What would you have done?

I did one yesterday. Had some symptoms. Turned out negative for COVID.
I test too if I feel like I'm getting sick, primarily to avoid being around people that I know are immunocompromised (transplant recipients) and also one customer who only had the very first vaccine, but not the booster because she had a bad reaction....so she has very little immunity to covid.
While I know this isn't statistically significant, I have 4 friends who all flew for vacation this summer. All 4 ended up with covid within a few days of flying, either while on vacation or home.
{b}If you come down with covid and are "older" I'd suggest you specifically ask your doctor for the antiviral. Everyone who has taken it has felt that their symptoms were more mild, and of a shorter duration, than for those who didn't have it[/B] (such as spouses or kids who got covid from them). I'd honestly be very concerned if I had a PCP who prescribed an antibiotic to treat a virus.
I took Paxlovid and got a bad rebound case (as did my SIL at the same time) which was way worse than the first one and I wound up having to seek medical care from the second case. No more paxlovid for me. Unless you’ve experienced a rebound from it, it seems to be a good thing.

And no more boosters, either, unless I am forced.

Not sure which is worse - long covid or vaccine sequelae. I guess it’s a toss up at this point.
I get exercise induced asthma, so it's the working out that actually causes me to cough and wheeze sometimes. It might sound bad to those around me, but I'm not at all sick or contagious.
If I was just around someone who was coughing I wouldn't take extra precautions, but with a known Covid exposure I would've probably stayed home.

Right, I get that..and I said the person could be suffering from something like allergies. People who are sick...should stay home.

I am reminded of a trip that my husband I and took...pre-covid. We were going on a sunset sail cruise and the catamaran company sent a van to pick you up at your hotel. Two other people had been picked up by another resort for the same cruise. We got into the van and the gentleman was really coughing his head off, so much so, that his wife made a point to turn around to let us know that he wasn't contagious. He had some other disease process going on. If I was the person coughing on the treadmill, I'd probably turn to the person next to me and just let them know it was only allergies.
I don’t want to be around anyone coughing (if I can help it; in my work, it’s not always an option). My daughter caught covid from someone professing their cough was “just allergies” - thanks a bunch.
I would have gone... You tested yourself and you were fine and in addition you friends were happy to take the risk. I think we all need to move past COVID being the big bad it once was.

That said at the end of the day you have to do what makes sense to you. But for me, I would have gone.
Just pointing out the irony of this because in your avatar, you’re wearing a mask! :P

OP, thanks for being sensitive to others.
Just a word about what we are seeing in the hospital these days.

A spike in Covid cases among patients and staff.

Visitors bringing Covid in to patients, who then have to remain on isolation due to a known exposure. That makes it extra hard on hospitalized patients, just fyi.

People need to use common sense, still. If unwell, do us all a favor and try not to infect the rest of us. Please!
I took Paxlovid and got a bad rebound case (as did my SIL at the same time) which was way worse than the first one and I wound up having to seek medical care from the second case. No more paxlovid for me. Unless you’ve experienced a rebound from it, it seems to be a good thing.
Yeah, Paxlovid can be challenging, and I don't think it's being prescribed around here due to the chance of rebound. Molnupiravir seems to be being prescribed more often. DH weathered out covid round 1, had Paxlovid for round 2, but when he got covid for the 3rd time, his PCP recommended he take Molnupiravir. Yes, we've both had it 3 times. We work at universities and it's hard to stay totally away from anyone who is sniffling, sneezing, coughing, etc. The semester is about to start up again; this time, we're wearing N95 masks the first week or so to reduce the risk of Covid round 4. DH is 63, I am 67 and rehabbing from total knee replacement surgery in late June. I don't want to get sick again.
Who does Covid tests anymore? I would have gone without a second thought.

Me! Home from travel earlier this summer and came down with a mild scratchy throat and chills a few days later. Didn't seem major, but I wanted to get together with family that is immune compromised. Took a test, negative. Not a big deal, not an inconvenience, not any hardship at all really to make sure I'm not exposing family to something that could cause them real harm (they were out of commission 2 months when contracting it previously). But, that's just me - I'm sure plenty of people wouldn't consider others' health to be worthy of spending a few seconds to swab their nose and a few minutes to wait for results.
Me! Home from travel earlier this summer and came down with a mild scratchy throat and chills a few days later. Didn't seem major, but I wanted to get together with family that is immune compromised. Took a test, negative. Not a big deal, not an inconvenience, not any hardship at all really to make sure I'm not exposing family to something that could cause them real harm (they were out of commission 2 months when contracting it previously). But, that's just me - I'm sure plenty of people wouldn't consider others' health to be worthy of spending a few seconds to swab their nose and a few minutes to wait for results.
You do you.
Depends on how sick you are. Sometimes a mild cold is fine to be out and about with. I don't think we need to stay home for every minor cough & sniffles...
Right, I wouldn't stay home for a minor cold with sniffles either. I would just first take 15 minutes to make sure that it wasn't covid, because it's easy to do and a mild case of covid for me could easily translate into a serious case in a person who is immunocompromised or older with preexisting conditions. I also get that not everyone is able (or willing) to do that. But I am able...and willing, and so I do. It doesn't affect my life at all.

