Who here is not in the "clique" like me? Part 3

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Lesa: When I was a kid & we lived in Orlando, something about the humidity and the climate made my mom's asthma really bad and she had to be on a nebulizer for a couple hours a day. That's actually why we moved to TX, my dad was afraid my mom would become too reliant on the neb. Once when I had a really bad upper respiratory infection she told me to use it and it cleared that sucker right up! I hope for both of your sakes that Madison feels better soon.

We watched Superman Returns tonight... what a dud. The kids loved it, when they went to bed Emma was flying her stuffed Minnie Mouse around her crib and calling her Superhero Mouse. I thought it was quite the snoozer.

Lyzzie neglected to tell me until tonight that she has a bunch of homework to do that's due on Monday, and it was assigned on Thursday! She luckily has already done the reading, but now she has about 4 pages to complete in a packet, things like word definitions and then finding the word in the book & copying the sentence, drawing pictures and writing little stories. Tomorrow is going to be a tough day around here!

Lilly is one week old already!!

Did anyone realize that one month ago yesterday we ConventionEars arrived at WDW and met each other?

Brittany does that to me all the time. She will have a project for a week and panic because she decides to do it the day before. Madison is one that has to jump right in on her homework as soon as she get home.

Wow, one month.:sad2: I'm ready to go back!:yay:
Donna, I forgot to ask what happened with your electric bill? I'm afraid to get mine!:scared: We have ComED, who do you guys have?
lyzziesmom:: Nathan and Gary have watched Superman Returns, but I didn't.
I'm surprised it held Emma's attention, I don't think Nathan cared much for the movie and I KNOW Gary didn't.
When we were sitting in the office doing our taxes I thought; WOW I can't believe it's been 4 weeks since we were all at WDW!!!
That reminds me, I didn't check my Mega Millions lotter ticket last night. I won $3 last week!!!:banana:

Lesa:: That's good you got out of the cookie selling. Are you and David going to see Wicked by yourselves?
lyzziesmom:: Nathan and Gary have watched Superman Returns, but I didn't.
I'm surprised it held Emma's attention, I don't think Nathan cared much for the movie and I KNOW Gary didn't.
When we were sitting in the office doing our taxes I thought; WOW I can't believe it's been 4 weeks since we were all at WDW!!!
That reminds me, I didn't check my Mega Millions lotter ticket last night. I won $3 last week!!!:banana:

Lesa:: That's good you got out of the cookie selling. Are you and David going to see Wicked by yourselves?

You won $3!:yay: :woohoo: Yes, we're going alone. My sister-in-law is watching the girls. We have to take the 11:00 train, our tickets are for the 2:00 show. Then cheesecake factory!!!:banana:
Donna, I forgot to ask what happened with your electric bill? I'm afraid to get mine!:scared: We have ComED, who do you guys have?

We have Ameren IP. I thought Ameren IP was the only utility company raising the rates so high. Nothing came of talking to the supervisor...we still have electric. We are going to write to our representative. Thankfully our power bill was only about $100 or less to begin with. I feel sorry for the poor people that had large bills in the first place. My sister said her bill only raised by about $20??:confused3 They heat with gas and we have Geothermal that's powered by electricity.
We have Ameren IP. I thought Ameren IP was the only utility company raising the rates so high. Nothing came of talking to the supervisor...we still have electric. We are going to write to our representative. Thankfully our power bill was only about $100 or less to begin with. I feel sorry for the poor people that had large bills in the first place. My sister said her bill only raised by about $20??:confused3 They heat with gas and we have Geothermal that's powered by electricity.

I think last month ours was about $140 and gas was about $210.:sad2: I've seen where people are saying their bills were well over $600. I just can't even imagine.:scared: We got a letter with our last bill that said if you want to defer the amount of the increase for x amount of time you could sign up, but they charged a huge intrest amount. :sad2:
Donna: Well to be truthful, Emma didn't really sit through the whole movie, but she never does. She was up & down, and talking and goofing off the whole time, but every few minutes she will stop and sit down & watch for a few minutes and comment on the action. That is why we always watch movies with the subtitles on, it saves a LOT of rewinding! My electric bill came today, it went DOWN by $8. I do the average pay plan, and I've only been here since Sept, so I don't really know why it changed. Maybe they reevaluate once a quarter or something? And since it's winter & we have gas heat, I have been using a lot less elec than what I've been paying. The gas bill on the other hand... whew! I'd rather buy airline tickets with that money!

