Wickedly Creative people NEEDED to help for surprise for the Wife! CLUE 3 POSTED!!


Mind - meet gutter; gutter - meet mind.
Jun 20, 2007
HELP!! I need your HELP!! I am in over my head, but need to pull off the surprise of the year!!

A little background: My wife and I have a little tradition of taking anniversary trips each year without the urchin(s). Typically what happened is that if it is an “odd” anniversary year, my wife would plan the trip and if it is an “even” year, I am in charge of the plan. I, of course, being a DIS’er tend to be a little bit more anal about the planning of these trips and tend to get a little elaborate – which fortunately the wifey loves.

Now as we have gotten older, and the children have mainly grown (she gave me 2 from a previous *ahem* marriage and we have one together, our first two are now “adults” leaving us with just a 12 y/o at home) and we have a little bit more money, the trips have gotten a little bigger. Originally they started out as an overnight stay, then progressed to a weekend stay somewhere in the Midwest area, then Vegas, etc.

For our 10 year anniversary, I surprised her with a cruise, but I also made up “poems” of 10 lines each, giving her “clues” as to where we going. I started by sending her 10 flowers 10 weeks before our 10th anniversary date with 10 lines of poetry explaining what was going to happen, and planned to give her clues once a week. Unfortunately, she loved the idea so much, she *made* me give her the clues much faster – that and google tripped me up. However, I’d like to do it again for our 14th anniversary; this time around, the clues will be harder, the rules more firm, and the anticipation will be constantly building.

Oddly, with all of our travels (10 cruises, 15 trips to Vegas, multiple trips to Florida, California, etc) She has never stepped foot into any of the parks at Walt Disney World. Just last year, we actually stayed in Orlando, went bar hopping by monorail at WDW, had dinner at the California Grill, watching “Wishes” from the balcony, and went to Pleasure Island twice – but we wound up visiting Sea World and Busch Gardens.

One other year with the kids, we mainly stayed in Orlando, but went to Daytona, both Universal Parks, Jeykll Island and more, but on the day we were supposed to go to the Magic Kingdom, both of us had horrible sunburn from our time on Daytona Beach and literally couldn’t walk – thereby scuttling that part of the trip.

Personally, I hadn’t been to a Disney Park since I was 16 but have long harbored a secret ambition to go back so these setbacks were crushing, but it just never seem to get high enough on her priority board to schedule a trip to do so – until I stumbled upon the DIS and learned about free dining last year.

Knowing that my wife didn’t necessarily harbor the same Disney dreams as I, I gathered up the courage to ask if I could take the youngest to Disney in late August for a (too)-short stay. I even volunteered to have my allowance cut, as well as giving up some other bargaining chips not appropriate for a family website. Once she said muttered the magic words, “Sure, go ahead – have fun” I quickly booked. Trust me – it was a fair trade!!

Well my youngest and I had those 4 ½ days which were even more fun than I had possibly anticipated, and I quickly figured that my wife would absolutely love to go, especially Epcot but would enjoy most of the others as well, because it’s not really about the “thrill” rides, but more the experience and the ambience and of course, the magic.

I currently have her believing that the two of us will take a quickie trip around Labor day, because after my 900+ photos and other descriptions, she is finally starting to “sort of” get it and it has slowly, but surely moved up on the priority list.

But in reality, when I went in August is was too hot – and the dinner crowds were nearly out of control, and probably MOST importantly there won’t be the Garden & Flower show. My wife loves to garden – slowly but surely, she is taking over our entire yard with plants and flowers – the dogs are trying their best to slow the advance of foliage, but there is only so much they can do.

So I have planned this as our anniversary trip – I have reservations at POFQ (couldn’t quite pull the trigger for any of the deluxe resorts), 5-day passes and the DDP for four nights. I tried to find either the most interesting or romantic restaurants or areas to visit. I really only plan on being in the parks in the morning, with the exception of one fuller day at Epcot (we will go here twice) Again, it’s not going to be the attractions so much, as it will be the magic of just being.

