**Woohoo !! It's Christmas Day !!**

It's Only 2 Weeks till Christmas !!!

Whoo hoo I'm finally in the Christmas spirt tree n decs done shopping Atleast halfway done and Christmas songs blasting on my phone!!
I know and I only have 4 more days at work. Cus of my weekend duties this month I finish sunday and go back the 26th!!!! Woohoo. Still got bits to do like pick up 5 very large chocolate and sweet bouquets out for christmas lunch to DB parents and all new year so havent got to buy a turkey this time. Oh and have about 200 presents to wrap!!!
Hows everyone else doing?

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it's our busiest time of year at work - I work as a graphic designer and a lot of our clients (mainly travel agents) want new campaigns that include press ads, posters, direct mailers etc for the new year / january sales, so I am swamped with this at the mo :(

I love and hate this time of year for this reason - I love feeling all christmassy but at the same time, I have to work very late nights / early mornings to get it all done. I can tell you I am very very much looking forward to the break!!! :worship:

I have done all my shopping finally and it's nearly all wrapped - just need to get some more ribbon as I have run out. I am listening to christmas music (mainly muppets christmas carol and phineas and ferb holiday!) on my iPod on my way into work to keep me in the christmas spirit, and have been watching a lot of disney christmas DVDs in the evenings when I get in to unwind :goodvibes

How is everyone else doing??
I am so excited, who said Christmas is for kids :lmao:

My hubby flies home tomorrow and my wee family will be altogether again. He better remember to get my Tattinger and Moet on his way through airport. Let the party begin. :)
Yay I am ready, well as good as anyway!
Spent £105 in Sainsburys yesterday and only managed to get two meals for the week out of it!!!!! The rest was all spent on shove in the oven beige food for when the outlaws come round for a buffet at Christmas and that doesn't include the drink we have to get in copious amts for me to get through the day with them:rotfl: Still have to make a Malteser Cake for a charity bash at work next week but all in all I only have 35 hours left at work so all good.:)
All my presents have been bought and wrapped. Still got food shopping but that is being done online as I have a voucher. Only have a few days off before Christmas, as I'm working Christmas day we are celebrating boxing day
Yay ! It's single digit time folks :santa:

It's Only 9 Days till Christmas !!

How is everybody getting on with their Christmas preparations ? I have just ordered hubby one last present, and that's it, I'm sorted

Just my food shopping to do on Friday, and that will be that, if I haven't got it, then tough :)

Enjoy the final run up to the big day everyone :santa:
I still have some presents left to get. I ventured to town today and the shops were madness so I just said I'll go one morning during the week when it should hopefully be quieter! We're bringing DS for his first Santa visit next weekend so I'm excited for that! Can't believe its only single digits away now!!! Yay!!!!
Woop woop Xmas is nearly here! All the presents I had to get are done but we still haven't ordered a turkey. Waitrose had a good deal on this year.

Can't wait for Xmas day and New Year in Scotland. Freezing but fun!

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Well im braving merryhill shopping centre today. My one and only visit!!!!! Been awake since 5.30 thinking about the shops I need to go in then home to wrap more up! Good news I broke up till boxing day

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All shopping and presents are done. Roll on boxing day as that is my Christmas due to delightful work Christmas day. Only hope we are treated better then we have been the past week
crabbie1 said:
Well im braving merryhill shopping centre today. My one and only visit!!!!! Been awake since 5.30 thinking about the shops I need to go in then home to wrap more up! Good news I broke up till boxing day

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You must live by me if you went to Merryhill :)
I have everything I need now, waiting for one of my DB's presents to turn up from a trader on Amazon, was dispatched on Tuesday last week *worried*

I just need to go food shopping now, Morrisons on Friday night, Sainsburys, Waitrose and M&S on Saturday morning.

Will probably pop to our local Sainsburys on Monday morning (Christmas Eve) as it opens at 6am for the fresh stuff.

Need to wrap the family's gifts but that's about it. Getting very excited about it.

Have to put a bit of a downer on it though - this time next week it will be very nearly all over again lol.
Soooo the one gift I am waiting for hasn't turned up. I checked the Amazon trader and the seller is based in China, he's dispatched the item through a German delivery company and has the lowest rating ever!

I normally look at the ratings and this time I didn't. *grrrrrr* lol.

Going to open a case on Amazon now against the seller, luckily my DB's birthday is the 14/01 so I can buy another one after Christmas so he can have it for his birthday. :)


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