Lesa: Glad to hear Maddie is feeling better. You can always tell they are better when they want to eat, and when they are crabby. When they're sick, suddenly you're their best friend again. Have fun at the show tomorrow - and have a piece of Vanilla Bean Cheesecake for me! :)
Well I must say goodnight my friends!:wave: I need my beauty sleep!;) I'll check back in tomorrow night and let you all know how Wicked was. Lizziesmom, I will definitely enjoy a piece of cheesecake for you!:teeth:
I forgot to mention, when we were coming home from having our taxes done; there was a huge dk green trash can lying by the interstate!!! I wondered if it belonged to someone we knew!!!:rolleyes1 (eek!!! the smilies have been moved again!!!)

Well, Clickers, I think I'm going to sign off and get the sleeping bags ready for the boys. I'm probably being a little optimistic, but I hope they turn in soon. Gary has to be up at 4am to check something for work....it has to do with the time change being changed.:confused:
Hi all!!

(just wanted to make it three in a row for us Tulsa cliqueless cliquers...) :lmao:

:dance3: (there we are):rotfl2:

She's seems much better than the last 3 days. No fever, up and about playing, and eating every 5 minutes, so that's a good sign. She is still very congested and wheezing so that concerns me. She's sitting here doing another round of breathing treatments before she goes to bed and I have been pounding on her back, which helps break stuff up. She has only ever had to go to the ER, never an overnight. Usually when she gets that bad a few back to back albuterol treatments with the oxygen seems to do the trick. I have a feeling if she doesn't improve by tomorrow night, that's where we'll end up.:sad2: Has Andrew ever had to be hospitalized?

Popcorn and a movie sounds like fun! popcorn::

Is it me or did the darn smilies move again!:confused:

I'm almost thinking moving the smilies is a joke:jester: Well, eating and playing is a good sign. Do you use atrovent in the nebs? I hear that it helps some kids that get really gunky (in addition to the abuterol/xoepenex and/pulmicort). DS has never been in the hospital...they will put him on oral steroids for five days...that usually helps him. His biggest problem is tight/constricted airways...not a lot of mucos.

Good evening!! What's everyone up to tonight? Nathan has his friend spending the night and right now they are downstairs entertaining Gary.:laughing:

Happy One Week Birthday To Lilly!!!princess: :cheer2: princess:

Lesa:: You've had a rough week, girl. I think it's time you had a little nap...or two! How was the cookie selling today?

:woohoo: YourMajesty gets to Dis!!! :woohoo:

I went over to read a few dining reports and missed you.:rolleyes1

We watched Superman Returns tonight... what a dud. The kids loved it, when they went to bed Emma was flying her stuffed Minnie Mouse around her crib and calling her Superhero Mouse. I thought it was quite the snoozer.

Did anyone realize that one month ago yesterday we ConventionEars arrived at WDW and met each other?

We are watching Lilo and Stitch....I got to pick to avoid a big argument.:cool2: Wow...it's been a month already.:sad2: I want to go back!

You won $3!:yay: :woohoo: Yes, we're going alone. My sister-in-law is watching the girls. We have to take the 11:00 train, our tickets are for the 2:00 show. Then cheesecake factory!!!:banana:

Lesa...hope you and DH have a lovely afternoon!:flower3:
Donna: I don't think it was THAT windy here yesterday!