This will allow for naps (something she adores), but will also allow us to visit some of the other resorts, take a boat trip from POFQ to DTD, spend a night on the Boardwalk, spend some time at the Adventurers Club and enjoy some quality restaurants, such as Coral Reef, Spoodles, Kona Café and Le Cellier, and most importantly, some snuggle time. ;-)

So after this extremely long-winded introduction, you’ll remember I asked for Wicked Creative help – here is what I need. I need ideas, I need verses, in short I need some people with more talent than me to help me pull this off.

I already have given her the first clue, listed below, as well as the official “rules” – I noticed near her computer she wrote down Lake Tahoe – which is good – but for the next few clues, I want her to be as far away as possible, yet without “lying” to her. I know she will be sharing these clues with her friends and co-workers so they have to be tough, yet fair – best yet, will be clues with possible double meanings!!

Below are the rules and the first clue, perhaps this will allow you, the dear reader, to see the battle I am facing.


1.) I will not answer any questions, including what the destination is, EVEN if you guess it, unless you are able to answer at least 50% of the clues given – to be honest some are really obscure, BUT with enough research and some luck their meaning will be come clear.
2.) I will give you one sheet of clues each week, but not necessarily the same day each week. For purposes of definition, a week is defined from Sunday-Saturday.
3.) For the previous weeks clue I will provide a new sheet the following with the actual lines that were indeed true clues italicized. Some lines are just filler.
4.) Clues will not necessarily always be given to you, some may have to be “found” – so keep your eyes peeled.
5.) Swearing and cursing at me because I have spent more time on this than you have is not allowed and will possibly result in the LOSS of your next clue.
6.) I reserve that right to add more rules as I see fit.

Have fun!!!


So you want to do this once agin,
Now it’s up to me, to figure where to begin.

Making a new fourteen lines of prose
One for each successful year, I ‘spose

What a challenge you make for me
As I ain’t no Mr. Arlo Guthrie

You’d like to know where we go
But to me, that’s all part of the show

The only problem is, I can’t make this easy - no sirree
I gotta make this last at least through the end of Februaree…

Broaden your mind to focus on the World we make.
I’d advise it best to put your attention on a good view lake.

Yes indeed, there were a few clues in these verses
One only hopes, there were enough to stop your curses.

The clues in the above are as follows

Line 6 – Arlo Guthrie is performing at the flower/garden festival while we are there
Line 8 – The show – all of Disney is considered a show, hence the term cast members
Line 11 – The World – either Walt Disney World, or the World showcase (this is going to be my one white lie, I am not going to italicize this one, I think she might latch on to it)
Line 12 – Good view Lake – loosely translated in Spanish to Lake Buena Vista

Some further ideas I have for future verses will include

Stacy, from the TV show broadcast in the resorts
Flower and Garden Festival – changed to be google proof.
Tony ORLANDO & Dawn or a reference to a yellow ribbon…
The cellar – for Le Cellier
Cirque references
Pin Trading

But in reality, I think the list is endless – but I need YOUR help to help me create ideas – perhaps you have some offbeat words I can rhyme, perhaps you have a verse or two – any help will be appreciated, because I have to create over 200 lines of poetry – and as you can tell from above, it’s not my strong suit.

In exchange, I will post the clues I give her here so you too can play along – deal? DEAL!!

i really like ur ideas and i see u put a lot of thought into this and i am truly jealous, i wish i could surprise teh gf right now, but funds are low, so ill just live vicariously through you. maybe its just me, but teh good view lake is a little obvious. especially if she is having others help her with it. anybody with some spanish insight would get that one, and if that person just so happens to have been to disney before, they surely know lake buena vista. ill respond back in here a little later when i think of something good. good luck in teh mean time.
Somehow you've definitely got to work in a castle hint, but of course that's very tricky because it could be such a giveaway. I'm not quite sure how yet, but I'd probably somehow focus it on the murals. They are made of glass w/ silver and gold in the mix also. Glass, silver & gold are of course all traditional gifts for various anniversary years, or you could utilize the colors or even something like not wanting your plan to make her red with rage, but all of her friends green w/ envy, since those are used to depict the stepsisters.
Wow - this is FANTASTIC!!! I love the subtle way you are tying the clues in. I'm going in May and I didn't get half of them!

I think you should tie in dreams, for the year of a million dreams celebration, and also something about magic for Disney magic. Pixie dust is always a good reference for Disney, too.

