When did morals go away?

I don't think the morality or honesty has changed over time. I think now we just have the ability to see it instantly on everyones cell phones and social media. Seems like everyone has an agenda and no one cares about common sense and decency anymore. So sad.
I have seen multiple posts pointing at social media and I totally agree with that thought. We just see more of the negativity on so many platforms so we can;t help but think it has gotten worse. A safe assumption.

But let's take social media out of the picture. What have you seen with your own eyes? What have you experienced first hand?

Just my opinion, it has progressive gotten worse as a whole over the last 10-15 yrs. I know others will think differently and I can respect that.
It all started after The Fall, when Adam and Eve sinned.

End Times information in the Bible is very clear on what we are seeing,
why we are seeing it, and why it will only get worse.

"Men will become lovers of themselves..."
What is the immorality here:
- the paying for sex?
- Or the having sex while probably in a committed relationship?

Both probably became immoral when Christianity was up and coming. In the western world, I am not informed enough about the rest.

In ancient Greece prostitution was legal and acceptable. It is called the oldest profession in the world for a reason. It exists, because there was (is) a demand.

It has always existed and it always will.
The only thing that can change is public opinion. People think this immoral now.

I would personally prefer that my partner has paid sex with a professional, which is a business transaction, than having an emotional relationship.

For politicians to pay for sex? I really do not care, as long as it is consensual, so without any pressure or force, and it doesn't interfere with them doing their jobs... do whatever you well pleases, just don't propose laws regarding prostitution etc. And the rest is between you and your spouse.

PS, I come from the Netherlands where prostitution is legal :wave2:
When religion did.

If there's no afterlife, which is a strong component of most religious faiths, why wouldn't you live life for you, and to get as much as you can as fast as you can, stepping over anyone who gets in your way? What aspect of human nature would hold you back if you thought this was all there is? If this is all there is, why not get yours? If there's no certain penalty, where's the harm to you?
Well, that is one constipated take. Getting away from religion has been amazing for this atheist. It would be a big task to list all the sex scandals or count the victims of churches now wouldn't it, we'd be here all day.
I read a comment on Reddit (I think) that basically said that it’s because we have lost our sense of shame. Not everyone, obviously, but there are definitely a large segment of people who just don’t care what they do because they know they’ll get backlash, but then by the next day, society has moved on to the next nightmare.
On the individual level, it's no guarantee. But on the societal one, it tends to be one of the anchors of civilized society, as far back as written history goes.

Exceptions are had on both sides. But society is not formed by exceptions.
Lets ask all the people killed and abused in the name of one religion or another. If we could ever grow out of religions we might stand a chance at humanity. Pointing out that people just make up stuff to believe "as far back as history goes" doesn't really validate the myths. It only points out the lack of understanding and fear of the unknown.
Lack of morality has been around for a long time. What's changed is that it has become favorable to be "out" about it--to say the bad things out loud. It's applauded. People always acted immorally and or had unacceptable beliefs but society taught you to keep those thoughts and actions quiet/to yourself. Now, it's who can be the worst and most shocking, especially if you happen to have a social media account.

That said, the case referenced by the OP is not that. Plain and simple prostitution with human trafficking thrown in for good measure. I'll be interested to see who the "customers" are and I'm sure they'll be public soon. My guess is we'll see plenty of people who supposedly demonstrate morals as customers. Even, gasp, religious ones. Hard to believe because if you think you'd get an afterlife, well, you just wouldn't do that would you?
When religion did.

If there's no afterlife, which is a strong component of most religious faiths, why wouldn't you live life for you, and to get as much as you can as fast as you can, stepping over anyone who gets in your way? What aspect of human nature would hold you back if you thought this was all there is? If this is all there is, why not get yours? If there's no certain penalty, where's the harm to you?
See... I believe the contrary. I believe that religion is the root of most evil.
I would guess about 8 years ago..... ;)
I have a tendency to agree, however, I don't think that is when it started, that is when what to some was a legitimate voice showed up that it became OK to be a jerk, self absorbed and uneducated in fact preferring to find misinformation more interesting and believable no matter how much it conflicted with common sense..
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What is the immorality here:
- the paying for sex?
- Or the having sex while probably in a committed relationship?

Both probably became immoral when Christianity was up and coming. In the western world, I am not informed enough about the rest.

In ancient Greece prostitution was legal and acceptable. It is called the oldest profession in the world for a reason. It exists, because there was (is) a demand.

It has always existed and it always will.
The only thing that can change is public opinion. People think this immoral now.

I would personally prefer that my partner has paid sex with a professional, which is a business transaction, than having an emotional relationship.

For politicians to pay for sex? I really do not care, as long as it is consensual, so without any pressure or force, and it doesn't interfere with them doing their jobs... do whatever you well pleases, just don't propose laws regarding prostitution etc. And the rest is between you and your spouse.

PS, I come from the Netherlands where prostitution is legal :wave2:

I would generally agree with you if prostitution were in fact a business run by a professional indidivual who is selling her wares as she sees fit. That may be the case in The Netherlands, but in places where it is ilegal things are way more shady with a lot of young women forced into it, plied with drugs, human trafficking, etc. so it's pretty bad and that's absolutely an issue of morality. Could they change that? Possibly, but I don't think it's an issue that most lawmakers would even want to wade into here in the US.
Morality has been studied, written about, and even played out on ancient stages for centuries … not sure these issues are new. Have humans gotten more inventive about it to the point where it seems to be more prevalent - it’s a hard comparison to make and likely subjective. It certainly seems to be more public owing to modern media channels with whole genres dedicated to glorifying so-called true crime, “hacks”, self-promotion and the like.

We seem to be in an obvious trend now where it’s no longer about norms, traditions of behavior, respect for society (or individuals) and only focusing on what’s “legal” (and how to contort it to one’s personal gain or grab for power) versus what is ethical or moral. Lying openly is pervasive and rewarded well in so far as the lie suits a particular point of view no matter the greater societal (or individual) cost down the road.

So yes, it’s the media’s fault, or religion, or people in or seeking power - whomever or whatever we want to blame these days. Alternatively, it doesn’t seem like there is a lot of ownership in what fuels these entities - the people themselves perhaps? But what about personal integrity as the OP suggests - maybe we have just gotten more used to having someone else to blame for it all - it’s easier and less work.
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P.S, I come from the Netherlands where prostitution is legal :wave2:
I come from a metro that unfortunately has been a place where human trafficking rings exist (amongst dog fighting and theft rings) and a lot of people here in the U.S. know that is much more the realities. Even where it is legal do not confuse that to mean bad things don't happen. I found the Epstein (ETA: and one done for Ghislaine Maxwell) documentary on Netflix to be incredibly eye opening into this world and suggest you watch it not because of him but to understand how why people question what is going on. There's a lot of murky waters there.

P.S. I find no issues on a moral level of someone doing something they choose to do. The issue lies in ensuring that is actually what is going on.


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