WISH Away the Pounds--January 2013 challenge--Everyone Welcome!

Good Morning Everyone!

It's been a great month! I made my goal and I'm so proud if myself. I'm looking forward to February BL. Also, I am definitely in for the " plank a day keeps the fat away " challenge :)

- Melinda

Glad you are in and love love the Name! ........P
Hi everyone! Gee, January went by fast! I just want to say how this board helps keep me motivated.
If I did that plank thing right now, I'd prolly kill myself! LOL! But just wait until they fix my knee at the end of the month and WATCH OUT come summer. LOL
And Woo Hooo! I really underestimated my goal for January. I figured that with the holidays, a Disney cruise and 10 days in the parks I'd be happy just to maintain for the month. I really surprised myself. After six months, I think the new "habits" are really kicking in.
Eagerly awaiting those final weigh ins....

And looking forward to reading some WooHoo moments from January. :)
Guess my woohoo moment was yesterday when I discovered what a great snack pickled gherkins are!!! I have a large jar on my desk to help with the snack attack now!!!

Will get weighed in the morning before work and send in my final 'score'

When is the Feb challenge page being set up??? (or have I already missed it somewhere!)
OK, so I'm in for the plank a day keeps the fat away program but how do I do a plank?? LOL

I really want a WOOHOO for January but right now I'm feeling frustrated. I have done everything perfectly this week and the scale has yet to budge. Not an ounce all week. I'm a little irritated.
The only difference I have seen is I'm not as bloated as usual. That's it.
What am I doing wrong?
Just gotta say this and then I'll go away..... the reason you probably ate too much of that yummy dinner was because your breakfast and lunch look like it they are really lacking. Little to no protein, no veggies, and too much sugar. And breakfast of oatmeal is okay, but not great.... especially depending on the type of oatmeal... steel cut oats are best.... instant oats, not so much. And I don't see any vegetables in your entire day other than the can of tomatoes with dinner. Your body was starving by dinner time and you were on a slippery slope leading to overeating. I hate to sound harsh, but you set yourself up for this by not eating well during the day. Please don't take offense.... I realize it sounds "preachy" and I really just want to be helpful. The dinner sounds delicious. But you need to eat better earlier in the day. .... Now I'll go away.

No-- it's ok. I really was at a loss this week--I need to do some grocery shopping lol. I'm so used to being stocked up on everything I couldn't even believe I didn't have any breakfast stuff around--the oatmeal was a last resort. I did use steel cut oats and added a can of pumpkin and a lot of raisins. I know my lunch didn't sound great but I snack a lot in my dept-- I make samples and have to 'try' them lol. Then with the rice thing-- I went to the produce dept. after I got off and was going to add some red pepper-- but they were $2.99 each and I refuse to buy produce that isn't farm fresh for that price. I thought for sure I had some corn chowder to add to everything and was flummoxed to find we have eaten all of our soup except for a few cans of tomato basil. Plus that stuff turned out really good! It was vine tomatoes I added too--but they were so ripe they cookid down to almost nothing very quickly.....This says something for cupboard organizing-- I really need to go through my freezers and cupboards to see what I have. I'm making a costco trip today and our store is have an employee sale Fri or sat so I'll do some shopping then too. I really do love my rice cooker-- it cooks so quick I think I'll be adding rice that cooks slower--mixing it in with the other-- the husband is heavily opposed to these things--hates whole grained pasta etc.
Got the kittens fixed yesterday--went really well, had my Roots moment when they we're being carried off-- then I came home and slept pretty much all day. Got up--had some breakfast about 1:30 and realized Misty had escaped-- we left the back gate open--so went out in the rain and called her weaving around 4- blocks, went home and was getting out my bike, another of my cats ran out and 'found' her under a tree lol---I immediately heard growling lol. Picked up kittens and slept with them for a few hours, then got up, ate dinner and did an awesome work out. Our gym finally got the new equipment--there's 2 new ellipticals with the arm things that move-- awesome. They cleaned out Triumph's ears which was really nice of them and they both got revolution-- so it seems I am forgiven. His ears we're really bad--everyone else got treated around here lately but he was impossible about the process....Dosed up everyone else on advantage and we've had some actual peace around here....nice. Gonna go work out....Have a great one!
Good morning all! :goodvibes

QOTD Wednesday, January 30, 2013: It's Woo Hoo Wednesday! Give yourself a big "woo hoo" for helping yourself to be healthy and share something that you did this week or this challenge to help you with your goals.

