Where else can I cut cost?

Oh and this is assuming you don't have to really cook and minimal cleanup.
Exactly. After all that cooking and cleaning, who wants to go back to the parks. If someone was taking my daughter on a trip like this, I would definitely be helping out more that what the friends parents are doing. Since I don't trust teens with the cash, I will give a savings card with a pin so in case they lose the card they are not out any $$. Instruct the girls to treat for dinner a few nights or buy groceries.
Ugh. Who wants to do all of that while on vacation. You go to disney to slave away in a kitchen for some teenage girls. Sounds like fun. I would go to publix/fresh market and buy some pre-made meals like roasted chicken, premade pizzas, etc. Hell, teen girls would be happy with papa johns pizza which is cheap. Perhaps these girls should bring some of their own money so the poor OP does not have to treat everyone. What will happen is that they will be in the parks all day and mom will be so tired that they end up going to one of the counter service restaurants where she will end up spending about $60 on the 4 of them.

Well, we can agree to disagree about slaving away. Steaks/chicken--BBQ or cook the meat (takes less than 10 minutes including resting time), open a bag of premade salad, slice up some crusty bread. Not any harder than convenience food, and much faster and easier than getting to an ADR, waiting 20+minutes to get in etc.) Same with anything put in the crockpot in the morning. At home, dinner may take me an hour or more to put together since I'm an avid cook. On vacation, it's 10 minutes.

What I would NOT do is go to publix while on vacation. Grocery delivery: I sit in the lobby by bell services and read a book, have an adult beverage, etc. and my grocery order is brought to me. If you don't order any alcohol, you don't even have to be there to sign for it. Super easy. We do travel to WDW or DLR in Aug/Sept, when it's really hot, so we're not in the parks in the mid-late afternoon anyway. Cooking in the condo is probably a lot easier w/ DVC than being offsite, just because of transportation issues. However, OP said she planned on cooking and asked for suggestions. I know a lot of people don't want to cook on vacation, but for us, eating out or eating prepackaged food for a week or two gets really tiring.
Well, we can agree to disagree about slaving away. Steaks/chicken--BBQ or cook the meat (takes less than 10 minutes including resting time), open a bag of premade salad, slice up some crusty bread. Not any harder than convenience food, and much faster and easier than getting to an ADR, waiting 20+minutes to get in etc.) Same with anything put in the crockpot in the morning. At home, dinner may take me an hour or more to put together since I'm an avid cook. On vacation, it's 10 minutes.

What I would NOT do is go to publix while on vacation. Grocery delivery: I sit in the lobby by bell services and read a book, have an adult beverage, etc. and my grocery order is brought to me. If you don't order any alcohol, you don't even have to be there to sign for it. Super easy. We do travel to WDW or DLR in Aug/Sept, when it's really hot, so we're not in the parks in the mid-late afternoon anyway. Cooking in the condo is probably a lot easier w/ DVC than being offsite, just because of transportation issues. However, OP said she planned on cooking and asked for suggestions. I know a lot of people don't want to cook on vacation, but for us, eating out or eating prepackaged food for a week or two gets really tiring.
To each their own. When I go on vacation I like to go out and try different things than cook in a kitchen. When we go to Disney, we drive since we live close( 2.5 hrs). We usually stay onsite and leave the resort to eat since there are a lot of great restaurants outside of Disney. In celebration there is a really good sushi restaurant and Spanish restaurant. I may bring some water into the park or some snacks for my daughter but that's it. We cook at home a lot and our only chance to go out to eat is when we go on vacation.
and much faster and easier than getting to an ADR, waiting 20+minutes to get in etc.)

But for ADRs in the park you touring you generally don't have to leave the park, get on a monorail or a ferry, get on a tram, find your car and drive to it. :thumbsup2

And if you only eat CS like we mostly do at off times there is minimal wait.

