What are your biggest frustrations?

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Mine is the scooters and wheel chairs for people who don't need them!! We waited in line one night for nearly an hour while my daughter slept on my lap on the ground. My father in law had polio as a child and uses a scooter so there are definetly people who need them but I don't think that putting your sleepy child in a wheel chair and using it to your advantage is fair. There was absolutely nothing wrong with him but they got to cut in line and get on the bus while we all continued to wait.:confused3

Twigs4 - This is one of my pet peeves and I think I have a solution in a perfect world might actually work - if Disney had the resources. But then again if enough DISers get the word out everyone would know, a few well placed signs may help, and maybe the help from the Bus Drivers. I am not arguing the fact that you may or may not need a scooter/wheelchair. So no flames please. Hey a girl can dream that this would work and be perfect.

As far as the buses. I too have stood in a very long line waiting to get back to my resort only to be "bumped" by a scooter and his/her entourage. I agree that they deserve the same safety as the other guests.

My idea is that bus stops have a scooter line (there might already be one). The scooter rider and one person from their party stand in the scooter only line. The rest of their party joins the long line. When their party in the long line gets to the front, then the scooter and his/her party can get on the next bus with available space. Everyone has waited their turn, everyone has a safe ride home, everyone is happy and no one has to yell at the nice bus driver, or the nice bus driver has to yell at people because they can't give him a second to prepare the bus for the mad dash of people.

The whole bus stop issue is one reason why at the end of the night I make sure i am at the back of the park and take a nice long time to walk out. Stopping to really look at things, sitting on a bench. Meandering through the park. By the time I get out of the park the lines are much smaller.
OK...you come to the bus stop and there are 4 scooters there. They load 2, and the allowable 5 people. Since the other 2 scooters were there first, should you have to wait even though there is space available? Fair says that you should have to wait until they are loaded onto the next bus. Or is it better to load as space allows?

Sorry I don't follow, if the 4 scooters were there first and there are 4 spaces then yes load them all up, If there are only 2 spaces for scooters then 2 get on and the other 2 get on the next bus first.

If 2 scooters are there first they get on, if then another on turns up in the meantime they should get on IF it isn't at the expense of people who have been waiting longer in my opinion.

If you saying if there is no space for the other scooters then nobody else should get on then that crosses the fair is fair line and is into the petty teritory.

For me priority should be with whoever has been waiting the longest, whomever that may be. Simples.
I'm lost, so you are saying a bus should leave half empty if there is no more room for scooters and they were there first?
I'm lost, so you are saying a bus should leave half empty if there is no more room for scooters and they were there first?

I'm saying it is "fair." That seems to be everyone's concern, but just like dealing with kids, they are usually only concerned with "fair" for them.

Common sense says you fill the spots as they are available, whether it is a scooter spot or a people spot. I suspect that is why disney does it as they do.
Ok but how is it 'fair' that someone in a scooter get on a bus whilst others don't when they have been waiting far longer.

It doesn't work both ways as you suggest because able bodied people can use more spaces on a bus than people in scooters so even if there are no scooter spaces there may be space for the rest of the people in line.

I wont say anymore as we'll just go around in circles :)
lol, but you are more than willing to get on the bus before someone else who has been waiting longer. Fair is so subjective. signing out, too.
There are several different bus styles. One is the lift; one has a ramp that slides out, and one has a lift that flips out. The last is the best, in my opinion. I just think because if it's not operating mechanically, the driver can open and close it manually.
All correct except WDW buses only have the lift type, which are being phased out and the flip out ramp type. Some non-WDW buses have the slide out type but not WDW buses.

I wonder if the driver wasn't aware there's a ramp. After all - there's NO curb at the parks, just flat pavement. The driver would have had to kneel the floor of the bus to actual pavement level for these Guests to board the bus at Epcot.
There are a lot of things that just don't add up on the OP. There are some pretty dumb drivers and a lot of new drivers, but it's hard to believe that one would have such a hard time with a simple ramp. As you said it can be operated manually.
So the post should have said that he was frustrated with bus drivers that can't seem to operate the buses properly and in a timely manner. If this had been said, then everyone would have agreed.
I agree that there are too many that fall into that category and I would like to see them gone.
That is a frustration, as well as buses that just plain didn't work whether they were the ramp kind or the others.
I don't understand what you mean by your post.
Amen! Bus drivers are the real ones that get the "nasty" card here. Dealing with the frustrated "why don't we get on first" mob.
Thanks for taking the time to write such a thoughtful response.
-always wondering if this time the ramp/lift is working (with newer busses there seems to be lesser problems? Let's hope so!
It's been my experience that lifts and especially ramps have been reliable. If a driver has one that isn't working, that bus is immediately taken out of service.
I can tell you, I've seen a many bus driver break out in a sweat getting me on the bus and/or off. Full airco blowing, hard work, getting enough nasty looks and/or comments and repeat that times how many a week?
Nah, it's not that bad if the driver is in pretty good shape. That's a whole other subject.
I was there 6 weeks ago and every bus had either 2 or 3 spaces.
I think what you mean is that every bus you rode on, had 2 or 3 spaces. That will be the case in the vast majority of buses.
I am the proud parent of twin daughters who were born with CP. They have electric wheelchairs as they are unable to walk. I, for one, would love it if Disney had special needs buses.
I agree and have asked the same question. I'm sure Disney has a reason. It wouldn't have to be buses. Special vans would do the trick. But what do we know.
Because it happens and it angers people.
I deal with it every day and still don't know why it's such a hot button issue.

