Wk of Jan 14--WISH Walking/Running Club

Laurie, please make sure that you go to a runners' shoe store and not just a shoe store. A runners' shoe store will take time with you to find the right shoe AND let you return the shoes after you have tried them. Unless you know what kind of shoe you need, PLEASE take time to find a runners' shoe store. This will be you most important investment in your quest for the medal!! :goodvibes Anne
I woke up to more below zero temperatures today (yesterday's high was 5 degrees), and forced myself to go out to the gym for a couple of hours. Nothing too intensive, some cardio and weight training on Sundays. I'm still waiting for my copy of MfM to come in, but have started a walk/run program this last week. I'm looking forward to seeing what the book has to say.

This week there's a brownbag speaker providing tips for training for the Fargo Marathon (May 19), so I'm planning on going to that. I won't be ready for that marathon (but it does have a 5K, as well as a half and a marathon relay), but I'd like to hear what she has to say.

Btw, anyone who's looking to complete marathons in the 50 states might want to consider Fargo's; it's a flat course, small race, and filled with friendly spectators. Here's the link: http://www.fargomarathon.com/
Anne-Thanks for the advice. There is a store near the school where I teach called Westchester Road Runners. The store is owned and run by runners! I have been there before many years ago and they were great, so I figured I would start there and see what they say. If I can't get anything there, I know of another running shop near where I live, that I may try also.

And as long as you're stuck with my musings, what went well this year that we might want to do again next year? I thought the dinner at Pop was a huge success, sounds like Illluminations was great, a bunch of folks went to Adventurers Club (though I hear that might close so maybe something like JellyRolls instead), Boardwalk Bakery (is that still a good spot or somewhere else with more protein like Beaches and Cream or Ohana). Anything you would NOT like to repeat?

Hi Mel! I thought using a food court was great! Gave us a lot of flexibility to mingle and not as structured as a sit-down location! So that is a big thumbs up :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 It wouldn't have to be Pop next year, just a food court. The Illuminations Dessert party was nice, but honestly for me it was really overpriced and I would probably not do it again. I'm glad I did it though because I've always wanted to! I liked the Boardwalk Bakery, again there was plenty of room to mingle and it is convenient to Epcot or MGM if you are heading to the parks afterwards.

As long as we are talking....last week there was some discussion about our team shirts. Here is my two cents. It would be very hard to improve the design, I've worn it in three events and received compliments in every one. Of course we have so many talented people here - who knows what fabulous ideas might be waiting....but I am very happy with the design.

As far as the color - while the shirts are not the true Dis lime green, they are very very visible! The utility workers in my area wear a safety lime green that is also extremely visible, which would be a more true DIS color and still be easily seen. Chester and Tracey were wearing lime green tanks in a similar color. To me visibility is key. We need to find a glow-in-the-dark, electric, gosh you practically need sunglasses to look at it, color.

This next suggestion actually comes from my DD21. In addition to my WISH team shirt I was wearing a lime green cap (from our 1993 WDW extended family trip - yes I was wearing lime green before I even knew about the Dis). Anyway, Erin said it really helped her spot me in a crowd, even before she could see my shirt she saw the cap. A team cap might be a less expensive alternative than tech shirts, especially for anyone who had family who wanted to wear some WISH gear without investing a lot of money....just a thought!

And finally, when thinking about next year - just because this year was extremely hot doesn't mean next year will be. In fact it seems the pattern is every other year...wasn't 2005 very warm? I know 2006 was very cold. So if 2007 was hot, 2008.....could be cold if the pattern holds.

I can't believe I am talking about 2008!! And, really it will be here before we know it!
Hi, everyone! We are back and settling in. I am going to do a trip report and a race report once I get my pix on a CDRom. If anyone wants me to email pix to them of all the meets and any I took of WISHers during the half, just send me a PM (thanks to those who already did!) and I will be glad to share pix by email.
I am looking forward to starting to train for the Minnie and for next year's marathon (yes, memories of the rough stuff do dim!), but really have to wait for my feet to heal. I have blood blisters surrounding the first two toes on both feet and there is one under the big toe on my right foot. The blisters covering the balls of both feet also have to heal before I can put in any walking time.
I am so glad to see so many new faces here. It is going to be such an exciting year getting ready for 2008.

As for this year's WISH meets -- POP Century was an awesome choice for Friday night and I think everyone found food choices to suit their needs. The Illuminations Dessert Party was awesome (thanks, Rhonda!) and Boardwalk was a lot of fun and well-suited to people spreading out if hanging close. Of course, staying at BCV made that very convenient for Howard and me, but we'd be more than willing to travel to another resort that has a food court if people think that would be a better option. We are just so happy to share the experience with everyone!
A team cap might be a less expensive alternative than tech shirts, especially for anyone who had family who wanted to wear some WISH gear without investing a lot of money....just a thought!