But everyone has their own idea on what to do on vacation.
But for ADRs in the park you touring you generally don't have to leave the park, get on a monorail or a ferry, get on a tram, find your car and drive to it. :thumbsup2

And if you only eat CS like we mostly do at off times there is minimal wait.

But everyone has their own idea on what to do on vacation.

We eat out on vacation, too (have 6 ADRs for 9 nights, and will do about as many CS). We just don't do only eating out--I like using the kitchen some. We also do off times at CS (and earliest seating time for TS, but even so usually show up a bit early if we want a certain table).
But for ADRs in the park you touring you generally don't have to leave the park, get on a monorail or a ferry, get on a tram, find your car and drive to it. :thumbsup2
Exactly. For me once I leave the park to go back to the resort, I am not going back. Nothing like being at the park for 8 hrs then going back to cook for 4 people. Now breakfast I can understand. We would sometimes bring bagels or muffins along with juice and coffee if we have a kitchen.
Exactly. For me once I leave the park to go back to the resort, I am not going back. Nothing like being at the park for 8 hrs then going back to cook for 4 people. Now breakfast I can understand. We would sometimes bring bagels or muffins along with juice and coffee if we have a kitchen.
Wow, we really tour in different ways (nothing wrong with that--kind of interesting to see how people do it.) We go for a few hours (9-1 or so?), then back to the room for the pool or something else. Then back to the parks after an early dinner. We stayed at VGC last summer on our Disneyland trip, and I am sold on being in walking distance now. This year we're splitting between BLT and BWV, so the only bus we'll have to take is to AK. I wouldn't want to cook after 8 hours either, lol!
I just did a quick look and a room at POP, for 7 nights in July, is over $1000. OP said the condo is a done deal, and honestly, with 3 teen girls, I'd rent the condo too!

OP- That's really high for the rental car. I don't think I've ever spent that much on a car at WDW. Let Mousesavers teach you how to stack coupons and codes, and keep looking. Also, go to carrentalsavers.com and see what they come up with. Do NOT prepay to get a teaser rate- it's going to get cheaper as you get closer to your dates. Also, there aren't any coupons out yet for July… so keep looking! I bet the price will come down by about $100. Also, are you renting the smallest/cheapest vehicle possible for your party size?

Your food budget is tight. I'd have the girls eat a fast but substantial breakfast in the mornings and head to rope drop. We have been known to get bagels/cream cheese, yogurt, fruit, and eat in the car on the way to the parks. When it gets hot around 1pm, go back to the condo for lunch, a swim, and a nap. Eat dinner at the condo and head back into the parks in the early evening… by 7-ish, depending on when the parks close. Only other thing I can think of is to somehow find a way to increase that food budget.

I'd skip the travel insurance, but it might be too late for that. I also like the idea of using Target or other discount cards for buying the Disney tickets, as someone suggested previously- and DON"T pay for park hoppers! We didn't use ours at all the last couple of trips, and it was just fine. If you MUST hop, you can add it when you get to Disney.
Wow, we really tour in different ways (nothing wrong with that--kind of interesting to see how people do it.) We go for a few hours (9-1 or so?), then back to the room for the pool or something else. Then back to the parks after an early dinner. We stayed at VGC last summer on our Disneyland trip, and I am sold on being in walking distance now. This year we're splitting between BLT and BWV, so the only bus we'll have to take is to AK. I wouldn't want to cook after 8 hours either, lol!
Yea we are very easy going. I usually get up before everyone else and run. We never arrive at opening since we like to take our time in the morning. We will either go in the afternoon to the parks and get something to eat or go after breakfast and stay until 2:00 or so. We really like relaxing by the pool and around the resort. Now one thing I do have through my employer is an AMEX black card (centurion). If I want a reservation, they will get it for me. No need for me to do ADR's. Last time we went was for my wife's anniversary. Got there and wanted to take her to a nice restaurant. Called Amex and asked if they can get us a reservation at Victoria and alberts. No problem. Go a few other reservations too on that trip at the last minute.
Exactly. After all that cooking and cleaning, who wants to go back to the parks. If someone was taking my daughter on a trip like this, I would definitely be helping out more that what the friends parents are doing. Since I don't trust teens with the cash, I will give a savings card with a pin so in case they lose the card they are not out any $$. Instruct the girls to treat for dinner a few nights or buy groceries.