When the boat docked a lady wheeled her stroller up to the front of the line, and blocked everyone else from getting on the boat while she got her child out of the stroller and folded it.
Now strollers, that's my hot button issue.
We have been at bus stops and not gotten on a full bus and up comes a scooter and they are on the next bus but not us.
On Oct 1st, a new policy regarding loading priorities for ECVs/WCs went into effect. I believe it's addresses your concern and others. As long as the driver follows it that is. I already have and it was fine with everyone.

This is one of the Biggest frustrations. I can understand why they load these first. I get it. It is very unfair for a GROUP- to load with the chair!!! I can understand one or two, because perhaps the person needs helping after unloading from the bus and someone needs to be on the
Blame the driver for allowing that to happen. There are only so many people allowed to board with the ECV/WC.
On Oct 1st, a new policy regarding loading priorities for ECVs/WCs went into effect. I believe it's addresses your concern and others. As long as the driver follows it that is. I already have and it was fine with everyone.QUOTE]

I was wondering if you could share the new policy?

Magicbus, my post was in regards to the time that we tried to load my mom up bright and early one morning. 3 broken busses came along and left before one came that could load her up. We chose to drive the majority of the time after, due to a lost 45 minutes.

I was told the bus ramps or stuff wasn't working right, it could, of course, have been driver error.

It was "fair", however because others who came after were able to ride, lol.
I think this whole DIS board experience is my biggest frustration.

It seems many, many threads devolve into bellyaching and moaning and are fraught with worry (lines, crowds, plans, etc etc). I GET almost all of these complaints and worries so y'all aren't crazy, but I find that reading them over and over again heightens my awareness of them and then my worrying about them.

The quickest way to suck the magic out of Disney is spend a lot of time on these boards.

Yes I am a newbie, but I don't think I can stick around to be and oldie. :wizard:

Good for you for getting this so quickly! :thumbsup2:hug:

Now you know it; use it in your advantage. I'm one of those naive people and can also not really pick up on a lot of things I don't want to see, hear or read. So it took me a whoooooooooooooole lot longer than you did. Have been on here a lot longer than posting and didn't get that until way into posting, so to say. ;) By now I just pick my topics carefully, stay away from things I don't want to "get into".

Although, truth being said; these kind of topics ARE great when needing a good entertainment and reminder that life isn't always bad. :laughing:

Our lack of true National Healthcare...

Ooh, we can talk any frustration now? Oh pretty please? Looking forward to that one! ;) and very good subject, if I say so my little self
I've only been to Disney once and I hardly remember it, so I don't have any frustrating experiences, but I pray that I don't encounter anyone doing what a lady did at the Indianapolis Zoo on Saturday. Here's what happened:

I was at the zoo with a couple of friends and my little sister. We decided to stop to get some lunch. As we were walking toward a building that was selling food, I see a mom pull down the pants and diaper of her daughter (who was standing) who was probably around 3 years old (I'm only guessing the age by height because her back was facing me). I was disgusted and wish I hadn't seen what I saw.

They were in the middle of the seating area where people are eating their lunch and decides to change her daughter's diaper. There was a restroom nearby, but apparently she felt she didn't need to use it or wouldn't bother anybody by showing the whole zoo her daughter's bottom half. She didn't even try to cover her daughter up or go somewhere where no one could see her change her daughter's diaper.

I pray that I don't encounter this at Disney. :sad1:
My idea is that bus stops have a scooter line (there might already be one). The scooter rider and one person from their party stand in the scooter only line. The rest of their party joins the long line. When their party in the long line gets to the front, then the scooter and his/her party can get on the next bus with available space. Everyone has waited their turn, everyone has a safe ride home, everyone is happy and no one has to yell at the nice bus driver, or the nice bus driver has to yell at people because they can't give him a second to prepare the bus for the mad dash of people.

AMEN!!! Totally agree on that idea!!
It's been my experience that lifts and especially ramps have been reliable. If a driver has one that isn't working, that bus is immediately taken out of service.

Might very well be me (me just being there has caused a many computer system to crash and all kinds of other electronics where ever I go :confused3 ), but I run into some things not operating perfectly quite regularely. Like every 4 or 5 bus trips? Most of them are fixable by the driver just kinda playing around with the buttons (lift/ramp up a bit, down a bit, that kinda thing) and it's fine. But it can increase the feel of pressure when having guests waiting that might not be all that happy.

I know busses get taken out directly if there really is a problem and give that a big :thumbsup2

Nah, it's not that bad if the driver is in pretty good shape. That's a whole other subject.

I'm not going there. :rotfl2:

I think what you mean is that every bus you rode on, had 2 or 3 spaces. That will be the case in the vast majority of buses.