Very good idea! Can they be dri-fit or drymax or whatever there is? I've been looking into caps/hats/visors to see what would help me keep the sweat out of my eyes. I would love to get a WISH one.
Okay, I'm just getting regular in my "training" program. I've been walking for a couple of years, just getting serious about entering events, truly training. As I was laying things out, I see I have a Disney trip about 3 weeks in.

Now, I've found that I can't do a bunch of walking/running while at Disney, because my legs just can't take it with the all day walking done at Disney. I do try to go in the pool everyday and run across/swim. Will that be enough or should I push to walk/run?

Or course, the event isn't until May (5K & 15K), so I'd still have time to truly train before. Any ideas?
Hi All,

Just a quick post to say John(DH) & I got home from WDW last night. It was great meeting all the WISHers & their families. Marathon Weekend was fantastic & I am already looking forward to next year. :cool1:

John took lots of photos on Sunday as we were cheering on the Full Marathoner's. I will get them posted sometime later today.

I will try & get my race report done sometime today or tomorrow too.

Off to try & do some catching up......
Back on track today. Went out on a run in the freezing rain. It was really interesting b/c it is not freezing at my house. I started the run from a friend's house and by the time i got there they had ice on the trees. We ran 10 miles 4 out and back and then a 2 mile loop at her house. at the furthest point out, the trees were drooping w/ ice and the roads were freezing. I fell on the ice and hit my right knee, hip and elbow and both hands. No blood as i was wearing thick tights and gloves. We ran a very consistant 11min mile. The last two miles we did 3 run and wask 1 intervals and actually decreased our overall pace by a few seconds! She had the cool new garmin 305. It was very neat to look at our stats at the end. She was so funny. She said see this little green dot, that is where you fell!
Hey team happy Sunday.

Quick note during a break in the football game;) I came back from a 5K walk this morning, was planning on 10K but got a huge very painful blister on my heal, these aren't new shoes so not sure what caused it. What do you do to get rid of blisters or to prevent them. I was so mad cause I felt great and wanted to keep going but my right heal wouldn't allow it.....lol

Help please???

Thanks Kim
:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
Major group hugs to all of our WISH Team, for ALL of the support you offered. Those who were along the route cheering or in the race offering kind words. It was amazing.

I've taken some time to read and will post up more in a bit.
Sunny - Yes, I do have access to a pool and plan to use it more.

MelR - Be carfeul out there!

Well, I'm depressed today. My Eagles lost. I don't understand how a coach get make such dumb decisions in the biggest game of the year.:confused3 (losing, less than 2 min. left and he has us punt?????). Oh well, at least New Orleans isn't an obnoxious team and I'm sure it will pick up the spirits of the people down there if the Saints can win it. But i do like SD, too.

As for our shirts, I like the current design. I got numerous compliments on it during both races.

Now for the cold, hard truth. I've been reflecting on race weekend and even looked back over my training logs. I'm bummed about not finishing the full, so I could be Goofy. But it was my own fault. I was not fully prepared (if one can ever be) for these races. I let too many things interfere with my training and did not put in the necessary time and distance. I will be more disciplined this year. I hope the third time will be the charm and I will "officially" finish both races next year.

I went out today and got the MfM book. I'll read that and do my best to stick to the training plan, although I may have to move the days around a little. I am going to put more time in the "training to train" sessions, to get me ready for the actual plan. I think the hardest part for me will be adjusting my eating habits so they are more nutritious. While I do eat lots of fruit and veggies, I am also a big junk food fan. French fries, chips, ice cream, etc. Yum- I love them all. But I will keep a limit on what I intake.

I'm looking for ideas to keep it interesting during the base building, training to train phase. I found one I'm going to try in Feb. It's an Ironman! No, I haven't lost my mind (yet) and I won't be giving Lynne a run for her money;) .
I'm going to try to complete an IM during the 28 days in Feb. So I'll swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 and run 26.2 during those 28 days. I think that'll keep the training days fun:) Anybody have any other fun training ideas?

I am off to Reno tomorrow, so I am sure I will have lots to catch up on when I get back. My crazy mind is still debating the Green Bay, WI 1/2 marathon. I don't know what is wrong with me!!!!:rolleyes:


What I liked about this years meets - Pop Century was a nice meeting place. DH and hadn't been there yet, so it was nice to check out. We didn't eat there because we had a late lunch, but the food offerings seemed nice. Illuminations was a great get together. I didn't mind the price for just DH and I, but if I am able to go next year, we may not have a babysitter for the kids so I would pass on this event. I didn't do the bakery because we had other family with us, but I would like to in the future.

