What are your biggest frustrations?

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To me, people texting or talking on phones while on rides or attractions is really frustrating. Do you seriously need to respond at that exact moment?

At the Voyage of the Little Mermaid show last year, the person next to me was texting through the entire show. Just like with flash photographer, the light from her phone was ridiculously bright and very distracting.

As someone else mentioned, it just boils down to consideration for others. I can see that someone might be oblivious while in standing in the way of a walkway or walking in front of a picture accidentally, but I don't know how you can "accidentally" have a loud phone conversation on Kilimanjaro Safari (which we also witnessed on our last trip)!
I am truly not trying to be snarky or anything and while I am not Asian I just thought I would offer up that the term "oriental" is completely incorrect and offensive. Oriental refers to inanimate objects such as rugs etc. People are Asian.

Again, I am really not trying to insult you or anything just providing a little bit of knowledge that may prevent embarassing situations in the future.:goodvibes

ok, while not "snarky", and technically, (and of course, politically) correct, you still felt the need to distaract from what I was saying to correct me. I am in my fifties, and I didn't know "oriental" was a bad term. you don't think there is any difference between someone from china and someone from India? both are Asian. if I were a detective, and asking for a description of a person, there would be a BIG difference between a person from japan and a person from Pakistan (in visual appearance)
and for the record, I am part Cherokee Indian, but I guess we can't say that any more either, sorry, I am part "native American".
ANyhooo!!!! the tour groups that were VERY disruptive, and were from Brazil. and I will continue to say that the tour groups from Brazil we encountered were very rude.
To me, people texting or talking on phones while on rides or attractions is really frustrating. Do you seriously need to respond at that exact moment?

At the Voyage of the Little Mermaid show last year, the person next to me was texting through the entire show. Just like with flash photographer, the light from her phone was ridiculously bright and very distracting.

As someone else mentioned, it just boils down to consideration for others. I can see that someone might be oblivious while in standing in the way of a walkway or walking in front of a picture accidentally, but I don't know how you can "accidentally" have a loud phone conversation on Kilimanjaro Safari (which we also witnessed on our last trip)!

oh boy.. cell phones! my biggest pet peeve.
I am a waitress. I'm busy, people aren't ready to order yet, fine, I'll come back. I come back. are you ready to order yes. 3 people order . person #4 is on her cell phone. and expects me to wait, standing there! while she finishes up her conversation!.
the person ahead of me at the grocery store.. holds up the line (and the clerk) while he finishes HIS cell phone conversation.
I can be sitting with a freind having coffee, and they answer their phone! and talk, for a while!
but, at WDW, put your cell on vibrate during a ride or attraction. do NOT talk on your phone during a ride or attraction.
I completely agree with this. It's not a frustration of mine, but it would be nice to see something different on the counter service meals.

You can find variety in the kids meals, you just have to do a bit of looking. My niece still talks about the salmon she got as a kids meal at the Grand Floridian Cafe. She loved it!

My frustration is people who complain, but can't be botherd to do any research, or don't know what they are talking about. The whole ECVs get to the front of the line is a myth. And I don't care who you are, but you cannot judge who needs one just by looking at them. Seeing them walk 10 feet is not proof the they are faking.:sad2:

Some people would benefit a whole lot by doing just a little research.
It wasn't more than three, and it was much more likely two, tops. Given that, and that there are six (or is it seven?) stops at CBR, only three scooters could possibly have been unloaded from your specific bus. It's regrettable that issues with the bus's lift system caused delays with this. Oh, if you were on a bus with a lift, there were only two scooters on your bus. Period. So there were only two drop-offs at your resort where you were inconvenienced by the lift not positioning correctly.

How anyone 'puts up with it'? I guess we know what to expect; we're on vacation and we relax. We even plan for extra transportation time when we're not doing the driving.

If you had bothered to pay attention to what I wrote I said that the bus driver had problems "kneeling" the bus. I know this because I was sitting in the back staring at the "kneeling" button when the bus driver kept trying to get it to work right. There wasn't any lift as you claim - at least not on the bus I was on. The entire bus actually lowered and tilted to right until it was level with the curb (at least that was the idea anyway - the bus driver was a bit challenged to make it work). I'm surprised that an "expert" such as yourself doesn't know this. I also find it funny that you know what happened on the bus when you weren't there but that's par for the course on the DIS. And yes, I don't know how ANYONE puts up with it because it's so incredibly inefficient. I have always and will continue to use a rental car and won't step foot on another WDW bus. That way I'm not wasting my valuable vacation time sitting on a bus somewhere pretending like I'm "relaxing" when I could actually be enjoying myself. I can be at my rental car and back at my resort in 20 minutes or less.
I will never, ever understand how able bodied people can get so ticked off when they are a bit inconvenienced by someone in a wheelchair or scooter or crutches or a cane. WT??? people! You are my biggest frustration!

