What was the strangest interaction you ever had with a character?

Our strangest was also one of the best character visits ever.
DH and I took our parents to WDW in 2005 and we stopped at Liberty Tree Tavern for dinner.
Before the food even came Chip & Dale came by and began playing with my MIL and FIL. Mostly my MIL who doesn't smile much at all but I tell ya she was loving the antics. They were putting straw wrappers in her hair, napkins on her head and just goofing off. One of them pretended to pick FIL's nose etc. Then Goofy came over to join in the fun too and all 3 critters began pretending to style my hair with a fork (luckily unused!) and straws as curlers :rotfl: They were just roaming all around the table messing with all of us.
They were with us for at least 20 mins and other people in the restaurant were taking pics of OUR table :eek:

Then Minnie came by and posed with FIL and "scolded" Goofy, Chip & Dale. As she walked away Goofy threw a roll at her! LOL

Shortly after that they moved on, but the rest of the evening I didn't see any other table get that kind of attention.
It was really odd (and great!) that a table of 5 adults got so much attention. We all loved it!
This isn't "weird" persay, but it did creep me out...

When in DL in 2004, my ex-fiance somehow managed to give my engagement ring to Pluto without me knowing. So here I am, ready to smile for my picture, and Pluto gets down on one knee.

Thinking back on it, I should have said yes to Pluto! :rotfl:
DD4 was dressed in one of the princess dresses that looks like a flower (sorry, no picture), and when we met Alice in Wonderland, Alice asked her if she was a flower.

Later, we were going up to Cinderella's stepsisters, and DD says to me "Tell them I'm not a flower." I dutifully convey the message and get the response "So what is she, a weed?"

(I thought it was hilarious, DD was offended, and the stepsisters coddled her out of the stroller to make up for it.)
When I went to WDW on my honeymoon in 1982, we had just gotten into MK. As we started to head down main street when Goofy sees me, runs over to me and picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder and taking off with me! He carries me about halfway down the street, with my new-husband trailing behind us, laughing up a storm! He then puts me down, kisses me on the top of my head and headed back to where he had been greeting people! I still couldn't talk and had no idea how I got so lucky to get such a welcome to my first visit to WDW!

Turns out, one of my best friends from college was "helping" Goofy that day and spotted me. I had no idea until about a month later!
I have two these are not bad they are different

During the parade my sis was sitting in her stroller and she was all covered up because it was cold and all you could see was her face and the Fairy Godmother (many years ago when she was not on a float) came up to my sis and kissed her on the forehead for the rest of the day my sis had a big red mark on her forehead

A few years later during MNSSHP Parade the bad guy from Mulan stops in the parade and comes up to me get over me and looks at me until i was about to fall over and then he runs up to his place in the parade

That is it
A few years ago a friend and I went on a weekend trip to the world(she had never been). We were in MGM, at the end of the New York Street(where the backstage tour tram passes by). She went up to Pluto to get a picture with him. He pretty much throws her on the grass, is on top of her, and starts tickling her! She was laughing, but was like OMG! at the same time. The backstage tour tram passes by, and everyone on board was just staring at us like What the heck is going on here. I thought it was pretty weird! I never saw a character do that before!
On a trip with several college buddies we had an interaction with chip...or dale...can't remember which....wherein the chipmunk noticed our university themed apparel and broke character a bit to inform us, through scribbles on a napkin, that he too was an alumnus of our great alma mater.
During our character meal at Ohana last year. Lilo had just finished visiting us and noticed the waiter had cleaned and was setting the table next to us. She started out playing just moving the stuff around. She then stole all the silverware. When the waiter left to go get more silverware she emptied the salt shaker all over the table. The waiter was not amused when he returned but my DSis was rolling with laughter. I never knew Lilo was so bad.
My "weird" interaction started out by me not understanding what Goffy was "saying"......

Turns out he was flirting with me and wanted me to kiss him on the nose.

Once I did, he fell/fainted.

Much to the kids delight.... since they all started to laugh hehehe

Here's the picture.


I love meeting the characters because I seem to be a hug and kisses magnet :)
Once at a character breakfast, Aladdin came over and sat at our table by my 9 yo son, who was wearing his birthday button. They were chatting about all kinds of things... and as they chat, Aladdin is helping himself to bacon from my son's plate! Then he pilfers a muffin and puts it in his pocket (after looking slyly left and right). Later, the same Aladdin saw us out in the park and came running up to my son and waved him to come with him. They went running off, with me huffing behind, trying to keep up! They cut through this pathway, then climbed up on this stone wall, where they 'ambushed' the Red Queen, who got mad, stamped her foot, and pantomimed "off with your heads!" before she stomped off! Aladdin high-fived my son, then went on his way. We later saw Aladdin again in the parade... strangely enough, he wasn't Aladdin anymore, he was Tarzan (same actor, though) - he waved and called to my son by name - it was cool!

