What are your biggest frustrations?

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First of all - I love WDW. However, I was frustrated this past weekend. My friend and I came to see MNSSHP and Food and Wine. My frustrations had to do with rude, power-hungry CMs and extremely limited shade in World Showcase for Food and Wine. It was hot and sunny on Saturday and Food and Wine was a mob scene. Crowds, hot and sunny and overwalking made me cranky and crabby but that should of told me to get out of the park and go back to the resort and rest and renew. Instead I pushed it. Bad move on my part. I think there would be less frustrations if instead of pushing it, people (including myself) knew their limits and did something about it. Everything people have posted on this thread I experienced. Some really bugged me, some did not. I just reminded myself that I was at The Happiest Place on Earth and left the park when I got crabby and cranky. I hope despite the irritations and frustration being with humanity at WDW, that everyone had some wonderful times and memories. :D

Most Magical Place on Earth (unless you were at DL for their Food & Wine Festival). ;)
Even the most considerate people can inadvertently offend. We really do make an effort to not get in people's pictures, pick up after ourselves at QS, kiss babies, adopt kittens (and use apostrophes with caution). I had no idea that walking side by side with my two adult daughters and husband through the park would be considered rude. Perhaps it isn't an issue since we travel during value seasons. However, I will be extra careful in the future not to block the path of those wishing to move pass. We do move to the side for pictures or to gaze in awe.

My frustration? (no not the buses - we like them) It was getting to the Goofy Candy Co. to discover the price of make-your-own-apples has gone up several dollars since the previous year and toppings have been limited to one. :sad1: The cm was so sweet and apologetic, but alas que sera sera.
I think another forum would be best for that discussion, and I suspect that it will lead to a spirited discussion.

now my interest is really piqued!! :)
I will assume it's being discussed on the disabilities board so I'll try to find it over there. thanks magicbus!! :goodvibes
I am zipping up my flame suit before I type this,oh wait, okay zipped and ready. I find you can pick out the population of ECV renters who obviously don't use them in everyday life. Which is fine, Disney requires a great deal of walking, I get that, but I can't count the number of times myself or 1 of my 4 children have almost been plowed down by someone going entirely to fast on these things. Or thats what I tell myself, they don't know know how to operate them because the other alternative would be to hard for me to tolerate. I'll throw stroller drivers who think they have the right away in on that as well.

As I mentioned earlier in the thread.....accidents happen because people don't pay attention......scooter AND guests on foot.

I also didn't go anywhere the first time I rented a scooter until I was comfortable handling it. Remember the zig-zaggy walkway from LeCellier to the movie in Canada......I negotiated it .... in reverse on the first day to prove to DH that reverse was easy. I'm comfortable on a scooter so I know you are not talking about me being dangerous.

Having said that.....about a year ago we were at DL. SM has a private entrance for wheelchairs and scooters - very cool! What was NOT very cool was a woman who did not understand how to move around in the tight space.....and ran her scooter nearly full speed.....into the wall. She thought it was very funny. I was annoyed! That WAS frustrating for me.
Will you say that a little louder?

This one is for you Magicbus. :thumbsup2 WE LIKE THE WDW BUSES!!

Granted we are not traveling with small ones and never in 100 degree heat, but riding the bus is a novelty for us. My kids didn't even take the bus to school and we have always had a car. We use the bus waiting line to text and catch up on emails, compare/save/delete pictures in our phones and cameras. Yes, we have seen all of the aforementioned good and bad behaviors, but you just can't let the actions of others govern your attitude.

A big THANK YOU to all those WDW bus drivers for the magic they add to our vacation!

57 days until our next bus ride at WDW!
Even the most considerate people can inadvertently offend. We really do make an effort to not get in people's pictures, pick up after ourselves at QS, kiss babies, adopt kittens (and use apostrophes with caution). I had no idea that walking side by side with my two adult daughters and husband through the park would be considered rude. Perhaps it isn't an issue since we travel during value seasons. However, I will be extra careful in the future not to block the path of those wishing to move pass. We do move to the side for pictures or to gaze in awe.

