What would you have done?

What fitness goals would you recommend to improve my almost non existent immune system? I’ll call my Neurologist tomorrow to let them know what Lumpy suggests..
To that end, the "fittest" person I know is the one in my circle who died of Covid in 2021. He figured he was healthy, ran miles and miles every day, never sat still, ate healthy, did everything "right" as far as "healthy living"...but - refused science, refused to mask, refused the vaccine, refused to take ANY precautions, and spent a month in the ICU and then died. His FB page was full of conspiracy stuff and "I will not comply".

Ok, then.

Having a healthy lifestyle HELPS but it is surely not a guarantee.

I SCREWED up my body with alcoholism and now have a lot of lovely immune issues that make me covid-wary. People can call me whatever they want, but my body likes to turn on me with even a little thing. I am not all about introducing a big virus to my system. So - if needed, I will go back to masking. Simple, easy, never restricted any of "my freedoms", and nobody had to see my RBF each day ;).

Interesting article this morning. I personally have no plans to get boosted again.

Oh, I will....it's no different than getting an annual flu shot, if you get one of those. Here in the US, the new booster at the end of September will include coverage of the newer strains circulating now. I'm not afraid to get covid at this point, but I wouldn't mind a milder case if I do.
Oh, I will....it's no different than getting an annual flu shot, if you get one of those. Here in the US, the new booster at the end of September will include coverage of the newer strains circulating now. I'm not afraid to get covid at this point, but I wouldn't mind a milder case if I do.
Edited my post. The bolded is the gist of the article.
Oh, I will....it's no different than getting an annual flu shot, if you get one of those. Here in the US, the new booster at the end of September will include coverage of the newer strains circulating now. I'm not afraid to get covid at this point, but I wouldn't mind a milder case if I do.
I didn't even know a new booster was coming out until this post. I plan on getting it when available. I got Covid last summer and while mild, it was still miserable. I don't want to experience that again. Not because I'm afraid; it just sucked lol
Well, no. Have you met Dr. Ferrer in Los Angeles County? She's in charge of the County-wide restrictions and is one of those people who never removed the mask. She is straight-up crazy. It's the reason why LA County kept restrictions longer than anywhere else in the US. Did I mention she is also not a medical Doctor? How about we just let the individual decide this time? The data has shown that it just doesn't matter anyway.
My point was that I would rather a local solution rather than the federal government making a decision for everyone.

I absolutely believe that the COVID measures were worthless, didn't work and actually caused a lot more harm than if COVID was allowed to just proceed without any intervention. That is a very controversial take to have but I didn't get vaccinated & will never get the COVID vaccine unless I am held down and it is shoved into me. I also moved states to a more freedom loving state from a democrat totalitarian state. So I am all in on fighting back but I also realize that there are sometimes where it makes sense for a local school to shut for a week if they are having a local surge. Then resume as normal. I'm not in agreement with any masking but especially not masking when there isn't even a local surge.

I hope that helps to clarify my position.
Yes but we don’t always downplay other infectious diseases like some of the posters here. Mocking others who may know people who have died from the disease takes a special kind of personality.
Obviously we have moved on in many ways but we still need to be informed and considerate.
There are a rare few who I have seen do that and I agree it is a bit much. On the other hand I have seen a lot more posters bashing those of us not in agreement with the mandates or vaccines. Consideration needs to go both ways. You can disagree and still be civil.

Interesting article about boosters this morning. It appears Health Canada is recommending waiting for a more efficacious, targeted vaccine than the current versions. I personally have no plans to get boosted again.
My most recent booster was early May. It's the one currently available. As said, next one should be available late September. I'll be getting that when available and 6 months after my last one. Then 2 weeks later, this year's flu shot. And 2 weeks after that, the new RSV.
My most recent booster was early May. It's the one currently available. As said, next one should be available late September. I'll be getting that when available and 6 months after my last one. Then 2 weeks later, this year's flu shot. And 2 weeks after that, the new RSV.

Yup. I'm going to space out my Covid and Flu shots this time. Last time, I got both and felt a little worse for wear than when I got them separately. It's great there's a vaccine for RSV now!
I didn't even know a new booster was coming out until this post. I plan on getting it when available. I got Covid last summer and while mild, it was still miserable. I don't want to experience that again. Not because I'm afraid; it just sucked lol
My sister had Covid about a month ago. She said it started with the worst sore throat she ever had in her life, and she initially thought she might have a bad case of strep. She had to wait a couple of days for a doctors appointment, and while she was waiting, she did a home Covid test, which was very positive. The aches, pains, fever, and nausea didn’t kick in until a couple days later. She was miserable for over a week and still has some fatigue issues.