At the same character breakfast as above, we were visited by Alice in Wonderland and she was quite chatty. She was telling us how, just the other day in Neverland... then she stopped, giggled, and said "Did I just say Neverland? I meant to say my dear friend Wendy in Neverland told me about..." - she caught her own mistake (she must also play Wendy!) and didn't drop character! Kids never noticed!

At the same breakfast, Donald came by and saw my son's Micky tshirt and Wizard Mickey toy and he got very huffy about it. Wrote on our table that Mickey was #2, but he, Donald, was #1. When I disagreed, he wrote MOM, then he drew an arrow at me - IS #3!!!

My daughter LOVES Sleeping Beauty and had a toy that played the music. When it came our turn to meet Aurora and Prince Stefan, my daughter pushed the button to play the song. Prince Stefan turn to Aurora and said very lovingly "it's our song, darling. Would you like to dance?" She put her hand on his cheek and gazed into his eyes, smiling, then said "perhaps this young princess can stand in for me this once... So Prince Stefan picked up my daughter and they danced around to the song! Then he and Aurora both posed for great pics and signed special messages for my daughter in her book. It was really cool!

The same day, we were in line to meet Belle. Just as our turn came to for my daughter to meet Belle, Cinderella strolled over to where Belle was kneeling down to talk to my daughter. She kneeled down too and put a hand on Belle's shoulder and on my daughter's shoulder, as if in a 'huddle'. I moved in to get a picture, and Cinderella turned to me sweetly and said, "excuse us please. We three are having a princess conference" - and they discussed princess issues, with my daughter participating very seriously in the 'meeting' - I got some wonderful pictures and autographs from that event! And it's cool to see the pics now, because even the people behind, watching this scene, are struck by how special it is - the looks on their faces say AWWWWW!!

We've had many other wonderful encounters too! They really add an extra touch of magic to the visit!
I don't have a picture of this cause it's on video -- which is MUCH better -- but we were in line for the now gone :sad1: :sad1: FOOD ROCKS at Epcot and we saw Timon from Lion King standing in line. He was REALLY still and I knew he was "alive" but my best friend didn't. I motioned for her to go over so I can take some video and as she stood next to him he put his hand on the top of her head (she's really short). Well, she jumped back and screamed like you wouldn't believe. All you hear is me hysterical laughing on the tape and her trying not to utter words that shouldn't be uttered at Disney. :rotfl2:

Edited to add: to the person who said they missed it when the characters roamed freely. I don't. I felt it was more of a free-for-all then where NO one waited their turn and being childless (for now) I felt really embarrassed to go up there if there was a kid waiting. Now at least, it's a line so I feel like if I've waited in line, it's my turn. Know what I mean?
Great stories!!!! Thanks everyone for sharing.

My fave was reading about Eeyore's suicide attempt.
Our strangest was also one of the best character visits ever.
DH and I took our parents to WDW in 2005 and we stopped at Liberty Tree Tavern for dinner.
Before the food even came Chip & Dale came by and began playing with my MIL and FIL. Mostly my MIL who doesn't smile much at all but I tell ya she was loving the antics. They were putting straw wrappers in her hair, napkins on her head and just goofing off. One of them pretended to pick FIL's nose etc. Then Goofy came over to join in the fun too and all 3 critters began pretending to style my hair with a fork (luckily unused!) and straws as curlers :rotfl: They were just roaming all around the table messing with all of us.
They were with us for at least 20 mins and other people in the restaurant were taking pics of OUR table :eek:

Then Minnie came by and posed with FIL and "scolded" Goofy, Chip & Dale. As she walked away Goofy threw a roll at her! LOL

Shortly after that they moved on, but the rest of the evening I didn't see any other table get that kind of attention.
It was really odd (and great!) that a table of 5 adults got so much attention. We all loved it!

DD4 was dressed in one of the princess dresses that looks like a flower (sorry, no picture), and when we met Alice in Wonderland, Alice asked her if she was a flower.