BRB with my tardy replies. :blush:
I tracked my food every day since jan 2nd when I joined ww. And I met my goal for the month! Whoo hoo!

And a huge whoo hoo to everyone else too!! Whether you reached your goal, or worked towards it, you deserve to celebrate!!

OK, so I'm in for the plank a day keeps the fat away program but how do I do a plank?? LOL

I really want a WOOHOO for January but right now I'm feeling frustrated. I have done everything perfectly this week and the scale has yet to budge. Not an ounce all week. I'm a little irritated.
The only difference I have seen is I'm not as bloated as usual. That's it.
What am I doing wrong?
Don't give that dang scale too much power over you. You said it yourself, you have done everythign perfectly, so look at the non-scale victories you have accomplished, eating healthy, moving more, and keeping at it for a full week. Our bodies sometimes just hang on to fluid, and the scale may not move this week, but maybe next week, if you keep at it and are perfect again, you will see a big whoosh on the scale.

Good afternoon fellow losers!!

A huge thank you to Rose for hostessing this month, and all the weekly coaches for getting the year off to a great start!! :thanks:
BernardandMissBianca said:
OK, so I'm in for the plank a day keeps the fat away program but how do I do a plank?? LOL

I really want a WOOHOO for January but right now I'm feeling frustrated. I have done everything perfectly this week and the scale has yet to budge. Not an ounce all week. I'm a little irritated.
The only difference I have seen is I'm not as bloated as usual. That's it.
What am I doing wrong?

Maybe you're doing nothing wrong! I realize that my body doesn't do things the way I want it to, and we have agreed to disagree. I typically maintain my weight for a week or two, sometimes three and then all of the sudden I lose 2 or 3 pounds. I doing nothing different from week to week. It's just the way I lose weight. I would prefer to lose a pound every week but my body likes to hold onto it until the last possible minute. I'm the same way with money and paying a bill, lol :) good luck!
QOTD Wednesday, January 30, 2013: It's Woo Hoo Wednesday! Give yourself a big "woo hoo" for helping yourself to be healthy and share something that you did this week or this challenge to help you with your goals.

My woo hoo is that I joined WW and am off to a great start! :woohoo:

It makes me so happy to hear that the QOTD is helping you! That is such a big part of why we continue with them!

It is good to get feedback about what people like for sure! ::yes::

Woo hoo to you, Pamela, for the practice plank! :woohoo:

However, all is good as by this time on Friday, I'll be walking my butt off at [/COLOR]:smickey:!!!

A visit to the Happiest Place on Earth merits a big woo hoo! :woohoo:

So woohoo to me, for being here. For meal planning. And for exercising! :)

Woo hoo for all of those, Rose, plus an extra woo hoo for hostessing this month! :woohoo: :woohoo:

Good Morning Everyone!

It's been a great month! I made my goal and I'm so proud if myself. I'm looking forward to February BL. Also, I am definitely in for the " plank a day keeps the fat away " challenge :)

- Melinda

Woo hoo, Melinda, for making goal this month! :woohoo:

Hi everyone! Gee, January went by fast! I just want to say how this board helps keep me motivated.
If I did that plank thing right now, I'd prolly kill myself! LOL! But just wait until they fix my knee at the end of the month and WATCH OUT come summer. LOL
And Woo Hooo! I really underestimated my goal for January. I figured that with the holidays, a Disney cruise and 10 days in the parks I'd be happy just to maintain for the month. I really surprised myself. After six months, I think the new "habits" are really kicking in.

Woo hoo for new habits kicking in! :woohoo:

Guess my woohoo moment was yesterday when I discovered what a great snack pickled gherkins are!!! I have a large jar on my desk to help with the snack attack now!!!

Will get weighed in the morning before work and send in my final 'score'

When is the Feb challenge page being set up??? (or have I already missed it somewhere!)

Woo hoo for finding a new snack! :woohoo:

OK, so I'm in for the plank a day keeps the fat away program but how do I do a plank?? LOL

I really want a WOOHOO for January but right now I'm feeling frustrated. I have done everything perfectly this week and the scale has yet to budge. Not an ounce all week. I'm a little irritated.
The only difference I have seen is I'm not as bloated as usual. That's it.
What am I doing wrong?

