Where did you put the...... garneska can't find anything for the next 3 months

It is Thursday and the contractor arrived around 11. Spoke with the project manager. They are starting demo. Then the focus is floors, then electrical and then we hope for the kitchen. We are replacing all the baseboard and that will need paint. After the electrician we can paint the last ceiling. At least that it will be easier without cabinets.

Demo has started in the study. Carpet is up and baseboards are coming. I have to live in this mess today and tomorrow.

Mallory is not doing well. I had 3 people here and no chirping. She did not even pick up her head.
It is Thursday and the contractor arrived around 11. Spoke with the project manager. They are starting demo. Then the focus is floors, then electrical and then we hope for the kitchen. We are replacing all the baseboard and that will need paint. After the electrician we can paint the last ceiling. At least that it will be easier without cabinets.

Demo has started in the study. Carpet is up and baseboards are coming. I have to live in this mess today and tomorrow.

Mallory is not doing well. I had 3 people here and no chirping. She did not even pick up her head.

Glad they were able to get started. Making Bert live on the balcony ?

Sorry Mallory is not feeling so hot, it is not from lack of being loved for sure. Will keep her in our prayers.
Kris sorry to hear Mallory is not her usual Chirpy self. bet once she is up in the mountains and outside she picks right up. Just don't tell Pa Hunter Chris that Bert has been delegated to a Mountaineering Hammock off the Balcony. Jenn might get an idea
Demo has started.



Basically demo in study done. Hallway done. Tomorrow should start kitchen and more floors. Going to get everything in master bedroom tomorrow. I have a major meeting I am hosting friday at 11. No idea how exactly I am going to do that.
It is Thursday and the contractor arrived around 11. Spoke with the project manager. They are starting demo.

Mallory is not doing well. I had 3 people here and no chirping. She did not even pick up her head.
Demo seems to be going quick.

Sorry to hear about Mal. I know she has been winding down. Hopefully it is just the change in routine, but you'll know best.

This morning we took down curtains and moved a bed. Leaving the condo was the most depressing thing ever. It is hard to describe but with no Mallory and the condo tore up I felt completely lost.

we are in the rig and walked in to dog beds and dog food. What a stressful day. Sort of trying to put the last of things away. I am incredibly devastated. The grief is over powering. Will try to hike tomorrow. mallory only hiked a few times before she was in the cart. Hoping being outside will help, though I am sure only thing to help will be time.

Good news is the fridge is holding temperature.
You won‘t get daily updates as my life is too boring but you will get an update if I do something other than cry, run, eat and sleep.

I did sleep better last night. The rig feels a tad more normal than the condo did. We managed to get up and go hiking. We knew we needed to do something or I would sit inside, look at pictures and cry. We went for the iconic Blood Mountain. The benefit is it is a 20 minute drive from the campground. We did not leave till 9:15. Parking is usually a problem so our back up plan was Vogel State Park. It is about 3 miles down the road from the other trail head. There was parking so we decided to do the freeman trail to the AT and then up blood mountain. It’s a 6 mile loop and only 1600 ft of gain. The challenge was the heat 80 degrees. Not to mention our emotional state. The trail was technical so not much talking or crying, had to pay attention. The heat took its toll. We hit the top of blood around 4 miles and took a break. Then hiked down. I said to Bert my physical exhaustion now matches my emotional exhaustion.

today we have to get the work computers fired up. Then cook dinner. It is simple tonight burgers and corn on the grill.

Kris years ago when I started the most important emotional voyage of my life I was given the strangest advice I had ever heard. Move a Muscle Change a Thought. The human brain can't concentrate on two ideas at once. Being away and out where you can hike might be exactly what the Dr ordered.
I know how memories of your girl will come without thinking. Some funny, some sad, all with love. Let the tears flow when they come they help you to heal and ease the sadness in your heart.
Kris added some pictures of the new stuff for the kitchen. Here are mine:

Kitchen/Flooring Selections
Lower left is the floor tile. Center is the white subway tile for the backsplash. Upper right is the tile wall behind the stove. Lower right is the countertop.

