Why don't we make this trip report about 2012 & 2013.

Had to come over and check out your PTR. I must admite that I am jealous that you are able to go on so many trips to the World. Excuse me know as I buy a lottery tickey in hopes of winning the big one to pay for my Disney Habit.:lmao:

Can't wait to read more and see some of those outfits you are going to make.:thumbsup2
okay just a quick drive by :drive:.I am washing fabric and such.

J just arrived home from school and he was in the same clothing I sent him in. They are potty training there. No accidents there :banana::banana::banana:

I am so grateful for the teacher he has this year. I think that is why I am so scared of him going to kindergarten in the fall.Even if it will be special ed.

off to fold fabric while he finishes Speech
Yay for little J and no accidents... I was nervous sending my girls to Kindergarten too, I can't imagine how you must feel. If it makes you feel any better at all (which I know it won't) - I am waaaay more nervous about sending them to middle school than I was about sending them to kindergarten... ACK!

D~ C starts middle school in the fall but we are extremely lucky because she is just moving up in her building. So it isn't as big as going to a brand new school.

I worry about J because he can't tell me if something happens.

I am still washing and folding fabric.The last load is in the washer.

I also discovered I may just be able to buy the desk part and add to my existing Expedit shelves.I may try to run out to IKEA on Friday afternoon.
D~ C starts middle school in the fall but we are extremely lucky because she is just moving up in her building. So it isn't as big as going to a brand new school.

I can't believe that C is middle school age - she looks so tiny in pics!

I worry about J because he can't tell me if something happens.
I just can't imagine what that must be like. Do you communicate with his teachers through journals then? That's how we did it with my brother - however - now that everyone is digital, they probably have some really fantastic communication between parents and teachers.

I am still washing and folding fabric.The last load is in the washer.

I also discovered I may just be able to buy the desk part and add to my existing Expedit shelves.I may try to run out to IKEA on Friday afternoon.

Yay for finishing washing fabric... I hate doing that too - but it must be done. I hope that your trip to Ikea on Friday works out so you can just buy the desk - I wish I could go with you - it would be a fun trip! :thumbsup2

I love IKEA and I love going without Kids. I wonder if I could talk my mom into playing hooky from work with me :rotfl2:

no Hi Tech way. we communicate in a composition book.

She is rather tiny. She weighs a wopping 75lbs and still wears a size 8 in most things except on top there she is a 10-12.

okay the dryer just went off so I have more fabric to fold.
I wrapped over 60 pieces of fabric and moved my space around. I want to get a new table for my sewing machines and I will love my space.

Tomorrow at work I will cut more fabric boards so I can finish up. I also have quite a bit of fabric to wash. I like to wash the fabric so it is ready to go.

Oh and I have a goal to use a lot of my fabric before purchasing any more. I will take pictures once I get this section of the basement done.

Sounds like you had a busy time. I can't wait to see the pictures of your space when it is all done!

Hooray for no accidents for J!
A little Disney planning news I booked the flights for our August trip today. I was able to get our favorite early flight on Jet Blue for under $350 a person. This flight doesn't always pop up so I was glad to see it.

I need to start doing some serious planning for April. DH has even suggested Rope Drop for a couple of days especially for DHS :)
WHOOT!!!! For the August flights!!! I agree - you need to start planning for April! :)

So I heard a rumor that Test Track isn't closing until the 15th of April so I am debating the Test Track Outfit though it will probably look better in my mind than the finished product.
OMG!!! I think a TT outfit would be adorable!!! I've seen them before - and they are just TDF!!!

What are your dates for your April trip again?

We are going from the 6th to the 12th. It would be a surprise outfit for DD.

okay so I am trying to get back on track and be more productive so here goes.

Today 1/10/11

  1. send papers for evaluations for J DONE
  2. cut remaining boards for fabric DONE
  3. fold fabric on boards DONE
  4. hang pictures
  5. cut out Cs Easy Fits
  6. Print measurements for order
  7. cut out pants for order
A little Disney planning news I booked the flights for our August trip today. I was able to get our favorite early flight on Jet Blue for under $350 a person. This flight doesn't always pop up so I was glad to see it.

I need to start doing some serious planning for April. DH has even suggested Rope Drop for a couple of days especially for DHS :)

Hooray for getting flights. I keep checking Southwest, even though I don't have any plans.

We are going from the 6th to the 12th. It would be a surprise outfit for DD.

okay so I am trying to get back on track and be more productive so here goes.

Today 1/10/11

  1. send papers for evaluations for J
  2. cut remaining boards for fabric
  3. fold fabric on boards
  4. hang pictures
  5. cut out Cs Easy Fits
  6. Print measurements for order
  7. cut out pants for order

I love the satisfaction of checking things off a list. Hope everything gets done. I have my quilting group at church today.
You sound like you will be busy today. Great score on the flights since you will get in early to make the most of your day.

The Test Track outfit sounds great and would be perfect since it will be under repair right after your trip.
Not trip related but J related. There is a lot with having a special needs kid. Especially when said child is aging out from the Preschool system to the Special Education System.

Yesterday I received a letter stating they need my consent for new evaluations to place him. So this morning I called the number and spoke to a lovely gentleman named Cesar who is our social worker overseeing. He explained next I would be contacted by one of the psychologists for the eval. I also sent my report from our Developmental Pediatrician.

So I found out I was only the second parent to talk to him so hopefully I am at the top of the list LOL.

So that is one thing off my list. I am somewhat busy at work so next I am cutting my fabric boards then I actually have to work :( :lmao::mad::eek:
I was crazy busy at work today UGH.

I have the pictures I want to hang laid out and need to reframe a couple. I am going to have a hard time finishing my list but am going to try though. Need to find the picture hangers.

Also may see if I have any of the paint left for the basement and fix the wall first LOL.
You are one busy girly - I don't know how in the world you keep up with all of it??? I only do half of what you do on any given day - and I fall into bed exhaused every night.

A little Disney planning news I booked the flights for our August trip today. I was able to get our favorite early flight on Jet Blue for under $350 a person. This flight doesn't always pop up so I was glad to see it.

I need to start doing some serious planning for April. DH has even suggested Rope Drop for a couple of days especially for DHS :)

That's a wonderful price for the August tickets. We are still trying to search for tickets for our August trip!

Not trip related but J related. There is a lot with having a special needs kid. Especially when said child is aging out from the Preschool system to the Special Education System.

Yesterday I received a letter stating they need my consent for new evaluations to place him. So this morning I called the number and spoke to a lovely gentleman named Cesar who is our social worker overseeing. He explained next I would be contacted by one of the psychologists for the eval. I also sent my report from our Developmental Pediatrician.

So I found out I was only the second parent to talk to him so hopefully I am at the top of the list LOL.

So that is one thing off my list. I am somewhat busy at work so next I am cutting my fabric boards then I actually have to work :( :lmao::mad::eek:

Sounds like the system is helping you with J's transition. I hope things will go smoothly with the evaluation and transition.


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