Yes and no. Didn't learn about the 4 spot busses :eek: (as in wow) until I read your post about it in the disABILITIES section discussing the new regulations. Was talking out of the by now outdated info we had on that board and obviously experience.

Blame the driver for allowing that to happen. There are only so many people allowed to board with the ECV/WC.

In the end the driver is the Number One responsible, but sometimes it takes a...... second thinking about the folks tagging along with the wheelchair/ecv. This trip I've had it happen too often folks tried to use me to get on board earlier pretending to be part of my party. I'm VERY vocal in such cases and have a voice that's load enough for all to hear. I will speak up and go on the nice "you shouldn't board here, that's only for wheelchairparties, you have to board through the front like the folks standing outside". Most of the times it happened while a driver was busy helping me, back turned towards the door maybe not hearing folks entering? (I always inform there is 0,1 or 2 folks in my party)

One party had the nerve to look at me, understand, go :confused3 and state "who cares". Driver tried but got a total "ignore him treatment". Whimp if you ask me, his bus, his kingdom ;):lmao: but what can you do. For those standing in line waiting it could've looked like I had a party of no less than 15 tagging along. Of which only one was legit and IN my party. Only because I am so vocal, those in front of the lines heard me addressing the problem. The ones not getting onto that bus probably didn't and will have put me in the "pet peeves, how dare you" category. :upsidedow

This reminds me; this trip I've even had it happen at TSM that folks tried to "tag along" on my GAC, I guess expecting a FOTL. :mad::scared1: And they obviously knew what they were doing, otherwise you don't lie and go "I'm with them" when questioned by a CM. Bad decision, let me just put it that way. ;)
I am zipping up my flame suit before I type this,oh wait, okay zipped and ready. I find you can pick out the population of ECV renters who obviously don't use them in everyday life. Which is fine, Disney requires a great deal of walking, I get that, but I can't count the number of times myself or 1 of my 4 children have almost been plowed down by someone going entirely to fast on these things. Or thats what I tell myself, they don't know know how to operate them because the other alternative would be to hard for me to tolerate. I'll throw stroller drivers who think they have the right away in on that as well.
You are right. They can be dangerous. Sometimes from their own fault and sometimes due to th carelessness of others.

Btw, I didn't find tour statement rude at all. Experience only helps!
For those that are pro wheelchair/ECV in mainstream buslines and loading just as mainstream; what about the renters of such aids?

First up; I'm an avid advocate of having these rentals so easily available to everybody. I understand what it is like to have a mobility disability and to go with or without an aid. I come from a country that is not "particularly" accessible in public life. Doing an amusementpark (ok WDW isn't one, but we've got nothing alike)? Sure, you get a minimal discount and constant FOTL but that's worth nothing if the ride or show also isn't accessible, public transport isn't, most in public life isn't. Kinda like being a humansized living fastpass for your loved ones. THE reason I do not do any of these parks anymore eventhough I've loved some since childhood :love:. Waist of time, money and energy. THE reason I do not do DLRP; HATE their inaccessibility and segregation instead of integration. I love the easiness you can rent an ECV in the US anywhere and everywhere and the great accessibility, esp. at WDW. Am being called nuts for it many times, but this includes loving being able to do lines and waits like anybody else where and whenever possible. I'm one of those folks that comes home from the US and can ache to be able to use Lynx (Orlando's public transport) once again. Accessible, independant, freedom; priceless. So I'm the last one that wants to limit others accessibility.

But, as we all know, not all renters are great at operating a rental aid. Just like I did the first time getting my own ECV. Just like I did when first trying out powerchairs and getting mine delivered. It takes a small bit of practice. Esp. ECV's can be difficult to get the hang off at first, depending on some factors. Parrallel parking on the bus isn't easy to begin with. It can become almost impossible if you happen to have a disability making that even more difficult. Combine that with some renters having difficulty operating their aid and it can get "bumpy" quickly.

At some resorts you've got multiple bus stops and there will be folks on board before a wheelchair or ECV boards. So be it, can't be helped. But I for one would like the mobility aids loaded first when ever possible, like at a park. For that very simple reason that we can identify most rental aids, but not which user is a very savvy driver and which one needs a bit more room and time boarding and parking. I'm not blaming them or saying they shouldn't use the bus or use the aid onboard of the bus; they should if they need it!

But boarding them first is a win-win, IMHO. Gives them time and space to get into place without the added stress of folks watching them, shame as they're not perfect drivers yet, struggling even more because of that, risking running into anybody if not need be etc. I myself let persons using a rental in the line after me (but obviously also being able to board along with myself) board before me because of this factor. Give them ultimate space, helping them. But also helping myself avoid unneeded chance of them accidently running into my powerchair. I'll board afterwards and take the more difficult spots to navigate into. Communicate it with the driver and they're always fine with it.

Just that little risk thing. Many times discussed on the DIS as "ECV-users running me over in the parks, because they can not master their rental aid". Even when using any type of line system; why would anybody want them to load with folks on the bus if they do not HAVE to be there already?
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