And there are people who are taking precautions in other ways. I've seen some employees at my grocery store wearing masks lately. They may be compromised, being careful because they're hearing more coughing...or like my checker....someone who is following the store's guildelines...able to come back to work, but wearing a mask just to be sure she wasn't transmitting the virus.
Or maybe they just like wearing a mask. Some people can’t give it up.
No, because nobody who works in this store was wearing a mask a couple of weeks ago when I was there. I live in NJ and it's been months since I've seen anyone wearing a mask in public.

So, I make the assumption that they are either getting over covid (like the checker who volunteered that info to me), or they have a reason to be super careful in not getting covid. Perhaps they have a immunocompromised family member at home, and because they have to report to a grocery store....they either work, or get fired....they are taking one simple precaution. Maybe it's a Mom whose daughter is getting married this weekend and everyone at work is coughing....and some are getting over covid....and she doesn't want to be sick for her daughter's big day. Or a dozen other reasons I could list. I think it actually takes some guts to wear a mask these days.

Or maybe...like you think....they just can't quit the mask. Good grief.
No, because nobody who works in this store was wearing a mask a couple of weeks ago when I was there. I live in NJ and it's been months since I've seen anyone wearing a mask in public.

So, I make the assumption that they are either getting over covid (like the checker who volunteered that info to me), or they have a reason to be super careful in not getting covid. Perhaps they have a immunocompromised family member at home, and because they have to report to a grocery store....they either work, or get fired....they are taking one simple precaution. Maybe it's a Mom whose daughter is getting married this weekend and everyone at work is coughing....and some are getting over covid....and she doesn't want to be sick for her daughter's big day. Or a dozen other reasons I could list. I think it actually takes some guts to wear a mask these days.

Or maybe...like you think....they just can't quit the mask. Good grief.
Wow you put a lot of thought into why someone might be wearing a mask. People are free to wear whatever they want to wear. I’m free to think whatever I want to think about what they’re wearing. It’s all good.
Just a word about what we are seeing in the hospital these days.

A spike in Covid cases among patients and staff.

Visitors bringing Covid in to patients, who then have to remain on isolation due to a known exposure. That makes it extra hard on hospitalized patients, just fyi.

People need to use common sense, still. If unwell, do us all a favor and try not to infect the rest of us. Please!
We volunteer at the hospital with our therapy dogs. The past few weeks there has been an increase of "contagious" signs on patient doors. More and more nurses, doctors, and other staff are wearing masks again.

DH is a middle school teacher and I'm in schools volunteering weekly, so we wear masks at the hospital because you never know what you're going to pick up in a school. We don't want to pass anything on to a patient.
...It's my understanding (although this may have changed) that there are more vaccinations and antiviral doses available in the US than there are people are willing to take them. I'm not saying it's the same everywhere in the USA, but here (in rural, northern Maine) everyone I know who's tested + for covid, or who lives with someone who had covid and are having symptoms themselves (even if the home test is -) has called their PCP and asked for the antiviral. DH has had this twice, and found the Molnupiravir to work better for him than did Paxlovid. YMMV, depending on where you live, of course, especially in different countries.
Very limited access to anti-virals here but there is LIMITLESS availability of vaccines. I've got 5 doses on board. {{sigh}} Now if it only actually prevented getting Covid... :sad2:
I would have gone to the party. All of your friends were ok with it, you were not symptomatic and you tested negative. That being said, don’t second guess your decision because that was what felt right to you. I would have felt comfortable going but you didn’t and that’s OK!
There comes a point at which this is just normal. You do realize that the annual flu is really just a variant of the Spanish Flu, right? It mutates a bit each year, some people get the updated vaccine, a lot of people don't, some people get sick and yes, some people die - but most of us don't. We don't mask/test/shut down schools, businesses, beaches and parks over it - we just, move on. COVID has to be handled the same way at some point - why not now?
I swear the Dis is an anomaly. I know no one in real life that still tests for Covid.

Does the CDC even recommend quarantine if you were exposed?

In my area of NJ life is back to normal. People don’t stay home with a mild cold or cough. No one wears masks. The C word is barely ever brought up. It’s business as usual.


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