Wondering what DCL is sending out a "Let's Dream Together" email means?

The United States has some of the most beautiful coastlines in the world. The emeral coast is amazing! As much as I love cruising, I will not subject myself to the risk of being put off in a foreign port with draconian COVID rules & restrictions that include manatory govt' run "Quarantine camps" (https://www.tampabay.com/news/healt...ne-lands-georgia-teen-in-cayman-islands-jail/) and post-cruise observance / mandatroy checks by government officials.

Cruise? No, thanks... I'm not scared of COVID, I'm scared of regulations and foreign governments.

I'll be traveling to and enjoying what my own country has to offer!
I don’t think they would let people off the ship that have not(testing/shot) or do not participate in the predetermined bubble for cruises. The name of the cruise line would be sullied if it was to allow passengers to run about town. But mainly that would not be an issue because that government checks to see if people can get off the ship. It’s not like a cab where you can just jump out anywhere you choose. So nobody will be locked up.
To get back toward the original question, sometimes an email is just an email. Speaking as someone who deals with such things professionally, that means a couple things:
  1. You do want to send some regularly, because list decay is real. If you keep your list idle too long, your first send will have a ton of bounces, even if you assume the DCL core will be less likely to unsubscribe with low frequency.
  2. They will have to release balance of 2022 one of these days and that is cashflow. Keeping the list fresh in front of those releases is another list hygiene issue.
  3. That comms team has to "create value" now and then or they get the furlough again.
It's not going to be a strong sign of when sailing might resume, because resumed sailing plans would fall into SEC guidance where you have to keep a lot of that planning among a certain cohort. Trickles into that zone of insider trading issues.
I don’t think they would let people off the ship that have not(testing/shot) or do not participate in the predetermined bubble for cruises. The name of the cruise line would be sullied if it was to allow passengers to run about town. But mainly that would not be an issue because that government checks to see if people can get off the ship. It’s not like a cab where you can just jump out anywhere you choose. So nobody will be locked up.

you dont think so? So hypothetically, if you start exhibiting symptoms, per CDC guildiens the cruise line can force you to disembark. If that is in a foreign port, do you think they're going to allow you to just get in a cab and go to the airport for a flight back to the states? OR are they going to force your to quarantine for 14 days? Will that foced quarantine be at a nice hotel or will it be where ever that gov't has earmarked for mandatory quarantine?
you dont think so? So hypothetically, if you start exhibiting symptoms, per CDC guildiens the cruise line can force you to disembark. If that is in a foreign port, do you think they're going to allow you to just get in a cab and go to the airport for a flight back to the states? OR are they going to force your to quarantine for 14 days? Will that foced quarantine be at a nice hotel or will it be where ever that gov't has earmarked for mandatory quarantine?
According to CDC, at one point, it was said one case and cruise goes home. Did CDC change its mind?
Also they had to have a mandatory Covid area on ship.
According to CDC, at one point, it was said one case and cruise goes home. Did CDC change its mind?
Also they had to have a mandatory Covid area on ship.

The CDC guidelines say if a "threshold" has been met, it's back to port. Threshold will be set based on ship size and other factors during the testing/cert phase. It will probably not be 1 person for any Disney ship.

I share some of @hubbard53's concerns. There was some individuals stuck in Italy for many months (still there?) because they couldn't get a negative covid test after testing positive. Conditions were not good for them. I am a bit hesitant to enter foreign countries until things have calmed down. But I would assess the situation before cruising and decide how likely a problem was. If I was only doing DCL excursions (as might be required), I would be less concerned. But, I am still in the mindset of not cruising until things are mostly back to normal, since there are great alternatives within the states. For me, it is less of a fear thing, and more of a value for my money thing.
I think Disney would avoid that press release at all costs. Maybe other cruises lines will throw caution to the wind and let that happen but not Disney. They are all about optics.

Only spin I see happening is if they are having difficulty breathing. Then that person is off the ship so fast because “Died on the ship from Covid” would be an even worse optic.

So yes, the writing is there for respiratory issues and “at risk” that the cruise can’t handle. But a thirty-something with body aches will be in the “Covid wing of the ship”

You can get Covid after the shot but currently it’s said you 100% will not end up at the hospital. It will be like a very contagious flu because you don’t die. Those people will also stay on the ship. So “stop the spread” on the ship and stay afloat. Otherwise come home. That’s going to be so expensive to handle though.
Although if your 65 can’t/refused to get the shot prior to sailing you might be required to get off, because the ship is not willing/able to handle the complications of the virus. Solution: get the shot. Downside might have to sit in Covid area of ship.

I’m sure there’s a team at Disney that is solving the how do we stop the “ Italy thing from happening?”


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