OK, DD6 just got up from her nap and is demanding my time.
Hello Team!!!! We got home from WDW late last night--I am NOT ready to be back!! I haven't done anything productive today, well I did load all of our vacation pics on the computer, but that is it. It feels nice not to do anything. ;)

I'll write a full trip report either tonight or tomorrow, but for a short recap, lets just say the full marathon kicked my butt. Between my IT band blowing up at mile 7 and the heat, it was a very hard day for me. I knew a full marathon would be different than a half, but I had no idea the 26.2 miles would be that difficult. I cried the last 10 miles (thankfully I knew where the cameras would be and smiled for all but one of them :) ) because I was in so much pain and I knew I had a long way to go. The worst part was after the finish, at the massage tent (by the way, I highly recommend everyone to do that next year, it helped me SO much), as soon as I walked in and paid the lady at the desk grabbed the main doctor and said, "she needs the machine, now!!". I was thinking to myself, I look that BAD??!! But apparently I was limping pretty badly and she could tell I was in serious pain. The doctor took me over and had me lay face down on the floor and put my legs in this machine that shook them. I laid on floor and cried and cried on my medal, I know they all probably thought I was crazy!!! I had to do the shaking machine twice, once face down and then face up, I am so glad I did that and had the massage, as I would have been a mess without that. It took me about 24-28 hours until I could walk pain-free and about 48 hours until I could do steps and sit down without much pain. But I have my Mickey medal and I have joined the less than 1% of the American population who have finished a marathon. :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: And I know I said just a week ago that I would never do a full marathon again, but now I'm not so sure. The weather can't be THAT bad 2 years in a row, can it?? :scratchin Regardless if I run the half or the full or nothing at all, Stephen has decided that he is doing the full, so we will definitely be there in January 2008. Between now and then I am going to concentrate on getting my IT band healthy again; I'll most likely do the Flying Pig 1/2 marathon in May and of course 5K's and 10K's as I am addicted to racing!!!

It was so wonderful to meet everyone over marathon weekend, now we can truly say that we are friends for real! I am looking forward to seeing you all again next year and to meeting all the new people. I really liked the Friday dinner at Pop, it was 10 times better than last year at Trails End. Monday morning at the Boardwalk was awesome too, I loved seeing everyone's bling!!!

Cam--I am so glad that are you feeling better, I have been so worried about you. Give yourself time to rest and let your body heal.

Christa--What a great picture!! You look mahvalous!!!!

Sunny--I read your race report earlier and it was wonderful. You are such a strong woman and a true hero. I hope to see you in 2008!!!

There's no way I can say hi to everyone individually, so please accept my group :wave2: . Are we ready to start training again??!!??!! :eek: :eek: :)

Here a couple of pics from last weekend:

This is Stephen and I after the marathon, look how tired I look!!

And here's the celebratory breakfast on Monday. Don't you love everyone's bling!!!!
Anyone else in NW Florida going to run the Bridge to Bridge on Sat Feb 3rd? It's a 15k (same as Minnie) and goes from downtown Pensacola across two bridges to Pensacola Beach, DW and I will be there! Just done a couple 2 milers myself in the last few days, taking it easy post marathon. No injuries or blisters or anything, just general tiredness.
Kim--In the past when I had blisters I used the Band-Aid Blister treatment. They are medicated band-aids, but thicker, that you put on the blister to make them go away. They worked wonders when I first got my new hockey skates and got some blisters.

Judy - OK, I've been dying to know!! Did you recoginze me and colleen when we came by the boardwalk screaming like crazy women? I was just soooooooo excited to see you and really bummed that i didn't get to meet you in person. (so basically, that 2 seconds was my bonding moment w/ you:lmao: )

Krista - I'm glad you are recoverd. I looked up your pics and finish time to check on you. I was so sad to not get to talk w/ you more in person again!! I was really hoping that phil and i would run into you and steve in the parks so we could chat!!! Anyway, it was great to meet your other half!! He was a blast to run w/. You'll have to ask him about the spongebob advice i gave (i'm not so sure he bought it!!!!)
Kim - During the full at about mile 20 (I think) I had to stop at one of the med tents because of a blister I could feel popping up on the ball of my foot, right under my big toe. Anyway, they grabbed this stuff called second skin, put it on my foot, and then wrapped my foot in gauze. As soon as I got my shoe back on and started running again the pain was gone. I was really afraid of how it was going to look when I finally got back to the room and took my shoe off, and to my astonishment there was hardly no visible sign that I had a humongous blister before. So..... to make a long story short, you might wanna try that.

Laurie and Dana thank you for the info, off to the drug store now to see if we carry any of that stuff up here in Canada.

Thank you again.

Hey guys! Just wanted to check and and say hi. Krista and I got back from WDW last night. :sad1: Id' rather be back down there again.

Ran for the first time this morning. Did 4 miles, which should have been easy, but seemed harder than I thought it would be. I guess last weekend took more out of me than I thought.

Glad to see everyone made it back and is recovering well. I'm loving reading all your race reports--it really brings the weekend right back. I just posted my half and full reports on the race report thread if anyone is interested.

Lily--before I forget to tell you, I saw you in Epcot on Friday around noon. I was across the walkway from you or I would have stopped to say hi. I'm glad to see Krista and I weren't the only ones wearing our medals late in the week. :)

Have a great week, all. I'll try to catch up with everyone tomorrow. Wow, there is so much to read when you miss a whole week of the thread. Talk to you guys later!



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