I have a problem and I don't really know what to do, so please just let me vent for a moment. The other day (Tues? Wed? I'm not sure) it rained very hard all night. About 2 nights ago, I noticed that I kept hearing a weird noise in the house, at first I thought it was the heater switching on but it would turn on, stay on for just a few seconds (not more than 2 or 3), and then turn off again. This would repeat every 9 minutes - yes I timed it because it kept me awake all night, even through the morphine and the Ambien. Then in the morning I heard the heater switch on, and this other noise came on & off again while the heater was still running. Also, when the noise switched on, the lights in the house would dim for a second, like whatever it is, it's pulling a lot of power. This has been going on for several days, I think it was Thurs night that it first bothered me. Anyway, curiosity finally got the best of me and I ventured into the basement, which happens to be directly below my bedroom, to check it out. The smell hit me as soon as I opened the door - standing water. About 1/2 of the basement is covered in about 1 inch of water. The basement floor is concrete but it's pretty uneven, so the water is in puddles here & there. I can't tell if it came in from outside when we got that heavy rain, because there is a lot of water along the outside wall, or if the water heater is leaking, because there is also water under it and running in little trickles between there & the opposite (outside) wall. The noise I've been hearing is the sump pump. My parents are still away on their cruise until late tomorrow night. I don't know anything about this kind of thing, and I'm not sure what I can do. There isn't really anything ON the basement floor, everything is elevated so nothing is getting damaged. Obviously this has been going on for a few days, so I'm inclined to think, what can a couple more days hurt (except my sleep)? On the other hand, I'm worried that maybe something will go horribly wrong if I ignore it and I should call my grandparents in the morning and have them come over to look at it. To my knowledge, this is the first time this has happened since I've lived here, but I keep having visions of the money I just finshed paying off for the plumber flying out of my wallet! (I mean of course the money flying out, not the plumber. Although that would be much more entertaining!)
Donna: I don't think it was THAT windy here yesterday!

I have a problem and I don't really know what to do, so please just let me vent for a moment. The other day (Tues? Wed? I'm not sure) it rained very hard all night. About 2 nights ago, I noticed that I kept hearing a weird noise in the house, at first I thought it was the heater switching on but it would turn on, stay on for just a few seconds (not more than 2 or 3), and then turn off again. This would repeat every 9 minutes - yes I timed it because it kept me awake all night, even through the morphine and the Ambien. Then in the morning I heard the heater switch on, and this other noise came on & off again while the heater was still running. Also, when the noise switched on, the lights in the house would dim for a second, like whatever it is, it's pulling a lot of power. This has been going on for several days, I think it was Thurs night that it first bothered me. Anyway, curiosity finally got the best of me and I ventured into the basement, which happens to be directly below my bedroom, to check it out. The smell hit me as soon as I opened the door - standing water. About 1/2 of the basement is covered in about 1 inch of water. The basement floor is concrete but it's pretty uneven, so the water is in puddles here & there. I can't tell if it came in from outside when we got that heavy rain, because there is a lot of water along the outside wall, or if the water heater is leaking, because there is also water under it and running in little trickles between there & the opposite (outside) wall. The noise I've been hearing is the sump pump. My parents are still away on their cruise until late tomorrow night. I don't know anything about this kind of thing, and I'm not sure what I can do. There isn't really anything ON the basement floor, everything is elevated so nothing is getting damaged. Obviously this has been going on for a few days, so I'm inclined to think, what can a couple more days hurt (except my sleep)? On the other hand, I'm worried that maybe something will go horribly wrong if I ignore it and I should call my grandparents in the morning and have them come over to look at it. To my knowledge, this is the first time this has happened since I've lived here, but I keep having visions of the money I just finshed paying off for the plumber flying out of my wallet! (I mean of course the money flying out, not the plumber. Although that would be much more entertaining!)

lyzziesmom....I have no idea as we don't have basements here in Oklahoma(most houses are built on slabs or crawl spaces). Hopefully someone with a basement can give you some good advice. I will have to say that I felt like I was in a Plum novel reading your post.:scared: I'm glad the smell was just water because Stephanie is always finding not so pleasant smells in the basements she checks out.:scared:
Hi everyone :cool1:

Jeremiah and I went to Barnes & Noble tonight and I read some gossip magazines. :cutie: It was a pretty boring day actually!!!

Lyzziesmom, We tried to watch Superman Returns and we turned it off. We never do that (especially Jeremiah) but that one was pretty bad!!!! I hope that basement thing isn't a big deal & doesn't cost too much money. :sad2:

Lesa, I hope Maddie starts feeling better soon!! Have fun at Wicked & The Cheesecake Factory!!!

