Wk of April 20 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Did it! C25K W2D2: 2.16 miles in 30:25. I also learned that even if it's not bright outside, I should always wear a hat. Having stray hairs flying into my mouth for the entire WO? Not fun. :rolleyes:

:cool1: WTG Ang!!! GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!
Angie wrote:
Speaking of that pace Howard - I am soooo exicted you are coming to MINNIE and maybe your dear wife will let me borrow you for the race and run that pace with you.

Angie~ :hug: I might have been a little "optimistic" with the pace I mentioned.... I am in untested waters here... For Goofy I did have about 16 days to train. For this I will have basically none.

Last fall I was in mid-semester and I noticed that a local 15K (I had ran before) was coming up. I decided on Thursday to run it that weekend (with no training).

25th Wilmington Distance Classic ~ October 7, 2007~ 9.3 Miles~1:40:24~10:45 pace.

So, I think I should be able to hit something close to that this time. If you are in that pace range, I would welcome a WISHer or group to run with.

Besides, I think Cam is going to want this "Minnie Muffin" off on my own most of the weekend while she goes off to have fun with the Minnie Girls. I am travelling down with that expectation and want her to get the most out of this weekend. She's earned it. I have not.. I am just along for the fun!


Greetings Everyone: Wow, I had an exhausting day with my interviews yesterday. From 9am-3:15p I had hour meetings set up where I bounced from person to person. People asking me tons of questions about the job, why I think I'm qualified, what I would do in it, etc. Plus, I had two hour long presentations to give in there as well. All and all, I think it went well. The last meeting I had was with the search committee, and it was the toughest group. Plus I was wearing down by that point, and wasn't sure how my answers were sounding. I was starting to feel like I was repeating myself a lot. We'll see how it goes. I'm off to a conference in Ithaca today and tomorrow. Plus my DW's grandmother is having her 100th birthday party in Ithaca tomorrow as well. Right after my conference I'm meeting up with the family to go to the party. I'm hoping to get a run in after my meeting today, and maybe sometime on Saturday too. We'll see...

Have a great day everyone!
Good luck with the job MS Dave - and happy bday to your DW's grandma. My grandma almost made it to 100. That is awesome!! Hope you get a run in between all that!!

I'm back again already, you want to know WHY?? :confused3 I am off of work today :woohoo: :woohoo: and I was actually able to get up and make my kids pancakes for breakfast and will take them to school when it starts, not 2 hours early sitting at the Y. OK so that was enough to help break me out of this funk. Also I have to say:

AMY :hug: Right back at you and I really appreciate every one putting up with my wining!! Seriously. I know it gets old. I have so much to be thankful for, 6 months a go I didn't know if I would ever be able to run again at all!!!! I know you are right about just having fun. I was just telling DH that I am going to do something WE HAVE NEVER DONE BEFORE!!! -- RUN THIS RACE FOR FUN!!! There is a concept.:upsidedow
Every race we have done was to beat our time before, like I told you guys before I don't even have one picture with one character from any of the races!! And all of our hundreds of trips to Disney I don't have any pictures with any princesses, the DH and DS would never let me take time to stop. So guess whos getting pics with princesses :banana: OK anyway - thanks again!!
Bill/ Craig I have to jump in here and say WAY TO GO BILL!!! You described Craig's "role" as a part of this team - PERFECTLY!! Wow I always look forward to him popping his head in here with words of wisdom and posts that can make me cry!:rotfl: Seriously, we love you Craig and I am bringing you WISH colors to wear at MINNIE, just kidding.
TXANG :dance3: :dance3: :yay: WAY TO GO!!!! That hair thing is annoying huh!!
Tracy Hope your stretch went well with the foam roller, was it as hot down there yesterday as it was here?

Have to take kids to school, will be continued in 10 minutes.....
Just wanted to stop by and say"hi"! Everyone is doing great with their training...keep up the good work TEAM:goodvibes
I'm back...

