What is the Origin of Your DIS Screen Name?

Okay, so I'm not the only one having a little trouble with posting here. I couldn't move my curser either except with the arrow keys.

DS isn't really named after a video game character. DH just likes to think that DS is named after a video game character so I let him pretend. :rotfl: Actually, DH also thought the name Zelda for a girl would be nice. :rolleyes: Can you see a pattern here? My whole life seems to revolve around video games! :scared1:

Don't know if you guys noticed, but in my post on this thread from hours ago, I mentioned I was having trouble with the 'quote' feature - in other words, the same cursor problem. So the problem has been occurring since at least when I first posted, and probably before that!
Don't know if you guys noticed, but in my post on this thread from hours ago, I mentioned I was having trouble with the 'quote' feature - in other words, the same cursor problem. So the problem has been occurring since at least when I first posted, and probably before that!

Yes, I noticed you said that which I why I commented on it so you would know it wasn't just you. I just used LPs trick of moving the cursor with the arrow key. Didn't think of trying that.
Yes, I noticed you said that which I why I commented on it so you would know it wasn't just you. I just used LPs trick of moving the cursor with the arrow key. Didn't think of trying that.

I tried the arrow trick this morning when I posted, but it was just way too slow and inefficient. I would notice a typo and I couldn't just click where I wanted to click and correct it and then click at the point where I left off to continue typing. I had to use the arrow and wait it for it to finally arrive at the letter I needed to correct! I have only noticed this problem happening in this specific thread so far today. I have not noticed it anywhere else on the board so far. But is still happening. In fact, I am having that very problem right now!
mine is pretty easy.
My dad has always called me a treehugger since I was a teen.(oh so long ago) I became a mama and used cloth diapers, slings etc and it changed to treehugnmama. so that is me. My memorey is so bad I use it alot as I know I won't forget. My dh thinks disneyfreak is now more apropriaate but he just hasn't found his love of disney yet. I thought 3 trips in 13 months would do it but what do i know.
Don't know if you guys noticed, but in my post on this thread from hours ago, I mentioned I was having trouble with the 'quote' feature - in other words, the same cursor problem. So the problem has been occurring since at least when I first posted, and probably before that!

I tried the arrow trick this morning when I posted, but it was just way too slow and inefficient. I would notice a typo and I couldn't just click where I wanted to click and correct it and then click at the point where I left off to continue typing. I had to use the arrow and wait it for it to finally arrive at the letter I needed to correct! I have only noticed this problem happening in this specific thread so far today. I have not noticed it anywhere else on the board so far. But is still happening. In fact, I am having that very problem right now!

Yes, when i was having trouble i remembered that you said you were having trouble with it too. For some reason i'm able to type okay now though. The whole DL Community area has weird blue underlines when i look at it thought but maybe it's just me. Whenever we have strange computer issues it seems to mess up the disboards for some reason.

Also, i wanted to say earlier that i loved your mouse sausage story. What a funny thing to have on the receipts! I'll have to look at my receipts next time. And i can just imagine you giving your mouse sausage e-mail to people. :rotfl2:

And, Hydroguy, that was very interesting to hear about your connection to DLR and WDW. Now if i could just get Disney to see that they need my husband's company to make some online training courses for their CMs! :rotfl:
My screen name is pretty boring ... the area I live in now and the interest DH and I share. We even did the SCUBA in the Living Seas at EPCOT a couple years ago!

Really though, I think I had the screen name from another online account, maybe TripAdvisor. I use the same name across several boards so I can remember who I am (how very Alice-in-Wonderland of me).

I'm sure I've told you this before, Trey, but it's a pretty forgettable story. ;)

My screen name was created originally for MP, where I was having a difficult time with the registration on my Mac computer with outdated software. So my dh had to register me from his workplace where he had updated software. He chose the name because he loved the cartoon Dangermouse as a kid. I had to remind him that DangerMouse has absolutely nothing to do with Disney, and he said "well, you're stuck with it now." :laughing: I used the same name over here on the DIS so my MP friends could find me easily. Overall, it has worked well for this "dangerous" gal. :thumbsup2
No, I'm not a travel agent (although I was one years and years ago).

