Wonderful Wed. Riddle!!

I don't know about a root canal, but I think a canal route would be much more intersting.

Who would have ever thought that today's riddle would be so timely and educational.

A co-worker just left early.

Yep, a scheduled root canal.

Naturally, I informed her of her appropriateness and good fortune to have chosen today of all days.

You'd have thought she'd have been more appreciative. :confused3
The true part of the story is that I really did tell the co-worker having a root canal done today about it being a "special day" for it, and then told her why.

But in this case, I was safe because

1. She wasn't in a terrible amount of pain, this was scheduled a few weeks ago.

2. She has a good sense of humor and took it in the spirit I intended, and gave an appropriate eye roll. She did wonder if the dentist would give a special discount for it, however.

3. I'm her supervisor and sign her evaluation sheets.

Of course, that has not always prevented her from threats of bodily harm in the past.....
The true part of the story is that I really did tell the co-worker having a root canal done today about it being a "special day" for it, and then told her why.

You told her that your imaginary friends on the interweb that you met while answering riddles and trying to "woohooty" told you that today was Root Canal Appreciation day and they would know because they celebrate all holidays including Flag Day, Mole Day and Marshmallow Fluff Day?!?

You told her that your imaginary friends on the interweb that you met while answering riddles and trying to "woohooty" told you that today was Root Canal Appreciation day and they would know because they celebrate all holidays including Flag Day, Mole Day and Marshmallow Fluff Day?!?


When is Marshmallow Fluff Day?
You told her that your imaginary friends on the interweb that you met while answering riddles and trying to "woohooty" told you that today was Root Canal Appreciation day and they would know because they celebrate all holidays including Flag Day, Mole Day and Marshmallow Fluff Day?!?
Ya know, it's not like she hasn't known me for quite some time now. I can tell her that without either of us even batting an eye.

When is Marshmallow Fluff Day?
Suh-weeet...I will be at Disney then.

Marshamallow Fluff Day is Suh-weet? Well, of course.
Ya know, it's not like she hasn't known me for quite some time now. I can tell her that without either of us even batting an eye.

Marshamallow Fluff Day is Suh-weet? Well, of course.

I will get myself some chocolate covered marshmallows to celebrate.


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