Dave WOW !!!! I can not even imagine. Here's hoping you get the job!!! :pixiedust:
Howard That is so sweet for you to give your wife that time!!! I really need to take it easy at MINNIE, the way the back has been acting up again so we will see!!! Can't wait to see you guys there.

OK off to clean the house, shop, all the fun stuff you do on a day off of work. BTW - the back is a little sore after the run last night, so I opted out of weights at the gym this morning!!! Aren't you guys proud of me ;)
Did it! C25K W2D2: 2.16 miles in 30:25. I also learned that even if it's not bright outside, I should always wear a hat. Having stray hairs flying into my mouth for the entire WO? Not fun. :rolleyes:

Ugh, I hate that!! I always have six little snap-type clips in my hair when I run holding my bangs and all the stray hairs back. Congrats on your W2D2!! :cheer2:
Did it! C25K W2D2: 2.16 miles in 30:25. I also learned that even if it's not bright outside, I should always wear a hat. Having stray hairs flying into my mouth for the entire WO? Not fun. :rolleyes:
WOO HOO! Way to go! Doesn't it feel good to get it done?

I just came in from W4D6 (doing this week twice) and I did it, slightly sore ankle during the 5 minute runs but nothing that made me want to stop. I am psyched and moving on to W5!!

MSW Dave

Good luck with the new position. Those day long campus visits are killers, a series of interviews and presentations. No wonder you felt tired by the end when you met the search committee. Please pass the word when you hear, and do let us know the institution.


During my 2 years at UT I was in grad school, studying my fanny off, so I had little time for Austin distractions. Now I look back and wish I'd been more irresponsible.

I think you overstate my influence around here. In my mind the core of the WISH team is about folks who wake up one day and decide to take back their life and health, through regular exercise, nutrition, and other significant and positive life changes. I've always been super active (hyperactive actually, I don't sit still very well), so the anchore of the group which I think is about beginning this process doesn't describe me. Thus the peripheral comment. The folks WWDave talks about as Wish Royalty are in this group, I see myself at behind and a little to the right, happy to help out when asked.

On second thought, does that make me a member of our Secret Service? If so, how cool is that? Can I get an earpiece and a blue suit?

And you really are too kind Mr. Bill. No wonder everyone here thinks so fondly of you and your little family. 4 very pleasant people in 1 household sounds like a nice life indeed.

See you all next weekend.

Stacie: Yikes! Drink, drink, drink (water that is!). At 80 degrees you need to stay hydrated. :drinking:

Kevin: LOL :cool1: we just like to have as many studs around here as we can get :rolleyes:

Amy: hydrate hydrate hydrate! Glad shopping for Disney made you happy though :goodvibes

Jeff::rotfl: ...yesh but I still get all the good food! (one of the few pluses of living in the great state of LA)

Angie: :cheer2: :grouphug: :cheer2: WISH team party for you. How is your new job going?

Ang: pirate: Here's a fun hat! Good job gettin it in.

Tracy and Allyson: Good WOs.

Dave:Sounds like a marathon of a day! Good luck.


I got a nice bike/weight training/swim in yesterday. Today is a short long run (8 miles). This week has been a cut-back week which is nice. Plus it gives me time for....oh wait schoolwork. :rolleyes:

Happy running/resting/all that other nonsense!
Dave - way to go Grandma!! I will be up your way (kind of) in August. I am taking my neices to the NY State Fair.
Well, to be totally honest....there's a certain concert happening at the fair... ;)
But we plan to do the rides and such during the day of the show. I am looking forward to a fun girls' weekend with them.

Angie - you keep resting. I know it is so hard for you, but please keep it up.
It would be a shame if your restlessness or whatnot kept you from racing longterm.
Enjoy the Minnie - I will be there with you all in spirit next weekend. Get pics with those Princesses!
Good morning team!!!

Deekaypee (Debra) I already have 2 tattoo's a tinkerbell...can you guess my fav character;) and a butterfly one on each ankle. I would love to get another one but haven't seen the right design but I really loved Vic's.

