could speed the whole process up for everyone.

(when we got on the bus their were 4 scooters on and each had a different stop)

Read from your previous post, yeah you made it up.
My biggest fustration would be the people who find it necessary to block the fast pass return entrance while waiting for their fast pass time to arrive. :headache:
I haven't read through the whole thread yet but after reading the OP's post I had a serious "get out of my head!" moment and had to reply. I'll go back and read everything once I'm done, honest.

First of all, when in a group of people, the best place to stand and converse is NOT in the middle of the freaking walkway! What could possibly be going through these people's minds? How can you stand in a huge crowd of people struggling to get through and not realize that you standing around having a casual conversation is incredibly rude? It's one thing if people are standing and reading a map (still rude and inconsiderate, but at least you can understand that their mind is preoccupied with something), but when you're just in a circle in the middle of everything how can you possibly not realize what you're doing?
You just hit on DH's biggest aggravation right there. He complained about this constantly. I just tried to ignore it, but admittedly sometimes it's hard. I also don't have the best breaks in the world, so I'm surprised I didn't run right into anyone. :laughing:

Finally, is there any dark ride anywhere in the world where you're allowed to take flash pictures? Isn't is common sense that this ruins the ride for everyone else and if not, what is the logic? And how come nobody tries to take flash pictures on the Haunted Mansion, but on Pirates, it's a flashing bonanza? They've even given up on stopping it. If you don't take a picture before the ride starts, nothing is going to be said. On one ride on Pirates, we were floating along nicely with no disruptions. Then we stopped for about ten minutes halfway through and for some reason people thought this gave them free reign to take all the flash pictures they wanted for the rest of the ride!
And you hit on my biggest pet peeves right there. I swear there is something about Pirates that make people's brains turn into mush and all they can think is "oooh purdy pirates must take picture!". Out of every time I went on that ride this trip (probably six to eight times) only once did I not have someone in my boat taking flash pictures. ONCE. And in a moment I'm not entirely proud of I flew off the handle and yelled at a woman who turned around to take pictures behind her and ended up flashing me (not like that!) twice. If anyone here was in our boat when that happened I'm truly sorry if you heard me (I don't know how loud I was). But if flasher lady is, I hope you learned your lesson. But I doubt it.

My other biggest pet peeve is when parents have their kids run up to something to take a picture without looking to see if someone else is already taking a picture. I'm not talking about when I'm taking a picture of something and a kid runs up to look at it, that's totally understandable. I'm talking about when mom says "honey, go stand in front of that statue" without looking to see that there's someone a few feet away from it trying to take a picture. People without kids deserve to get their pictures too parents!
I can't stand that person/child who steps on the back of your shoe/flip-flop, heel every 10 paces in line. Why must you walk sooo close to me??:mad:
Ugh, that's an annoying one too. I didn't have a child stepping on the back of my shoe, but he kept hitting me with his toy sword he was buying. Not in a "RAWR I HIT YOU!" fashion, just in a "I'm not paying attention" fashion. Hey kid's dad, would it kill you to ask your boy to step back a foot?

I also had a kid pushing (who I assume was) his Grandma in a wheelchair and he wheeled her into me twice in the line for Finding Nemo. I was both annoyed at the child and felt sorry for Grandma Battering Ram.

I hate people who fight in park. OK, not talking about kids having meltdowns but adults screaming at each other. Whatever you need to say, do it quietly, please.
Oh seriously! There was a married couple fighting while we were in line for a bus and we were so happy when they ended up at the other end of the bus from us. As far as I can tell they were fighting over a misunderstanding involving a hot dog, and they clearly didn't have a clue they were "entertaining" several people in line.