A lovely, romantic, and very good and unique restaurant on property to try that you may not know much about is Jiko at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. I would try to work that into your plans.

I hope you'll keep this thread going and update us with your further clues! I can't wait to hear more about how this plays out.
you are that guy. Wow, I think I'll post this on our fridge to tell my husband he needs to do stuff like this :O)

Good luck and have a terrific time.
Just brainstorming:

You could drop hints about a country or two at WS, but not many--that would be a dead give-away.
EX: "dive" for pearls in Japan, ride a viking ship in Norway, visit an Incan temple in Mexico, go across the English Channel (the bridge between "England" and "France"), see Colonial America (they do that in Williamsburg, VA), visit a winery in Italy or France

You could mention visiting where the President resides (Hall of Presidents)

I would definitely play up the "shows" and "costumes" (think Vegas). You could work in Cirque w/ this line also. (but I would change the word to "Circus")

I think I would pick one area of the world and make all the clues fit that area. (Vegas could be the lake (Tahoe), the shows, the costumes (head and wardrobe), the (Disney) Dollars, the characters ("you could meet some real goofy characters there"). Isn't there a hotel in Vegas that looks like a castle? (I've never been) Are you doing a water park? Blizzard Beach has "snow" and "slopes" and a "ski jump". Don't forget the mountains (Splash, Big Thunder, Space). And don't forget all the shopping (DTD).

That's all I can think of right now.

Good luck and have fun.
I thought of something else:

You could incorporate "movies", the studio, and "Hollywood" (Tower of Terror)

The Great Movie Ride has a Wild West adventure and a Gangster adventure. There is also a lot of memorabilia about Walt's movie making techniques and equipment.
Thanks all for the ideas and help - still would love more.

DisneyLandMan - I hope you are wrong about the good view lake, I think one thing I haev going in my favor there is being from the midwest, we aren't exposed to a lot of Mexican/Spanish influence - we think TacoBell is real mexican food.

Cabanafrau - I like the castle idea IF I can tie it in with something over seas; we have passports and we've talked about doing Europe in the near future, so if I can lead her that way for at least a couple weeks I'd be happy. Thanks for the ideas!

WDWGuru - I promise to keep posting as long as I keep getting help! So far so good, but I'm not above plagiarizing someone else's work either - so feel free to write some lyrics. Regarding the restaurants, my son and I did Boma and I love AKL, so we are going definitely tour it and see the savanna, but if I change my ADR's any more, I'll probably go nuts.

Collcass - It works both ways, if she didn't appreciate this it wouldn't nearly be as much fun, but when she lights up when she thinks a clue is near, it makes it all worthwhile.

DBarker - Great ideas, definitely will include them - I just need a few weeks of making her think as far away as possible, if she narrows in on the states, she's smart enough to zoom in on this - whereas if she thinks it's overseas her knowledge is a little bit more limited. (There's the problem with smart girls, you have to think harder to outwit them...)

I'm still looking for help - as she is due a clue by Saturday, so fire up boys and girls and give me a hand!!!
Sorry I don't have anything for your poems, but just a couple romantic suggestions of things to do.

Don't forget to plan in walking around World Showcase at night. Very romantic.

Also, there is a service called, Gifts of a Lifetime. It's pricey though. I used it one time and it was wonderful. Read some of the things they've done. Really special!!! Just sounds like something you'd like to surprise her with and it's very different. Again, it is pretty pricey though.
This is such an amazing thing to do for her. I love it!! Grats to you for being such a romantic. :cheer2:

Now my brain is more on fizzle than creative lately but if a light bulb goes off I'll let you know. :idea: :laughing:

As we arrive at number two
do you as yet have any clue

You know how much I love you dear
A haunted place you should not fear.

Although this trip will be a dream
There may be times when you will scream.

Though please don't worry 'bout a thing
Nothing will go wrong in the beautiful spring.

Speaking of spring for which you care
Do you smell flowers in the air?

Look here, look there, look everywhere
It's possible to see a bear

Oh me, oh my what have I done
That game hunter might have a gun.

Ok I gave it a shot. :laughing: use any of it or use none of it. Was fun to do either way.