SoloKevin haven't chatted with you in quite some time, how was the move? I am sure you where glad you where in FL then Toronto this winter.;)

Erica Can't wait to see you again also, glad to hear you are on the mend!!!

TxAng what is W2D2??? I think I know what the W is but what is the D?

Angie I have been away for quite some time, how is your back???

MSDave Lots of PD for good news on your interview. WOW 100 years old...good for her!!!!

Monte Hi!!

hey there to all I missed, it is hard catching up when you have been MIA for so long so many new WISH members it is so great!!!

Have a wonderful Friday all!!!!

It is so exciting to see everyone getting their workouts in, and especially with the glorious sunny weather here in the northeast, you are all making me WANT to get out and RUN!!! Really, truly, you all inspire me so much and I am so looking forward to seeing so many new WISHers at the Minnie next weekend and then coming back here, more pumped than ever to stay on track training to run a 5k on 6/22 and then to just keep on training toward running the 1/2 marathon in January. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who posts about their bad/hard walks/runs and the good ones. It is so reassuring to know that we all go through the rough patches and come out on the other side. We get to commiserate AND celebrate each other's workouts. How cool!!! :thumbsup2

Stacie -- I meant to post yesterday that I am so glad you didn't go your whole 5 miles when you weren't feeling well. It definitely sounds like hydration was the problem and you could have seriously injured yourself, especially if wooziness set in. Being an athlete is as much about knowing our limits as wanting to exceed them. Great job, sweetie! :cutie:

Yay, Morgan!! You will be out at your 5k while other WISHers are doing various events at various places (including the Minnie). We'll all be thinking of the WISH support system whereever we are. Oh, and how awesome that you've inspired Mr. Grumpy! ;)

Okay, Kevin! Your siggie line made me :laughing: Can't wait to see you at Jellyrolls! :hug: Sorry no lasagna over Minnie weekend, though!

Amy -- hoping your Thursday was lovely! Shopping for Disney is always a good thing! :goodvibes

Dave -- we have missed you so much around here! :hug: Sending you huge loads of pixiedust: for the job situation!

Angie, sweetie, we all have our times like you are going through now. All I can do is send a huge cyber :hug: for now and remind you of how many more you'll get in person next weekend from your teammates! :grouphug: All is good when a trip to our happy place is ANYWHERE on the horizon! :cloud9:

Bill -- You always know the right thing to say. You are so spot-on about Craig. Thank you so much for taking the time to post what so many of us thought but could not formulate coherently. :hug:

TXAng-- you are ROCKING the C25K training plan! Thank you for being a week ahead of me and making me actually look forward to getting there! :cool1:

Michelle -- I am SOOO glad you figured out a way to get registered. Are you going to wear Bride Minnie ears for the race? :bride:

Krista -- sending huge hugs to you and Stephen and Carter! Do we really have to wait until January to see you guys? :sad1: I think we need baby bump progress pix posted here! :love:

Hi, Claire! How are you, sweetie? It is so nice to see you here. I've been missing everyone. (On January 25 I took on the biggest case of my career and spent a couple months working pretty much around the clock so I've been out of touch with how my teammates have been doing here. I am so glad to hear your training is going so great!! BTW, that intersession schedule sounds grueling. I hope you can use workouts to decompress a bit, listen to some good music and forget the grind. :cool1:

Kim -- HUGE congrats on that weight loss ticker!! :woohoo: How awesome! I hope you gave yourself a HUGE pat on the back (but don't celebrate with ice cream, no matter how much these guys tempt us with their tales of exotic flavors! ;) ). Keep up the great work -- my only worry is whether I'll recognize you when I see you again. :hug:

Jackie -- those campus locales sound awesome! Can you believe your little girl is looking at colleges? Oh, man! What a rude awakening!! It could be worse, though, Jenn's boyfriend gave her a "promise ring" 2 weeks ago -- pink sapphire & diamond. They are talking about a Disney wedding. Well, at least I know we raised her right! :love: He is an absolute sweetheart and he's got the "whatever she wants is fine with me" down pat.