As far as the general wheelchair/scooter debate goes... feh. Yeah it's annoying to get run into by one of them or to have to wait for them to get loaded on the bus, but that very well could be me someday. Who am I to judge whether someone else needs a scooter or not? And I'm pretty sure most of them would rather be walking.
Ah, the good old annoyences, peeves etc. with regards to disability, mobility aid usage and what not. These always trigger me into a very sincere offer;

want all of those great unbelievably amazing perks? Join me on a trip! As I tend to go solo or with 1 person max, there is still some room in my max. allowed group to 'tag along'. Allthough according to some peeves I could take along the whole DIS-board. :littleangel:

Anyhow; a whole trip unlimited usage of those superb perks and extra accomodations. Why am I offering this? Yeah nuts, I know. That and just one little demand; that you experience WDW like I do. Just as offered.

One small detail is that I don't know when and if I'll ever get back, but that's just a little detail that needs smoothing over. :goodvibes Heck, let's throw in the real deal. If anybody feels like it; they're even welcome to join me experience the WDW-trip-perks from the first moment. Not when checking in at the resort, not when checking in for the DME, not landing at MCO, no it already starts at home and goes on from there right until back home again. Forget preboarding a silly bus, what about preboarding a plane? Don't forget to enjoy those 100+ annoyed faces you're letting eat your dust. What about all that extra attention? Dragging along such a huge amount of luggage. The list just goes on and on. Again; more than welcome to tag along and enjoy the perks. Just pay your own way. :laughing:
I think you're being unnecessarily nasty now.

It is not nasty to lie about disabled people, and their use of mobility support, but is nasty to call someone on it?:confused3 The man lied. There are no buses that take the 4 or 5 scooters the poster supposedly witnessed.
OK, OK, can we assume for a moment that a person may not remember exactly how many EVCs were there, maybe it was 3 but he remembers 4 for some reason. I think he was upset because it took driver too long to unload people, because driver was not skillful, and he would probably not be that upset if he would not have to wait in line for a bus an hour or so to begin with. He might telling the truth but his memory betrays him on details.

With this being said, I never witnessed lines of EVC, even so I am not saying it is impossible. I did witnessed once however a horrible driver skills to load a EVC, at CBR, couple of years ago. He tried and tried and tried for about 15 min and ended up telling a person in EVC that something does not work and wait for another bus. Was I frustrated, yes, but not because of person at EVC, because of driver.
It was your third post, IN A ROW, telling that other poster than you felt they were lying or "rubbish"
One post was sufficient, two was over the top, three was nasty.

I was replying to his replies to other posters he was lying got caught, tried to backtrack, unsuccessfully.

lets make one thing clear though I didn't FEEL they were lying, I know they are so do other posters, maybe you should be having a go at him for lying in the first place.

See you think I'm nasty, I know he's lying.
I only have 3 major frustrations......

1. Parents who let their kids run wild. I get that you are on vacation and at Disney and kids should be able to have fun, get excited, etc. But, don't think that because you are at Disney they are safe. It is still the real world and kids need to be protected. I can not tell you how many times I have witnessed mom and dad looking at a map while junior wanders off because something catches his eye. And then mom and dad look around in a panic when they realize junior has wandered off. I understand things can get hectic and crazy, but your child's safety should be more important than how to get to soarin'.

2. Families, couples, etc. who fight. LOUDLY. Obviously we all get frustrated at one point or another, but have some class and be private about your argument.

3. Strollers. I don't get as mad about wheelchairs and ECV's. Maybe because I am more sympathetic to the issue that put the person there. But, your stroller should not be used as a weapon or tool to wedge your way into an area where you will obviously not fit. Last trip DH and I waited for Spectromagic for 1 hour. About 15 mins. before the parade started a woman shoved her stroller up to the front so her child (sitting in the stroller) could see the parade. I have no problem letting your child stand in front of me to view the parade. But......ask. Don't just use your stroller to shove others out of the way.
Dirty rest rooms; overflowing grabage cans; and things just not being as "spiffy" as they used to be (peeling paint; rust; trash on the ground; etc.)..

Otherwise, not much.. When you have that many people in one place and our society is evolving into a "Me, me, me" generation, you're going to find some of the behaviors that have been discussed here..

You have to create your own "magic"..:goodvibes
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