wii or ps3

wii or PS3

  • Wii

  • PS3

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<font color=darkorchid>Poster from a Wii and a DS,
Jun 3, 2006
which u like better i like we better and why u like it better well becuase its all around better
Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii, Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii...

PS3, just because Nintendo's name change is horrible :crazy:

I do love the look of that new Zelda game, however. But I still haven't played Windwaker yet.
Mnementh said:
PS3, just because Nintendo's name change is horrible :crazy:

I do love the look of that new Zelda game, however. But I still haven't played Windwaker yet.
don't play windwaker it will make you cry at how low the graphics went.
the graphics are now being used for a DS game the phantom hourglass.

The plot of the game was good but the graphics were horrible

i am reserving my wii this sunday, along with my zelda game.

Also birdman94 how many threads have you created with the word wii in them.

I ahve seen a ton.
Alphawazup said:
don't play windwaker it will make you cry at how low the graphics went.
the graphics are now being used for a DS game the phantom hourglass.

The plot of the game was good but the graphics were horrible

i am reserving my wii this sunday, along with my zelda game.

Also birdman94 how many threads have you created with the word wii in them.

I ahve seen a ton.
Games aren't about graphics. Ocarina of time is considered the best game of all time by many people and it's graphics stunk. Gameplay over graphics... .-.

I say Wii, because I want a new system, not a better graphics machine. That's really the main thing that sets the Xbox from the 360 and besides the tile controller the PS2 from the PS3. More storage and better graphics.

By the way... How many threads do you need to make about the Wii?!
My ultimate console wars goal is to get a WiiS360, or all of them. Yea right, but I'd much rather get a Wii60 (Wii and 360), since I'd end up using the 360 for my hardcore gaming and the Wii for the sheer enjoyment. I can't vote I guess.

Anyway, Sony dropped a nuke on longtime PS players. No more renting (generally how I decide whether the game is worth it or not), $600 price tag to get things that will only cost you more if you buy the basic set, games costing "possibly more than $60, but less than $100", completely ripping off all the competition (Their means of selling the system/ the "never-before thought of" motion controlled and wireless controllers, it's like a carnival of failure. But the system will still sell.

I think the best was that Sony released all of 2 consoles per major city for preorder, and then stated that they were pleased that their system sold out of preorders by noon that day. Hmm.. I wonder why?[sarcasm] Sony sure is a money-making machine.[/sarcasm]

The Xbox looks promising, but is geared towards older audiences. If I manage to save up enough money for one of these the first games I'm getting are Dead Rising, Gears of War, and either Oblivion or Halo 2.

And now to the Wii. This looks very promising, and the console could potentially get major third party support, what with the innovative control system. But it gets iffy when you look at Nintendo's old track record. Nintendo is a handheld company first apparently. If you look at the first party support from the GameCube, you'll notice there wasn't very much. Sure there were some gems from Nintendo, but not very many. Their portable games usually end up with Nintendo's attention above all since it's becoming such a major part of gaming. We are almost always on the move, and because of that, portable gaming is a major player in gaming society. Nintendo realizes this, and are using that information.

Just my two cents, feel free to comment/agree/disagree.

Alphawazup said:
don't play windwaker it will make you cry at how low the graphics went.
the graphics are now being used for a DS game the phantom hourglass.

The plot of the game was good but the graphics were horrible

I pity you. Some of the greatest games graphics may not stand up to today's standards, but they are still great. Castelvania: Symphony of the Night, System Shock II, Half-Life, the list goes on and on. Graphics play a role ion gaming, but ti's the interactivity of it that makes it a game rather than a movie. It makes me sad when I see people base their judgment on a game from the graphics.

Mnementh said:
PS3, just because Nintendo's name change is horrible :crazy:

I'm assuming this is a joke, correct me if I am wrong. I can not help but agree with you though, the name is dreadful, although every knows the name. Me and my friends refuse to cal it the Wii, rather by it's original name, the Revolution. Really liked that name better, since it gave the image that this console was going to Revolutionize the way people play games (which it very well might.)
Yes, that was only a joke, and in my honest opinion, I really can't decide. All three systems have some kick butt games (Zelda and Mario for Nintendo, Halo for 360, and my personal favorite, Final Fantasy for PS3), but there's no way I'll be able to afford a PS3 or any games for one until about 2010, when it only costs $300 :rotfl: I'm gonna miss my final fantasy games.

None of those three systems are worth what they cost, though, because aside from those games listed above, all other games are crap, pretty much. I wouldn't pay that much money for a system and play only two games on it.
Mnementh said:
Yes, that was only a joke, and in my honest opinion, I really can't decide. All three systems have some kick butt games (Zelda and Mario for Nintendo, Halo for 360, and my personal favorite, Final Fantasy for PS3), but there's no way I'll be able to afford a PS3 or any games for one until about 2010, when it only costs $300 :rotfl: I'm gonna miss my final fantasy games.