Woo hoo for kicking that bloated feeling to the curb! :woohoo: A loss is just around the corner I'm sure! :flower3:

Dosed up everyone else on advantage and we've had some actual peace around here....nice. Gonna go work out....Have a great one!

:woohoo: for happy, healthy kitties! :woohoo:

I tracked my food every day since jan 2nd when I joined ww. And I met my goal for the month! Whoo hoo!

Woo hoo for tracking and meeting goal! :woohoo:

And we all get a big woo hoo for sticking it out for the entire challenge! :woohoo:
So I just did my plank for the day and I think I need to modify my goal. I managed 30 seconds. So I'll add a second a day and then by the end of February I'll be up to a full minute.:cool1:
Thanks for the pep talk ladies. I hope a Woosh is around the corner.

Do you think that your mental state can effect weight loss? I don't mean like long term like being a negative nelly or having depression, ugh how do I explain this??? More like being in a mental funk.
Today I have had an off day, just in a funk. I feel like the funk has kept me in maintenance mode for the last week. Could I be weighted down with mental crap??

Over all I felt ok this week, did workouts, felt that I left it all out on the course so to speak, logged my food, burned off any overage in calories, etc. Today, I just feel deflated. Not defeated but just deflated. I even took all my sunshine in a bottle meds. The only thing I did differently is I didn't work out today. But I did an especially long and hard workout yesterday so I figured I'd take the day off to give the legs some time to recover.

OK now I'm rambling. LOL

Tell me I'm crazy and that tomorrow will be a better day!!
So I just did my plank for the day and I think I need to modify my goal. I managed 30 seconds. So I'll add a second a day and then by the end of February I'll be up to a full minute.:cool1:

DS16 just showed me how to do a plank. Suck in the core and the butt. OK, I can probably do that for a few seconds.
I want everyone to protect your backs while doing your planks. :goodvibes

It is ok to do a modification on your knees. The important thing, butt down (but not sagging) and core tucked. Your arms (no matter what position) should be directly under your shoulders. You should feel it in your shoulders.

IF you let your stomach sag you are putting pressure on your back--and you will find out later in the day how bad that is for your back! (Can you tell I have low back problems? :) )

Planks are awesome and there are so many different modifications. If your goal is a minute, you could even do a couple modifications for 20-30 sec at a time.

The big thing--protect your back! :goodvibes
Good morning all! :goodvibes

QOTD Wednesday, January 30, 2013: It's Woo Hoo Wednesday! Give yourself a big "woo hoo" for helping yourself to be healthy and share something that you did this week or this challenge to help you with your goals.

BRB with my tardy replies. :blush:

Not feeling very "woo hoo" right now but... but I am proud of continuing through the month :)
Did a work out, C25K week 2/day 1. pushed my run speed to a steady 5 but slacked on the walk speed, 3.6 ( was maintaining a 4.0 all week). New pants kept sliding down, compression sleeves for the calves made my legs hurt worse, DD was trying to read to me but didn't know a lot of the words. Didn't go well, was one of my worst workouts to date but I mentally feel better for getting it out of the way.
I opted to also do a Galloway 5K workout, just 10 minutes. The man is trying to kill me!! Lol 5.5 run?!? Never done that before for more than 30 seconds. I did a 1/1 ratio 5.5/3.0 and it went really well. I actually could have done more if I hadn't already done a 35 minute workout already. DS16 was laughing at me because at 5.5 my pants were falling off like crazy! But he redeemed himself when he herded the little ones off to bed so I could finish.
I'm kind of liking the Galloway app better, (now that it works since I have a better phone).
10-17 minutes doesn't seem long enough though so I'm not sure what to do. I really like his commentary too. I may stick with this one for a while and see how it goes.

Rambling again. Hitting the shower and then bed! Have a great night!

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Thanks for the pep talk ladies. I hope a Woosh is around the corner.

Do you think that your mental state can effect weight loss? I don't mean like long term like being a negative nelly or having depression, ugh how do I explain this??? More like being in a mental funk.
Today I have had an off day, just in a funk. I feel like the funk has kept me in maintenance mode for the last week. Could I be weighted down with mental crap??