Do you walk ok? Do your children walk ok? Are your parents pretty healthy and can walk pretty well perhaps with an occasional rest?

You should get down on those healthy knees and thank God you have the gift of mobility. So you are delayed 10, 15, even 30 or more minutes. Get over your healthy body self!

Where do you get off making a judgement call on if another human being really "needs" to use assistance? Do you have super powers that you can see into their heart? lungs? muscles? eyes? She is not on cortisone for cancer, she is just fat and lazy. He obviously works out look at those arms, can't possibly be because he uses a regular wheelchair at home and pushes himself with those great arms. She doesn't have life threatening MS, she just can't be bothered carrying her packages so she uses a scooter,look at her get off the bus all by herself!

I have seen how challenged people are invisible unless they get in your way. Then they are fully and completely aware that they need to validate their very existance for your convenience. Enough with the bus and scooter trash talk. There but for the Grace of God go YOU.

Until you spend the day looking at butts and being ignored, stepped over, etc., you are not going to get it. That is all there is to it. Ignorance is bliss.
I knew this thread would lead to trouble.

You know what? Most of the families I know can't afford to go to WDW. I'm going to assume an attitude of gratitude during my upcoming trip and overlook a few things, like people who cut in line and badly driven scooters. Why? Because I am so fortunate to be getting to go to Disney World.

Thank God for Disney. It really does make the world a better place. I've had a rough year and I am SO grateful to be getting to go. :woohoo:

Doc, I hope that you have a lovelly visit. I never encounter any of the problems that others do. I suspect that you will not, either.
Not an ECV issue, but you cant imagine the comments my cousin recieved while in Disney with her son, (7 about the time) who had been battling brain cancer since he was 4 (Became a cancer survivor this year :cheer2: at 11. ) No he didnt look sick at the time, but because of all the chemo and the meds he had been on, was still on etc, left him with many issues. One person even had the nerve to pass a comment like " wish we had what he has......," Since they were able to bypass the lines. My cousin who has MORE CLASS than anyone I know, especially when it comes to ignorant morons. Simply smiled and responded, " TRUST ME....I PRAY that your CHILD never gets WHAT he has" and left it at that.

Good for her.That is absolutely disgusting that someone would even think that, let alone say that outloud to her. Are people really that calloused? Do some people think that an 7 year old boy would rather pretend to be sick so he could sit in an ECV all day instead of running around with his family? I swear, sometimes people really are disappointing!
So glad to hear that he is doing well!:lovestruc
Originally Posted by divawife
I will never, ever understand how able bodied people can get so ticked off when they are a bit inconvenienced by someone in a wheelchair or scooter or crutches or a cane. WT??? people! You are my biggest frustration!

Do you walk ok? Do your children walk ok? Are your parents pretty healthy and can walk pretty well perhaps with an occasional rest?

You should get down on those healthy knees and thank God you have the gift of mobility. So you are delayed 10, 15, even 30 or more minutes. Get over your healthy body self!

Where do you get off making a judgement call on if another human being really "needs" to use assistance? Do you have super powers that you can see into their heart? lungs? muscles? eyes? She is not on cortisone for cancer, she is just fat and lazy. He obviously works out look at those arms, can't possibly be because he uses a regular wheelchair at home and pushes himself with those great arms. She doesn't have life threatening MS, she just can't be bothered carrying her packages so she uses a scooter,look at her get off the bus all by herself!

I have seen how challenged people are invisible unless they get in your way. Then they are fully and completely aware that they need to validate their very existance for your convenience. Enough with the bus and scooter trash talk. There but for the Grace of God go YOU.

Posted by Donut23:
Thank you. Your words made me cry.

My tears are because someone DOES understand and is willing to stand up for those of us who now struggle...........to stand up.

You are welcome! I experienced this sometimes clueless and sometimes mean spirited attitude while wheeling my Mom around town after surgery. We were schooled on the real meaning of "do unto others".

At Disney I saw it many times over. The tsking and eye rolling and heavy sighs and sometimes nasty comments while waiting for a challenged individual to board a bus. Not only scooters but motorized wheelchairs, crutches, the elderly simply being slowly careful not to fall, a blind couple and a disabled child who did not require mechanical assistance but a slow walk up the stairs. These are people and they knew full well they were considered an annoyance.

I do not want to hear the usual lame argument about how there are "some people not the majority of course who use the system and just ruin it for others". This is an excuse to rationalize a sense of entitlement, of a little bullying and self absorbtion. And the response is sometimes to mask a fear. A fear of that sentence "There but for the Grace of God go I".
The kid got up and walked off the bus....that was sad to see.

