Where did you put the...... garneska can't find anything for the next 3 months

It’s late on Saturday almost 11. But we finished painting and clean up at 8. I give us a B today. The master is done. Pics tomorrow in the daylight but we love it, lighter than it was. the Study only has the primer finished. will start tomorrow with one coat of color, then a trip to the grocery store. Wish me luck because next I need to run, hopefully 6 miles but will take what I can get. Then moms for dinner. last coat of color on monday, yay for the extended weekend.
It is now late on Sunday night, but not as late as last night, 8:20. It was a pretty successful day. One coat of color up in the study. One grocery trip. A very warm 6 Mike run. A surprise trip to mom’s for dinner. She was confused, she does have some memory issues, she thought I was coming next week. Thankfully I texted my brother to say we would be there in 45 minutes. That gave him time to get some more lamb chops out. Turned out fine. put switch covers on in the master. I still love it. Here are some pics.



the pic above by the door opening you catch a small glimpse of the old color.


love it but excited to see the study as that color will be in the living room. I love it on the walls. It is more gray with the bedroom being more tan.

plan for tomorrow. I will start with an easy 4 mile run. Then wash clothes while we get the last coat of color up. Clean up then head back to the RV. We bought steaks and corn at Kroger to cook for dinner tomorrow.
I must share this funny story from dinner tonight. I said my mom is having memory issues. At dinner Dad is telling me about his trip to the dr. It was his annual exam. The nurse comes in and starts with I am going to tell you three words and you should try and remember them I will ask you for it later. She then takes medical history and before leaving asks dad the three words and he got them all. Next the physician assistant comes in to talk to dad and at the end says the nurse asked you to remember three words. what were they. He was like crap. He had to think hard but he got them. She said good that is better than most. So my mom asks oh which PA did you see. My dad says I have no idea I can’t remember her name. Yep I cracked up. Dad was so proud he remembered the words though. I will share dad is 84 and mom will be 80 next month. They are doing pretty well. I do give the edge to dad though.
This morning started with a 4 mile run for me. Then coffee and next getting that last coat of paint on in the study. Looks great though my pics don’t have much of the floor. Love the color though. It will also be in living room. Left condo at 2. On the road now. Once back it will be time to start dinner.

I need a weekend



Great job!!! It looks really nice.

Funny thing about when you have mishaps, they become lifetime stories.
It is Friday and we are not going to the condo this weekend. The best part of that is I am not painting. The bad part is I am not painting and instead going to try and fix the fridge in the RV. Unfortunately not going to the condo means projects we need to do for the RV. However the weather is much cooler and we are planning a camp fire tonight with hot dogs for dinner. I am excited. We do have brunch plans on Sunday and i am hoping Sunday can be semi relaxing. i am beat from all the painting. i am hoping we can go down next weekend to pain the ceiling and the pantry.
Last night we had a campfire and hotdogs and s’mores.



Slept in this morning. It was so nice sleeping with windows open cool and dry. I moved my run from today to tomorrow because the plan for the morning was to relax and enjoy the morning outside. We had coffee, pancakes and bacon, while watching colllege game day.

next on the docket was trying to replace the heating element on the fridge.



contents of fridge parts all over the kitchen. We were expecting it to be a 2 to 3 hour job. First take apart ice maker to get to the heating element. That was not overly difficult and my job was to label it as It all came out. Next was replacing the element. That was easy. Hard part was putting that heating element down the drain and installing. Bert lifted it just a smidge and my little fingers ended up with enough dexterity to get it in and lined up, thought once that was done we were done with the hard part. However trying to get the ice maker and motor in was problematic as well. Bert might have smashed his foot so one minor injury. After that the rest of the pieces made it back in easily. The fridge is on and no error codes. Making sure it actually cold before I claim victory. Now sitting outside watching the Buckeyes, right now losing.

not sure our plans yet for the rest of the day.

i took this a few nights ago on our walk. The sky was an interesting color.


On another night we think we saw Venus. It is the bright thing to the left of the moon. In person it looked really cool.

Last night we had a campfire and hotdogs and s’mores.

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Slept in this morning. It was so nice sleeping with windows open cool and dry. I moved my run from today to tomorrow because the plan for the morning was to relax and enjoy the morning outside. We had coffee, pancakes and bacon, while watching colllege game day.

next on the docket was trying to replace the heating element on the fridge.

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View attachment 604073

contents of fridge parts all over the kitchen. We were expecting it to be a 2 to 3 hour job. First take apart ice maker to get to the heating element. That was not overly difficult and my job was to label it as It all came out. Next was replacing the element. That was easy. Hard part was putting that heating element down the drain and installing. Bert lifted it just a smidge and my little fingers ended up with enough dexterity to get it in and lined up, thought once that was done we were done with the hard part. However trying to get the ice maker and motor in was problematic as well. Bert might have smashed his foot so one minor injury. After that the rest of the pieces made it back in easily. The fridge is on and no error codes. Making sure it actually cold before I claim victory. Now sitting outside watching the Buckeyes, right now losing.

not sure our plans yet for the rest of the day.

i took this a few nights ago on our walk. The sky was an interesting color.

View attachment 604078

On another night we think we saw Venus. It is the bright thing to the left of the moon. In person it looked really cool.

View attachment 604077

We had hot dogs also, but they were done in the air fryer. Working on winterizing coach, still have to drain ice maker, everything else blown out. During the season could not figure out why our outdoor shower would not work, duh, the entire back is an off/on switch that you rotate. I must have rotated it and did not realize I did it. Live and learn.
Hot Dogs and Smores That leaves you one course shy of a gourmet meal. Next time add a can of Baked Beans
Besides hot dogs it was Mac n cheese and salad. I had to squeeze something healthy into that meal, but I am nit sure why I bothered.

This may give you some motivation during your remodel exile.

If a 5 year old can do it.


Yes I saw that. I feel like a slacker.

@Teamubr, we told Kris we would take care of her when she hit the midway point and coming thru our area. The AT crosses very close to our house, and the midway point is only about 45 minutes from us.
Oh we are definitely taking you up on this. It will happen sometime.
I have updates. RV mobile guy was here today. So fixed the propane system. Got the slide working lots better. It was out of alignment and jumped its gear. We have lots of issues with that slide. I won’t say it’s fixed but it is significantly better than it was. Worked on the AC seemed to be the hardest thing. New unit works fine but was installed wrong. All kinds of issues. The guy will be back tomorrow. current concern is leaking then to see if they fixed the drain for it.
This weekend is turning into a repeat of last weekend. Friday night was hot dogs over the campfire plus salad. No mac n cheese, then s’mores for dessert. Slight change. I started Saturday morning with a run, so did bert. Waiting on him to come out and make pancakes and bacon. I am drinking coffee watching college game day.


after breakfast time to hit Home Depot and grocery store. The RV project for today is taping the HVAC that we are pretty sure is finally fixed. On Friday I was cleaning out cabinets in the RV. Doing a purge and also identifying the stuff that comes back to the condo. I have 4 cabinets left so I will tackle that while bert tapes. Then hopefully dinner on the grill, might rain and that will be an issue.

on the condo front we still do not have cabinets but they are done with everything else they could do first. We will be putting the RV back in storage on Friday. That means next weekend we plan to paint that ceiling and pantry. The hope is cabinets come the first week in Oct.


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