Angie -- Thank you so much for offering to run with Howard. You are such a sweetheart and a great friend! :lovestruc You see, he has this inner racehorse that sends him out for about an 8:00-something pace the first mile, exposing him to all sorts of horrors, the least of which is injury. I am so glad to know that whereever he is on the course there will be WISHers for him to hook up with and to really enjoy the race. He hasnt' done this one before, and as you know, I am a penguin for sure at the very back of the pack, so knowing he will have company and get to the finish safe and sound would give me SO MUCH peace of mind!

Debra -- You inspire me in more ways than I can say. Thank you! (look at the size of this post, for one thing ;) ) Good luck with the new digs hunt! Sorry I can't offer to help. We've just committed to having our "adopted" daughter move in with us to help her financially and she will be boarding her cats at a friend's house while she lives with us.

As for me? Patty and I finished week one of Couch to 5k!! :woohoo: It really wasn't as difficult as I feared, though I will have to pay more attention to fuel as the workouts get more strenuous. Looking forward to week 2!

Oh, and one last thing -- Angie, I am ALWAYS proud of you. You are one of the sweetest people I have ever met in my life. It has been heartbreaking to see you struggle through injury. I am so glad you didn't push it this morning, though I'm sorry you are sore. Enjoy your day off. Oh, and as for those princess pics -- I am SURE Howard would just LOVE stopping for those pix. I'm not kidding, either. :laughing:
Hey Team - Just a quick note because work and life are busy!!! I am taking 2 days off (yesterday and today) because my knees are really aching. DH thinks it's the shoes, so I did the math... Yup, I think it's the shoes. I have another pair in the closet and they are coming out tomorrow. So sad because I really have memories in this pair!

Oh and the nerve of our weather people.... it is COOOOLLLLDDDD and rainy here and dropping to highs in the 40's for the weekend... you know what they said... CHANCE OF FLURRIES (that's snow to you southerners). WHAT!!! Yah, they better mean just Northern WI and not us. I mean it!!!

I am so happy to hear of so many people doing Minnie for fun. That is one thing I say I am going to do and then every race is not so much about the fun. I mean, I have fun... just not all the fun I want to have. Does that make sense??

Angie - Take it easy on the back. I have a back injury and it has been bothering me lately (and my knees). I am really hoping a change in shoes is what I need. But I know I have been pushing myself more than in the past, so I have to remember to lay off a little sometimes. See you at the Minnie!

DAVE - Big shout out to you!!! Glad to see you back!!!

CAM - Big shout out to you also. I have missed your posts and hope to have time to chit chat a bit at Minnie.

Kim - I would love to see your Tinkerbelle tattoo. I really like Vic's also. I have been struggling with what Mickey image I want, and may just do the Mickey running, minus all the other stuff. Then I want to add 26.2 and 13.1.
Jen - :wizard: that it's well north of you (but not where our Canadian contingent is)!

Craig - WHile I am inspired by people who have totally tured their lives around (I consider myself somewhere in between), how would we reach our goals withoout the poeple like you who have been there and told us to hang in there our that we need to practicerunnign faster if we want to improve? That's what's great about WISH, we all have our places adn we're all needed!

TXAng- Woo hoo!

MSDave - :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

AngieTuck- Woo hoo for teh break you needed. Now, give that back a break. :grouphug:

Kim - GOod to see you!

Moinica - GOod to see you too!!!!!

Kevin - If you still ived here, you'd have your certificate. :snooty:

Curiouser adn TXAng. - Got my hair cut yesterday. It's too short to pull a lot back. Ugh. Good thing my visor will help. :sad2:

I di my 40 min last night. Started great. ENded not-so-great, but I was tired to start adn teh way back was all against the wind. Then again, why I am upset? 3 months ago, I would gahve beeen thrilled! :confused3 Seems as though I am settign new standards for myself again. I've got to say that feels really good!
Good morning everyone!!! :cool2:

solotraveler, and oofyin08forErica - thanks for the welcome wishes!!