My frustration? (no not the buses - we like them) It was getting to the Goofy Candy Co. to discover the price of make-your-own-apples has gone up several dollars since the previous year and toppings have been limited to one. :sad1: The cm was so sweet and apologetic, but alas que sera sera.

(My bolding.) :cool1: :thumbsup2 :rotfl:
This one is for you Magicbus. :thumbsup2 WE LIKE THE WDW BUSES!!
This year we had more issues with the buses than we have our previous years, but personally I still love the buses! They're super convenient, even if you do sometimes have to worry about finding a seat. I'd rather take the risk of standing once in a while than mess with using our own car the entire trip.

My only complaint about the buses this year was that a lot of the bus stops had been combined since last year. But that's not going to stop me from loving the buses, I'll just chose a different resort next year. Problem (hopefully) solved!
We love the buses when we don't have to deal with my mom's ecv. :) When my boys were little, the idea of standing on the bus was the coolest thing ever.

This year we are staying at akv, and it is because of the bus system. My boys are now old enough to run around on their own, and the system makes it possible.
I am zipping up my flame suit before I type this,oh wait, okay zipped and ready. I find you can pick out the population of ECV renters who obviously don't use them in everyday life. Which is fine, Disney requires a great deal of walking, I get that, but I can't count the number of times myself or 1 of my 4 children have almost been plowed down by someone going entirely to fast on these things. Or thats what I tell myself, they don't know know how to operate them because the other alternative would be to hard for me to tolerate. I'll throw stroller drivers who think they have the right away in on that as well.
You may be right. They don't all know how to operate them. Because they're hard to operate. They either aren't moving or BAM! Too fast! Oops, try again. These aren't the cool, top of the line ECVs. They are what they are.

Almost being plowed down. Seriously? How were you almost plowed down? Were you knocked to the ground? Was your foot run over? Or does "almost plowed down" mean you noticed someone going what you considered too fast? I'm guessing "almost plowed down" is the same as "I was never plowed down" and you threw an "almost" in there to dredge up drama about yourself that never actually happened.

You really should spend one day in those stupid things. Spend your whole damn day stopped because nobody notices you and you can't go forward. Have a CM be rude to you because you begin to ask a question. Don't get to wait in some of the cooler lines. Be different. Have troubles.

Or try having one of many diseases that sucks the life out of you, like cancer. You're well enough to go for 2, maybe three hours, if you use the ECV, but you're whipped for the rest of the day.

And then a bunch of people give you dirty looks and make arrogant and rude remarks about how you and your cancer-ridden pathetic body failed to operate the poorly operating ECV to their standards.

Or maybe you and those like you could just once SHUT THE HELL UP, fall down on your knees and thank God that you don't have to deal with any of that. You could even try to dredge up a wee bit of compassion for those who do, but that would probably be asking too much.

While yourself is at it, look up the words: Me, Myself and I.

Report me. Ban me. I'm so sick of this.

Can't have fun refillable mug fights, but this is permitted. I do not get it.
I posted this on another thread but it applies here as well: Consider this cold hearted but I really don’t care about other people’s disabilities. I don’t need to know your life story or medical condition, and to be honest I’m sick of giving people a free pass. At the end of the day whether you are 2 or 200 you are on a motorized machine so use some caution.
I posted this on another thread but it applies here as well: Consider this cold hearted but I really don’t care about other people’s disabilities. I don’t need to know your life story or medical condition, and to be honest I’m sick of giving people a free pass. At the end of the day whether you are 2 or 200 you are on a motorized machine so use some caution.
Has it occurred to you that they're trying? That maybe, just maybe, the machines kind of suck?