None of those three systems are worth what they cost, though, because aside from those games listed above, all other games are crap, pretty much. I wouldn't pay that much money for a system and play only two games on it.
Hold out with Final Fantasy XII, and remember, Squeenix loves the DS more than the PSP.
Hold on I think I read that nintentdo made the wind waker like that on purpose to change game play and the wii can play old school systems like Turbo Graphix and Gennisis and perhaps more the wii is the only one worth it the 360 is wicked but cost to much and microsoft is cheating you buy selling the hard disk/memorie and thing that allows you to play the normal xbox games and the PS1 has motion sensing and rumble controllor not new there thank you very much play station so I think nintendo is just trying to add alot and be affordable :) I am very into video games and my dad owns alot of old school games so I know my info:)
jasonpwns said:
Hold on I think I read that nintentdo made the wind waker like that on purpose to change game play and the wii can play old school systems like Turbo Graphix and Gennisis and perhaps more the wii is the only one worth it the 360 is wicked but cost to much and microsoft is cheating you buy selling the hard disk/memorie and thing that allows you to play the normal xbox games and the PS1 has motion sensing and rumble controllor not new there thank you very much play station so I think nintendo is just trying to add alot and be affordable :) I am very into video games and my dad owns alot of old school games so I know my info:)
You have to consider what's going on inside of the Xbox. Naturally they're charging alot now because they need to make up for the cost of the system. Once they've made enough money to lower the price tag without worry it will go down.

I can't help but agree with you on the Plaugerized 3.

Also, I'm not entirely sure you'll be playing TurboGrafix or the Genesis on the Wii, as those weren't Nintendo consoles. Unless Nintendo developed a game or two for those consoles you won't see it there unless it was ported to the NES/SNES. Although I wouldn't mind playing Altered Beast with people I've never met on online. "Rise from you grave..."

And yes, Windwaker's graphics were developed that way to give a more simplified look to the game. Also, it allowed them to animate the Wind "leaves blowing and what-not" with much more ease than it would have been if the game had a realistic look.
Windwaker was one of the best games ever made, and when you really look at it, the frames per second were amazing and the graphics were very crisp. And trust me, I was one of those that waited a year deciding if I should get the game because of the cel shading. I didn't regret it.

I voted Wii. I have Zelda preordered, and I will be getting it when Thanksgiving break starts, so I will be content for a long time to come. I also love the weather channel, the photo and movie editing software on it, and the news channel as well.
shadow pirate said:
You have to consider what's going on inside of the Xbox. Naturally they're charging alot now because they need to make up for the cost of the system. Once they've made enough money to lower the price tag without worry it will go down.

I can't help but agree with you on the Plaugerized 3.

Also, I'm not entirely sure you'll be playing TurboGrafix or the Genesis on the Wii, as those weren't Nintendo consoles. Unless Nintendo developed a game or two for those consoles you won't see it there unless it was ported to the NES/SNES. Although I wouldn't mind playing Altered Beast with people I've never met on online. "Rise from you grave..."

And yes, Windwaker's graphics were developed that way to give a more simplified look to the game. Also, it allowed them to animate the Wind "leaves blowing and what-not" with much more ease than it would have been if the game had a realistic look.

Uh it was on a nintendo commercial and one of there sites said it can play those games so yes
jasonpwns said:
Uh it was on a nintendo commercial and one of there sites said it can play those games so yes
They probably paid through the nose to get Sega and who ever made the TurboGrafix to give them the rights to the game. Otherwise, it makes NO sense what so ever. Hopefully Nintendo has enough sense to pick up Altered Beast, SplatterHouse, and Strider. I'll go emo if they don't.

Also, to help tip those people debating whether or not they want a Wii to Nintendo's side, the consoles come packaged with a copy of Wii Sports. That's a free game.

Also, Prince of Persia. I say that that series made me feel like a ninja, and that the controls might have you speed killing if they keep that feature. Can't wait.

Far cry.

What really confuses me is that they don't have SSBB on the official site. Oh yea, that go pushed back so they can work on Happy Feet. HAPPY FEET?? That movie looks terrible, and if it follows the norm of movies to games, the game will be worse.
PS3 for me! :) it has great graphics i guess plus i am a playstation user from the start. i got my PS1 and PS2 games still so i don't have to start all over my collection of games by buying a different system.
coolaronie said:
PS3 for me! :) it has great graphics i guess plus i am a playstation user from the start. i got my PS1 and PS2 games still so i don't have to start all over my collection of games by buying a different system.

Lol well the wii is a game cube also it has 4 game cube controller slots 2 gamecube memory slots a cd drive I think so it runs the wii and game cube
Bleh. I still have my original Game Boy (yes with the green & black screen), my Super Nintendo and N64. And I never play them. The systems aren't even hooked up.

Don't think I'll be buying a new gaming system anytime soon. :p
coolaronie said:
PS3 for me! :) it has great graphics i guess plus i am a playstation user from the start. i got my PS1 and PS2 games still so i don't have to start all over my collection of games by buying a different system.
I have just about every single Sony console out as of Nov. 12th, except for the canceled PSX. And, yea, the graphics are really nice. I'm beggining to like the PS3 more now.

The main reason for me being less harsh on the PS3 now is because I had this really awesome dream. It started with me at Gamestop, and for one reason or another the wheeled the checkout counter away. So, I started playing the demo, and they had a PS3 console out with a demo. Now, one of my all time favorite serieses is the Sly Cooper trilogy. So, the PS3 had a demo of a new Sly game, and it was so awesome I can not even get close to explaining it. You tilted the controler in the direction you wanted to go, and Sly sneaky-kill-combo was completely reworked for the game. You had to tilt the controler around with the game to use the ability. It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. the graphics were wonderful, and the whole part of that dream left me in awe. If ever they make that game I will be so extremely excited.
One of the things I like about the wii is that you can play N64, gamecube, SNES, and so on. We have so many great games that would eventually go to waste if they didn't have this feature. However, I'll probably have to wait a couple years to get it, these things are getting so expensive.



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