Cosi Bella...I sorta think of John Bingham as a minor deity, so also recommend Marathoning for Mortals. Several of us did his CDC half last year...very cool! My one piece of advice from someone who screwed up their marathon training last year...don't blow off the short runs! The base runs are hugely important in giving you the endurance for the LR.

I completely agree with this statement. I have the hardest time remembering it though after all those months of training. The time cmes closer and by that time I am so tired of training and just ready for the race to get here. So... .I blow off all the short runs!! :confused3 I pay for it every year too!!


That is great advice, and I will surely remember it! Thanks a bunch! :cool2:

Michelle: WTG on setting up a solid training plan and working towards building that base! I will chime in that Bingham's MFM is the best information out there for those new to the sport. Most importantly it builds mileage safely...with lots of sound advice! :thumbsup2

Thanks! :) I can't wait to read up on this book, it looks like it has a ton of great info!

Michelle: Sounds like your on your way to doing the Marathon. Having your shoes fit at a good running store is important. I am a walker and tend to do it every so often- like a checkup.

I definitely need a good check up, my old running shoes are way past their prime!!

Michelle -- I am SOOO glad you figured out a way to get registered. Are you going to wear Bride Minnie ears for the race? :bride:

Thanks me tooo!!! I did not even consider wearing bride minnie ears for the race, but that is a FANTASTIC idea and I WILL MOST DEF be doing that. :thumbsup2 So excited! Thanks for the great idea!! Have you ever seen anyone else do this?

And now for an update on my training!!!

Yesterday I got home from work and was so excited to run! I threw on my gear and got out there and ran 3 miles! No stopping, except to stretch my foot, it always cramps up when I get back into running from being on a "sabbatical." This will get better as I continue to run more and more. I made it the whole way!!! I really thought I would have had to stop and walk half way through, but I felt GREAT! I am not sure of my exact pace, but I know I left the house at 5:50, ran, got back and stayed outside to walk/cool down and stretch for about 10-15 mins, and when I got back inside it was 6:40. That's about 40 mins of running I think ... I should really buy a watch!

Anyway, I'm extremely happy with my run yesterday! I exceeded my expectations of myself and am just so happy that I can still run 3 with out killing myself! :cool1: I am SO tired today though! oh lordy. I thought my quads would be killing me this morning, as they usually hurt BADLY when I start up running again, but they are only mildly sore. I'm considering going for a light jog tonight after work, but I don't know if I have the energy. I really should have went to bed early last night, but DF and I had some projects to finish up around the house and cleaning to do b/c family is coming for a visit this weekend.

Well, that's my exciting news! I'm on my way to the 1/2 marathon! woo hoo:yay:

Keep up the good work everyone!!

Congrats, Michelle, on the great run! :woohoo: Awesome estimated pace, too! Oh, and yes, I have seen runners with bride minnie ears. I may even be sporting a pair. And I think Caryn and Lindsay from the DIS brides board are thinking of doing that too. So, you won't be alone! :grouphug:
Greetings Race Team -

I haven't posted because I have nothing to report. :rolleyes: I'm only posting today because, well, I'm feeling a little left out. :guilty: Waaaahhhh! :sad1:

My hamstring feels much better but not perfect. I'm VERY nervous it's going to act up halfway thru the Minnie. Can I take Advils during the race? :confused3

But since I see two of my all time favorites here I have to give a couple of shout outs to.....

Dr Solo - Gosh I miss you around here! ;) What's it going to take to get your Zebra Butt to make regular appearances??? I'll see you next weekend, though. YAY! :yay:

MSDave - We Minnie Gals have a little thing that goes like this..."Beep! Beep! Beep!" That's a BIG OL' truck load of :wizard: backing up just for you! Keep us posted. But if you get this position, be sure to tell them right away that you need time off in January. :thumbsup2


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