With all due respect, it appears that this trip is in celebration of the OP's daughter's birthday, and bringing her friends is a gift to her from her mom. All of my kids have been invited away with friends (no flights - vacation homes), and I always let them go (even though I will miss them), and send a treat. However, these parents are already out hundreds of dollars ($500+) to have one of their children take a vacation. I'd look at it like a school trip involving travel - sure, it's nice they get the opportunity to go, but I have to shell out money, and if it were up to me, I'd rather it didn't happen.

The friends' parents paid for the most expensive parts of the trip - tickets and airfare. They have no say in lodging (I'm sure the girls would rather stay in a value, and be able to go to the parks without someone's mom along the whole time), no say in meals. It's not their trip - it's the OP's and her daughter's trip. To ask them to pay for their food (and a 4 hour round trip drive to the airport?!) - if I invite, I pay. I've taken friends on long weekends, and paid for all meals and activities.

My sister is flying 2 of my girls out to her, and taking them to a Taylor Swift concert, for my niece's birthday. She's doing it for her daughter, instead of a party - she's paying. Many here spend thousands on sweet 16 parties, but the OP is chosing to let her daughter bring 2 friends to WDW (and I'm assuming she's an only child, so this seems to be common). It's going to cost her extra to bring them, it should.
is the offsite condo not refundable? I would think staying onsite in a regular room, not renting a car and using disney transport would be cheaper.... and simpler.... you can still easily eat breakfast and many snacks,etc in a regular room....
I'll explain. We have done the cost comparison and it is rather equal. I would rather have 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms with 3 teens than cram into a value room.
Did not know it was free. I thought there was a charge per person. Never flew into Orlando since I only live 2.5 hrs away. There are so many unnecessary expenses the OP has that can be eliminated. She is not bringing elementary age children with her who cannot get money, these are teenage girls who should have money for food and misc. expenses. Sounds like OP is a little bit of a sucker for not getting a ride from the other parents.
Not a sucker and I take offense to that. I offered a year ago so the parents had plenty of time to consider the costs. I am covering everything except flights and tickets in. I do not expect the girls to path for anything else except souvenirs. This is a birthday celebration and would not expect kids to pay their own way into a birthday party.

It's my understanding that this trip is in celebration of her daughter's Sweet 16. I would think that she expects to shoulder some, but not all, of the cost. It sounds like the friends are buying their own park tickets and paying for their own airfare. The OP already explained why it is more cost-effective for her to drive to the airport and then park there instead of having one of the parents make 2 round trips. IMO, she is being generous to pay for the condo and food, not a sucker because she chooses to pay for airport parking.
Thank you! The airport is 2 hours away. it would cost more in gas for someone to bring us and pick us up.

July is hot so if they spend the morning at the park- leave around 1- eat a quick lunch either at the park or at the condo- swim/ nap/ relax. Eat an early dinner go back to the park- have a snack. I think it will be just fine. By mid afternoon it is very hot or the afternoon thunderstorm will roll in. If I was the poster, I would do park opening, afternoon break and then back in the evening. I love being in the park after dark.