My husband needed a scooter for our last trip...he was recovering from torn miniscus surgery...doesn't mean he can't walk - but it does mean he can't walk more than a block or so without it being terribly painful. We had to beg him to use the scooter - he was embarrassed...and I'm sure there were some peole looking at him and thinking he was just trying to cut lines....
Hi Donut,

ECV should take about 5 min to load, so basically it is not that much of delay, esp. that line of ECVs is extremely rare event, I never saw it in all my trips. Number of buses makes me sad however. I actually playing with idea of renting a car and possibly staying offsite next trip, just more convenient and should cost me same as I will pay less for hotel. I am sure, I am not the only switching to off site. Maybe Disney will finally wake up and fix buses problem.

Hi Kelly NY -

Try Bonnet Creek. I have checked there a few times and found their rates close to castmember rates for DVC! The units are bigger than comparable DVC units and it's a 5 STAR rated resort (even the Grand Floridian is only a 4 star - never managed that 5th star even though Disney tried hard to qualify for it).

I posted some ideas for car rental discounts.....some of these discounts can be up to 40% off. PM me if you need ideas or help.

Once you travel in your own rental car, you will be spoiled forever....so be warned. It is soooooo much faster and you can go anywhere you want anytime you want....worry free.

We swore off disney busses forever after a stay at the Beach Club.....deluxe resort and busses are shared with Swan, Dolphin,YC, BC, BCV,BWI, BWV. For the rack room price they charge - even the discounts they offer, they should eliminate the sharing and have a red carpet leading to the door! No more for us. We give our "standng room only" 12 inch square of disney bus to others to enjoy.
My husband needed a scooter for our last trip...he was recovering from torn miniscus surgery...doesn't mean he can't walk - but it does mean he can't walk more than a block or so without it being terribly painful. We had to beg him to use the scooter - he was embarrassed...and I'm sure there were some peole looking at him and thinking he was just trying to cut lines....

My mom went after chemo in an ecv. She could walk, and she probably even could have skipped 15 feet or so. That is it. Even stopping and breaking, she couldn't go from building to building at Epcot in less than 45 minutes.

People who want to be nasty just plain are. You can't stop them from acting that way, you can't stop them from teaching their kids the same. Someday, if they live long enough they will probably need assistance. Then, they will probably still be looking at how they are being put out.
I can't stand people that don't realize this is MY vacation and I paid a lot of money to be here...so please stay out of my way, let me cut in line, and please, have your children save a spot for me at the parade. Thank you.
I hate the "me first" attitude that takes over a lot of people when they arrive at Disney. Why is it that the happiest place on earth often brings out the worst in people? :confused3

When we go to Disney, we try so hard to block out the rudeness in bus lines, pushiness by parades, and all the other poor behavior that many adults display. Sometimes it's very hard when you're so hot and tired! IMHO, it's the worst part about WDW.

I def agree that it can bring out the worst in people....everyone is there for the same reason..... vacation :) I usually go in the value season to and i see ppl getting angry with one another i couldnt imagine what it would be like when its crowded!! :confused3
I def agree that it can bring out the worst in people....everyone is there for the same reason..... vacation :) I usually go in the value season to and i see ppl getting angry with one another i couldnt imagine what it would be like when its crowded!! :confused3

As far as the busses go, I have found they are actually better during the busy times of year. Disney puts pretty much every bus they own into service, so the waits for a bus are short, and they are not crowded. Heck, this last Spring Break I actually had a bus all to myself one time. It was pretty neat.
Disney puts pretty much every bus they own into service, so the waits for a bus are short.
Unless they're in for maintenance, all WDW buses are used every day. There aren't any buses sitting around somewhere during the slower times unless they don't have any drivers. If for whatever reason they do need more buses, outside bus companies are used, but that is rare.
As far as the busses go, I have found they are actually better during the busy times of year. Disney puts pretty much every bus they own into service, so the waits for a bus are short, and they are not crowded. Heck, this last Spring Break I actually had a bus all to myself one time. It was pretty neat.

We probably go to different Disneys. We go during busy times and buses during the day are not crowded at all. At night however, it is a problem. I mean after fireworks, not before.
Unless they're in for maintenance, all WDW buses are used every day. There aren't any buses sitting around somewhere during the slower times unless they don't have any drivers. If for whatever reason they do need more buses, outside bus companies are used, but that is rare.

Are you sure about that? I can't imagine they would use the same number of busses at Christmas as they do the last week of September. Also, during my last stay I enjoyed riding on an old school bus--complete with the front facing seats.
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