Our Master Bath has become storage

One last look at the kitchen. It should be torn out today.

We probably won’t have new pictures for a couple of weeks.

Bert having a project to keep you busy at this time is likely as good for you as it your bride. You both have a hole in your lives that it will take time , each other and somewhere to direct your energies to until you have somewhere to direct you extra love to, Until then I firmly believe that a trouble shared is a trouble halved and a Joy shared is a joy doubled.
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All right, that's it!!!. Mallory I can accept, the car NO. Next trip we're stripping the wiring from the Rav and starting over from scratch!!!

An update on the lovely chirping of the car. So, Remco, the lube pump system manufacturer, decided to exit the business back in October 2020. This means parts will be few and far between. After @Teamubr and @tigger92662 ‘s help to determine everything is wired and plumbed correctly, I’m going to order a new pressure sensor. I’ve found one place that has an OEM sensor. Also, looking on irv2, it seems the sensor is also a NAPA (Balkamp) BK 7011575 sensor, but the set screw needs to be adjusted to get the correct pressure setting (3 psi per the thread). Not sure how that works, but at least there is a potential replacement sensor out there.

You’d think a degree in engineering, with more fluid flow courses than I knew what to do with, would prep me for this. Nope, not so much.

but the set screw needs to be adjusted to get the correct pressure setting
Do you know what the pressure is supposed to be set at? Perhaps you could put some fittings together and use an air compressor to set/test it:confused3
Apparently, it’s 3 psi. I can’t find any formal documentation on it though. Remco doesn’t have the docs on their site anymore and I haven’t found all of it on alternate site either.
It would cost a little, but you could make a "T" with a fitting for a low pressure gauge. I didn't see an adjustment screw on your current valve.

I would check the current pressure to make sure it is at spec if you can find an adjustment screw. It could be the chirping is just telling you the current pressure is dropping a little low. Not low enough to damage the trans, but low enough to trip the sensor.

That is the only thing we couldn't check in Pigeon Forge.

You’d think a degree in engineering, with more fluid flow courses than I knew what to do with, would prep me for this. Nope, not so much.


Just keep a laminar flow across the sensor at the proper rate, Bert, and you won't experience any problems that a turbulent flow would produce.

:rotfl2:I've just exhausted my knowledge library from the one fluids course I was forced to take in my curriculum.

Seriously, hope that works for you.

Bama Ed

PS - hey those old kitchen cabinets don't look bad at all in my book ....
@Teamubr I don’t believe the Remco sensor has the set screw, it’s supposed to be pre-calibrated (I think). It’s the NAPA part you can adjust.

@bama_ed The cabinets look better than they actually are. Basically MDF with a fake wood overlay glued on. In some cases they were peeling at the seams. The building was finished out in 2008, at the bottom of the market. The developer did a bunch of the finish work cheaply.

An update on the lovely chirping of the car. So, Remco, the lube pump system manufacturer, decided to exit the business back in October 2020. This means parts will be few and far between. After @Teamubr and @tigger92662 ‘s help to determine everything is wired and plumbed correctly, I’m going to order a new pressure sensor. I’ve found one place that has an OEM sensor. Also, looking on irv2, it seems the sensor is also a NAPA (Balkamp) BK 7011575 sensor, but the set screw needs to be adjusted to get the correct pressure setting (3 psi per the thread). Not sure how that works, but at least there is a potential replacement sensor out there.

You’d think a degree in engineering, with more fluid flow courses than I knew what to do with, would prep me for this. Nope, not so much.


Well let's see, when the set screw is all the way out you would have zero psi of pressure. So once you start to thread it in the pressure will increase, based on the cross section of the set screw and the volume of the chamber, the viscosity of the fluid being compressed......

Really have no clue, my specialty was Nuclear Weapons.

Glad you can find the part. I am still searching for replacement turn signal lights for our rig, before I have to make something work.


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