I will do whatever I can to keep from getting it, and to prevent passing it on.
My sister had Covid about a month ago. She said it started with the worst sore throat she ever had in her life, and she initially thought she might have a bad case of strep. She had to wait a couple of days for a doctors appointment, and while she was waiting, she did a home Covid test, which was very positive. The aches, pains, fever, and nausea didn’t kick in until a couple days later. She was miserable for over a week and still has some fatigue issues.

I will do whatever I can to keep from getting it, and to prevent passing it on.
I got the aches/pains, intense fatigue and chills and I do not wish that upon anyone. I never knew just how bad severe chills were until I had Covid. When my mom got Covid last January she couldn't talk for like a week due to how sore her throat was. I appreciate the heads up for the booster coming out so I can make an appointment. The one thing I hated about getting my last dose was the lack of appointments anywhere. I had to make mine like a month out.
Seems that people are still salty on both extreme sides of the Covid story and with valid reasons.

But hasn't the world learned a lot, lived through a lot and hopefully will do better in our lifetime should a pandemic hit us again.

Until then, why keep rehashing old tropes?

Can't we all just get along?
Sadly I don’t see that happening any time soon.
And my point is that there are a great number of people who have no control over their immune systems and no way to exercise their way out of a high risk category.

Prior to Covid, we weren’t living through a global pandemic. The situation for the immunocompromised changed, significantly. A new disease, for which there was no cure, treatment, vaccine, or herd immunity was tearing its way around the globe killing thousands of people a day. Telling high-risk individuals to “protect themselves” because others can’t stand to be inconvenienced is not an appropriate (or compassionate) response.

As for your last few sentences, I don’t know what to say other than to tell you you’re misinformed. Pregnant and postpartum individuals have been classified by the CDC as high-risk from the very beginning. The immune system is suppressed during pregnancy to prevent the mother’s body from attacking the fetus. Good for the baby, but not so great for the mother who is more susceptible to infections and less able to fight them off. This is all fresh in my memory because I caught Covid twice in my first trimester and it caused great concern among my doctors. I was 41 at the time. Not all pregnant women are young (or healthy, for that matter). How did I catch Covid? My five year old brought it home from school because young kids can catch it and spread it just like anyone else. As well, young children can be more susceptible to infections because their immune systems aren’t fully developed.

“Studies have found that age may also be associated with risk of severe illness, and an evaluation of surveillance data from children aged >7 days and <18 years reported that infants made up a disproportionate number of severe acute COVID-19 cases.”

https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/pediatric-hcp.html#:~:text=Similarly, a study of hospitalization,experienced the largest increase in
So what’s your point?
I didn't even know a new booster was coming out until this post. I plan on getting it when available. I got Covid last summer and while mild, it was still miserable. I don't want to experience that again. Not because I'm afraid; it just sucked lol

Yes, that's why some schools, businesses and other entities will have to shut down for a few days during "covid season"....which still seems to have two seasons, a late summer and a winter season. It's not because people are dying anywhere near the numbers that they did pre-vaccine, but because it makes a lot of people, particularly people over 50....sick enough that they need to stay home. They're too sick to work.

We had it last summer after a vacation, and we both felt like it was a mild to moderate flu. Body aches, chills and fever were the worst of it, by far.
Yes, that's why some schools, businesses and other entities will have to shut down for a few days during "covid season"....which still seems to have two seasons, a late summer and a winter season. It's not because people are dying anywhere near the numbers that they did pre-vaccine, but because it makes a lot of people, particularly people over 50....sick enough that they need to stay home. They're too sick to work.

We had it last summer after a vacation, and we both felt like it was a mild to moderate flu. Body aches, chills and fever were the worst of it, by far.
I haven't heard of anything potentially shutting down near me but kids go back on monday so we'll see if that changes. I remember last year when kids went back to school, my neighbor's daughter and all of her friends got sick within a month (they're middle school aged).
My point was that I would rather a local solution rather than the federal government making a decision for everyone.

I absolutely believe that the COVID measures were worthless, didn't work and actually caused a lot more harm than if COVID was allowed to just proceed without any intervention. That is a very controversial take to have but I didn't get vaccinated & will never get the COVID vaccine unless I am held down and it is shoved into me. I also moved states to a more freedom loving state from a democrat totalitarian state. So I am all in on fighting back but I also realize that there are sometimes where it makes sense for a local school to shut for a week if they are having a local surge. Then resume as normal. I'm not in agreement with any masking but especially not masking when there isn't even a local surge.

I hope that helps to clarify my position.
According to the cdc you should probably be dead. How many times did you hear you were going to die from not being vaccinated? No one in my family is vaccinated either. Never wore a mask except on a plane or like that first trip to WDW.


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