We have been before in July in a town home and did just this. We choose simple meals. The girls are aware that they will have to participate in planning meals, cooking meals and cleaning up meals. They are all good girls and will have no problem with this. I am purchasing travel insurance as they are all volleyball players and run the risk of injury this summer. I do not want them to suffer financial consequences if my daughter is hurt and can not go. The tickets are not purchased yet and can be changed. We have 5 day waterpark option tickets planned. We do have time and plan to do a rummage sale yet. I was just looking for anything else in the budget I may have missed.
With all due respect, it appears that this trip is in celebration of the OP's daughter's birthday, and bringing her friends is a gift to her from her mom. All of my kids have been invited away with friends (no flights - vacation homes), and I always let them go (even though I will miss them), and send a treat. However, these parents are already out hundreds of dollars ($500+) to have one of their children take a vacation. I'd look at it like a school trip involving travel - sure, it's nice they get the opportunity to go, but I have to shell out money, and if it were up to me, I'd rather it didn't happen.

The friends' parents paid for the most expensive parts of the trip - tickets and airfare. They have no say in lodging (I'm sure the girls would rather stay in a value, and be able to go to the parks without someone's mom along the whole time), no say in meals. It's not their trip - it's the OP's and her daughter's trip. To ask them to pay for their food (and a 4 hour round trip drive to the airport?!) - if I invite, I pay. I've taken friends on long weekends, and paid for all meals and activities.

My sister is flying 2 of my girls out to her, and taking them to a Taylor Swift concert, for my niece's birthday. She's doing it for her daughter, instead of a party - she's paying. Many here spend thousands on sweet 16 parties, but the OP is chosing to let her daughter bring 2 friends to WDW (and I'm assuming she's an only child, so this seems to be common). It's going to cost her extra to bring them, it should.

Actually, the girls did have a say in lodging and they prefer their own pool and space. Also, as far as mom tagging along, they are ok with that too. They will have their freedom in the park if they want it, but its not like I am babysitting. The moms were asked and I was up front about costs covered and not covered before the girls even knew anything, including my daughter. The girls will be getting together to preplan meals and fast passes too. This thread was about ways to cut the budget, not about who is paying for what. Can we please get back to that?
We have been before in July in a town home and did just this. We choose simple meals. The girls are aware that they will have to participate in planning meals, cooking meals and cleaning up meals. They are all good girls and will have no problem with this. I am purchasing travel insurance as they are all volleyball players and run the risk of injury this summer. I do not want them to suffer financial consequences if my daughter is hurt and can not go. The tickets are not purchased yet and can be changed. We have 5 day waterpark option tickets planned. We do have time and plan to do a rummage sale yet. I was just looking for anything else in the budget I may have missed.

I think you will have a blast and I love the fact that the girls know going in that they are helping with the meals. The insurance in my opinion is a smart idea. I had my own DDs both injured last year. One had a strain achilles and was scheduled to get the boot of the day before our vacation (visiting family in another state). Of course my youngest couldn't be left out so she broke her toe the day before we were suppose to leave. So the day we left, the oldest got out of her boot and the youngest gained her "shoe". We ended up canceling our theme park excursion and just visited family. We were driving so it didn't affect us much but if we had a big vacation like yours planned it would have definitely been disappointing.

I would maybe try to save just a little extra each week until you go as back up. If you need it, you have it. If you don't- then it can go towards Christmas. Have fun.

I personally like afternoon breaks with swimming and napping because I go back to the park refreshed and not cranky. I think you are on the right path. Enjoy
One thing OP that may help with budget is to give each girl a gift card with a predetermined amount for snacks for the week. This will give you an exact amount to budget for snacks. If they know in advance how much they can spend then they won't have to feel shy about asking you for a snack and it is a good budgeting lesson for the girls as well. Just a thought.

If you were worried about them losing it. You could write their name on it in permanent marker and you hang on to them or get different designs for each girl. The girls could ask for their card when they wanted a snack.