Over all I felt ok this week, did workouts, felt that I left it all out on the course so to speak, logged my food, burned off any overage in calories, etc. Today, I just feel deflated. Not defeated but just deflated. I even took all my sunshine in a bottle meds. The only thing I did differently is I didn't work out today. But I did an especially long and hard workout yesterday so I figured I'd take the day off to give the legs some time to recover.

OK now I'm rambling. LOL

Tell me I'm crazy and that tomorrow will be a better day!!

Eh, it will be better tomorrow.;) Bad days happen.



What did I do to this week to help?

Eating more fruits and veggies. That is BIG for us. Right now I have an eggplant and an artichoke in my fridge in which I need to sit down and learn to cook this week. :thumbsup2

Also have a mango and a pomegrante on the counter.

My big WOOHOO is getting weighed at the OBGYN today and seeing that weight number coming down. Also losing an inch on my waist. :worship:
Guess my woohoo moment was yesterday when I discovered what a great snack pickled gherkins are!!! I have a large jar on my desk to help with the snack attack now!!!

Will get weighed in the morning before work and send in my final 'score'

When is the Feb challenge page being set up??? (or have I already missed it somewhere!)

Great snack! I love homemade pickles especially well! Just watch the sodium!

OK, so I'm in for the plank a day keeps the fat away program but how do I do a plank?? LOL

I really want a WOOHOO for January but right now I'm feeling frustrated. I have done everything perfectly this week and the scale has yet to budge. Not an ounce all week. I'm a little irritated.
The only difference I have seen is I'm not as bloated as usual. That's it.
What am I doing wrong?

You are doing nothing wrong I imagine. As others have said, your body will adjust eventually! Do not get frustrated!

Okay...you can be frustrated, but DON'T GIVE UP! :hug:

No-- it's ok. I really was at a loss this week--I need to do some grocery shopping lol. I'm so used to being stocked up on everything I couldn't even believe I didn't have any breakfast stuff around--the oatmeal was a last resort. I did use steel cut oats and added a can of pumpkin and a lot of raisins. I know my lunch didn't sound great but I snack a lot in my dept-- I make samples and have to 'try' them lol. Then with the rice thing-- I went to the produce dept. after I got off and was going to add some red pepper-- but they were $2.99 each and I refuse to buy produce that isn't farm fresh for that price. I thought for sure I had some corn chowder to add to everything and was flummoxed to find we have eaten all of our soup except for a few cans of tomato basil. Plus that stuff turned out really good! It was vine tomatoes I added too--but they were so ripe they cookid down to almost nothing very quickly.....This says something for cupboard organizing-- I really need to go through my freezers and cupboards to see what I have. I'm making a costco trip today and our store is have an employee sale Fri or sat so I'll do some shopping then too. I really do love my rice cooker-- it cooks so quick I think I'll be adding rice that cooks slower--mixing it in with the other-- the husband is heavily opposed to these things--hates whole grained pasta etc.
Got the kittens fixed yesterday--went really well, had my Roots moment when they we're being carried off-- then I came home and slept pretty much all day. Got up--had some breakfast about 1:30 and realized Misty had escaped-- we left the back gate open--so went out in the rain and called her weaving around 4- blocks, went home and was getting out my bike, another of my cats ran out and 'found' her under a tree lol---I immediately heard growling lol. Picked up kittens and slept with them for a few hours, then got up, ate dinner and did an awesome work out. Our gym finally got the new equipment--there's 2 new ellipticals with the arm things that move-- awesome. They cleaned out Triumph's ears which was really nice of them and they both got revolution-- so it seems I am forgiven. His ears we're really bad--everyone else got treated around here lately but he was impossible about the process....Dosed up everyone else on advantage and we've had some actual peace around here....nice. Gonna go work out....Have a great one!

Okay....I totally understand being grocery deprived! I hit Costco and Market Basket tonight to the total tune of about $200 and that did NOT include any meat or bread and very little in terms of paper goods or cleaning supplies! It was mostly fresh produce, organic dairy, and nuts! And it will be gone in no time, I'm sure!

Glad the kitties are fixed and doing well!

I tracked my food every day since jan 2nd when I joined ww. And I met my goal for the month! Whoo hoo!

