When did morals go away?

What peopel evolved from will not change. We will always have these instincts to help the ones we know. To gather as much as we can ETC. It is human instincts within what we see as our groups we will always be moral but larger communities need things like faith, laws or something to drive them. And with each new life these instincts are reborn but the communities are not.
And to think that we can live in bee type communites where everybody can be happy without meeting our animal instincts will just fail eventually.

Do you know why bees are so happy to do whatever?? It because they instinctively know they cannot survive without the community. We don't have that feeling and never will.
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I don't see the big deal here. Sex work isn't immoral. In fact, I really think sex workers should be unionised. Maybe that's a project for retirement.
I'd agree, if they want to do it, let them, & totally unionize it.

Technically its not immoral for the workers unless forced into it, but its the "customers" lying about it is where the issue comes in.
If you have access to the Baltimore Sun newspaper, read Dan Rodericks' column today "Risking prison for a boat?" He mentions Fyodor Dostoevsky's works where "characters see no moral authority in the universe so they believe they can do anything they wish." Moral nihilism.
He goes on for several columns. Basically, we should all read "Crime and Punishment."
When religion did.

If there's no afterlife, which is a strong component of most religious faiths, why wouldn't you live life for you, and to get as much as you can as fast as you can, stepping over anyone who gets in your way? What aspect of human nature would hold you back if you thought this was all there is? If this is all there is, why not get yours? If there's no certain penalty, where's the harm to you?

Yeah, I hear the Crusaders were super cuddly and moral, upstanding citizens.
I don't see the big deal here. Sex work isn't immoral. In fact, I really think sex workers should be unionised. Maybe that's a project for retirement.
I don't think sex work is immoral either, and if people are truly choosing it as their employment that is fine. However, even in Nevada where sex work is legally regulated, there are still issues.
Morals of politicians have not really changed IMO - they just didn't report on it for the most part - at least for much on the 1900s.

At the end of the day Ben Franklin was pretty wild and frequented prostitutes - and this is not revisionist history.
Sheesh, talk about a classic case of a "loaded question," where you presume something to be true (that morals went away) within the question itself.

The answer to your question is that they haven't.
How would we know that either way? lol
As it was then as it is now, it depends which paper or channel your watching, or in their case who invented the printing press. ;)
Yeah - the victors write the history so....

There are many stories of them doing bad things and I am sure like most things there is always some truth to it.

Not getting to specific as this is the DIS
Sheesh, talk about a classic case of a "loaded question," where you presume something to be true (that morals went away) within the question itself.

The answer to your question is that they haven't.
Well, there is the other way of interpreting the 'loaded question', and that's presuming morality has ever actually existed...... I would contend morals are in the eye of the beholder, and people who do things against those beliefs are considered immoral. Therefore, I'm pretty sure humans throughout history cannot even agree on what morality is!
Well, there is the other way of interpreting the 'loaded question', and that's presuming morality has ever actually existed...... I would contend morals are in the eye of the beholder, and people who do things against those beliefs are considered immoral. Therefore, I'm pretty sure humans throughout history cannot even agree on what morality is!
So many bad things done by so many "moral" people - the list is endless.
I would generally agree with you if prostitution were in fact a business run by a professional indidivual who is selling her wares as she sees fit. That may be the case in The Netherlands, but in places where it is ilegal things are way more shady with a lot of young women forced into it, plied with drugs, human trafficking, etc. so it's pretty bad and that's absolutely an issue of morality. Could they change that? Possibly, but I don't think it's an issue that most lawmakers would even want to wade into here in the US.
That would be because if they were to wade into it I'm pretty sure it would come up to just below their waist. If you get my drift.
That would be because if they were to wade into it I'm pretty sure it would come up to just below their waist. If you get my drift.
Does anyone remember hearing about some prospective state lawmaker a few years back that made a porn video of himself with a prostitute to try to de-stgmatize sex work?

I applaud the effort, but yeah, he didn't get elected...😑
Well, there is the other way of interpreting the 'loaded question', and that's presuming morality has ever actually existed...... I would contend morals are in the eye of the beholder, and people who do things against those beliefs are considered immoral. Therefore, I'm pretty sure humans throughout history cannot even agree on what morality is!
I can get behind your position and agree that morals are subjective, but if you want to get pedantic, I would say that just because they are subjective doesn't mean they don't exist.
Just saw this on our local news as well as CNN. Makes me sad to think how soooo many prominent people seem to have little to no morals nowadays. What happened to personal integrity? Integrity….doing the right thing even when no one is looking.

Why do people also think it is ok to lie, cheat, steal, bribe, etc? Every time you turn around it is another story like this. I know there have always been people who will do the wrong thing. It just seems like it is a heck of a lot more prevalent in our society nowadays.

Well when it comes to prostitution, this has been around since the beginning of the ages. So it really doesn’t reflect how morals have changed today versus in the past.
I've been asking this question for years now.
It's sad how so many people are today.

People tease me about how Downton Abbey is my favorite show, but I love it because it's a clean show during a time that most people had many of the qualities people lack today. When this current world starts aggravating me, I put on Downton Abbey to hit the reset button.
Believe me, people weren’t angles back in those days. Back in those houses many a young servant, who was probably 16 or 17, was sent to some farm because the owner of the house impregnated ( raped) her. Many of those people downstairs were basically slaves


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