Line 4 - Haunted Mansion
Line 5- year of a million dreams
line 6 - anything attraction she may scream on
7, 8, 9 & 10 the spring and the flower and garden festival
11 & 12 - country bears
13 & 14 - Animal Kingdom/AKL/ Safari/ and more

I have to echo what PP's have said...I'm no poet, but do have an idea for you.

You could use art as part of a clue. The Art of Disney store in DTD has BEAUTIFUL artwork. The mosaic in the Castle is also unbelievable. Feel free to laugh uncontroably at my lines! :) :rotfl:

1. We'll wander through and see some art,
wow, aren't these guys really smart?

2. Lots of tiny pieces lay,
seeing these might make your day.

3. We'll see the sights but will not miss,
the chance to steal a little kiss.

4. We'll see the lovely, beautiful sights,
we might even see a lot of lights.

5. If we need to rest our brains,
we'll hop aboard a magical train.

6. Is that beautiful music that you hear,
or just whispered sweet nothings in your ear?

1: Art of Disney or the Castle
2: The mosaics in the Castle
3: Wandering through ANYWHERE :)
4: Walking through WS, MK, or DTD. You will see twinkling lights at some WS countries, in the trees at MK, and at DTD. "Lights" could also refer to fireworks.
5. Could either mean the train in MK, or the monorail.
6. The music all over Disney is amazing! Especially during the nightly fireworks.

Again, feel free to laugh! :) Hope I've helped a little.
I thought of another idea. You could make reference to the beach (could be at a water park, or the resorts around MK.

Let's have a stroll along the beach,
a romantic night is within your reach.

Having a picnic on the beach,
a romantic time is within your reach.

The second could refer to having a picnic snack while watching the electric water pagent.

Okay...I might get hooked on this! Sorry in advance :rotfl: :rolleyes1
I love this guy! WOW, incredible effort! Can't wait to see how this one plays out.

My only thought at the moment - sorry, rushed to get ready for work right now, is that maybe you should capitalize all three words in Good View Lake.

VERY NICE!!!!!!!!!
Work intervenes - more tonight, but there are definitely a few lines I'm going to "lift" and use, maybe not in this weeks clue but the ones I will use as I get closer to re-steering her back to the "real" answer.

Stay tuned - I hope to post next weeks clue tonight!!

p.s. if anyone had any great ideas for places to "hide" these clues, I'd be listening as well

See ya tonight!!
I'm sorry I can't help, but I'm not creative in this way at all-- but I just wanted to say how wonderful this is!! I would just die if my husband would put this much effort into something for me. You two must have a lot of "spark" in your marriage! :rolleyes1
I'll be lurking to see how this turns out! Good luck.... :flower3:
Subscribing...this is a great thread only wish I could add to it. Now where can I get a guy like you cloned cause I'm still searching for my Dis/Disney prince charming :lmao: I'll post this link on the other boards I'm subscribed too and enlist some more help if possible. Good luck and great poems and ideas everyone! :thumbsup2
Also, there is a service called, Gifts of a Lifetime. It's pricey though. I used it one time and it was wonderful. Read some of the things they've done. Really special!!! Just sounds like something you'd like to surprise her with and it's very different. Again, it is pretty pricey though.

I need some more coffee before I can muster up poetry! Just wanted to mention that I used Gifts of a Lifetime for my 20th anniversary trip and they were wonderful. My husband and boys still talk about it.
We met in EPCOT and they designed a scavenger hunt type event ending with a romantic moment that we could all share. We saw parts of the World Showcase that I normally wouldn't see. Plus, all involved were so nice!
They have a Web site with more info if you are interested....You could incorporate a clue that says something like "around the world in 80 minutes" (see told ya I needed coffee)
Anyway, you have great ideas! I hope you have a wonderful time.
OOH, ...I have one!

Here's a clue you may not miss...
It's from a song that goes like this...

"Some Enchanted evening, you may meet a stranger
You may meet a stranger--across a crowded room."

(referencing Disney's new move "Enchanted" and of course, crowds! She'll probably think it refers to some South Pacific Island--and it could, because of the Polynesian Resort)
Can you mentor my husband? :lmao: We'll be celebrating our 14th anniversary this summer. In the card he gave me for our anniversary last year, he'd written "Happy 14th!" :rotfl: I told him I'd save the card for this year.

Yes, I still love him all the same ... :laughing: But he could still use some mentoring!


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