And a huge whoo hoo to everyone else too!! Whether you reached your goal, or worked towards it, you deserve to celebrate!!

Don't give that dang scale too much power over you. You said it yourself, you have done everythign perfectly, so look at the non-scale victories you have accomplished, eating healthy, moving more, and keeping at it for a full week. Our bodies sometimes just hang on to fluid, and the scale may not move this week, but maybe next week, if you keep at it and are perfect again, you will see a big whoosh on the scale.

Good afternoon fellow losers!!

A huge thank you to Rose for hostessing this month, and all the weekly coaches for getting the year off to a great start!! :thanks:

Woohoo for seeing you here again! And great advice for Buffy!

So I just did my plank for the day and I think I need to modify my goal. I managed 30 seconds. So I'll add a second a day and then by the end of February I'll be up to a full minute.:cool1:

Sounds like a plan!

Thanks for the pep talk ladies. I hope a Woosh is around the corner.

Do you think that your mental state can effect weight loss? I don't mean like long term like being a negative nelly or having depression, ugh how do I explain this??? More like being in a mental funk.
Today I have had an off day, just in a funk. I feel like the funk has kept me in maintenance mode for the last week. Could I be weighted down with mental crap??

Over all I felt ok this week, did workouts, felt that I left it all out on the course so to speak, logged my food, burned off any overage in calories, etc. Today, I just feel deflated. Not defeated but just deflated. I even took all my sunshine in a bottle meds. The only thing I did differently is I didn't work out today. But I did an especially long and hard workout yesterday so I figured I'd take the day off to give the legs some time to recover.

OK now I'm rambling. LOL

Tell me I'm crazy and that tomorrow will be a better day!!

Yes! I totally believe that a big part of this is mental and being in a funk (even temporarily) can effect your weight loss! Find a way to get some happy time...whatever that means for you personally.

I want everyone to protect your backs while doing your planks. :goodvibes

It is ok to do a modification on your knees. The important thing, butt down (but not sagging) and core tucked. Your arms (no matter what position) should be directly under your shoulders. You should feel it in your shoulders.

IF you let your stomach sag you are putting pressure on your back--and you will find out later in the day how bad that is for your back! (Can you tell I have low back problems? :) )

Planks are awesome and there are so many different modifications. If your goal is a minute, you could even do a couple modifications for 20-30 sec at a time.

The big thing--protect your back! :goodvibes

Thanks for the reminder about that. Most folks end up the the butt up from my experience...but I can see how butt down could cause a very sore back!


For one minute until DD and carpool friend are ready to go, so I'll type fast!

Good thing I got in to see my chiropractor yesterday.......because his office burned down last night!:scared1: I saw something on the news when I was on the TM this morning and I actually paused and said to myself that the video looked a lot like Dr. H's office.....so I checked later and it was ! I feel so bad....he is such a nice young family guy. But no one was hurt.

Chat with you all tomorrow!............P
Good morning all! :goodvibes

QOTD Wednesday, January 30, 2013: It's Woo Hoo Wednesday! Give yourself a big "woo hoo" for helping yourself to be healthy and share something that you did this week or this challenge to help you with your goals.

BRB with my tardy replies. :blush:

I am going to WHOO HOO that I am back on the wagon ... and actually driving it too! :goodvibes

I saw the scale finally move this week. (I am hoping my "girl" issues are resolved. Not only is it physically exhausting ... It doesn't put me in a good mental state.) So, I am proud of the times I really just wanted to eat whatever I wanted for the day ... and instead stayed the course.

And a small Whoo Hoo ... I ran in the rain today. I actually like running in the rain when it is warm ... and it was a balmy 65 here today. It is suppose to get cold here tomorrow, so it was lovely to get out and feel the warmth.

Pam ... I am in on the plank a day. Didn't try it yet ... but I have a feeling one minute is going to be tough. I have a student that I see in a one-on-one situation for a variety of reasons and I am thinking both of us could benefit from this before we start our reading lesson. I will have to think more about this with him. If I start it, he will probably demand we do it everyday. Which could be good/bad for me.:rotfl:

Ok everyone! Two more days! Two more days is probably not going to make a huge difference in your numbers for the month, but it is two more days to make good choices and to set yourself up for a fabulous February!! :)

Setting my mile a day goal for January AND posting it on fb every day really kept me motivated this month. I was miserably miserable when I came back from the marathon. But I had made a public commitment and honestly at first the fear of failing (yet again) was the kick in the pants I needed. I know I am not a failure, but I was not feeling very good about things when we got home. I was frustrated and disappointed about so many things. I have since gained some well needed perspective, and I am HUGELY proud of myself for sticking with my commitment to myself. It kept me on the wagon when I just wanted to sit in the dirt and cry.