Donna, I hope you get some sleep tonight. :)

Hi YM!!!!:flower3: :worship:
YM: You're cracking me up with the Plum comparison - now the musty water doesn't smell that bad! I don't know anything about basements other than that they are creepy, spiders live in them and they smell bad - and I'm not so good with stairs so I try to avoid going down there. Remember, I lived in FL for 15 years where they don't have basements, and even then I've lived in apartments except for when I lived with my folks, and then they took care of all that stuff.
Hi everyone :cool1:

Jeremiah and I went to Barnes & Noble tonight and I read some gossip magazines. :cutie: It was a pretty boring day actually!!!

Lyzziesmom, We tried to watch Superman Returns and we turned it off. We never do that (especially Jeremiah) but that one was pretty bad!!!! I hope that basement thing isn't a big deal & doesn't cost too much money. :sad2:

Lesa, I hope Maddie starts feeling better soon!! Have fun at Wicked & The Cheesecake Factory!!!

Donna, I hope you get some sleep tonight. :)

Hi YM!!!!:flower3: :worship:

Hi Ahsley:wave2: My DH got me short subscription to People...it's almost depressing but I enjoyed the special oscar issue.:rolleyes1 Did you have any good drinks/snacks while you were at B&N?popcorn::

YM: You're cracking me up with the Plum comparison - now the musty water doesn't smell that bad! I don't know anything about basements other than that they are creepy, spiders live in them and they smell bad - and I'm not so good with stairs so I try to avoid going down there. Remember, I lived in FL for 15 years where they don't have basements, and even then I've lived in apartments except for when I lived with my folks, and then they took care of all that stuff.

You pretty much summed up basements...sounds pretty creepy. Oh...I just remember it wasn't just dead bodies...Miss Plum also found caskets in one certain basement that she blew up.:scared: :rolleyes1

Hey...I dropped by the Janet Evanovich website and they had a few pages from chapter one "Lean Mean Thirteen"!:woohoo:
YM, Yes I did get a snack. Actually, three snacks because I got some to take home :blush: 2 cupcakes, a chocolate and vanilla, and a lemon/raspberry bar thing....I haven't eaten any of them though, just a bite of the lemon bar!! It was impluse snack buying....I couldn't decide so I got all three. :blush: :blush:
YM, Yes I did get a snack. Actually, three snacks because I got some to take home :blush: 2 cupcakes, a chocolate and vanilla, and a lemon/raspberry bar thing....I haven't eaten any of them though, just a bite of the lemon bar!! It was impluse snack buying....I couldn't decide so I got all three. :blush: :blush:

Yum! I'll have to live through you tonight for the good treats!:woohoo:
Good morning, Crew!!! I can't believe it's still sooo cold here this morning!! 25 degrees!!!:cold: I've got warm cinnamon rolls in the oven right now (really) and there's more than enough for everyone!!!:goodvibes


I hope everyone has a Simply Sensational Sunday!!!!:smickey:
Good morning, Crew!!! I can't believe it's still sooo cold here this morning!! 25 degrees!!!:cold: I've got warm cinnamon rolls in the oven right now (really) and there's more than enough for everyone!!!:goodvibes


I hope everyone has a Simply Sensational Sunday!!!!:smickey:

Yeah Donna...you saved the day. I pulled out my 'rolls' this am to bake and they were dinner rolls.:sad2:

It's cold here too...we are staying in from church becuase DS isn't feeling well.:rolleyes1
Yeah Donna...you saved the day. I pulled out my 'rolls' this am to bake and they were dinner rolls.:sad2:

It's cold here too...we are staying in from church becuase DS isn't feeling well.:rolleyes1

I'm glad I saved the day!!! I'm really munching on my cinnamom rolls right now and they are delicious!!!
Sorry you DS isn't feeling well. Hopefully a day in will make him feel better.:goodvibes
You said you were reading the dining reviews last night......have you made any decisions for your Dec. trip? Gary wants to eat at Sci-Fi, but I'm not so sure the guys would be crazy about the dinner menu. Maybe I should schedule a late lunch?:scatchin: Nathan wants do go to Chef Mickey's, too.
eta: I just checked the menu for Sci-Fi; lunch and dinner are the same on the Dis site.
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