I do consider it cold-hearted...but it is more than that. It is a total disregard for the suffering of others and a bit of cruelty added to their troubles. I'm not the most warm-hearted person on the planet (obviously), but I do feel badly for those who suffer and rather than toss out mean comments, I try to help them.

Nobody is asking you to help, just to shut the hell up and not pick on them, for God's sake.

Kicking people when they're down isn't offered at the rec center for a reason. It's too cruel a sport.
Has it occurred to you that they're trying? That maybe, just maybe, the machines kind of suck?

I do consider it cold-hearted...but it is more than that. It is a total disregard for the suffering of others and a bit of cruelty added to their troubles. I'm not the most warm-hearted person on the planet (obviously), but I do feel badly for those who suffer and rather than toss out mean comments, I try to help them.

Nobody is asking you to help, just to shut the hell up and not pick on them, for God's sake.

Kicking people when they're down isn't offered at the rec center for a reason. It's too cruel a sport.

Again, I really don’t care about your situation. And again to be honest I really don’t care if you ran over another person. I DO care about my own family and would ask that people using a motorized machine show some caution in a crowded space. I’m not going to give you any compassion if you hit my child. I’m the guy who literally sees red when someone hurts their children. And no excuse about the machine, cancer, Mickey mouse is going to hold this 6’5 guy back.
I think everyone should use caution. People run sometimes without looking around, changing lanes, jumping over others and so on. It is a mirracle if someone behaving like that IS NOT get hit by scooter, stroller, ECV and walking people. Just remember, park is not an open field, there are others around.
I think everyone should use caution. People run sometimes without looking around, changing lanes, jumping over others and so on. It is a mirracle if someone behaving like that IS NOT get hit by scooter, stroller, ECV and walking people. Just remember, park is not an open field, there are others around.

Good post. Again everything comes back to common sense. When my kids were little I probably said watch where you are going 300 times a day. In fact watch where you are going applies to everyone regardless of age or mode of transportation. And, I know this may be hard, but if you do run into someone just say I'm sorry.
I think everyone should use caution. People run sometimes without looking around, changing lanes, jumping over others and so on. It is a mirracle if someone behaving like that IS NOT get hit by scooter, stroller, ECV and walking people. Just remember, park is not an open field, there are others around.

I don't have a problem if someone accidentally runs into me with a stroller or EVC, but I do expect them to say "sorry" or something like that.

I've ran into people many a time just walking along, especially during extremely crowded times, and I always say sorry or excuse me. I expect the same in return.
Again, I really don’t care about your situation. And again to be honest I really don’t care if you ran over another person. I DO care about my own family and would ask that people using a motorized machine show some caution in a crowded space. I’m not going to give you any compassion if you hit my child. I’m the guy who literally sees red when someone hurts their children. And no excuse about the machine, cancer, Mickey mouse is going to hold this 6’5 guy back.
You sound as if you look forward to beating up old women with cancer and will be proud when you've done it.

How manly and tough.
You sound as if you look forward to beating up old women with cancer and will be proud when you've done it.

How manly and tough.

I don't think that's what OP sounds like at all. Read their other posts, OP is simply saying that it does not matter what medical issues anybody has, if you're in an ECV or with a stroller or if you're just walking, try to watch what you're doing and if you run into someone, say sorry!

This is simple common courtesy, how is this being debated??
You sound as if you look forward to beating up old women with cancer and will be proud when you've done it.

How manly and tough.

I don't hit women. BUT, if you as an ECV user ran into one of my children be sure my wife would deal with you. And that woman is a little CRAZY when it comes to her kids.

Seriously, random internet user why should I care about your conidtion? Are you different than 6 billion other people dealing with something? Grow up and be considerate. If I am walking and run into someone I make sure to say sorry. I don't give them some sob story of how hard it is to be tall and poor me.
You sound as if you look forward to beating up old women with cancer and will be proud when you've done it.

How manly and tough.

Where in the world do you get that? Is it too much to ask people to use some caution and common sense?
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