Later, we were going up to Cinderella's stepsisters, and DD says to me "Tell them I'm not a flower." I dutifully convey the message and get the response "So what is she, a weed?"

(I thought it was hilarious, DD was offended, and the stepsisters coddled her out of the stroller to make up for it.)

Those are hysterical!:lmao:
Mine was in Sep of 2005. DH and I were in MGM and stopped by the candy shop, I think on the corner of Sunset Blvd. Anyway, this character came into the shop, and I still have no idea who it was. It was a woman dressed as a little girl, I think she may have had on a pink gingham dress with curly pigtails and talked in very high pitched child’s voice. Anyway, we are from Indiana and DH and on an IU t-shirt. Well this “girl” starts talking about Indiana and how she could not believe that the previous year no Indiana men’s college basketball team made it to the NCAA tournament. She kept going on about how IU, Ball State, Purdue, Indiana State, etc., none of them made it. It was hilarious, because it was all true. I guess you just don’t expect someone dresses as child to be talking about college basketball.
Piglet42, it sounds like she may have been one of the MGM "Streetmosphere" characters. They are fantastic and can be so surprising!
When I was in Tokyo Disney a while back (I was about 16) when I was still going to school in Japan, I had quite a few interactions with characters, when I actually wasn't expecting to get the chance to.

My friend and I had just gotten into the park and in the entrance Robin Hood and Friar Tuck pretty much jumped on top of me. Both of them were rubbing my back and hugging me, and took me arm-in-arm on either side. They kept rubbing my back up and down, and Robin Hood even kept at it rubbing my arm, etc. and followed me as I was trying to leave, like he didn't want to stop touching me. I have to admit, it was fun posing with them, but I was a little creeped out by being molested by the fox.

This interaction didn't happen to me, but I thought it was so sweet to watch anyways. We were passing by the impossibly popular Cinderella and I saw a little girl, about 5 or 6 years old dressed all up as Belle, hair and all. She was so adorable, and Cindy was leaning down and had taken both of her hands and was making conversation with her (in English, as all of the characters must speak it for some reason or another... probably has to do with the copyrighted image or something.) The little girl of course had NO clue what Cindy was saying, but kept looking at her intently and nodded as if she understood every word. It was so cute I felt like I was going to melt.
Later I passed by Cindy again, and she was harshly telling people to wait as the crowd around her got a little rambunxious- they don't do line-ups at Tokyo Disney to see the characters, and I never noticed any CM handlers near-by for any characters (though I might have missed them). Of course some people didn't understand, and Cindy was looking very annoyed and stressed and ready to snap (I have to admit, in Japan people tend to get a little pushy with photo-ops). It was a little strange to see her like that, and I felt bad. She really was trying.

At another time during the day, Wendy ran out followed by Captain Hook, and Peter Pan came out (I swear Peter and Wendy's actors were twins) leaping along the road followed by a bunch of people calling his name. He stopped to take a picture with just me (Just saying "Hello, How are you? Good.") before skipping away again, ignoring everyone else... it was so odd!

Then at Disney Sea the next day, we walked around and found a group standing around a dancing Donald. I didn't really want to wade through the crowd to see him, and me and my friend decided to just stand to the side and take a break. I was watching chip and dale play hide-and-seek with the garbage can flaps with some children nearby, and it was really funny to see their antics. I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye and jumped to see donald had come up to me to blow me a kiss! I felt really special that while everyone was begging him for a picture, he came to say a quick hello.

The last one was the most special for me. It was the same day as the last one, and me and my friend were getting ready to leave in the next hour or so, and she had to go to the bathroom. She told me to wait by the big globe there, I think it was at the entrance, near the shops. I sat on the wall and watched at quite a distance for a group of characters (I think minnie, goofy, donald, and chip) were of course, swamped with people. I was secretly thinking that I wanted to say "Hi" to one of them, but didn't really want to get involved in the crowd. I then looked the other way and put my chin in my hand as I waited- and jumped when I looked back and saw that somehow Chip had come all the way over, sat next to me, and had started imitating me without me realising it! I must have looked depressed (which I wasn't), because he asked what I was doing just sitting there. Now, I really didn't know if chip spoke English or Japanese, but I was way too shocked to ask. I automatically responded in Japanese and told him that I was waiting for my friend there, but I don't think he understood (or if he did, ignored me), and pushed me off the wall. He got behind me and started pushing me towards the shops and the rest of the park, and pointing in all different directions and showing me allll of the different things I could be doing! The poor chipmunk was trying so hard, that I went to the shops and called my friend's cellphone to let her know where I was, and she laughed when she heard about the special attention I had gotten.
I felt so special, and when I think back on it, I wish I had tried to make more conversation instead of just sitting there, shocked.