So woohoo to me, for being here. For meal planning. And for exercising! :)

:goodvibes Rose, I am proud of you! And thank you for starting this thread. It has made a difference in my life ... you are awesome!

OK, so I'm in for the plank a day keeps the fat away program but how do I do a plank?? LOL

I really want a WOOHOO for January but right now I'm feeling frustrated. I have done everything perfectly this week and the scale has yet to budge. Not an ounce all week. I'm a little irritated.
The only difference I have seen is I'm not as bloated as usual. That's it.
What am I doing wrong?

Buffy, I went 2 weeks of not seeing anything on the scale. I was exercising for an hour just about everyday (you can see on MFP) and really watching what I was eating. Finally, my body is saying, "Oh ... you are trying to lose weight!" I just hope it continues to cooperate! :lmao:
Thanks for the pep talk ladies. I hope a Woosh is around the corner.

Do you think that your mental state can effect weight loss? I don't mean like long term like being a negative nelly or having depression, ugh how do I explain this??? More like being in a mental funk.
Today I have had an off day, just in a funk. I feel like the funk has kept me in maintenance mode for the last week. Could I be weighted down with mental crap??

Over all I felt ok this week, did workouts, felt that I left it all out on the course so to speak, logged my food, burned off any overage in calories, etc. Today, I just feel deflated. Not defeated but just deflated. I even took all my sunshine in a bottle meds. The only thing I did differently is I didn't work out today. But I did an especially long and hard workout yesterday so I figured I'd take the day off to give the legs some time to recover.

OK now I'm rambling. LOL

Tell me I'm crazy and that tomorrow will be a better day!!

I'm not sure what meds you may be taking but I did a little research on my prozac and there's evidence it slows down metabolism. I cut my dosage down to 10 mg's but I'm not willing to completely go off it.

Well-- didn't make it to Costco today but made a trip to Grocery outlet. I just was going to go there to get some ingredients for dinner then of course spent way too much time there--I love Grocery Outlet it's like a treasure hunt every time. Was trying to incorporate Linguisa sausages into a healthy meal and was going to make this soup with onions and sweet potatoes, never did anything like that but thought it sounded good and not too hard. Anyway copped out when I passed by the yakisoba noodles but did ok--added a whole pack of bean sprouts, mushrooms,& snap peas, to it and it was pretty good. Husband was iffy about it but you know-- if I'm going to be the one cooking dinners around here, I'll make what I want....We are really different when it comes to veggies-- he loves veggies, never was a picky kid but he likes things plain. Like he doesn't like to have anything in his eggs or on a pizza unless it is traditional ingredients-- like sausage and pepperoni on pizza. He hates any kind of different toppings...and with eggs it can only be cheese. Me I grew up not eating any veggies except corn and peas-- only starting to add some intermittently as a teen-- mostly just salads...I was an extremely picky kid. I also work in a grocery store and in the meat dept. so I'm always getting great deals on meat and cupboard type stuff--there's always markdowns and coupon deals. In the summer I love to go to the farms because it is so much fresher and cheap too but in the winter--I shy from veggies. I've decided though lately that I'll start to buy more veggies during the week to supplement my bargains--it'll give me an excuse to see my 'friend' too, but I am so picky it's going to be a challenge. After working 12 years in produce I got to be as picky about my produce and fruit as I am about my meats...plus I'm extremely frugal....to give you an idea about what I'm dealing with with the husband-- he hates roasted veggies...if it wasn't a Pleasantville staple he doesn't have much to do with it. :rolleyes2
Anyway-- like I said-- until he wants to start cooking-- he's just going to have to deal with the way I like things--eating healthier will benefit him much more than me really-- he's overweight, smokes, and has high blood pressure. We're both guilty too of being big foodies and making it one of our only pleasures-- we need to start doing stuff that's fun. Shouldn't be too awful--lol.


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