RSZ = the first initials of my DH's, Mine, and DS's name.
D= the initial of our last name

Mine is really boring. My first name is Kelly and the Mac is a derivative of my last name but also what people call my dh as a nickname when he was in the Army. Again a version of our last name. So it has a dual purpose. It stands for my full name (albeit shortened) but also for Kelly + Mac meaning me and my hubby. :)

And the 284 is just some random numbers assigned to my e-mail address WAY back when I had compuserve. YES Kelmac284 is part of my e-mail address and I use this same screenname on all the boards I am on because frankly it is just easier. I know I know BORING!! ;)
Mine actually needs to be changed to Momto3Nenas since the birth of my youngest but anyway, Mom to 2 Nenas = Mom to 2 little girls. Nena is little girl in Spanish. No I don't speak Spanish but my husband and girls are Puerto Rican. :)
I really wish I had thought it through more when I made my username. I needed to ask a question after lurking for a time, and used grumpyvet. I didn't know that I would end up part of the Dis Diva group and on the boards almost daily.

So grumpy has always been my favorite dwarf and I am,at times, a bit prickly and grumpy and I am a veterinarian. There you have it, grumpyvet!!!
Here it goes :)
I met my boyfriend shortly before a trip that I had been planning to Disneyland. As it turned out, he had a trip planned to go there as well(God works in mysterious ways).
As it turned out, a month after our first date here locally, I ended up flying down a day after him to Anaheim CA(I was also visiting my mom who lived there at the time), and spent a week with him and his sister in Disneyland.

It was a Disney Fairytale. It was during that trip that we realized that we were meant to be together. To this day, the most magical trip to Disneyland I have ever taken.

We are currently planning our Disney themed wedding because of this story.
Awwww, there are some sweet stories here! (I'm looking at you, DisneyFairytale! ;) )

Mine's pretty obvious if you saw WALL-E. I thought that it would be nice to have a Disney-related username, and that's my favorite Pixar movie (to date anyway) and I love EVE in particular...I can't help but laugh every time she shoots something. :flower3: (I personally think that any film that can anger both ultra-conservatives and ultra-liberals is a pretty good film. :flower3: )

And my mom sometimes does a WALL-E impression (it goes, "Eeeeeee-va") so I thought that would work. I chose four Es as the best number for maximum comedic or cuteness value with a minimum amount of inconvenience. (Five or more Es would have been overkill, IMO. :rotfl: )

I think the end credits of WALL-E are spectacular and the impressionist WALL-E/EVE picture at the end of the film was my absolute favorite and I decided it would be a pretty icon (and cell phone screen background). I still like seeing it every day, to be honest. :)
Just my actual name. From the pre-Internet ancient days of the ole BBS discussions, I've always tried to use my actual name if it wasn't already taken. How many here remember when those 300-baud dial-up modems were the latest technology, which you used to call up a local neighbor's PC offering a BBS?:surfweb: I'll take today's current high-speed Internet over the good ole days of the BBS, anytime.
There are some really interesting and sweet stories on this thread. :) My name is pretty easy. I used "gurl" in one of my first emails and it's kinda stuck. I use ____ gurl on several boards. and adding Disney seemed fitting. Well, me being the weird, wacky person that I am decided to change the "s" to a "z". The 007 comes from the year I graduated high school and I've used it on several other boards as well. It keeps things consistent and helps me remember. :)
Ah well.....
mine is darn boring, my name is LuLu and well I use a, you guessed it, an Apple computer.
Boring boring boring, now I think I should change it to something more mysterious :rotfl2:
How's this for quick and boring? Mine is a play off of the quote in the Haunted Mansion about 999 haunts, but 99 haunts sounds cuter in my head.:wizard:
Cool thread!
My name comes from the little sparrows that are everywhere in DLR! I love them!! They are so cute!!:goodvibes
Mine's pretty self explanatory. I was born in 76, I'm a mommy, and we do all that hippie stuff (extended breastfeeding, family bed, cloth diapers, etc.) I started using it on an infertility message board when we were TTC DD #2. Most people that I encountered online were pretty mainstream, so it was a way of standing out in the crowd.
Mine isn't very creative but I like it. Victoria's Secret has a slogan and it's "Life is Pink is Life." So, I just replaced the P with a T. :lmao:


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