I really hadn't expected the characters to take the time out to come over to me. I had gotten lucky so much in those two days, especially since most of the time I was avoiding the crowds, and several characters had come right up to me just to say Hi. I really felt the Disney magic then, and I can't help but wonder if it has something to do with my nationality being not Japanese and standing out or what, though I don't like to think of it that way. I can't wait to go to WDW again (haven't been since I was 7) and see if I can't get some more magical memories!
My strangest was probably one with Tigger several years ago. We were right outside of the Winnie the Pooh ride in MK, and it had broken down. It was still early in the morning, the park (in Fantasyland, at least) was still kinda empty, but there were Pooh Bear and Tigger. My younger sister adores them, and as we went and got autographs and pictures, Tigger pretended to propose to me and kissed me on the nose, ruffled my hair, etc. I was 15 or so at the time, blushing, and having a great time--I don't think we've ever got such interaction--when I kissed Tigger's nose back, he 'fainted'...lol.

Another one I think I've had, not really 'strange' (and I guess not really an interaction with me, as you'll see) but anyways....our very first family trip to Disney, I was 8, and well...not behaving the best. My dad and younger sister went off to get Cinderellas autograph near the castle, while I recieved a very firm talking-to by my Mom. A little while later, we met back up with my dad and sister, and she was going on and on about how great Cinderella was, and I was feeling a little hurt that I hadn't gotten to meet her too. Then my Dad handed me my autograph booked opened to a page--still to this day, I have no idea what he must have said to her, but the page read 'Dreams do come true, Love, Cinderella.' I was touched--I believe that my dad must have mentioned that he had another daughter who wanted an autograph, and she kindly signed mine as well, and said that she had missed seeing me. My mom still says that for the rest of the week, she's never seen me behave so well, as I didn't want to miss anymore characters, haha.
When I was a little kid, I was terrified of Stromboli. I would hide under something and cry if anyone mentioned him. My parents still tease me about it. :rolleyes1 So when my husband and I were at the MK for our honeymoon and we saw Stromboli, we had to get a picture with him.

My sweetheart of a husband walks up and says "Hi Stromboli, my wife is afraid of you." Stromboli turns to me, throws his arms up in the air, and starts chasing me! I might have shrieked a little bit and jumped behind DH. It was a very small shriek! DH, of course, thinks it's the funniest thing he's ever seen. After my heart stopped racing, we took a photo, which I will have to find. DH is all cuddled up to Stromboli and I'm on the other side kind of pulling away from him with a (mostly faked) panicked look on my face. My family thinks it's the greatest photo ever.
I had a few cute interactions on my first trip tp WDW last month...

My autograph book had mickey on the cover and when I asked Minnie for her autograph she kept kissing the book!!

I got blown kisses from Donald and Goofy....oh and the same autograph book with Mickey on the front? Donald "told me off" as he was "No. 1"!!

My DBF gratioulsy kissed Minnie's hand when we met her a 2nd time in the Toontown Fair and she hugged him and wouldn't let go...

I got to kiss Sorcerer Mickey on the nose - it made for one of my favourite pictures of the trip for me!!

I loved the way all the princesses refered to my DBF as my Prince and my Prince Charming....he really is :love:

We didn't get to do any charater meals but hope to pick up more memories of those on our next trip!!

I love reading these posts!!
At the 3 o'clock parade last year on our 1st full day of vacation (we HAD caught the parade the day before at MGM) we were hot, a bit tired, and I was still a bit unsure how the kids would be with the characters (Although they did fine at CP that morning) I stood a bit behind my 2 oldest - DD 5 and DD jsut turned 4 and my DH held the baby - DS 14 months.

Typical mom, I loved to watch the kids watch the characters in the parade. my 5 YO was so entralled with the float/ characters that had just passed that she continued to watch them for quite some time. I guess Rafiki wanted to get some attention, too, and I watched him inch closer and closer to my unsuspecting DD. Just as I was about to warn him to back off a bit so she wasn't scred out of her skin, she turned to see the next float only to be nose to nose with Rafiki. Needless to say she jumped a mile out of her skin, then LAUGHED with a HUGE smile on her face.

I didn't worry about character interaction after that and she STILL talks about how funny it was to have Rafiki scare her!


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