I know my own children make wiser buying decisions when they are spending "their own" money.
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I'm not sure what your travel/park schedule is, but will you be touring in Orlando for the full 7 days? If not, you could save by not doing the water park add-on. Will you really have time to go to a water park with a 5 day theme park ticket and going home mid-day for lunch/supper? Right now UT is showing 4day+1 or 5 day base tickets to WDW for $321. Even 6 or 7 day Disney tickets are cheaper than a 5 day with water parks. If you decide to go to Blizzard Beach, tickets are $54 at greaterorlandodiscounts.com, or you might even be able to do it as an add-on at WDW… IF you find you have the time.
One thing OP that may help with budget is to give each girl a gift card with a predetermined amount for snacks for the week. This will give you an exact amount to budget for snacks. If they know in advance how much they can spend then they won't have to feel shy about asking you for a snack and it is a good budgeting lesson for the girls as well. Just a thought.

If you were worried about them losing it. You could write their name on it in permanent marker and you hang on to them or get different designs for each girl. The girls could ask for their card when they wanted a snack.

I know my own children make wiser buying decisions when they are spending "their own" money.

I second this idea. Our last vacation, each of my kids had gift cards to spend on what they wanted.. snacks, souvenirs, etc.. When the money was gone, it was gone. It would be easier to stick with a budget by giving each girl a gift card and let them know that it is their "snack budget" for the week. They can use it for whatever they want in the parks.

I'm not sure what your travel/park schedule is, but will you be touring in Orlando for the full 7 days? If not, you could save by not doing the water park add-on. Will you really have time to go to a water park with a 5 day theme park ticket and going home mid-day for lunch/supper? Right now UT is showing 4day+1 or 5 day base tickets to WDW for $321. Even 6 or 7 day Disney tickets are cheaper than a 5 day with water parks. If you decide to go to Blizzard Beach, tickets are $54 at greaterorlandodiscounts.com, or you might even be able to do it as an add-on at WDW… IF you find you have the time.

I second this idea also. I think it would be cheaper just to buy 1 day tickets to the water park than do the waterpark and more option... especially if you are planning 5 park days in one week's time.
Actually, the girls did have a say in lodging and they prefer their own pool and space. Also, as far as mom tagging along, they are ok with that too. They will have their freedom in the park if they want it, but its not like I am babysitting. The moms were asked and I was up front about costs covered and not covered before the girls even knew anything, including my daughter. The girls will be getting together to preplan meals and fast passes too. This thread was about ways to cut the budget, not about who is paying for what. Can we please get back to that?
My reply wasn't to you, it was to the PP who thinks the girls should take everyone out for a few meals. I think your plan is a good one. I agree with a PP to not do water parks and more and hoppers, and you could add them later if you want.
My only different tip would be to go on whatever supermarkets website that you will be shopping at down there and sign up for their reward/loyalty card, so you can get the lower sale prices. I did this for Winn Dixie since it was right next to our condo. Just google their site and you can even do it from home and I believe the card was sent to me before I even left. I forget now it's been like 10 years, but I still have that card.

We never had an issue with eating our meals at our condo. Of course we drove and I had my crock pot so that was great. But we also did the supermarket convenience foods, like pre-made chef salads, rotisserie chickens and such. Just maybe start collecting things like ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise and salt & pepper packets to take along with you so you don't have to buy those there.
I recently did a fundraiser for teen girls and do you know what they all ordered - spaghettios in the can. Gross, I know, but that's what they wanted. How about that - at a buck a can it doesn't get much cheaper or easier than that!!

Then I would do frozen waffles (Nutella), frozen pizza, grilled cheese and soup, chicken ceasar salad, homemade subs (our Walmart sells large Italian breads for $1.00 that makes four large sandwiches when cut up), mac n cheese, hot dogs, and/or yogurt parfaits. And then supplement the meals with in season fruit. Maybe not the most heart healthy menu, but its quick, easy and cheap.

It's July and it's going to be HOT. I know when we used to go in summer, we DRANK a lot, but ate very little.

Oh, and I disagree about the waterparks. I have two teens and they love the waterparks! I would not get rid of that option. I might even go so far as to say just get the 4 day tickets - one park per day and then plan MORE days at the waterparks! But that only saves $20.00.
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